Sam J Pirillo |
Sam J Pirillo J and J snack foods PennsaukenEMS Brysons pub Sambo Sammy Bigdaddysp Sambo5555 Brenda Jetal Jordan Bamberdoo BambiJ Bambieyes ScopioSJP |
8th of Mar, 2011 by User315346 |
Samuel J Pirillo born 10 23 1955 Brenda Jetal Jordan born 7 26 1961. Sam has destoryed his life drinking and selling and using drugs. He has been whoring with women for over ten years. Sam has destoryed many lifes of women and children. He picked up Brenda Jordan in Homer NY out of a bar. She is a bar whore and Drunk. Lost her son David George for not feeding and keeping a drug and booze free home for him. So she dumped her child to wh*re with yet another man. She is a 2 time convivted drunk driver. Sam knows all this. It shows he has no morals.He turned in his friend Dale wescott into Pennsauken Ems. Because he wanted his Job. Says he has enough dirt on Dale to put him in Jail. According to Sam he has had a fairs with Judy Ritzinger ,Kelly Knaus,Melissa Sample from Pennsauken EMS. While Brenda has lived with him. He also turned his back on his own child that he made. They also steal at a bar called Bryson's Pub.Sam and the other guy who works with him at J and J snack foods have sex with women workers in cars at night . and are so sick they take turns watching each other. Sam has become just like the wh*re he brought home. He even lets her keep comdons in his bedroom to have sex with other men. Brenda knows if she says she is sorry Sam will just suck it up over and over. And she has never stoped using and wh*ring even on him. There is a place for Sam.. And he has no idea the the things Brenda has told on him after just 2 drinks. That Pig face woman doesn't know when to shut her wh*ring mouth. We at Bryson's Pub love to watch her. This woman really needs help. She even had sex with her brothers and Father.And Sams son. All out of her drunk mouth. She says Sam will take it. says he has too she is the boss of his ugly a**.and she is about to move on.
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