Sergeant's Pet Care |
Sergeant's Pet Care Company 102Lb 3yr old dog choked on Sereagant's |
18th of May, 2011 by User827578 |
2/9/2010 To Whom it May Concern, My name is Kristy Brink, and I am writing in reguards to an incident involving one of your products that took the life of my dog. This incident took place on Monday May 18,2009 at 520 Spirit Lake Hwy. in Castle Rock, WA 98611 (My residence at that time). Monday May 18,2009 was the day I suffered the most terrifying, horrific, traumatizing, life altering events that has ever happened to me in my life. On Monday May 18,2009 I lost my best friend that I loved unconditionally and in return recieved unconditional love, protection and a friend for life. That Monday I lost my son, my 102 lb. 3 yr. old pure bread Blue Brindal Pit Bull Terrier, "ROTA". Rota lost his life due to choking on a ball made by, "Sergeant's Pet Care Co.". The name of the ball is, "Zoink". Before even purchasing the, "Zoink" ball for Rota from, "Winco" (Located in the Triangle Shopping Center, in Longview, WA 98632) I carefully read the instructions and precautions printed on the packaging of the, "Zoink" ball to make sure that it would be a safe toy for my dog to play with. On the, "Zoink" packaging, no where does it say that size or age or even bread of dog is or is not suitable to use this toy. Enclosed with this letter I have provided a photo copy of the packaging from the, "Zoink" ball to ensure that your co. is fully aware of the information printed on the packaging provided by, "Sergeant's Pet Care Co.". I want to explain to, "whom ever it may concern" what exactly happened on the day I lost the only dog I have ever owned and raised in my life of 33 years, "Rota". It was around 12:00pm on Monday May 18,2009. The weather was nice and sunny. Myself, my boyfriend Jason and three of my close friends were packing my belongings, prepairing for my move out of 520 Spirit Lake Hwy. in Castle Rock, WA 98611. One of my friends, "Kim" that was there helping out brought her two wire hair terrior dogs to play with Rota. The three dogs had been playmates since the day I got Rota. "Bruce" my best friend/ Rota's uncle, Kim and myself decided to take a break from packing and walk the the dog's down the trail to the creek and then back to the house, as I did every day with Rota in the past. Jason decided to stick around the house to try and get some more packing done. So the three of us and the three dog's headed on down the trail. Rota of course with his, "Zoink" ball. Rota loved his ball and took it everywhere we went together, knowing that I was going to throw the ball for him along the way. We had all just come upon the waters- edge when I noticed Rota was choking, his, "Zoink" ball was lodged in his throat, blocking his airway completely. I yelled out, "OH MY GOD! ROTA'S CHOKING!" Bruce ran over to Rota & gave him the hymlick manuver, but it wasn't working. Kim ran back up to the house to get Jason while Bruce & I tried to pry the ball out with our fingers. We could barely squeeze our right & left pointer fingerers in around the ball & just as we would try to pull it out our fingers would slip out due to saliva and the ball having such a smooth surface with absolutely no texture. Bruce & I weren't giving up though. I began praying to God at the top of my lungs, "PLEASE GOD HELP US! PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY BABY AWAY FROM ME! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! I NEED HIM SO BAD! PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY ROTIE! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! HOW CAN YOU TAKE HIOM!? HE'S A PART OF ME! I NEED HIM SO BAD!" I remember hearing someone yelling in the distance, "where are you?! What's the matter?" I started screaming, "HURRY! OH GOD PLEASE! ROTA'S CHOKING! HELP US!" It was Scott & Jason. As I knelt down in the creek & craddled the one who has always protected me from harms way & been 100% loyal to me & only me & worst of all trusted me to do the same for him, & all I could do is hold him & tell him how much I love him & that he's a good boy. As he lie there in my arms looking me in the eye wondering why I'm not saving him, I felt so terrible for letting him down, for being so helpless in his time of need. Eventually his eyes got foggy. Scott, Bruce and I still doing everything we could possibly do to get that ball disslodged from his throat. Kim & her two dogs & Jason are in total shock, feeling helpless as well, standing behind Scott, Bruce & I, shaking thier heads realizing that we have tried everything to our knowledge & in our power to save Rota's life & nothing was going to work. Suddenly Scott pulled the ball from Rotas mouth, he shouted, "IT'S OUT! HE'S GONNA BE O.K.!" But Rota wasn't breathing. So Scott & Bruce began doing C.P.R. They continued for what seemed to be hours. At that point in time Jason realized that I had seen enough. He & Kim brought me to my feet & guided me away from my worse fear, a nightmare that I relive still to this day each and every time I close my eyes to go to sleep. Scott & Bruce carried Rota up to my truck & they drove him to the Castle Rock veterinary office. Jason rode along. They took Rota to the veterinary office to ensure that every effort was made to save the life of my closest companion, "Rota." The vet examined Rota & informed the guys that there was nothing else that he or anyone else could do to bring back my Rotie. The guys then returned to my house with Rota so they could find out what I wanted done with my lifeless friend. I decided to have Rota creamated so I could put some of his ashes into a locket & wear the locket on a chain around my neck to keep him close to my heart. About two hours after Jason took Rota to be creamated, I called "Winco" & informed them that they were the only establishment in the Longview/Kelso area that sold the product that just took my dogs life. They asked me what I thought that they should do, due to what had happened. I told them that the "ZOINK" ball is unsafe & life threatening & that 90% of society value the life of thier pet as much as the life of a close member of the family. I explained to them why the ball was unsafe & told them that they sold another ball that was just like the "ZOINK" ball, only it was a little bit larger so it would be impossible for a dog to get it lodged in its throats. I then told them I thought that they should pull the "ZOINK" ball from thier shelf so no one else would have to go through the hell I was & still am going through each day. They told me that they would give this information to thier claims department & thier claims Represenative would call me back in the next couple of days. On May 19, 2009 they called me back. They informed me that the "ZOINK" ball was not going to be pulled from thier shelves. That they were going to continue selling this product to the public even though it had taken the life of the one who was most important to me. On May 20 2009 I received a phone call from a lady that works for "Seargents". She told me that she was informed of what had happened to my dog. She also told me that she was sorry for my loss & that this incident was under investigation & she or someone else from "Seargents" would be contacting me in the mail. I recieved a letter in the mail, It was from "Tracy Redden". She is the veterinary technition in the consumer affairs department at "Seargents". Inside the envelope was a sympathy card stating that "Seargents" was sorry for the loss of Rota. I thought that the card was a very nice gesture. I still have that card hanging on a wall in my house next to several photos of Rota, Rotas 1st, 2nd & 3rd collars, leashes and his muscle shirt that he used to wear. However, a simple sympathy card from your company does not bring back what I should have never lost. A sympathy card will not save the life of the dog next in line to receive a "ZOINK" ball provided by "Seargents Pet Care Co. "Seargents" claims to have cared for pets since 1868. It's now 2010. That would be 142 years of caring for pets. That's a long time to fill the position involving the well being of mans best friend. I guess I'm writing your company to find out just what exactly "caring for pets since 1868" includes. So I enclosed with this letter...*One photocopy of the "ZOINK" ball pachaging. *One photocopy of the receipt due to purchase. *One copy of two estimates from licensed "Pit Bull" dog breeders to give you an idea of just a portion of money that was lost, that I had invested in Rota. Not to mention the cost of shots, Dr. visits, food, toys, licensing, fencing for my yard, dog sitters fees, grooming, ect... Not that myself or any human being could ever put a dollar amount on a Best Friend. *One photocopy of Rota's medical report, wrote out by Alpine veterinary clinic on the day of Monday May 18, 2009. *"Seargents" "ZOINK" ad printed off of the company website. *Several photos of my belated best friend "Rota". I look forward to hearing back from "Seargents" & thier thoughts on resolving this problem at hand. I think it would give me closure due to my loss of Rota. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter & have a nice day. Sincerely, xxxxxx xxxxx |
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