Recent information recently uncovered indicates that RODNEY ND. BAKER, owner of PSAE a non exhistant company in Florida's Business Data base, who uses multiple company names suich as DBS EQUIPMENT, BAKER LIFTS, as well as PSAE. Information has surfaced on Friday indicating BAKER is at it again, and now has NEW TROUBLES and an ongoing investigation into bilking a CHECK CASHING company out of some $1,000.00 that was given to RODNEY BAKER .
Information was obtained that a former client of RODNEY BAKER and his BOGUS COMPANIES, gave BAKER $1,000.00 to commence a project, but BAKER took the DEPOSIT and never showed up.
The company BAKER was to do the job for evedently put a STOP PAYMENT to the check. Baker found out that the check was being STOPPED and proceeded to a CHECK CASHING COMPANY and exchanged the CHECK for CASH. Within days, the check cashing company was notified that the check was not any good that was given to BAKER from his client because the company had put a STOP PAYMENT TO THE CHECK, , but had already given RODNEY BAKER the cash. Authorities were notified and an investigation was started. The bank PAID the CHECKING COMPANY the $1,000.00 however the BANK for the check cashing company is now bringing charges against RODNEY BAKER to recover the money in the deceitful manner RODNEY BAKER cashed the check knowing full well the former client put a STOP to the original check. Because Baker knew full well that he could not cash nor deposit the check in his BANK ACCOUNT, BAKER knowingly cashed the check through a CHECK CASHING COMPANY , who in turned PAID BAKER and deposited the check, only to find out the check had a STOP PAYMENT oreder put on the check. This amounts to INTENT TO DEFRAUD & THEFT according to sources connected to the CHECKING CASHING COMPANY and what the BANKS intentions are now to go after BAKER.
RODNEY D. BAKER is now fascing possioble FEDERAL & LOCAL charges by the bank for the THEFT OF FUNDS illegally and knowingly known by Baker not to be any good .
It just does not STOP for BAKER. It seems he will use every means, every slight of hand tactic to get money bfrom people , companies, and now has knowingly used schemes to DEFRAUD to get his money. I would imagine RODNEY D. BAKER isn't going to STOP any time soon his arrogant, scheming, illegal, schemes to line his pocket with money be it legal or illegal. The bottom line is when is he going to be ARRESTED and JAILED for the sake of the citizens of Florida, Businesses who are SCAMMED by this person, and when is his wife ADELINE BAKER going to be a part of the COURT SYSTEM, since she has full knowledge as to goings on, and looks the other way to the methods her husband seems to DEFRAUD the good people of Florida, let alone TEXAS and LOUISIANA citizens.
It is eventually going to fall on RODNEY BAKER, and then people will be coming out of the wood work to bring additional charges . It is a matter of when. It is coming, mark my words, and once ARRESTED, his time and visits to the COURT will eventually put him in the COURT SYSTEM... and... eventually JAIL.
This investigation is ongoing. The Public will be advised of any NEW INFORMATION received or gathered.