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Richard Cain
Richard Cain Cain Legal Services Failure to Pay for Services Santa Barbara, California
20th of Apr, 2011 by User733211
In November of 2010, I was contacted by Mr. Richard Cain to design a website. After signing a contract and completing the work, we invoiced for the payment. I didn't hear from Richard for 3 months. In February, Richard asked for the work and offered a check for payment. Upon depositing the check, I was informed by my client that they didn't have funds to make the payment, and that the check would bounce. A week later, Richard asked to have the work, and offered to pay in cash. Upon arranging a time to meetup, he did not show, nor reply to inquiry for several days. Over the period of the next several weeks, Richard would continue to arrange times to meet, not show, not reply for several days, then offer a rather unbelievable reason for why he waited to reply. Such reasons included he decided to go camping and was gone all weekend, that his phone died (all weekend), and that his paycheck was short because his employer took out a expense he caused. To date, Richard has not responded to any further inquiries for payment. I attempted to work out payment, since Richard is a private practice attorney, and a court claim could revoke his bar, yet I have not heard from him except a statement that he could not pay. The total invoice was discounted to $240, including a $70 returned check fee. Attempts to verify parts of his story, including the short paycheck failed, as his employer verified both his pay and that nothing has been taking out. Richard has intentionally attempted to cheat me of work, while under the guise of his business, Cain Legal Services, AKA Elite Attorney Services. Given that this was a request he personally made to advertise his business, I doubt the legal/ethical operation of his company. Since he signed a contract before work performed, outlying the entire cost, and the actual costs were less then what was in the contract, it is obvious he has no intention in honor his word.
4948 days ago by Richard Cain
Richard Cain has lost his mind...


November 17, 2010

Captain Gerald Manley
Command, Naval Installation Command
Office of the Inspector General
716 Sicard Street, SE, Suite 1000
Washington Naval Yard, DC 20874-5140

Richard L. Cain
6700 Telephone Road
Ventura, California 93003

Your Naval personnel located at the Ventura County Naval Base, Point Mugu, and law enforcement personnel throughout California, have violated my constitutional rights for well over four months. I have been harassed and psychologically tortured ever since I discovered that I was under surveillance by your personnel law enforcement agencies throughout California. I have previously sent you copies of letters that I have written to the city of Ventura, California Police Chief Ken Corney. He has refused to meet with me or return my calls. My letters to him outline the violation of my constitutional rights as they have occurred. I have also amassed well over 400 photos of the harassment.

I have photographic evidence that your pilots are a part of a local task force, which has violated my constitutional rights and has caused me irreparable harm. I am certain that they, along with the local law enforcement agencies began a witch hunt, which spread throughout California. After visiting the Ventura California Police Department on August 21, 2010. Your personnel and law enforcement agencies throughout California have made my life a living hell. The resources that have been used to follow and intimidate one man have been unbelievable.

Your Point Mugu Naval Station personnel and law enforcement agencies throughout California have abused their power, and they have caused me to be shunned in the community. I have been hunted by every law enforcement agency in the state of California. I have not committed any type of crime nor have I participated in any type of criminal activity, but yet I am hunted like a wild animal on a daily basis. I have not driven alone at night in more than three months, for fear of being set up; so that the witch hunt that your personnel is participating in is covered up. Your star-like planes and drones are being used on a citizen of the United States, who is not a terrorist, drug trafficker, or threat to the national security. I feel as though I have been a part of an experiment. Your Naval Base in Ventura County is one of several bases in the region that holds the awesome power to direct an entire state of law enforcement personnel to follow its directives.

As a result my life has been destroyed and my face has been plastered all over every law enforcement vehicle monitor in the state of California. I have been harassed for more than four months. I have succumbed to an unlawful search of my vehicle and my character has been brought into question, due to the unwillingness of your personnel to admit that they made an overzealous mistake by profiling me. My reputation in the community has been forever tarnished, as a result of your actions. I am still in shock that such an enormous amount of resources are being used to quiet one single man. Instead of admitting their mistake your personnel and the local law enforcement agencies would rather waste tax payers’ dollars and terrorize me until they find something or plant something to justify their actions.

I have feared for my safety since this all began. The star-like plane and/or drones that hover over my apartment every night, has caused me to feel imprisoned in my apartment. My law school classmates have watched the star-like plane follow me home from the law school. The star-like plane has intentionally harassed and followed me everywhere I have traveled. I have decided to stay at home at night unless I am in the company of two or more individuals. This is no way for a person to live.

My civil liberties have been taken away by your personnel and the law enforcement agencies throughout California. The warfare tactics that your personnel have used on me has been jaw dropping, as my associates have witnessed the harassment. I am an innocent man who has been put through hell, primarily because your personnel have endless resources and they could care less about my constitutional rights. I am certain more than a million dollars have been spent in an effort to justify their unlawful actions. It is my hope that you stop this nightmare, as you have the awesome power to do so. I am certain that when your personnel and local law enforcement picked this fight, they knew who I was.

They knew that I was a law student, law clerked for the Public Defender’s office in Ventura County, Superior Court Mediator, and that I owned an Attorney Services Company in Ventura County. I am certain that the Ventura County law enforcement agencies are deeply involved in this witch hunt and that they have conspired or has tricked your personnel into thinking that I am someone that I am not. It is vividly clear that it was someone’s goal to put me out of business and ruin any possibility of me becoming an Attorney. There is a reason why the Ventura Police Chief and the Ventura County District Attorney have not responded to any of my correspondence.

The final straw that broke the camel’s back occurred yesterday on Sunday November 14, 2010, when my relative Denielle Cain who is eighteen years old and her boy friend Harley Diaz were pulled over immediately after leaving residence at approximately 1:24pm, by a Ventura Police Department patrolman. Either the officer stopped her on his own volition or your personnel directed the officer to do so. At that time I was leaving church and was heading towards my residence, when she texted me and informed me that she was being pulled over. She was alleged to have run a stop sign. After the officer checked Denielles’ identification and insurance information, the officer stated “since you did not live in the area, I will not give you a ticket” and he gave her a warning.

During that time I was traveling to my residence from church and I observed four of your military jets, which flew from the direction of Point Mugu patrolling the skies over the city of Ventura along with two small law enforcement planes. They are the same planes that I have photographed following me everywhere I have traveled. The planes began following me on or about November 08, 2010 to the present time.

My relative Denielle lives in a small town in San Luis Obispo County and today she reports that she observed more police officers walk into her place of employment today than she has ever seen. In addition she states that she has never seen police traffic on the rural road that she lives on until today. This is very troubling and appears to be the same pattern of law enforcement behavior that I have been experiencing for the last four months. I have advised her to document her travels and to avoid driving at night by herself.

I have not had more than three hours of sleep or a day of peace from airplanes flying back and forth over my apartment since I visited the Ventura Police Department on August 21, 2010 and inquired as to why I was being followed by law enforcement. After that date your personnel and law enforcement personnel throughout California, have made my life a living hell and it continues to date. I am requesting that you use your awesome power to stop your personnel from continuing to further violate my constitutional rights and to allow me to finally see a clear sky and a peaceful day, free of helicopters, airplanes, and military jets flying over my residence and place of employment.

I have also spoken to the local district offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and to the Drug Enforcement Administration. They have both assured me that they are not involved in any operation involving me. I am not sure what your naval personnel and law Enforcement personnel throughout California are trying to find? I can assure you I do not have it or know where it is. All of you have established careers and jobs and I am attempting maintain a career as well. Your actions have placed a cloud over my future of becoming an Attorney. I would like to have my name cleared of any wrong doing immediately.

When I close my eyes at night I can see the hateful stares on all of the faces of the officers who have followed me during this four month period. The only thing that they will remember is they were told to follow the black male driving the gray Nissan Sentra. I must assume that they think I have done something wrong. I would like to know who began and orchestrated this witch hunt. Do you have children? If so I am sure that you will understand that I am their future and that anything that happens to me happens to them. That is why this matter is of grave concern to me and it must be rectified immediately. Based upon the resources being used I am certain that the federal government is involved in the destruction of my life.

Today I spoke to John Stancu an investigator for the Inspector General of the Point Mugu Naval Base. He asked me numerous questions that insulted my intelligence. He questioned what I and others observed coming from his naval base. He stated that the planes which flew from Point Mugu and that happened to show up everywhere I traveled for a week; were probably involved in training missions. I explained that I traveled from Ventura California to Santa Barbara California, during the week of November 08, 2010 through November 14, 2010, and that the two jets followed me from my residence to and from work every day. I also informed him that the same pattern occurred on this day November 18, 2010. He was not defensive but he seemed to make excuses or discredit what I have experienced.

I explained to Mr. Stancu that I have photos and that I also witnesses who follow me on two occasions to confirm my ascertains. Mr. Stancu appeared to try and make me seem delusional, at which point I decided to conclude our recorded telephone conference. I asked Mr. Stancu to meet with me so that I could show him everything I have. He seemed to be disinterested in a meeting, but that he would consult with his supervisor. I also declined to send him everything I have compiled over the last four months. Mr. Stancu also questioned whether the star-like planes or drones came from Point Mugu. I also informed him that I have witnesses that will confirm all of my complaints. It is interesting how the sky has cleared up since my letter to you on November 15, 2010.

I have not engaged in any type of criminal behavior and that the actions of your naval personnel and law enforcement personnel throughout California, has been nothing more than a witch hunt gone bad. My nightmare has gone on for more than four months and I beg you to put a stop to the harassment. I would like my complaint to be investigated by someone other than the personnel at the Point Mugu Naval Base. I will also forward this complaint to the individuals listed below. Someone has intentionally caused me to be placed under a cloud of scrutiny and is attempting to cover up their overzealousness at my expense. I am prepared to answer any questions you may have. If you or any of your representatives would like to meet with me to discuss this matter, please feel free to contact me at 818.451.3660. Thank you for taking the time to review my request.


Richard L. Cain

Cc: President of the United States, Barack Obama
United States Attorney General, Eric Holder
Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano
Congresswoman, Maxine Waters
Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Rutherford Institute, John Whitehead
4948 days ago by Richard Cain
November 3, 2010

Ken Corney
Ventura Chief of Police
Ventura Police Department
1425 Dowell Dr.
Ventura, CA 93003

Richard L. Cain
6700 Telephone Rd. # 109
Ventura, CA 93003

Dear Mr. Corney,

I have been informed that you recently met with Tamara Komashko in relation to her unlawful detention, which took place on September 09, 2010. I was somewhat surprised to hear that one of your detectives called her, and that you in fact met with her to discuss her complaint. I am disappointed that I was not afforded the same opportunity. My disappointment stems from the fact that I visited your department on three occasions in an effort to provide you with any information that could eliminate me as being a target of law enforcement throughout California.

On August 20, 2010 myself and John R. Hatcher III President of the Ventura County Chapter of the NAACP, met with one of your watch Commanders, so that I could voice my concerns of being harassed by law enforcement. The Commander then proceeded to input my driver’s license information into the law enforcement data base, and he determined that there were no issues associated with me. On that day I also consented to the search of my car, home, storage and any other area that law enforcement wished to search in order to prove that I was not involved in any type of criminal activity. My offer was declined.

The following day after having visited your department, on August 21, 2010 while at Zuma beach playing volleyball with friends, we were harassed and followed by helicopters, planes, and photos of us were taken by an individual who stood on the stairway of a black and white law enforcement mobile home type vehicle, which I have a picture of. I must assume that they were aware of something that I was not and that they were determined to keep someone or something in their sights. It was clear on that day that you and your cohorts had no intention of eliminating me from your witch hunt.

I am eager to find out how I became your target and why you have made no effort to exclude me as having any involvement in whatever you are investigating. If someone would have just taken a few questions to ask me questions, maybe my family and friends would not have had to endure what you and your cohorts have put us through. Instead someone decided that it was best to jump to conclusions or created a theory which fit your witch hunt. I am certain that this witch hunt began in Ventura County and that Ventura County asked other counties to join in on the witch hunt. I am also certain that I became a target from the very moment I joined the Ventura County Bar Association as a law student and when I began my Attorney Services Company in Ventura County. I will support my contentions at a later time.

I have not lost an ounce of sleep because I have done something wrong. I have lost sleep trying to figure out where you received your information, that I am the person you think I am and why after three months of torture and harassment you have not excluded me from whatever it is you are investigating. I am assuming that someone was not happy with the results of the unlawful search of my vehicle, therefore the witch hunt continues. Not to mention the embarrassment that thousands of dollars have been wasted following an innocent person. It seems as though I have been profiled as a terrorist, drug trafficker, or whoever is in charge of the witch hunt is trying to associate me with someone.

I would imagine that after using all of the resources of the state, federal, and local governments that a trail of criminal activity would have been exposed by now. Have you taken the time to consider that I am not involved or associated with any type of criminal activity? Would an apology ruin someone’s career for initiating such an expensive witch hunt that involves violating a plethora of my constitutional rights?

For months now, law enforcement has used every method in its arsenals to find a connection involving me in some type of criminal activity. I have been followed by marked units, unmarked units, civilian cars, limousines, military helicopters, civilian trucks, law enforcement boats, law enforcements hand gliders and surveillance teams have been sent to every public places that I have visited. This also applies to anyone who has been seen with me, including Tamara Komashko. You have also wire tapped cell phones, emails, work phones, and placed listening devices, and transmitters on my vehicle.

Now that I think back and I rewind my months of travels, I can recall the same police patterns and this witch hunt has been ongoing for a year or more. At what point does all of this end? I can assure you that whatever you are looking for, I do not or have ever had. I am 100% confident that I have not engaged in any type of criminal activity. That is why I began photographing and documenting the harassment of law enforcement, after you refused to meet with me; as you did with Mrs. Komashko.

It is obvious that you have no intention of providing for my safety or protect my interests. Examples of your bias towards me includes your refusal to respond to my letter dated September 20, 2010 and your reluctance to provide me with a case number relating to the physical destruction of my personal property which took place on September 15, 2010. It was only after I walked into your department and demanded a case # 10-12723 on October 4, 2010, that I received one. This was eighteen days after filing my complaint. My complaint described a locked briefcase which was located in the trunk of my car, and that my car was allegedly towed for my failure to affix my parking placard onto my rear view mirror.

On May 14, 2010, Gold Coast Security was involved in a forty four count indictment, for conspiracy to commit crimes and fraudulently towing vehicles. One would think you would be suspicious of the manner in which my vehicle was towed. It was my hope that you will find the time and the resources to investigate who broke into my vehicle after it was in the possession of Gold Coast Security and towed by Double R. Towing on September 15, 2010. The briefcase’s estimated cost is $350.00 and it was given to me as a birthday gift years ago. The brief case was being used as a personal file cabinet as it contained nothing more than folders and bills. Prior to putting the briefcase in my vehicle during the month of May 2010. it sat under my bed for three years, unless I needed to retrieve a document.

The briefcase was recently put in the trunk of my car on or about May 15, 2010. On that date I moved out of my home in located at 1186 Via Montoya in the city of Camarillo due to foreclosure. If it were not for my friends and hotels I would have been homeless. It is obvious that I was under surveillance at that time for some unknown reason and that you or one of your cohorts let your imaginations run wild, and thus organizing a witch hunt.

I am certain that you can provide me with the information as to who broke into my car. Especially since the star like law enforcement plane which has followed me everywhere for several months was hovering over my apartment on the night of September 14, 2010. I have a photo of the plane, which I took prior to going to sleep at 11:15pm on the night of September 14, 2010. My vehicle was towed at 1:55am from my apartment complex and your department was notified at 2:13am. I am certain that your surveillance teams saw the perpetrators.

As a result of your witch hunt I have experienced irreparable harm and my reputation has been destroyed. Your witch hunt has also harmed my family, friends and it has caused me to be shunned in the community. It is my hope that no one ever experiences the type of unwarranted harassment that I have had to endure. Several weeks ago I filed a formal complaint with the United States Attorney General’s Office, requesting an investigation into this matter. This week I received written correspondence confirming the commencement of an investigation.

I now feel somewhat safe and I have a renewed confidence in the justice system. Thank you for cementing the direction in which I will now pursue for the rest of my life. I will help those who are less fortunate, targeted, and lack the resources to protect themselves from those who seek to violate their constitutional rights. The truth will always prevail.

Although the harassment has recently decreased, for some strange reason I continue to experience a high level of harassment on a daily basis primarily by the Ventura Police Department, Los Angeles Police Department and the California Highway Patrol.

After weeks of conducting my own investigation and due diligence, I have now figured out why I am still a target of law enforcement. It is because when I discovered that I was under surveillance I became a threat of exposing an operation of a large scale involving a multi -jurisdictional witch hunt, which entails serious violations of my constitutional rights. Your surveillance of me began in November 2009 as I distinctly recall an encounter involving one of your officers, and that encounter mirrors the same police pattern that I have experienced over the last six months. I will support my contentions at a later time.

The encounter involves one of your officers who slowly drove through a parking lot as I was returning a rental car to the Enterprise Rent A Car located on Johnson Drive, after serving legal documents over the weekend. At that time I drove a GMC Yukon, which was not suitable for serving process. The officer drove slowly and stared at me as I transferred items from one car to another. I then asked the officer if there was a problem and he stated “no sir”. He then parked in the Taco Bell parking lot and continued to observe me and my girl friend as we continued to transfer our belongings into her vehicle. I am certain that this incident is documented by surveillance cameras as it occurred directly in front of Tutor Time Child Care. I now recall numerous similar events.

On or about December 16, 2010 I visited the Nissan of Oxnard so that I could inquire about the purchase of a small economy car for my Attorney Service Company. I was told that due to my debt to income ratio I would not be able to get financed by anyone. Several days later I received a phone call from the Nissan of Oxnard Finance manager informing me that he found someone who would approve the loan. He informed me that the Ventura County Federal Schools Credit Union agreed to finance the loan.

Your observation and reconnaissance continued at that point, when you were conspiring with the Nissan of Oxnard and the Ventura County Federal Schools Credit Union to approve my loan so that you could continue to conduct surveillance of me. It is clear that you thought I was involved in some type of criminal activity, prior to the purchase from Nissan. Prior to picking up the 2010 Nissan Versa a tracking device was placed on my vehicle. I will support my contention at a later time.

On or about February 20, 2010 I distinctly recall another encounter with two Hispanic LAPD officers, as I drove on Laurel Canyon Blvd westbound towards the 101 freeway after serving a complaint. The two officers appeared out of nowhere and they both kept looking down at their monitors and then they realized that they were parked next to me at the stop light located at the 101 freeway entrance ramp. Both officers in their early twenties both peered into my vehicle. I then rolled down my window and I asked them if I could help them. Both officers immediately stated “no sir”.

The only time my vehicle has been out of my possession since its purchase on December 22, 2009, was when it was towed on September 15, 2010. Every since I discovered that I was under surveillance and I informed your department. I have had numerous encounters with law enforcement vehicles, in which the patrol officers did not realize they had come as close to me as they did. As you know GPS devices sometimes provide a general area, but you must still use your eyes to locate your target. It is very coincidental how the police patterns are all the same. I am certain that this witch hunt involves the Drug Enforcement Administration and possibly Homeland Security based upon the resources that have been wasted following me. I have never been involved in any type of criminal activity and your inability to find a single shred of evidence solidifies your actions as nothing more than a witch hunt and an abuse of your power. Despite all the exculpatory information you have. The embarrassment will not allow you to put forth the truth. Therefore I must ask others to assist in making me whole again and clearing my name of any wrong doing.

You have intentionally caused me to lose my business, emotional distress, experience health issues and you have brought my character into question, by law enforcement throughout California and the community at large.

As you are very well aware I visited with my family in the Bay area last weekend, and several of them are employed in the field of law enforcement and are Attorneys in the state of California. We plan to make sure that this witch hunt is not swept under the rug, as you have definitely racially profiled the wrong person. Should you or the Ventura County District Attorney decide to entertain the thought of meeting with me, as you did with Ms. Komashko. I can be reached at 818.451.3660.


Richard L. Cain

Cc: Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General
Tony West, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights Division
Janet Napolitano, Department of Homeland Security
Jerry Brown, California Attorney General
Ralph W. Partridge, Drug Enforcement Administration, California
Kamala D. Harris, San Francisco County District Attorney
Winslow F. West, Esq
4948 days ago by Richard Cain
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Richard Cain <[email protected]>
Subject:Youyr interview on The ORACLE Speaks with...

I am excited about your show. Please have your PR department send a picture and any bios, literature, etcetera that you feel I will need to make your interview the best that it promises to be.

If you have prescribed questions you would like me to ask, please forward those as well.

If you have any audio you wish aired during the hour, please send in mp3 format to [email protected].

One final note; I encourage you to let every on your data base know about the show. Let's guarantee a listening audience loaded with family, friends and colleagues.

Demographics: young adult and older, 15 - 10, 000 listeners depending on guest and subject matter, (source Choice Placement Firm, tracking statistics.)

Looking forward,

Denise L. Cook, The ORACLE

FB= Denise Lyles-Cook

Twitter= @theoraclespeaks TheORACLE


Thank you,

Richard L. Cain

Organizing for America, Intern / CO
Santa Barbara County, Congressional District # 23

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