sexintheuk.com Con scam Internet |
20th of Nov, 2011 by User686043 |
I have to agree with the previous posters views . This site is a total waste of time. Like many sites it has been infaltraited by the dreaded cam girl clan. The adminastrators do absolutely nothing to try stem their invasion.and turn a blind eye to their activities. I can spot a member of this clan at 50 paces yet new profiles are readily approved by their admin. Now it doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out that a 21 year old cheer leader from New York joining a website called sex in the UK has an ulterior motive . Even if they do supply an English address it would take a fool to ignore the fact that they look like a model and yet feel the only way to get a man is by advertising on a website. The genuine people who were on the site are leaving in droves, and in my opinion the cam girl clan will be the downfall of this business. There are quite simple steps available to the adminastrators here like giving genuine users the opportunity to automatically block people from contacting them if they dont meet the criteria being sought by the user. Will that ever be implemented ? I doubt it as they must be getting a cut from somewhere. Cam girls we can deal with to a certain extent , if a person looks like a cam girl they propbably are one , its that simple. However there are more and somewhat fraudulent activities employed by the owners of this site. If you sign up and dont pay the upgrade fee you will be innundated with emails pertaining to be from members of the site , which the people arent actually sending, obviously you cant read the email but the site hopes that human curiosity will finally get the better of you and you will subscribe to the site, only to find that either that user who emailed you doesnt actually exist or they wont respond to your reply. I do have evidence of this activity if anyone from sexintheuk wants to dispute this point. Imagine the scenario you get an email from a local woman the subject line reads Hi and the date sent the 21st nov however on checking out this persons profile you discover they havent been online for a week . Again we can dispense with the rocket scientists , no need for them here either. Seeing as the site is in decline the owners have decided another usefull tactic is to shift peoples addresses so as a lot of people will show up in your local area who dont actually live there. Again I can prove this point . Not that it takes a lot of proving with an add like this Heading. Geordielass Belfast click to view details . Hi I live in Newcastle upon Tyne. again bye rocket scientists no help required. If after reading this you decide to go check out this site , try the following just to give you an indication of how things work . Sign up as a free member and send what they call an icebreaker to a lot of people look for ones that havent been online , I bet you get loads of replys. When you do i suggest you reach for the delete my account button. |
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