Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Samyre Binicki
Samyre Binicki - Samyre Marcondes Unhealthy Puppy Ardrossan, Alberta
18th of May, 2011 by User141354
I too have been victimized by this Samyre Binicki/Marcondes. I purchased a puppy from her which died about 1 1/2 months later from a congenital defect. I want this heartless person stopped!! She needs to pay for all the heartache and pain she has caused so many people!!! At the time, she claimed the parents of the pup I purchased was at her daughters house and just being so uneducated about purchasing dogs, I didn't think much of it at the time until now. Please respond if you have been also victimized so we can stop this beast!!!!
5033 days ago by 2ditto
This same woman sold us a puppy back in Nov. 2008, when she was going by Samyre or Samyra Binicki. The pup was infected with round worms, coccidia AND giarrdia!! The health certificate was from a vet clinic that said the vet no longer worked there and that they had banned her from the clinic, leading me to believe that the card was fraudulent. The giarrdia (beaver fever) is very contagious, spreading through our entire house and also transferred to our other two dogs, who died a terrible, painful death!!!
As of today, June 3rd, 2011, she is still advertising puppies that she gets from breeders or raises herself and sells them to people. She gained $600 by selling a puppy to us, and we lost $3000 and two of our precious beloved babies!! She spreads death, and is known across Canada by various breeders.
The reason the breeders sell to her is beause they don't want to guarantee the health of the puppy. If you google her, you will see that CTV news has an article regarding her selling dying puppies and they have a vidio clip of her quonset with a small area of chain-link fence with about 50 dogs in it. Disgusting!!! She absolutely MUST be stopped! I have reported her three times to the Alberta SPCA (1-800-455-9003 SPCA hotline) but she continues to abuse animals and rip off people. Her phone number is 780-922-7555. DO NOT purchase a puppy from her!!! I know she lives at Ardrosson, Edmonton but tells people she lives at Sherwood Park. I believe her daughter may live at Sherwood Park. She doesn't sell dogs from her property for fear of getting caught. If anyone knows the directions to her actual puppy mill, please let the SPCA know and report her!!! It is unbearable to think of all the unneccessary pain and anguish she has caused people out of her greed. Samyra Marcondes abuses the animals badly, neglecting their health and spreading diseases - she MUST be stopped and NEVER allowed to own an animal again!! If you have information, PLEASE act!! We need to stop puppy mills and puppy brokers!
5033 days ago by 2ditto
Samyra Marcondes, Puppy Broker and Puppy Mill owner
We got conned by a woman and it cost us not only HUGE heartache, but also $3000 in vet cost and loss of yorkie lives.  We bought a puppy from a woman in the Edmonton area who offered to meet us at Leduc.  It was stupid of us, but apparently this woman has conned very many people and has no regard for the animals that she brokers.  The little puppy we bought was thin, so we nearly didn't buy her. She was beautiful, though, and we realized on our way home that she was not well.  She poured out diarrhea and when we called her, the person was unreasonable and spoke like a crazy person.  She was going by the name of Sam Binicki at the time, but I have since seen other alias' - Samira, Samyre, Samyra, Sam Marcondes . . . .
We called the vet clinic on the health card only to find out that the vet on the card didn't work there anymore, and that she wasn't allowed in their clinic!!
After numerous trips to the vet, it turned out that the puppy was full of round worms, coccidia and giarrdia.  Because we had another female puppy and also a gorgeous registered male puppy at the time, they both caught the disease and it was spread through our house and yard.  Coccidia and giarrdia stay in the ground until enough heat from the sun can thoroughly dry out the parasites and kill them.  We bought the puppy in Nov. 2007 and were not rid of the diseases until late in the summer of 2008. 
Samyra, or whatever her name is, got $600 cash from us.  We lost three yorkies, two which were our beloved pets as well as $3000 in bills.  I see that today, yes TODAY, she is still advertising puppies on in the Edmonton, Alberta area. 
If you see her ads, please report it to Kijiji and also to the Alberta SPCA.  I see on the blogs that she was investigated by the Edmonton News, reporters took a video of her puppy mill, and yet this woman is still free to use and abuse dogs!!  If you haven't seen the video, PLEASE watch it!!!
I have tried calling the authorities and they are not taking action on the woman.  I have no actual proof that she runs a puppy mill and is a puppy broker, but from the reports and number of ads listed, as well as personal experience, she is not caring for the animals - only using them to make a buck. There are laws to protect animals, but it is not easy to convict all the people who break those laws.  Although, if you watch the video clip it's pretty obvious!!
I have learned that she lives somewhere on Baseline Rd. Ardrossan, AB T8E 1J3. According to the ad she presently has on (Strathcona County) her phone number is (780) 922-7555.
I learned the HARD way - meet the parents before you purchase a puppy!!  Even then, there are a lot of scams, so it's best if you can find a breeder that is referred by people whom have purchased puppies and are happy with their dogs. 
If you are able to assist in finding out exactly where Samyra is housing her dogs and can give me directions, I would appreciate it. I have gone to great lengths to expose this puppy mill, as the animals are terribly neglected, and I’ve read numerous reports about her selling puppies that are ill. I have reported this to the Alberta SPCA three times, to the Strathcona MLA, and am contacting as many animal protection groups as I can to stop this woman from her unscrupulous practices.
5030 days ago by Phillips
I bought 2 puppies from this lady and they are awesome. She leaves in a million dollars state and her house is immaculate. She does not meet anyone, we went to her house and was a pleasure.
She is the best, sells her puppies for HALF OF THE PRICE everyone else does!
She is always in contact with us. This is absolutely, in point of view, a lie.
I truly believe ALL these adds are posted by ONE PERSON only, and I am a firm believer that is a breeder with poor or any scrupulous .
5029 days ago by 2ditto
That posting by "Philips" sounds like Samyra wrote it herself - notice the poor grammar and spelling!!
If she lives in a million dollar estate, why is there a SHED in the back yard full of yelping dogs?!?
I have never been to her place - she offered to meet me with a puppy that turned out to be very, very sick with infectious diseases and eventually died, taking my other puppies with her. I don't know for certain, but I heard through other people she has ripped off that she keep the dogs confined in poor conditions at #14 Rosswood Estates, Ardrossan Edmonton AB. Be careful - she'e a few bricks short of a full load!!
I don't know how she has managed to make a living off of brokering puppies for so many years!! She definitely has a very bad reputation. If you've bought a puppy from Samyra and been happy - count your blessings!! You are one of the lucky few!!
5029 days ago by 2ditto
I wish that more people who have been conned by this vile woman, who refers to herself as "Cruella deVille" would report their stories to the ASPCA at 1-800-455-9003. What she is doing is violating the Animal Protection Act, abusing dogs and selling people dogs that have health problems. I hope that more people whom she has ripped off, and more people who have seen her neglect the needs of those poor dogs would report her!!
5024 days ago by Loveanimals
The post by " Phillips" Is for sure Samyra/Samyre!
No doubt about that.
I had placed an ad looking for a Yorkie and she actually emailed me from one of her emails " referring " HERSELF! what a loser!
((I didnt put two and two together until later on-)) Told me to try a lady in Ardrossan, her name is Sam and gave me her number 780.922.7555
So i called and I said someone referred me to you, oh yes ha ha thats my friend! she replied
She seems like she cares- reels you in- catches you - takes your money- and then BAM! You realize it all but by then its too late.

This woman is indeed everything she is being called on this site.
Puppy Mill - Puppy Broker- Puppy Abuser - A liar and a very good one!
She does not care for any animals she has. She cares about $$$
We have been trying to get her stopped now for months. Nothing has been done. They say they go out there and she has everything covered! Of course she does! She knows the game VERY well... Better than any one!
I have her full address, Two names she goes by, and have talked with people other than myself and my friends who have bad experiences with her.
She does live on Baseline Road and I also beleive that her family/daughter also are a part of it too and she has dogs going back and forth from one place back to the other.
She has many many ads going through Kijiji Daily - she has another phone number as well:

She even sold a poor guy a Male Registered Yorkshire Terrier - and told the guy he would get the registration papers within 6 months! So this man paid a Higher Price and got a dog with no papers.
ANother persons yorkie had Giardia when she brought her home - luckily had no other dogs- the dog is under the age of 6 and has hardly any teeth left ! They had to spend thousands to get this poor animal back to health. They love this poor dog and Sam does not stand behind these puppies she will blame you for whatever is wrong. Or tell you to give him/her Pepto Bismol.

I bought a female from her myself and was told all kinds of lies about her- She has 2 different birth dates- She had ear mites and a bladder issue.

I have other dogs as well - That were not purchased from Sam - If she sold me a dog with something contagious and my other 2 dogs got it andthen they all died - I am not too sure what I would have done.
But, It would not have been good!!! I hate this woman- I can honestly say that - and I have NEVER hated any one in my life .
My dogs are my children, and I love all animals way too much to let this be the end! We will not and should not stop until Sam is stopped!
Everytime she has complaints or ads posted about how horrible she is she replies to Figure out who you are and then posts ads in response saying that EVERY ONE is telling lies and that we are breeders who only want her out of business so that we can profit and not her/ She knows that is complete BS! and i HOPE THAT ONE DAY SOON WE CAN ALL COME TOGETHER TO STOP HER.

THere are phone calls being made as I type to have her investigated again - and we will not stop calling !
We have made SEVERAL calls and attempts to get her outta business, and in hopes of having her banned from owning any type of living thing!

How is this possible that she has fake vet records, and is banned from so many vet clinics and is still going! ? !

I am so disgusted I cant even get alkl my thoughts together!
I will be back to ad comments later ! UGH!
5022 days ago by Loveanimals
Her other alternate phone number... 780.340.0755! Just in case anyone wants it or wants to be aware of it!
5008 days ago by Anonymousid
I sent this complaint to Samyra Marcondes, Sam Binick, Samyre Binicki and Oliva Palito
are names that she goes by.We have to get together and do something.

Samyra Marcondes, Sam Binick, Samyre Binicki and Oliva Palito are just some of the names she uses.I do not know her.She has never been to my place and I nave never talked to her in person or on the phone, her number is 780-780-922 7555

I am tired of being harassed and the scandal that she spreads about me, Barbee's Country Kennel &
In House Boarding.People are welcome to come and view my place at anytime.I have nothing to hide.Why she is so vindictive against me, I do not know.

I have heard from so many people that have bought puppies from her and or Daughter and the puppies ended up sick and many died.

She is a puppy broker and also runs a puppy mill.She lives in the Strathcona area and also in Edmonton.
#14 Rosswood Estates, Baseline Rd., Ardrossan AB T8E 1J3

She was reported and CTV news followed a complaint.Please watch this video

There is no way that this is an honest person.She is the one that is out for all that she can get.What she prints about, in all of these reports, are the exact words that people have written to her.

I would love to see her shut down, as so many of us do and we are banding together.In time it will come.

Samyra Marcondes, Sam Binick, Samyre Binicki and Oliva Palito. People like this should never be allowed to have pets of any kind.

The things that she has written about me and also Marianne and Ted Wray are all false allegations.I have never met Marianne, but I am confident that she is being a scape goat and harassed the same as I am .So many people have been in touch with me about this Samyra person that it is obvious she has been scamming for a long time and getting away with it. I welcome anyone to come and view my place.I do have many references as well as my vet.

I just want everyone to know, never buy a puppy from Samyra Marcondes, Sam Binick, Samyre Binicki and Oliva Palito.She usually wants to meet you somewhere.You never get to see where the puppies came from, their environment.

My Yorkies are in my home.They are well socialized with people and other dogs.They have their regular check ups and vaccinations.I am not a puppy mill.My vet has even commented how well looked after my dogs are.

She mentions that my Husband and I are dog killers.That shows that she knows nothing about me.My Husband passed away in 1997.

Samyra Marcondes, Sam Binick, Samyre Binicki and Oliva Palito someday, what your doing will come around to haunt you.How you can live with what you do to people and puppies, is beyond me.
4826 days ago by Pooryorkies123
This 'con artist', as i believe that's the best way to describe her, sold me and my girlfriend a teacup size Yorkshire Terrier puppy on Dec.22 2011. She met us in Leduc in the McDonald's parking lot, and was adament that we pay cash for our puppy as she was leaving out of town the following day. 18 hours after 'Monty' arrived home he was stricken with severe diarrhea and vomitting. We rushed him to the emergency vet clinic closest to us where he spent the next 6 days in intensive 24hr care, and succumbed to his ailments 6 days later. 'Sam Brasil' as she called herself is a HUGE scammer. Well known to the ASPCA and the Edmonton Voices for Animals shelter, this woman is a master of deception. Having been in operation for at least the last 3 yrs as a puppy mill/puppy broker she has received several complaints and reports with the ASPCA, the Edmonton Humane Society, and the RCMP. We are her latest victims after purchasing this cute puppy from her, having him become deathly ill within a few hours of owning him, and dying after 5 days of intsense vet care. She is now refusing a refund for our puppy, is no longer taking our phone calls, and had the audacity to tell our vet that we poisonedd or dropped our dog on his head, which our vets have confirmed was not the case.

This is a warning and a cry for help. This woman is still in business and selling sick dogs to people. We have contacted every animal service agancy we can find as well as the RCMP to help get the word out on this criminal. When i came across this page my jaw dropped. I had no idea the extent of this woman's abuse towards animals and am begging everyone and anyone who has had any contact or experience themselves with this lady to come forward and assist us in shutting her down. This woman is still in business because too many of us have remained silent and not taken this abuse to the next level. This puppy was like our child and we are not going to stop until we reach the highest level of judicial enforcement we can. We will be filing a civil suite against her in the coming days for the cost of the dog and the vet bills she has stuck us with.

Forgot to mention, 'Sam' or whatever alias' she uses, rushed us into purchasing the puppy as she was going out of town for the Christmas Holiday. Due to her 'vacation, ' she left out of town shortly after the puppy was sold and was unreachable during his entire stay at the vet, rendering the 72hr return policy we had with the puppy "void" in her words.

Sam Brasil, as she called herself also goes b0y Samira Markcondes, Sam Binicki, Samyre Binicki, Samira Markones and a host of other fake identities in an effort to thwart any and all investigations by police, individuals, and any humaine groups.

In summary, I am begging anyone with information or details on this woman to please contact the RCMP, ASPCA, or the Voice for Animals Humane Society in Edmonton and please give them all the information you can. Please help us stop this woman from abusing animals and selling them under false pretenses to innocent people. This will not end and more animals will continue to suffer at her hands until enough of us come together and fight against it.
4826 days ago by Pooryorkies123
This 'con artist', as i believe that's the best way to describe her, sold me and my girlfriend a teacup size Yorkshire Terrier puppy on Dec.22 2011. She met us in Leduc in the McDonald's parking lot, and was adament that we pay cash for our puppy as she was leaving out of town the following day. 18 hours after 'Monty' arrived home he was stricken with severe diarrhea and vomitting. We rushed him to the emergency vet clinic closest to us where he spent the next 6 days in intensive 24hr care, and succumbed to his ailments 6 days later. 'Sam Brasil' as she called herself is a HUGE scammer. Well known to the ASPCA and the Edmonton Voices for Animals shelter, this woman is a master of deception. Having been in operation for at least the last 3 yrs as a puppy mill/puppy broker she has received several complaints and reports with the ASPCA, the Edmonton Humane Society, and the RCMP. We are her latest victims after purchasing this cute puppy from her, having him become deathly ill within a few hours of owning him, and dying after 5 days of intsense vet care. She is now refusing a refund for our puppy, is no longer taking our phone calls, and had the audacity to tell our vet that we poisonedd or dropped our dog on his head, which our vets have confirmed was not the case.

This is a warning and a cry for help. This woman is still in business and selling sick dogs to people. We have contacted every animal service agancy we can find as well as the RCMP to help get the word out on this criminal. When i came across this page my jaw dropped. I had no idea the extent of this woman's abuse towards animals and am begging everyone and anyone who has had any contact or experience themselves with this lady to come forward and assist us in shutting her down. This woman is still in business because too many of us have remained silent and not taken this abuse to the next level. This puppy was like our child and we are not going to stop until we reach the highest level of judicial enforcement we can. We will be filing a civil suite against her in the coming days for the cost of the dog and the vet bills she has stuck us with.

Forgot to mention, 'Sam' or whatever alias' she uses, rushed us into purchasing the puppy as she was going out of town for the Christmas Holiday. Due to her 'vacation, ' she left out of town shortly after the puppy was sold and was unreachable during his entire stay at the vet, rendering the 72hr return policy we had with the puppy "void" in her words.

Sam Brasil, as she called herself also goes b0y Samira Markcondes, Sam Binicki, Samyre Binicki, Samira Markones and a host of other fake identities in an effort to thwart any and all investigations by police, individuals, and any humaine groups.

In summary, I am begging anyone with information or details on this woman to please contact the RCMP, ASPCA, or the Voice for Animals Humane Society in Edmonton and please give them all the information you can. Please help us stop this woman from abusing animals and selling them under false pretenses to innocent people. This will not end and more animals will continue to suffer at her hands until enough of us come together and fight against it.
4825 days ago by Roryfory
WOW...we bought one of her dogs, on the 10th of december.She had sold one of her dogs to a couple in edmonton, but because they work such long hours, and didn't want the dog to be home alone, they posted him on kijiji, and luckly for us he's a gem.No health problems at all, he's 8 months now and full of life...but after reading all these posts, i got lucky.The paper work i got on the dog was a health certificate from Lakeside veterinary clinic in sherwood park stamped by a doctor by the name of hanan anwar, luckily for me the couple that bought him off of her took great care of him, had all his shots and had him fixed, but our pup came from her, i guess we just lucky with that litter of puppies, sorry to all of you for having such a bad experience, she sounds like piece of garbage.
4812 days ago by Loveanimals
This will not stop - I wouldnt dare buy a Yorkie in Edmonton or anywhere near Edmonton in Fear it came from her poor Puppymill Breeding stock -
I feel aweful that she continues to do this to good hearted honest people.
Its sickening.
These Poor Babies - Suffering.
Sitting in kennels and cages and never feeling the softness of a loving human touch. Never given a good bed to sleep in. Never Kissed and Cuddled.
Its so so sad...
She lives in a '''''Millions Dollars Estates"""" because of those over bred, abused Dogs.

Her day will come - I am certain of that.
What a sick woman. Shame on you Samyra - SHAME ON YOU those around you who know who you are and what you do and say nothing for the animals that cannot speak for themselves.

I hope one sweet day you can sit in a cage, and die a slow painful death, after that you will go straight to hell.
4809 days ago by Littleangel
We were also scammed by this person. We bought a little yorkie off of Kijiji from a woman in Sherwood Park. We are in Fort McMurray so we asked a friend to pick her up for us. On Dec. 22, 2011 our friend met this woman of course at a different location than her house. He gave her $1000 cash and brought our little Sophie to us on Dec. 23. By Dec. 24 our new little puppy was getting sick. We took her to our vet for an emergency visit on Dec. 26. Our vet diagnosed her with Parvo Virus and put her on intravenous for 4 days. We brought her home on Dec. 29 and tried to nurse her back to health. We had to give her up to 5 needles a day, feed her with a syringe every 2 hours and syringe water into her little mouth every hour. Unfortunately on Jan. 2, 2012 our little Sophie passed away. She had suffered and we did everything possible to try and save her. When we contacted this so called breeder she said it was impossible that one of her puppies had Parvo and she must have got it from our friend, even though Parvo has a 5 to 10 day incubation period. She argued with our vet also. She told us she could get statements from other people that had bought Yorkies at the same time as we did and they were all healthy puppies. Imagine my surprise when I read the post from Pooryorkies 123. Your little puppy must have been a brother to our little Sophie. She will not give us our money back let alone the $1100 spent at the vets to try and save our little angel. She is a disgraceful woman who needs to be put out of business. These poor little animals are suffering needlessly. Please contact us on here if you have a similiar story of this evil person.
4807 days ago by Loveanimals
My goodness, , , It just doesn't stop.
My heart goes out to you all - including those poor babies who suffered & passed away.
These little babies deserved more. If only they had been born some where else and raised with love.
Whats even more sad is all of the adult and juvenile dogs that are over bred - and neglected and used and are still living there with this woman. Still being used, abused and tossed aside when they no longer bring in money.
These honest, caring people were just looking to have a new puppy and all the joy they bring. Instead they were scammed, lied to and then brushed off whe the truth about who she really is came to the light,

I think the only way she has relatively healthy pups is because she is ALSO a broker aside from being and sick, heartless, filthy breeder.
Meaning she buys a complete litter of pups and re-sells them.

Makes me sick and brings tears to my eyes...
4765 days ago by Dropdead SOB
This is an absurd!!!
before you believe in any of this non sense visit her mansion, idiots!!
They are all laughing at your non sense!!
STOP THE GUESSING GAME...visit her home

4764 days ago by SICK OF ONLINE ABUSE
STAND UP B___ !!
ACTUALLY I WILL BE CONTACT YOUR HUSBAND and your PAROLE OFFICER, - they would love to know that you are not READY FOR SOCIETY YET!!
4764 days ago by Sandy Is A Thief
this lady that is posting all this defamations is a breeder name SANDY, she uses different anonymous as littleangels, - love animals, and her friend is Maryanne Wray, another friend using the name 2dito.
This Sandy try to steal my male from my yard, I called the police and she was arrested.
She steals anything from your house, from toilet paper to tooth brush. She has a DRUG ADDITION and has lots her kids from her first marriage because of it. Sandy is an older Taller blond woman, poses as germany but in reality she is nothing more than a thief.
I have a paper signed by her that she will pay me back over $3000 took to court but she moves like rat does, so is impossible to get a hold of her.
I am not surprise she is spreading BS about others, she asked me to write here too against some other breeder and promised a puppy if I write same lye about some other breeders.
People be aware Sandy Schield is a very trouble woman, and has a criminal record.

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