sanford brown institute |
Sanford Brown Institute, New York, NY Pharmacy Technician Certification Program Pharmacy Technician Certification Internet |
22nd of Jun, 2011 by User734330 |
SBI = S.H.*.*.T.Y BROWN INSTITUTE I think this institute should call S.H.*.*.T.Y BROWN INSTITUTE. There is a instructor was call herself as a "SUPER-Nanny!"". If, I want a ""Super-Nanny!"". I will post something on Craigslist for a NANNY for cleaning my Pouch bottom/baby bottom and she is not going to teach my kid(s) or me for her SH **TY experiences as a Nanny. Maybe SH**TY BROWN INSTITUTE should launching new program as NANNY Program. What is NANNY do? POOP and Cleaning baby bottom! What is NANNY know best? POOP and Cleaning baby bottom! Will you believe ""Super-Nanny!"" will call up students to go to time out corner? As of students. We felt that she is completely in sane or she has mental issues. Do you think we are a 3yo kids or some grade school students? ""Super-Nanny!"" should be instructing class call "reviewing EXAM for Pills Counting Professional." But, ""Super-Nanny!"" will ask most of her students to go to GOOGLE for "TOP 200 Pills in America for Chemical structure and formulas." Do you think we want to become a scientist? If, we do. We should enroll to a institutes called "Harvard University or M.I.T". What the h**l did ""Super-Nanny!"" asked student search that for? plus she had all students to written all the drugs chemical name and detail informations. We were spending 3 days time to do that. Instead of reviewing of EXAM for Pills Counting Professional. Even most of the RPH (Register Pharmacist) does not know all the chemical components. And she is spending 2 days of class time to review temperature conversions from "Celsius to Fahrenheit" or "Fahrenheit to Celsius". "Super-Nanny!" will use formula that is complicated like (9C = 5F - 160) instead from the textbook "C>F = 1.8 x C +32 or (F-32c)/1.8" Which one will you think is easier? This is not that important. Because, practice exam from "Super-Nanny!" or the book from school. Total of 4 exams does not contain any temperature conversions plus "Super-Nanny said, you should using the different formula instead from your textbook. Within the review course, we are going to have 2-3 days of laboratory practices and the EXAM does not contain any laboratory exam. Its might ask you few questions about the Aseptic Technique, Clean room, or LAH. What we are on the laboratory? We are making lip balms with different favors or some other beauty products and we should be Reviewing Pills Counting Professional EXAM. DO YOU THINK THAT IS WASTE OF TIME? Please tell me! If, you in ""Super-Nanny!"" class. You will experience multiple level classes in the SAME SESSION. You will feel completely why you are sitting here with many other students in different level classes and you have to listen to all the instructions(the most combines classes she had 4 different levels class in the same room). ""Super-Nanny!"" will said, "TOUGH LUCK! I am the program director and you just have no choice! and "Super-Nanny" sound ""HAHA!" (Do I don't think that is funny! H**L NO!) If, you paying 10K for the Pills Counting Professional course and ""Super-Nanny!"" is your instructor. You are 100% wasting your 10K tuition plus textbooks. Or you should go to Walgreen's to apply for Pharmacy Technician job and Walgreen's will send you off to training and help you to prepare for the EXAM for license. For this economy, many students from her class are felt completely scam, wasting time and money. SH**TY BROWN INSTITUTE should consider closing down this program. If, the institute does not have enough instructors. It will effects the quality of education and reviews for the course/school. |
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