Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Robert Corr Apple
Robert Corr Apple Rush Sharon Corr Investigated by Securities and Exchange Comission Glenview, Il. , Illinois
13th of Jul, 2011 by User598584

These individuals who are masterminds of deceit and depravity have now sunk to embezzling money from their mother/mother-in-law who is legally blind, elderly, a Holocaust survivor, and emotionally fragile due to their maniupulation and cooercion. Aside from their lifetime of ripping off money from people through their business wranglings they now have begun their parasitic draining of their mother's life savings for their own benefit. They have been able to stay one step ahead by renting, and sequestering money. They have perpetrated scam after scam on insurance companies for bogus claims, brought law-suits again corporations, and have made a life style of white collar stealing. Their psychological and personality disordered life view, that what ever they can steal from others is justified has enabled them to life beyond their means. Beware of investing any money into their business ventures, you will never see any return. They are skilled verbal manipulators who will convince you that they are legitimate and at the top of their game. Do your research and see on Investor's Hub and other web sites their history of stealing and scams. Apple Rush Apple Rush Co., Inc., D-Bar Manufacturing Inc., Robert Corr, Sharon Corr, Under Investigation for SEC Fraud and is being sued by many corpo 23rd of Mar, 2011 by User597857 It turns out this company may not be as legit as all there marketing implies. They are not licesnsed in Illinois to even sell there product. They have many law suits against them. It is believed according to this stock site they have committed many SEC frauds and have cost there shareholders millions in fake share. Robert Corr, CEO and Sharon Corr are the masterminds behind this long going scam on there stock holders Apple Rush Company, a producer of organic sparkling juice beverages in the US, has rolled out its Blueberry, Black Cherry and Pomegranate sparkling organic 100% juices at Whole Foods Market's South Loop Store located in Illinois. 1) 16 February 2011: The U.S. Bankruptcy Court Of Northern Illinois District Dismissed (I.E., Rejected) Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection For Apple Rush Company, Inc. (Ar). Dismissal Means That Ar's Debts Are Not Discharged And That No Protection Of The Firm From Creditors Or Awarded-Litigants Is Available From The Court. Furthermore, Additional Lawsuits Can Be Filed Against The Firm. There Are Presently Eight Lawsuits Lodged Against Apple Rush Company, Inc. Seeking Damages Of $1.5 Million (Incl. $644,000 Already Awarded To Litigants In Three Of The Eight Cases). Total Liabilities Attached To The Firm Are Approximately $4.5 Million. 1A) Creditors And Litigants Can Proceed To Collect Their Debts And Court-Awarded Judgments By Lawfully Seizing Any Or All Assets Of This Insolvent Firm Or Forcing It Into Chapter 7 Liquidation. Thus, Apple Rush Company Shareholders Should Not Expect To Receive Any Compensation. 2) On 11 February 2011, Rush Company, Inc., The Owner And Licensor Of The Trademark / Brand Apple Rush Was Dissolved By State Of Illinois. Apple Rush Co., Inc., A Marketing Company That Owns No Brands Or Trademarks, Thus Has No License To Sell Its Sole Offering, Apple Rush Products.
Http://Www.Ilsos.Gov/Corporatellc/ 3) The Apru Otc Shell Is Encumbered By About $2 Million In Outstanding Debt And Accrued Interest In Default And By Eight Lawsuits Seeking $1.5 Million In Damages [$644,000 In Judgments Awarded To Plaintiffs Thus Far]. The Firm's Liabilities In Toto Are Approximately $4.5 Million. On December 7Th 2007, D-Bar Manufacturing Inc. Began To Trade Publicly As Apple Rush Company Co. (A Texas Corporation). Ar Is Insolvent. The Firm's Total Liabilities Are At Least 10 Times Its Total Assets Per Latest Reported Financial Statement (Q3, 2010). In Addition, There Are Numerous Lawsuits Lodged Against The Firm Seeking Damages. On September 10 2010, The Corporate Status Of Apple Rush Co. Inc. (Ar), An Insolvent Firm, Was Revoked By State Of Illinois, Home To Company Business Headquarters. Apple Rush Co. Cannot Legally Transact Ordinary Business In Illinois As A Corporation. In November 2009, The Company's Investor Relations (Ir) Firm And Part Owner, Big Apple Consulting Usa, Was Charged By The Sec With Fraud, Selling Unregistered Securities, Making False Statements And Material Omissions In Press Releases, And Acting As An Unregistered Broker-Dealer In Connection With Another Otc Firm. The Chief Legal Counsel Of Apple Rush Co. Served Six Months In Federal Prison For Fraud And Lost His License To Practice Law For Four Years. Apple Rush Co. And/Or Its Divisions Is A Defendant In Numerous Lawsuits: 1) Garden Beverages Vs. Apple Rush Co. Et Al. Ad Damnum $512,290; 2) Micropipe Fund I Llc Vs. Apple Rush Co. Et Al. Judgment For Plaintiff $294,271 April 30, 2011; 3) Ashman Law Offices Vs. Apple Rush Co. Et Al. Ad Damnum $10,995.19; 4) Robert Half International Vs. Apple Rush Co. Et Al. Ad Damnum: $20,334.58. See Also Next Three Entries. September 07 2010: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Cadbury Schweppes Bottlers Vs. Corr Robert J, Garden Distributing Inc (Division Of Apple Rush Company ) Filing Date: September 07, 2010 ; Contract Dispute. Ad Damnum: $92,272. Judgment For Plaintiff $91,273 December 16, 2010. September 10 2010: Cintron Beverage Group Llc Vs. Robert Corr, Apple Rush Company, Rush Company Inc (Formerly Rush Beverage Company) Ad Damnum: $210,000; Filing Date: September 09, 2010; Breach Of Contract. Chicago International Trucks, Idealease Chicago Vs. Garden Distributing Inc (Division Of Apple Rush Co.) Ad Damnum: $226K; Contract Dispute; Filing Date: October 22, 2009; Judgment For Plaintiff $277,066.00 April 30, 2010.
From Q3 2010 (July 1 - Sept 30) Financial Statement (Latest Available): 3. Going Concern
As Shown In The Accompanying Financial Statements, The Company Has Incurred Cumulative Losses
Of $6,064,427 Since Inception. These Conditions Raise Substantial Doubt As To The Company's
Ability To Continue As A Going Concern. In Order To Meet Its Upcoming Continuing Obligations,
Include Any Adjustments That Might Be Necessary Should The Company Be Unable To Continue
As A Going Concern. Hundreds of millions of new shares are eligible to enter the public float pursuant to 1) $1.21 million of debt convertible into free trading shares @ 50% discount to market price and 2) ongoing Company dilution and restricted share legend removal. On 18 November 2009, the SEC charged Big Apple Consulting USA (investor relations firm for Apple Rush Co. and 8% beneficial owner of APRU) and Big Apple's wholly-owned subsidiary MJMM Investments, LLC along with four of its executives (CEO Marc Jablon, vice president Matthew Maguire, MJMM president Mark Kaley, and Keith Jablon, vice president of another Big Apple subsidiary) with Fraud, Selling Unregistered Securities, Making Public Misrepresentations and Material Omissions, and Acting as an Unregistered Broker-Dealer. This in connection with another pink sheet firm.
MATERIAL INFORMATION NOT DISSEMINATED BY PRESS RELEASE FROM COMPANY 16 February 2011 U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Northern Illinois District (Chicago) rejects bankruptcy protection for Apple Rush Co. Inc. by dismissing the case. Creditors and awarded-litigants are now entitled to seize any and all assets of Apple Rush Co., Inc. 28 Jan 2011 Apple Rush Co., Inc. files for bankruptcy. Ticker symbol changes to APRUQ to reflect status. Apple Rush Co. is defendant in these seven lawsuits seeking damages of about $1.5 million: 1) Garden Beverages vs. Apple Rush Co. et al. (ad damnum $512,290), contract dispute; 2) MicroPipe Fund I LLC vs. Apple Rush Co. et al. (ad damnum $294,271), contract dispute; 3) Ashman Law Offices vs. Apple Rush Co. et al. (ad damnum $10,995.19), contract dispute; 4) Robert Half International vs. Apple Rush Co. et al. (ad damnum $20,334.58), contract dispute; 5) Dr Pepper Snapple Group and Cadbury Schweppes Bottling Group vs. Corr Robert J and Garden Distributing Inc (a division of Apple Rush Co.) (ad damnum $92,272), contract dispute, filing date September 07, 2010; JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF $91,273 December 16, 2010. 6) Cintron Beverage Group LLC vs. Corr Robert and Apple Rush Co. and Rush Co. (fka Rush Beverage Co.) (ad damnum: $210,000), breach of contract, filing date September 09, 2010; 7) Chicago Int'l Trucks and IDEALEASE Chicago vs. Garden Distributing Inc (a division of Apple Rush Co.) contract dispute; filing date October 22, 2009; JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF $277,066.00 April 30, 2010. Lawsuits and Court actions: 06/30/2010 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Posts Q2 Results; Q2 sales ($19,583) drop 93% Y-O-Y; 6-mos loss $1,189,727; Cumulative loss $5,912,860; $1.4Million of debt in default. 05/04/2010 USPTO officially registers trademark Apple Rush for brand owner private Rush Beverage Company 05/15/2010: Comptroller of the State of Texas declares Apple Rush Co. Inc. (incorporated under Texas law) NOT IN GOOD STANDING 04/01/2010: Secretary of State of Illinois declares Apple Rush Co. Inc. (headquarters Illinois) NOT IN GOOD STANDING 06/15/2010 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Posts Q1 2010 results; Sales drop 91% Y-O-Y; Net loss $687,000 (Q1); Cumulative loss $5,410,00. 3/30/2010 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Posts Q4 2009 Results; Sales Drop 97% Q-O-Q; Q4 Net Loss $500,000 (Q4); Net Loss (2009) $2,734,757 12/28/2009 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Posts Third Quarter Results; Sales Drop 92% from Third Quarter 2008 08/12/2009 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Attempts $1 Million Private Placement (RegD); Total of $65,000 Raised Per SEC Document 11/18/2009 SEC Charges Apple Rush Co.'s Part-Owner&Investor-Relations Firm Big Apple Consulting with fraud, selling unregistered securities, making public misrepresentations and material omissions, and acting as an unregistered broker-dealer in respect to CyberKey COMPANY PRESS RELEASES ( Advisory: Since Sept 08 2009, Company press releases have emanated from Big Apple Consulting and Apple Rush Co. Inc. Meanwhile. the SEC has charged Big Apple Consulting with fraud and issuing false and misleading press releases in the case of another pinkie firm CyberKey (CKYS). Press release headlines are archived here for persusal by regulators and legal authorities. 08/26/2010 Apple Rush Co., Inc. Signs Bottling Agreement With One of the Largest American-Owned Breweries Apple Rush Apple Rush Co., Inc., D-Bar Manufacturing Inc., Robert Corr, Sharon Corr, Under Investigation for SEC Fraud and is being sued by many corpo 23rd of Mar, 2011 by User597857 It turns out this company may not be as legit as all there marketing implies. They are not licesnsed in Illinois to even sell there product. They have many law suits against them. It is believed according to this stock site they have committed many SEC frauds and have cost there shareholders millions in fake share. Robert Corr, CEO and Sharon Corr are the masterminds behind this long going scam on there stock holders Apple Rush Company, a producer of organic sparkling juice beverages in the US, has rolled out its Blueberry, Black Cherry and Pomegranate sparkling organic 100% juices at Whole Foods Market's South Loop Store located in Illinois. 1) 16 February 2011: The U.S. Bankruptcy Court Of Northern Illinois District Dismissed (I.E., Rejected) Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection For Apple Rush Company, Inc. (Ar). Dismissal Means That Ar's Debts Are Not Discharged And That No Protection Of The Firm From Creditors Or Awarded-Litigants Is Available From The Court. Furthermore, Additional Lawsuits Can Be Filed Against The Firm. There Are Presently Eight Lawsuits Lodged Against Apple Rush Company, Inc. Seeking Damages Of $1.5 Million (Incl. $644,000 Already Awarded To Litigants In Three Of The Eight Cases). Total Liabilities Attached To The Firm Are Approximately $4.5 Million. 1A) Creditors And Litigants Can Proceed To Collect Their Debts And Court-Awarded Judgments By Lawfully Seizing Any Or All Assets Of This Insolvent Firm Or Forcing It Into Chapter 7 Liquidation. Thus, Apple Rush Company Shareholders Should Not Expect To Receive Any Compensation. 2) On 11 February 2011, Rush Company, Inc., The Owner And Licensor Of The Trademark / Brand Apple Rush Was Dissolved By State Of Illinois. Apple Rush Co., Inc., A Marketing Company That Owns No Brands Or Trademarks, Thus Has No License To Sell Its Sole Offering, Apple Rush Products.
Http://Www.Ilsos.Gov/Corporatellc/ 3) The Apru Otc Shell Is Encumbered By About $2 Million In Outstanding Debt And Accrued Interest In Default And By Eight Lawsuits Seeking $1.5 Million In Damages [$644,000 In Judgments Awarded To Plaintiffs Thus Far]. The Firm's Liabilities In Toto Are Approximately $4.5 Million. On December 7Th 2007, D-Bar Manufacturing Inc. Began To Trade Publicly As Apple Rush Company Co. (A Texas Corporation). Ar Is Insolvent. The Firm's Total Liabilities Are At Least 10 Times Its Total Assets Per Latest Reported Financial Statement (Q3, 2010). In Addition, There Are Numerous Lawsuits Lodged Against The Firm Seeking Damages. On September 10 2010, The Corporate Status Of Apple Rush Co. Inc. (Ar), An Insolvent Firm, Was Revoked By State Of Illinois, Home To Company Business Headquarters. Apple Rush Co. Cannot Legally Transact Ordinary Business In Illinois As A Corporation. In November 2009, The Company's Investor Relations (Ir) Firm And Part Owner, Big Apple Consulting Usa, Was Charged By The Sec With Fraud, Selling Unregistered Securities, Making False Statements And Material Omissions In Press Releases, And Acting As An Unregistered Broker-Dealer In Connection With Another Otc Firm. The Chief Legal Counsel Of Apple Rush Co. Served Six Months In Federal Prison For Fraud And Lost His License To Practice Law For Four Years. Apple Rush Co. And/Or Its Divisions Is A Defendant In Numerous Lawsuits: 1) Garden Beverages Vs. Apple Rush Co. Et Al. Ad Damnum $512,290; 2) Micropipe Fund I Llc Vs. Apple Rush Co. Et Al. Judgment For Plaintiff $294,271 April 30, 2011; 3) Ashman Law Offices Vs. Apple Rush Co. Et Al. Ad Damnum $10,995.19; 4) Robert Half International Vs. Apple Rush Co. Et Al. Ad Damnum: $20,334.58. See Also Next Three Entries. September 07 2010: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Cadbury Schweppes Bottlers Vs. Corr Robert J, Garden Distributing Inc (Division Of Apple Rush Company ) Filing Date: September 07, 2010 ; Contract Dispute. Ad Damnum: $92,272. Judgment For Plaintiff $91,273 December 16, 2010. September 10 2010: Cintron Beverage Group Llc Vs. Robert Corr, Apple Rush Company, Rush Company Inc (Formerly Rush Beverage Company) Ad Damnum: $210,000; Filing Date: September 09, 2010; Breach Of Contract. Chicago International Trucks, Idealease Chicago Vs. Garden Distributing Inc (Division Of Apple Rush Co.) Ad Damnum: $226K; Contract Dispute; Filing Date: October 22, 2009; Judgment For Plaintiff $277,066.00 April 30, 2010.
From Q3 2010 (July 1 - Sept 30) Financial Statement (Latest Available): 3. Going Concern
As Shown In The Accompanying Financial Statements, The Company Has Incurred Cumulative Losses
Of $6,064,427 Since Inception. These Conditions Raise Substantial Doubt As To The Company's
Ability To Continue As A Going Concern. In Order To Meet Its Upcoming Continuing Obligations,
Include Any Adjustments That Might Be Necessary Should The Company Be Unable To Continue
As A Going Concern. Hundreds of millions of new shares are eligible to enter the public float pursuant to 1) $1.21 million of debt convertible into free trading shares @ 50% discount to market price and 2) ongoing Company dilution and restricted share legend removal. On 18 November 2009, the SEC charged Big Apple Consulting USA (investor relations firm for Apple Rush Co. and 8% beneficial owner of APRU) and Big Apple's wholly-owned subsidiary MJMM Investments, LLC along with four of its executives (CEO Marc Jablon, vice president Matthew Maguire, MJMM president Mark Kaley, and Keith Jablon, vice president of another Big Apple subsidiary) with Fraud, Selling Unregistered Securities, Making Public Misrepresentations and Material Omissions, and Acting as an Unregistered Broker-Dealer. This in connection with another pink sheet firm.
MATERIAL INFORMATION NOT DISSEMINATED BY PRESS RELEASE FROM COMPANY 16 February 2011 U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Northern Illinois District (Chicago) rejects bankruptcy protection for Apple Rush Co. Inc. by dismissing the case. Creditors and awarded-litigants are now entitled to seize any and all assets of Apple Rush Co., Inc. 28 Jan 2011 Apple Rush Co., Inc. files for bankruptcy. Ticker symbol changes to APRUQ to reflect status. Apple Rush Co. is defendant in these seven lawsuits seeking damages of about $1.5 million: 1) Garden Beverages vs. Apple Rush Co. et al. (ad damnum $512,290), contract dispute; 2) MicroPipe Fund I LLC vs. Apple Rush Co. et al. (ad damnum $294,271), contract dispute; 3) Ashman Law Offices vs. Apple Rush Co. et al. (ad damnum $10,995.19), contract dispute; 4) Robert Half International vs. Apple Rush Co. et al. (ad damnum $20,334.58), contract dispute; 5) Dr Pepper Snapple Group and Cadbury Schweppes Bottling Group vs. Corr Robert J and Garden Distributing Inc (a division of Apple Rush Co.) (ad damnum $92,272), contract dispute, filing date September 07, 2010; JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF $91,273 December 16, 2010. 6) Cintron Beverage Group LLC vs. Corr Robert and Apple Rush Co. and Rush Co. (fka Rush Beverage Co.) (ad damnum: $210,000), breach of contract, filing date September 09, 2010; 7) Chicago Int'l Trucks and IDEALEASE Chicago vs. Garden Distributing Inc (a division of Apple Rush Co.) contract dispute; filing date October 22, 2009; JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF $277,066.00 April 30, 2010. Lawsuits and Court actions: 06/30/2010 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Posts Q2 Results; Q2 sales ($19,583) drop 93% Y-O-Y; 6-mos loss $1,189,727; Cumulative loss $5,912,860; $1.4Million of debt in default. 05/04/2010 USPTO officially registers trademark Apple Rush for brand owner private Rush Beverage Company 05/15/2010: Comptroller of the State of Texas declares Apple Rush Co. Inc. (incorporated under Texas law) NOT IN GOOD STANDING 04/01/2010: Secretary of State of Illinois declares Apple Rush Co. Inc. (headquarters Illinois) NOT IN GOOD STANDING 06/15/2010 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Posts Q1 2010 results; Sales drop 91% Y-O-Y; Net loss $687,000 (Q1); Cumulative loss $5,410,00. 3/30/2010 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Posts Q4 2009 Results; Sales Drop 97% Q-O-Q; Q4 Net Loss $500,000 (Q4); Net Loss (2009) $2,734,757 12/28/2009 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Posts Third Quarter Results; Sales Drop 92% from Third Quarter 2008 08/12/2009 Apple Rush Co. Inc. Attempts $1 Million Private Placement (RegD); Total of $65,000 Raised Per SEC Document 11/18/2009 SEC Charges Apple Rush Co.'s Part-Owner&Investor-Relations Firm Big Apple Consulting with fraud, selling unregistered securities, making public misrepresentations and material omissions, and acting as an unregistered broker-dealer in respect to CyberKey COMPANY PRESS RELEASES ( Advisory: Since Sept 08 2009, Company press releases have emanated from Big Apple Consulting and Apple Rush Co. Inc. Meanwhile. the SEC has charged Big Apple Consulting with fraud and issuing false and misleading press releases in the case of another pinkie firm CyberKey (CKYS). Press release headlines are archived here for persusal by regulators and legal authorities. 08/26/2010 Apple Rush Co., Inc. Signs Bottling Agreement With One of the Largest American-Owned Breweries
4974 days ago by Caveman
this is totally spam news
4951 days ago by Reggy
had bad experiences with this company, this is what I found out about them on the web...

Apple Rush, Apple Rush Maui, Corr Beverages Scam and Fraud

we tried to order from these people and they lie about production. the product does not exist unless you waste a lot of money to get a contract they will never abide by.

apple rush is a complete fraud. Apple Rush, Apple Rush Maui, Apple Rush II, are all frauds and scams by Robert Corr. He is under investigation for fraud along with his wife / partner Sharon Corr for SEC fraud, theft. Report them to the BBB, FCC and FDA. Do not do business with these people, they will steal everything you have and then go for your dirty socks. Just look on the web at all the articles about them. You don't need me to tell, see it for yourself.
Robert and Sharon Corr along with their son Brandon Corr whom is also a partner on there doctored up annual report are all in on these criminal activities. Never do business with them. Our company learned the hard way. Robert Corr should be going to jail with his family.

July 20, 2011 by miguel
Merchant Ratings toilet water better than Apple Rush

I tried apple rush, and I would imagine that toilet water tastes better than this filth. I almost vomited after drinking. Imagine picking up a rotten apple off the ground with maggots pouring out of it, get the picture!!! They claim they are Gluten Free on the web... I think it is a ploy to get into Whole Foods. Beware, this drink is awful. Hate, Hate, Hate. I should sue them for making me sick. No one picks up customer service, I think the only person working in this company is R. Corr, what a joke and a looser, he can't even return my calls left to his so called company. I will be calling the FDA, BBB, and FCC for false advertising.

July 15, 2011 by Anonymous
4951 days ago by Reggy
going out of business

i heard this joke of a company is out of business. any thing run by a career criminal like Robert Corr is bound to fail. that man should be in jail for what he has done to us stockholders. He is a wannabe Madolf and ponzi schemer. Nothing about this jerk is legitimate. He uses his wife Sharon Corr to help execute his illegal business ventures. According to a site on the internet, she states that she is into witchcraft. I would agree that there drink tastes like a witches brew if that is how they made it. Apple Rush, Apple Rush Maui or Rush Beverages is pure Apple trash.

August 16, 2011 by Anonymous
Merchant Ratings Apple Rush is nasty tasting

Apple rush is the nastiest tasting beverage I have ever tried. there customer service does not exist when i tried to call them. complete frauds. Here are my summed up thoughts of this beverage and company. Apple Rush and Apple Rush Maui, Corr Beverage and Rush Beverage and whatever else you like to go by when you are under investigation... Your drink Apple Rush should be condemned. Apple Rush Beverages taste like sewer water, Apple Rush Beverages taste like dead rotten fish. Apple Rush and Apple Rush Maui, Corr Beverage and Rush Beverage is a scam, fraud and misleading product.

August 02, 2011 by Anonymous
Merchant Ratings Apple Rush and Corr Beverages

I also felt ill after drinking this product. it is definitely not worth it with so many better products on the market. After all these bad reviews, you would think the government would shut down this company so Apple Rush or Apple Rush Maui would stop selling poor quality products.

August 01, 2011 by Anonymous
Merchant Ratings I hate apple rush and Rush Beverages

a fan club should be created for I Hate Apple Rush, Apple Rush Maui, Corr Beverages and the criminal owners Rober R Corr, Sharoon Corr for running such a horrible company. You people are frauds and should be in jail

July 20, 2011 by Anonymous
Merchant Ratings Apple Rush, Apple Rush Maui, Corr Beverages Scam and Fraud

we tried to order from these people and they lie about production. the product does not exist unless you waste a lot of money to get a contract they will never abide by.

apple rush is a complete fraud. Apple Rush, Apple Rush Maui, Apple Rush II, are all frauds and scams by Robert Corr. He is under investigation for fraud along with his wife / partner Sharon Corr for SEC fraud, theft. Report them to the BBB, FCC and FDA. Do not do business with these people, they will steal everything you have and then go for your dirty socks. Just look on the web at all the articles about them. You don't need me to tell, see it for yourself.
Robert and Sharon Corr along with their son Brandon Corr whom is also a partner on there doctored up annual report are all in on these criminal activities. Never do business with them. Our company learned the hard way. Robert Corr should be going to jail with his family.

July 20, 2011 by miguel
Merchant Ratings toilet water better than Apple Rush

I tried apple rush, and I would imagine that toilet water tastes better than this filth. I almost vomited after drinking. Imagine picking up a rotten apple off the ground with maggots pouring out of it, get the picture!!! They claim they are Gluten Free on the web... I think it is a ploy to get into Whole Foods. Beware, this drink is awful. Hate, Hate, Hate. I should sue them for making me sick. No one picks up customer service, I think the only person working in this company is R. Corr, what a joke and a looser, he can't even return my calls left to his so called company. I will be calling the FDA, BBB, and FCC for false advertising.

July 15, 2011 by Anonymous
Merchant Ratings product is awful

apple rush made me sick

June 21, 2011 by Anonymous
4951 days ago by Reggy
After getting sick to my stomach after drinking apple rush, I tried to contact there business. There customer service call me a liar and said it wasnt possible. they they hung up on me. I did some research into this company and this is more info that I found

found on the web, these people sound very evil. beware of doing business with these criminals. they should all be in jail

Submitted: Thursday, July 14, 2011 Posted: Thursday, July 14, 2011
Robert Corr Apple Rush Sharon Corr Investigated by Securities and Exchange Comission Glenview, Il., Illinois

These individuals who are masterminds of deceit and depravity have now sunk to embezzling money from their mother/mother-in-law who is legally blind, elderly, a Holocaust survivor, and emotionally fragile due to their maniupulation and cooercion. Aside from their lifetime of ripping off money from people through their business wranglings they now have begun their parasitic draining of their mother's life savings for their own benefit. They have been able to stay one step ahead by renting, and sequestering money. They have perpetrated scam after scam on insurance companies for bogus claims, brought law-suits again corporations, and have made a life style of white collar stealing. Their psychological and personality disordered life view, that what ever they can steal from others is justified has enabled them to life beyond their means. Beware of investing any money into their business ventures, you will never see any return. They are skilled verbal manipulators who will convince you that they are legitimate and at the top of their game. Do your research and see on Investor's Hub and other web sites their history of stealing and rip-offs.
3422 days ago by Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$
Mark Becker Legal Attorney
Becker & Becker
2300 Barrington Road Suite 400
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

$$$$You're Going To Be In A Legal Battle$$$$

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

This is unverified information posted by individuals that have a self-serving agenda
based on a dispute in a family trust matter. The comments are slanderous, false, and lack credence.

Amazing what a Demon will do, because of Jealousy. Now its time we take you down to the ground.

Actually Michelle Eli, And Elizier Eli, embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from their mother,
And this is verified in A Lawsuit With Mark Becker Legal Attorney.

Mark Becker
Becker & Becker
2300 Barrington Road Suite 400
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
3422 days ago by Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$
Mark Becker Legal Attorney
Becker & Becker
2300 Barrington Road Suite 400

$$$$You're Going To Be In A Legal Battle$$$$

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

This is unverified information posted by individuals that have a self-serving agenda
based on a dispute in a family trust matter. The comments are slanderous, false, and lack credence.

Amazing what a Demon will do, because of Jealousy. Now its time we take you down to the ground.

Actually Michelle Eli, And Elizier Eli, embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from their mother,
And this is verified in A Lawsuit With Mark Becker Legal Attorney.

Eliezer, Eli & Michelle.
25837 Longwood Ct.
South Bend . IN.
Michelle Eli
25875 Longwood Court
South Bend Indiana 46628

Mark Becker
Becker & Becker
2300 Barrington Road Suite 400
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169


Intellectual Property

No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property as I am the sole owner. I therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.
3420 days ago by Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$
Mark Becker Legal Attorney
Becker & Becker
2300 Barrington Road Suite 400
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

$$$$You're Going To Be In A Legal Battle$$$$

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

This is unverified information posted by individuals that have a self-serving agenda
based on a dispute in a family trust matter. The comments are slanderous, false, and lack credence.

Amazing what a Demon will do, because of Jealousy. Now its time we take you down to the ground.

Actually, Michelle Eli, And Elizier Eli, embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from their mother,
And this is verified in A Lawsuit With Mark Becker Legal Attorney. I have worked with Sharon Corr for over
Twenty years. She is a wonderful person. I know personally Michelle Eli and she is a Demon From Hell.
She takes advantage of everyone. She is the one that is mentally ill. I personally handled the case for Sharon Corr's Mother. This Liar Michelle Eli, her husband, Elizier Eli, their demon children, Siegal Eli Gers,

Mark Becker

Eliezer, Eli & Michelle.
25837 Longwood Ct.
South Bend . IN.
Michelle Eli
25875 Longwood Court
South Bend Indiana 46628


Intellectual Property

No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property as I am the sole owner. I therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.

Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney
Attorney ID # 25269-46
501 Pine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360 –

These slanderous false, statements are: LIES, GREED, JEALOUSLY!

3420 days ago by Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$
You are a nothing from Hell Michelle Eli, and so is the rest of your family!

You are the one who is Mentally ill; MICHELLE ELI you have been your entire life. Moreover, Sarah my Wonderful Mother told me so, she told me you are a vampire from Hell, you have nothing nice to say about anyone ever. Sarah despised your lies and your evil eyes. Sarah My Mother Sarah said she had Stockholm syndrome around you.

~Your Perverted Too~ AS WE SCREAM AND SHOUT THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU. Remember this well, for every word of LIES your Evil presence tell unjustly about me, my business, my family, you will have to pay monetary damages until the end of time.

Why don’t we tell the WORLD how you desire to Marry your Mother’s Sister Tania’s Son, How is that for a Laugh.



And since your life is all about the quest for worthless monies,
Now you will be sued forever into ETERNAL BANKRUPTCY.
You and the rest of your family!

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha...
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha...
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha...

Eliezer, Eli & Michelle.
25837 Longwood Ct.
South Bend . IN.
Michelle Eli
25875 Longwood Court
South Bend Indiana 46628


Intellectual Property

No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property as I am the sole owner. I therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.

Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney
Attorney ID # 25269-46
501 Pine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360 –

Mark Becker Legal Attorney
Becker & Becker
2300 Barrington Road Suite 400
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

$$$$You're Going To Be In A Legal Battle$$$$

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$
3369 days ago by Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$
Michelle ELI, Elizier Eli, Siegal Eli Gers, Levi Eli, Mike Palmer $$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$ TODAY THE LEGAL BATTLE BEGINS:

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

Aladean De Rose - Legal Attorney
105 East Jefferson Blvd. Suite 512
South Bend Indiana 4601

Fortunate for me the demon from hell and I have not been close. She has target me on my website. During the final years of my mothers life, I was instrumental, in keeping her alive, we have documented medical information My Mother had a series of independent attorneys, and a Guardarin Ad Litum, . She was aware that I was the person writing the book. Aladean De Rose appointed me to take care of my mother.
We have a legal document that states I was approved. Michelle Eli, and her entire family are Insane for one thing and one thing only MONEY, MONEY MONEY. We will prove this to the world. Aladean DeRose Legal Attorney was in charge of overseeing all of Sarah Brickman’s Medical Care. And she decided that I Sharon Corr was excellent for my Mother Sarah Brickman, not Michelle Eli.

Mark Becker Legal Attorney
Becker & Becker
2300 Barrington Road Suite 400
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

$$$$You're Going To Be In a Legal Battle$$$$

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$ TODAY THE LEGAL BATTLE BEGINS:

This is unverified information posted by individuals that have a self-serving agenda based on a dispute in a family trust matter. The comments are slanderous, false, and lack credence.

Amazing what a Demon will do, because of Jealousy. Now its time we take you down to the ground. Mike Palmer worked with Michelle Eli to steal the book from Sharon Corr. Mike Palmers history was TRASH, taken out of the book, it was verified by experts WRONG. Mike Palmer is a con artist who is well Known In Britain for conning people. He is a VAMPIRE. Moreover, he thinks he can BLACKMAIL with his words. This time you cannot.

Actually, Michelle Eli, And Elizier Eli, embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from their mother, And this is verified in A Lawsuit With Mark Becker Legal Attorney. I have worked with Sharon Corr for over Twenty years. She is a wonderful person.

I know personally Michelle El and her Family and they are Demons from Hell. Michelle Eli, her entire life, hated her mother, Sarah Druckier Brickman, this is verified by Sharon’s Cousin Dave Fefferman, who informed Sharon that for the last 25 years Michelle Eli, has convinced his sister Barbara Brusslan, of Chicago Illinois how much she despised and hated, hated her Mother and Her Sister, Sharon Corr. Michelle Eli married someone from a Kibbutz that could not make a dime. . Their Father Al Brickman, built them a home, paid for the home, gave them vehicles, and supported them financially, and also found a Job for the leach Eliezer Eli, who only married Michelle Eli as a ticket to the USA.
Sharon Corr, is mega mega mega, successful. Michelle Eli’s only consuming desire was to bring her sister and her family down, and confiscate everything in Sarah Brickman’s Estate, and so did her demon spawn. Michelle Eli lives off her Mother and Fathers Estate, all her life.

Legal Attorney Aladean De Rose
105 East Jefferson Blvd. Suite 512
South Bend Indiana 4601

She takes advantage of everyone. She is the one that is mentally ill. I personally handled the case for Sharon Corr's Mother. This Liar Michelle Eli, her husband, Elizier Eli, their demon children, Siegal Eli Gers,
Moreover, Levi Eli, all devised a plan to RIP OFF Sharon Corr and her family

Barbara Brusslan
100 East Walton 27 A.
Chicago IL 60611

Dave & Judy Brusslan
10644 Pelican Preserve Blvd # 202
Fort Meyers Florida 33913

Michelle Eli, and with the help of her Demon Spawn and using fake email address posted all these reports we have tracked the emails and know who is who.

Mark Becker

Eliezer, Eli & Michelle.
25837 Longwood Ct.
South Bend . IN.
Michelle Eli
25875 Longwood Court
South Bend Indiana 46628

Siegal & Cory Gers
411 Washington Blvd # 2
Oak Park Illinois 60302

Levi Eli, Formally in Phoenix, AZ, Chandler AZ,
Spring Canyon Rd San Diego CA. 92131


Intellectual Property

No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property, as I am the sole owner. I therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.

Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney
Attorney ID # 25269-46
501 Pine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360 -
3369 days ago by Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$
Michelle ELI, Elizier Eli, Siegal Eli Gers, Levi Eli, Mike Palmer $$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$ TODAY THE LEGAL BATTLE BEGINS:
$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

Aladean De Rose - Legal Attorney
105 East Jefferson Blvd. Suite 512
South Bend Indiana 4601

Fortunate for me the demon from hell and I have not been close. She has target me on my website. During the final years of my mothers life, I was instrumental, in keeping her alive, we have documented medical information My Mother had a series of independent attorneys, and a Guardarin Ad Litum, . She was aware that I was the person writing the book. Aladean De Rose appointed me to take care of my mother.
We have a legal document that states I was approved. Michelle Eli, and her entire family are Insane for one thing and one thing only MONEY, MONEY MONEY. We will prove this to the world. Aladean DeRose Legal Attorney was in charge of overseeing all of Sarah Brickman’s Medical Care. And she decided that I Sharon Corr was excellent for my Mother Sarah Brickman, not Michelle Eli.

Mark Becker Legal Attorney
Becker & Becker
2300 Barrington Road Suite 400
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

$$$$You're Going To Be In a Legal Battle$$$$

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$ TODAY THE LEGAL BATTLE BEGINS:

This is unverified information posted by individuals that have a self-serving agenda based on a dispute in a family trust matter. The comments are slanderous, false, and lack credence.

Amazing what a Demon will do, because of Jealousy. Now its time we take you down to the ground. Mike Palmer worked with Michelle Eli to steal the book from Sharon Corr. Mike Palmers history was TRASH, taken out of the book, it was verified by experts WRONG. Mike Palmer is a con artist who is well Known In Britain for conning people. He is a VAMPIRE. Moreover, he thinks he can BLACKMAIL with his words. This time you cannot.

Actually, Michelle Eli, And Elizier Eli, embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from their mother, And this is verified in A Lawsuit With Mark Becker Legal Attorney. I have worked with Sharon Corr for over Twenty years. She is a wonderful person.

I know personally Michelle El and her Family and they are Demons from Hell. Michelle Eli, her entire life, hated her mother, Sarah Druckier Brickman, this is verified by Sharon’s Cousin Dave Fefferman, who informed Sharon that for the last 25 years Michelle Eli, has convinced his sister Barbara Brusslan, of Chicago Illinois how much she despised and hated, hated her Mother and Her Sister, Sharon Corr. Michelle Eli married someone from a Kibbutz that could not make a dime. . Their Father Al Brickman, built them a home, paid for the home, gave them vehicles, and supported them financially, and also found a Job for the leach Eliezer Eli, who only married Michelle Eli as a ticket to the USA.
Sharon Corr, is mega mega mega, successful. Michelle Eli’s only consuming desire was to bring her sister and her family down, and confiscate everything in Sarah Brickman’s Estate, and so did her demon spawn. Michelle Eli lives off her Mother and Fathers Estate, all her life.

Legal Attorney Aladean De Rose
105 East Jefferson Blvd. Suite 512
South Bend Indiana 4601

She takes advantage of everyone. She is the one that is mentally ill. I personally handled the case for Sharon Corr's Mother. This Liar Michelle Eli, her husband, Elizier Eli, their demon children, Siegal Eli Gers,
Moreover, Levi Eli, all devised a plan to RIP OFF Sharon Corr and her family

Barbara Brusslan
100 East Walton 27 A.
Chicago IL 60611

Dave & Judy Brusslan
10644 Pelican Preserve Blvd # 202
Fort Meyers Florida 33913

Michelle Eli, and with the help of her Demon Spawn and using fake email address posted all these reports we have tracked the emails and know who is who.

Mark Becker

Eliezer, Eli & Michelle.
25837 Longwood Ct.
South Bend . IN.
Michelle Eli
25875 Longwood Court
South Bend Indiana 46628

Siegal & Cory Gers
411 Washington Blvd # 2
Oak Park Illinois 60302

Levi Eli, Formally in Phoenix, AZ, Chandler AZ,
Spring Canyon Rd San Diego CA. 92131


Intellectual Property

No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property, as I am the sole owner. I therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.

Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney
Attorney ID # 25269-46
501 Pine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360 -

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