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sacor financial
sacor financial inc national credit acceptance ,national financial services ,CCS collection new name sacor with the same criminal unfair collection p
4th of Dec, 2010 by User264568
nca vs sued and last wherefore nca is eliminated how ever the defendant sahlbach and his hetch man pugh are sacor financial inc .in first bank vs nca a sttlement was reached were sacor purchased all the account that nca collected with unfair practice and john ugh is the state bar member that presets a legal liability to consumers of the state of califoria .his legal practice is not close to what the law and state bar require his tactics from a sacramento office includes boiler plates files proof of service,to wrong adresses is true fact because i am a victim of such unfair process

this state bar member uses employees of the state stationed in suprior courts to file his paper work and are happy to file default judgement in his behalf .i have followed his collection trail by searching first for nca ,the results in all superior courts of the state nca is the procecutor 99 % name pugh as plaintiff and his favored action is to verify abitration awards ,the awards are first awarded to nca thereafter procecuted by pugh .that this state bar member can be awarded a money judgement against any citicen of the state by picking any ame out of the white pages ,and that the name is the only information is correct ,i can confirm his ability to proise any citicen his abilit ,i am a victim of such promise by a local attorney who is a member of network of such insult to the judicial system of the state,further negative and very illigal is te relatio with the 3 credit agencies .that these attorneys can report any credit card number as a default account .they make up account numbers and they will have agencies record such fraud ,they can change personal adtresses based on the never serving the moving papers and or mailing the papers were the victim of the collection ptractices is living .

that his ability to gat a judgement against any consumer that has a shadycredit history sacor is nca and sahlbach was sued the amount about breach of contract that he uses primitive tactics to collect debt but is not asble to honor his own obligation .that after all the judgements awarded to nca sahlbach would never hand that ver so he filed a new company and offered the plaintiff first bank about half of what nca owed.if the receiver and the suprior court had knowledge of the change of name nca to sacor is suspect ,because he was able to get more out of being the defendent han first bank as much is the purchase price of defaulted credit cards acounts 0.25 on a 1.00 dollar that is now purchased with about 6 million dollars .that is a lot of investment and how much is going to profit with his criminal practice of asking a judge to discharge his mandetory duty based on his proposed orders .again i ama eye witnes to such pracice .simpleasking and proposaing the judge to lie {proposed}the filing clerks ener defaults judgement and once in a great moona debtor is aware of his pracice in a state courtand following the dispute and has evidance that he has committed fraud .that when the judge will verify thefraud otainedwith fraud and now the petiotion is fraud .with all thefactspresentedto the judge ,this man files a proposed 2 days after the defense presentad claims tha i was not in court the petitioner was presented with this local attorney who witnessed the fact that i wa in court that day ,the judicial officerof the bench was eyewitness to his own lie proposed by the attorney pugh who was not in the court 7 days later a judgement was entered and the fraud was granted because i failed to appear and failed to respond in writing

he files the petition with a crediditor that hasno relation to the abitration award to be confirmed ,he then filed a first amended petition changing the fraud to the originating account,the aqccount number he procecuted with was never purchased by sahlbach

no titleand or proper ownwer ship of the account to collect with that number .

he was awarded a localj udgement not be4vcause of his original petitio and or his first amended petition ,he straight ask the jude to lie ,that is not all he was award interest rate of 99.7 percent a 4000.00 credit card debt that is not mine the amount of judgement was 22.000.00 because he did not like me andjust used my name to be 22.000.00 richer no investment needed other then my name .

he did this againand the state bar membwer changed judges the same routine for 32.000.00.the petition were boiler plates like the proposed orders 54.000.00 awarded based on my name

the case first bang vs nca went in to receiver ship so sahlbach could not hide allhis assts ,weinstein for rob evans mailed notices to confirm the accounts foe nca .

the first amended petition to correct the fraud was the made a futher case of fraud because the first amended petition was also on the judement final reason to grant the judgement wasmy failure to appear .minute orders will be sufficent proof in any court exepts this superior court ofsan bernadino and judges larry allen and micheal sachs appointed by the govenor .the superiors got even .

the firm of nca was awarded 54.000.00 based onte name and allother i9nformaion was manufuctured and had no relation toa account number that was never purchased

the receiver never metione the judgement but in one count te amount wet up 7000.00 ND THE FRAUD PLUS THE 99.7 INTEREST WAS LOWERED .THE RECIVER CONFIRMEDE THE Acounts with the same amount just added on onecount of fraud and reduced the amount of the other .

that owcomes sacor financial the business number is 03314370



ON 11.17.2010 sacor claimed that it has purcased my debt from nca ,no name of any employee that drafted the notices that the amount of the same 2 accounts are now 60.000.00 and the judgement never mentioned that he uses te true bsank but the accounts were procetuted with a differant bank then corrected by pugh the the recxiver uses the fraud bank and now sacor is using the ank with the award but with a nuber never purchased .these 2 number have procecuted me for he 3rd time

it is unfair practice by the state bar members pugh and his local fill in .

that i must now inform you of some disturbing facts in regards the people of california that this procecution staged in a superior court with the following recorded legal facts

the local attorney was sued prior tothe proceedings of the fraud the that the superior court wAS SUED IN 2 CASES PRIOR AND BETWEEN SUCH PRIMITE MISUSE OF LAW AND COURT

the counsel for the defendent suoperiorcourt was a deputy attorney general with his last name was BROWN the the defnsefor the superior court was strictly based on such authorities BROWN with his action wasunder the ag brown ,now the former ag is the new governor and this primitive action in the cases hereto mentioned were defended in the namevof the people .

the argument is simple ,under what authorities can a state bar member ask a judge to lie ? the following state agencies were presented with ecvidance only being 3 pages in each case theminute order shows i was in court the ajudgement entered after the proposal to lie state i was not in court ,the cjp ,state bar ,the defense by the employee of the doj acting for the oag ,the aoc and the vcgcb rejected claims based on gov codes 945.6 i was allowed to sue the state and court the risk management divof san bernadino also allowed me to sue the county .

that the new notices of collection for the same fraud as before with a higher amount owed have a little extra on the side ,this forthcoming collection act strictly based on being fraud and the admission of such accusation isin the new act ,that this actiongot the blessig of the district attorney for the count of san bernadino micheal ramos

he is also a legal advisor appointed by the goverenor as a member of the victim compensation goverment claim board VCGCB this agency claims to be aid to victims if criminal acts and of the same were state employees are complaint against the county of san bernadino uses a machine that prints postaes on vcounty mailed letters ,superior court tax bills welfare notices of ation for the risk management div

this employees name is hasler and if you live in the county of san bernadino and have received county mail then you willfind the name on the postage stamp andthe zip mailed from county of sb is 92415 downtown is were most of the goverment offices are sacor is out oif roseville placer county the notices were mailed from 95838 west sacramento ,the postage paid by hasler 500 miles down south 92415

the county pays the postage for john pugh were the notices of collection are the same fraud again nowe the county uses tax payers money to finance john pugh

the receiver failede to mrention the judgement but confirmed the fraud and or the FAP

the new notices nmentioned the reciver but he has nothing to do withmy debt anymore {based on the originating accounts .the judgments are being concealed and to make another e4xtra spice is from the california agencie that braggs about aiding victims by advising pugh to not collect the judgements and to procecute again after this agency allowed me to sue the state same as the county invited me to sue based on the new action postagepaid with the das blessig and the advise by the board were the da is alegal advisor that not only has pugh the permission from the state bar empoloyee sylva curling ,

his postage is paid for by the citicens of san bernadino ,they also paid the postage for an attorney in concord in regards judgements to be renewed

as i mentioned pugh and nca have collected on 99 pecent of cases filed in superior courts in the state 800 cases in san bernadino and its branches alone ,opponents that appeared in the cases i can count on both of my hands .to add up all his default petitions ,this man makes profit .

but it isnot just himself to give credit if you can ask a clerk to lie and if that is not good enough you can asked a judge to le ,that then you can get the oag to be on your side that employees of the doj aoc cjp and not to forbget the da of sb to mail and or to pay the postage presents a team of servants that be rewarded at crimas time from the local attorneys of a network that is in the colection business

he can usea name out of the swite pages and can promise you that within 6 month he will have a judgement inthe cases the proof is in these cases civvs 800269 filed on 01.17.2008 and the judge signed his favor to lie on 8.14.2008 well it is pretty close that thenhe filed 803056 on 05.29.2008 and the judgement awarded on 12.03.2008

that the 54.000.00 in judgements arfe not good enough therefore the county pays the postage {ramos } and the vcgcb advises pugh to do it again with the state employee via oag promote this action now .the county vcgcb and aoc have allowed the idiot {me} to sue and the reason on why they are so friedly and allow to sue is because the oag clainmt that i am an idiot .so they tell me to sueand if and when i did follow the advise i was insulted by the people of california . i am not the only victim of the team work by employees of agencies favoring state bar members like ripley and pugh

that to make my final statement on true and verified evidance the new governor will not be in the best interest of the people becayuse as a former member of the bar the citicens that have no resources to objectin a court of law will be just easy money from pugh ripley lawrance smith mark brown using the brown defdense ,as the employees for the san bernadibno supoerior court name kentner judges larry allen jules fleuret ,oshoa ,nakata in victorville ,with micheal sachs,david williams ,with ferguson and davies in appeal not to forget state bar members donald medeiros practuicing law in victorvileenow second fiddle to his wife ,jeff nadelman in rancho that advises strangers to rob their husband then only will take the case if the dirt from the robbery sufficent to extort and to blackmail the husband to sign an annulment

the final cause for and or forced to appear in court is a child support issue a judivcial lien in favor of the county recorded .i never fatjhered a child from shooting blsnks

no childrens lien a dismissed collection act 2 liens in the same dismissed case .in total 130.000.00 in credit card debt in 6 cases procecuted 4 cases were dismissed thru request and or court order plus the 2 acts by nca .no childrens and 2 liensin one dismissed case .the state wants me to sue the oag .that is an insult to wgat this law and court are used for .to dragg ione upon the court and then deny the fee waiver is primitiver and promoted by the sperior court it is kentner advising the agencies to bring in fronnt of a judge ..that they smile and thru the body language say for me to shut the fuck up and or lie for the state bar memvbers when proposed

is it better not to be served proper and you have hope to win in the court in propria persona . judicial history is recorded in 22 cases in the superior court san bernadino vicrorville 6 appeals recordedd in the 4th district div 2 3 cases in the usbc river side

in total31 cases in 2 state and 1 federal court with one state court to go supreme with 2 federal to go central ditrict and the 9 circus .the da and the oag present the sad part lof this colection practthen when presented with prima facies proof they become hostile and primitive ,how is he going to defendent paing the posage for serving fraud ?id theft comes from within and that includes employees of banks clerks in the superior court a police being robbedin my house then my bank account and no .report is the primary act of disriminastion. they dont ive a flying F... of any victim unless there are witnesses to the crime. nca is sacor and sahlbach purchased the accounts from defendent sahlbach former nca ,that change his name and he can start fress .if we could chsange our name to restore our credt ratings would be nice

i must appolegies for my spelling ,i am an idiot anfd the federal goverment support for me to be tortured basedon mental disabilities to reason with the unreasoable makes me ramble and ratle any body not mental disabled ould ramble if you are to pay child support for not having ay childrens and or 130.000.00 because the dont like my name

i wonder if they finger themself knowing that i am forced to go to court again ?

i have no money so i aslk what is the pleasure ? because i am a member of the bar ad r i am a judge and can do as i please ?

this is it and when you receive a letter without a return adress it might be sancor ,nca just changed names and the rest is all the same ,he can ask a judge to lie

5020 days ago by Grady
Thank you for posting. Unfortunately, I could not understand a lot of your post but get the idea. I too, received a judgement against me by NCA. I never received any documentation nor was I served. NCA went to court with fabricated documents and got a judgement. I would like to speak to you in more detail. My email is [email protected]

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