15th of Aug, 2011 by User635884 |
I cannot believe how utility companies can get away with lying to customers, breaking the billing procedure rules, intimidating customers, and making up policies that don't exist. My daughter found out 5 years later, that she had an "alledged" bill owing Semco. To this day, I believe Semco was 100% wrong. First of all, if a person owes a company money, why in the hell would it take 5 years to notify the person? Their exact wording was "we didn't know where to find her". That's bull. Her landlord had her new address, and it was changed at the post office immediately. They found her by lying and using deceptive, unlawful tactics. They insisted that she give them her SS number to be added on her account. Michigan law states that a utility company CANNOT ask for, or demand a SS number for service. They know that, but continue harassing people for it. It's impossible to retrieve records from 5 yrs ago, but to her knowledge, all bills were paid. Semco threatened to sue her, so she agreed to pay a portion of the bill, with Semco's word that if the agreed amount was paid by the agreed date, there would be no report made on her credit report, nor any legal judgement. So, the bill was paid, as agreed, only to discover that Semco "misplaced" her payment! So, they jumped the gun, without even contacting her, and ran to the court and filed a judgement against her. When she received this info by mail, she immediately went to the courthouse to clear things up. The magistrate, rudely refused to investigate, stating that she broke the agreement. The magistrate referred to Semco's representative by first name, saying that he was a very "fair man!" Obviously, there is a connection somewhere! The representative from Semco might be a fair man, but HE misplaced her payment, and discovered it in another department! (explain that...most likely the 5 yr old alledged debt was in the same dept!) Mr. Trev from Semco already posted a neg. report on the credit agency reports, which now has caused a serious neg. effect on her credit. Mind you-Semco had her payment all along, but inaccurately reported it as "write-off paid". She has recently moved into a new residence and requested service. Semco told her there would be a $200.00 deposit due to the "write-off/paid" on her credit report. Are they for real? I am contacting my state representatives, BBB, MPSC (useless) and FTC. But, it appears that Semco can get away with just about anything, because they know people in high places. How corrupt! |
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