Singsnap guaranteed the price of $7 US dollars for one month of a gold upgrade & it would always be available for the early members that helped start this new web site in its infancy.
That did not happen. The price went up and the grandfathered people only received one extra year of this $7 fee, then the price went up for them also. The text, posts and videos pertaining to this were all deleted and removed from the site. Folks that remember these guarantees posted their complaints on the message forums and were banned from using the site ever again.
Their front page slogan says thousands of songs to choose from and best of all it's free!!!
This is not true. Extremely misleading and they should be forced to legally change it. Singsnap bans members without warning. Members go to login and find they cannot get inside their accounts realize they have been banned. Attempts to contact Singsnap staff are ignored.
There were stories told by Trevor McGuire on video and in text regarding licensing issues and once members found the true information online about the lawsuits against Singsnap, those texts and videos were also removed from the site. Any attempt to speak out against Trevor or Singsnap results in a ban no matter how long you have been a loyal customer.
Staff member Annie McFadden bans many members without even the president Trevor knowing about it.
Any attempt to contact her regarding these bans goes ignored as well. She had a porn "inner circle" with a group of her friends on this site but it is a "family" site and she is in charge of many things there. Aof these texts and videos where she does these x-rated acts have disappeared from the site. There is no longer eveidence of these things. Pedofiles use the site to look for young children that record video cams, many times only partially clothed and the staff rarely remove these videos no matter how often they get a complaint.
Trevor Mcguire paid the BBB to have his business "accredited" It was not earned. There are two sites about Singsnaps bad business practices that have gone up because members had no where to post their greivences. these sites are very popular because of the public records about Trevor and Eatsleepmusic. They post the truth.
Trevor has threatened that any member caught posting on these sites will be banned from Singsnap. He threatens people who speak of him outside of his own web site jurisdiction.
The new "rule" has become part of his code of conduct. Not only can you not complain on the site about legitimate concerns, but you cannot speak out on any other site on the internet. He is trying to control the person on the internet as a whole.
He makes constant attempts to remove US citizens of their amendment rights & freedom of speech. |