Many opinions and gripes from fellow classmates lead to my posting here. From the get go-the owner is full of herself and can only keep yelling "I have been on TV!" well there is alot of bull on tv as we well know...
This company shoots class reunions through with no consideration for the PEOPLE involved like cattle going to slaughter. They book anywhere they get it cheaply-no connection to home towns where people would like to revisit. (alot of classmates living out of Nj ) They book the cheapest, worst dj's found. Usually the dj's have no clue as to what our era music is! (I have attended multiple reunions) Ridiculous. Also they either are way too loud or too low-comes with cheap dj's with no talent! They are rude to callers from our class and myself. They refuse to let anyone know who or how many are attending!!! They lied in their postings of how HUGE the reunion was going to be--it was pathelically small on several occaisions--THEY do not do thier work! They had the deceased LIST wrong. Several names!!! horrifying! The hors d'oerves "food" is unnoticable and not much of it. cheap cheap A CASH BAR!!! cheap cheap cheap The atmosphere's have gone from uncomfortable to no fun whatsoever (naturally we provied our own fun but it did not come from the ambience of the booked event!)--we had an extremelt low attendance at one reunion 5 years back --it was sad... They have booked us on dates they can't give away!--we were booked on Thanksgiving weekend!!!!!! Besides being just plain insulting-we are-alot- grandparents. We do not want to travel on this day -we HAVE families! duh! They keep booking us in Parsippany--what does this have to do with "kids" from Short Hills and Millburn--we want to be close ot in our hometown-nitwits! We will no longer use this service. We will have our own in Millburn in 5 years-we will have a much larger list of attending people gathered. We will provide our own Era atmosphere and music. IN OTHER WORDS WE WILL DO A PROFESSIONAL JOB-WHICH THIS COMPANY S INCAPABLE OF.
It is pathetic to think of all of the people who are being ripped off by this uncaring, unrofessional company. Personnally I have a very successful career track record in events--i feel totally qualified to respond in this manner. I also elect that my wonderful classmated are totally qualified to respond in like postings--as they are the People that deserve so very much more than this scam company has to offer! The event is for the People-They do not seem to care at all about the People. God Bless America-it is cutthroat companies like this that make life unhappy. Who needs them?!! |