Southern Cross Dental |
Southern Cross Dental Physically abusive dental assistant Colorado Springs, Colorado |
21st of Mar, 2011 by User633564 |
I was referred to this place from my primary care physician for dental care. When I made the appointment, I told them that I was referred and by whom. Appointment was made. I showed up for the appointment, and the dental assistant was rude to me from the moment I arrived. She sat me in one of the chairs, and proceeded to try to do bitewing x-rays on me with total disregard to my comfort and the fact that I did not have teeth in that area of my jaw in which to hold these bitewings in place. The bitewing kept falling out and the nurse kept getting more and more frustrated. I was crying cause she was hurting me physically. I was disabled at the time and I think that this just provided this imcompetent assistant with more ammo. My exact words were "OWWW, YOU'RE HURTING ME!" I said this rather loudly, and she then told me to "BE QUIET, THERE'S A KID IN THE NEXT CHAIR!" I said "AT THIS POINT I REALLY DON'T CARE!" and told her again real loud this time that "YOUR'E HURTING ME!!" She then got a disgusted look on her face, rolled her eyes, and shoved that bitewing down in my mouth so hard that it scratched the inside of my jaw, gums, and skin on the inside of my mouth. It was more like a BIG cut! My mom was in the waiting room, and I am surprised that she did not hear me crying cause this assistant was being so mean to me. Mom later told me if she had, then she would have yanked me out of there without hesitation. At this point another assistant had to come in and finish the botch job that the other one had started. I did not have any work done, and this was only for an exam!! When they finished torturing me I went to "check out" and the assistant then told me that I had to pay full price cause I only had a verbal referral, and NOT a written one. I then told her that I was NOT informed of this beforehand. I was made to pay full price! She failed to tell me when I made the appointment that I was required to have a paper referral. By the time I left there I was in so much pain that I had to go home and take 2 Lortabs that I had left over from a surgery that I had several months prior that was totally unrelated to this dental visit. Save yourself the headache and hassle. Don't let these idiots touch you. Their office doesn't appear to be very well maintained either. Just cause I was disabled at the time that this incident happened, does not give this horrible person permission to abuse me. I now have a totally different dental office working on me. His main priority is patient comfort first. I should have saved my money and used a reputable dental office. I guess it's true that you get what you pay for. |
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