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Smith & Williamson employ fraudsters, Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Adam Stephens and Finba
Shortly before Easter 2013 I to David Alexander, Smith & Williamson’s Head of Fraud, he said there’s an investigation but that it’s a secret. S
27th of Apr, 2013 by User85099
Smith & Williamson employ fraudsters, Adam Stephens and Finbarr O’Connell, who worked for the Aston Lloyd Ponzi Scheme (ALPonz)
Shortly before Easter 2013 I wrote to David Alexander, Smith & Williamson’s Head of Fraud, he said there’s an investigation but that it’s a secret. Sounds like a cover up, as they’re still there.

Please check my other reports on ALPonz which are on this site. I think you can search by my name. I have also commented on one post of someone else’s at length, where he describes losing £80k.

Do you want to continue doing business with this firm when they employ people who steal millions from their clients? I think this is unwise.

Shortly before Easter 2013, I emailed David

Head of Fraud & Financial Crime, Forensic Services
T: 020 7131 8290 or 0121 710 5260
E: [email protected]" )

telling him that two of the criminals from the ALPonz’s tail end fraud, money laundering and bribery operations had surfaced and that they were at his firm. Adam Stephens and Finbarr O’Connell were working for a firm called Re10, where they , alongside Bijal Shah (Director) and Nimish Patel—both of whom had claimed to the courts to be conducting an insolvency procedure—were they sought to lend legitimacy to the fraud. The idea being that if it’s got some piece of paper from a court saying it’s alright, it must be alright. Not that the court would approve if they understood what they were being used to promote. Definitely not that they were court appointed. Bijal and Nimish claimed to have known the director of ALPonz, who’s name was Kulvir Virk. He had put them into place in a voluntary capacity, agreed their rates (£450p/h) and agreed how he would bribe them and other conspiring parties, as there was no money or realizable assets in the company as he’d stolen it all, so any kosha procedure would be preposterous.

I’ve emailed David a couple of times and I’ve called. I called by the office this Monday as I saw the sign by chance and it rang a bell. I had been to the Winding Up Petition of ALPIL and then stopped to see the latest in a line of police who are involved in the ‘investigation’, who’s currently called Paul Kirk (CoLP Fraud Squad, near Bishopsgate Police Station). Whilst David is polite and entertains my accusations, he’s committed to not sharing any of the news of his investigation. Clearly, with both of his employees having carried out a crime against me and many others, amounting to many of their life savings disappearing, I am not satisfied with this. They still work there, so this is tacit approval of their previous criminal behaviour.

I’ve never spoken to Finbarr, but I know he spoke to other dupes on the scheme, and he gave them the same kind of lies that Adam gave me. Adam sold my flat in Turkey. I’d paid for it in full. When something’s paid for, the recipient of the cash knows that it’s no longer theirs. This is not some hypothetical theory. It is known as vesting/retention of title/equitable title, etc.. Legally it wasn’t mine as they’d criminally never wanted to give it to me, but that’s not lawful excuse to justify depriving me of it. If something is held by a company, legally or not, they have no lawful ownership rights over it. In the instance of my flat, that had already been the subject of fraudulent accounting by the bent accountants, KBSP Partnership. They had made misleading submissions on their audit of the various parts of ALPonz, which are obtainable online from Companies House.

Notwithstanding the criminal abuse, or freestanding inapplicability of the various insolvency procedures which had been put in place, the de facto insolvency procedure’s ‘managers’, be they de facto Administrators or de fact Liquidators, were no more ‘allowed’ to sell any assets retained than a shop is allowed to resell goods someone’s had put aside following their purchase.

This IS too complicated for a lot of the victims to understand. Bijal Sha and Adam Stephens both wore a suit and spoke using words that aren’t often found in the Daily Mail when I saw them on my own in 2010, but they were left with no ambiguity about their eventual fates if they sold any of my stuff. I promised to ruin them and see them lose everything. I told them that they would be going to prison. They sold my flat, so here we are.

Smith & Williamson approve of this behaviour via their continued support of it by employing the perpetrators. This is unacceptable. They are henceforth a legitimate target. I furnished them with enough prima facie evidence to justify suspending the culprits pending an investigation. I offered any support that they needed in understanding the situation better. They don’t seem to have done anything. They don’t want to comment on specifics. If they don’t want to that’s fine, but if they were innocent and were concerned, then they’d definitely want to get their actions on the record.

The Official Reciever has now taken over some parts of ALPonz, but due to bad information and public sector negligence to public service, the remaining parts of the company remain buoyant as ongoing criminal concerns. The police refuse to question anyone years in as they don’t want to tip anyone off, so clearly the country is more bent than you had previously thought and it can only get worse.

More recently the Metropolitan Police have become interested in the case. Unfortunatley this is not to help protect the hundreds of victims of crime but to protect the guilty parties. Aparently if someone says that they’re harassed then it’s harassment. I’ve been threatened with arrest on this basis, even though there are no grounds. They know this and this does constitute criminal harassment. A short look at the Harassment Act will make my rights to act in line with my interests in a reasonable manner very clear. It is in fact the police who are harassing me. They say that the frauds are none of their business and that they’re not interested. This, again, is criminal. They’ve refused to take down my report of crime, saying that there’s a ‘conflict of interest’ but they aren’t meant to have an interest. One of them tells me that she’ll arrest me for harassing her if I call her to try and insist on her doing her job in taking down evidence of the crimes alleged, which she has no option to take, and she says she’s now being harassed. This is all a matter of record. These low lives will all be revealed before too long.

Left: Adam Stephens, ex SFO. Provided police cover for over a year. As Tony Dobinson, CoLP said to me in late 2010 "I'm not investigating them (Re10) as one of them used to work for us."

Center: David Alexander, Head of Fraud & Financial Crime, Forensic Services, but happy to employ Ponzi scheme operators

Right: Finbarr O'Connell

Birds of a feather flock together?

Shortly before Easter 2013 I  to David Alexander, Smith & Williamson’s Head of Fraud,  he said there’s an investigation but that it’s a secret.  S Shortly before Easter 2013 I  to David Alexander, Smith & Williamson’s Head of Fraud,  he said there’s an investigation but that it’s a secret.  S Shortly before Easter 2013 I  to David Alexander, Smith & Williamson’s Head of Fraud,  he said there’s an investigation but that it’s a secret.  S

4326 days ago by Tom Cahill
Redirection - the photos have jumbled about.

Finbarr O'Connel - glasses and white hair.
Chartered Accountant
Finbarr.O'[email protected]
020 7131 8259

Finbarr is a chartered accountant and a licenced insolvency practitioner. He has been involved in restructuring and insolvency assignments for the last 26 years. Finbarr is equally comfortable when advising debtors as well as creditors and has always seen his role as that of a “problem solver” for his clients. As well as dealing with general business problems and property issues, he has a lot of experience in the following specialist areas:
fraud and asset tracing
pension fund deficits
financial services
metals and soft commodities
Finbarr is a past president of the Insolvency Practitioners’ Association. Currently, Finbarr is operating an agricultural business which is a supplier to the supermarkets and a foreign exchange dealing business which is operating through a Company Voluntary Arrangement.


Adam Stephens - no glasses
Chartered Accountant, ex Serious Fraud Office (SFO) secondee
[email protected]
020 7131 4540

Adam is a chartered accountant and a licensed insolvency practitioner. He has worked in restructuring, insolvency and turnaround for over 10 years, and has taken appointments since 2010. He has specialised in, amongst other things, complex and sometimes international insolvencies involving asset tracing and, in the pensions' arena: employer covenant reviews.
Adam has dealt with corporate advisory restructurings and insolvencies across a broad range of industries including in:
Pharmaceuticals (including a trading bankruptcy)
3rd sector (voluntary and not-for-profit)
Adam is currently Joint Administrator of a relatively large construction sector company formerly involved in the Westfield shopping centre adjacent to the East London Olympic site. He has previously been on secondment to the Serious Fraud Office, and occasionally lectures on insolvency topics. Adam also has a PhD in chemistry and looks forward to the day he can find a full use for it in a restructuring assignment.


David Alexander - dark hair and glasses.
[email protected]
T: 020 7131 8290 or 0121 710 5260
Has been on TV. Lectures on frauds. "President of the UK Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners". Also he's a "Regent Emeritus" of that organisation.

David works in our London and Birmingham offices. He has specialised in fraud investigation and forensic accounting since 1991 and has particular experience in:
fraud and financial investigations
anti-bribery and corruption
regulatory investigations
asset tracing
fraud risk management
commercial disputes
David has carried out over 200 investigations involving false accounting, procurement fraud, theft, allegations of impropriety, banking and treasury fraud. This has led to him giving evidence in both Civil and Criminal trials. Many of these investigations have involved international locations including Europe, America and the Caribbean. David is a Regent Emeritus of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and is past President of the UK Chapter. He regularly lectures at conferences, to firms of solicitors and regulators on fraud investigation and asset tracing as well as advising clients on fraud risk management solutions. He has been interviewed on TV, radio and quoted in the national and professional press.


Lots of associations with professional bodies, including two presidents/heads of insolvency bodies. Nimish Patel's on some ethics board for insolvency practitioners. There is a pattern here. The more nonsense affiliations, the more crime that happens round them; the more confusion over simple mathematical problems of who's stuff belongs to who and how the law surrounding these thousand year old doctrines applies to very simple issues which they've spent years studying.


Can you sell something that's not a company asset if the company goes into an insolvency situation?

Can an buyer or owner of a thing be transformed into a shareholder in a criminally inveigled, mainly depleted stash of fraudulently accumulated funds via any clause in the insolvency acts?

Can this all be so confusing that even when a totally unecessary legal opinion was sought, that the clear words of this were disregarded and falsely reported as being the opposite ( cite: Michael Jeffries 2011 Opinion ). I say unnecessary as without the benefit of the accounts and full knowledge of the situation, I'd already confirmed the principle facts in late 2010, within days of being told that there was an insolvency procedure in place (cite: Police Report, CR 5116 10).

As Michael very clearly states: The victims were buyers, NOT investors; no shares; no subsequent trust as there's a preemptive constructive trust issue when the money was initially handed over which had not been properly dealt with so all else that followed is an irrelevance. Therefore NO WRONGDOING can be attributed to Michael. I ask again. How did I come up with all of this from day one with a few five minute cross checks with Wikipedia?

Once again, I note Gavin L. John's "Trust Issue" was a total distraction and based on something which relied on there being no fraud to begin with. This is the most obvious display of smoke and mirrors, and conveniently confused all concerned (cite 08.12.10 Catherine Newman QC). Gavin acheived a bit of worthless land with a massive charge on it. He's not very bright, but can he really be that stupid? Why did he chose to push this over a demand for the proceeds of the crime to be frozen and refunded? He knew all about Joe Upchurch and Kulvier Virk's properties in London. Conveniently he dropped all interest in the de facto "Creditors' Committee" after this time. If Catherine's so clever as Gavin wines, then surely she'd have been able to tell him this. Her CV is not that bad* and she's got lots of experience in these areas. She's worked on billion pound frauds and she's a judge. I'm confused. Can Gavin have innocently limbo danced under my lowest expectations once again?
[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected]

*"Practice Areas: Principal area of work encompasses business and commercial chancery litigation including all forms of business agreements, breach of contract, breach of trust, equitable remedies, restitution, corporate insolvency, partnership, loans and security, civil fraud and asset recovery, trusts litigation, and professional conduct and professional negligence. Acted in large insolvencies eg. Maxwell Communications Corporation, BCCI and at all stages of the local authority interest swaps litigation (for the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham). Recent reported cases include Boghani v Nathoo [2011] EWHC 2101; HMRC v Uddin [2010] EWHC1799; Liquidators of Madoff Securities v Yacht Bull Corp & Ors [2010] EWHC 133; J D Wetherspoon v Van de Berg & Co Ltd [2009] 16 EG 138 (CS); John Curtis v Lockheed [2008] 1 CLC 219, Gamlestaden Fastigheter AB v Baltic Partners Limited [2007] UKPC 26; J D Wetherspoon v Van de Berg & Co Ltd [2007] PNLR 28; Hill v Spread Trustees [2006]; Mahme Trust v Lloyds TSB, Lawtel 29th July 2004; GE Capital v Sutton [2004] EWCA Civ 315; Mahme Trust v Tayeb [2002] EWHC 1543."
4324 days ago by Tom Cahill
Catherine Newman QC's not related to Gavin John. She's Mike Newman's cousin (Mike's a Colony Development dupe like Gavin).
Sorry for misleading anyone.
Still it was a big distraction. Gavin ran with it like his life depended on it, I'm happy to be quoted.
4155 days ago by Tom Cahill
See the video:
If you come across or are the victim of any further suspect behaviour from any of this shower, please feel free to comment or contact me. This is a summary. It's hard to get all the info. down in a user-friendly format.
Other related videos, catalouging the perpetrators are being put on UTube as we speak.
[email protected]

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