Replicas Chanel |
Replicas Chanel Replicas Chanel scam Modish Replica scam Hong Kong, Internet |
22nd of Aug, 2011 by User992739 |
I ordered a watch from this company for $263. They sent me a $30.00 watch that looked nothing like the watch I ordered. They would not refund my money after attempting a bait and switch. Do not do business with this company, they fraudulently use the PayPal logo, they sell substandard items and they will not give you a refund, even when they try to openly defraud you. Beware, they openly operate under a number of aliases on the web, but their sites generally look the same. They typically operate out of Hong Kong - China, but try to give their sites American/ European legitimacy. Even using PayPal, consumers may not be protected, since they open and close PayPal accounts often. and |
Under NO circumstance should you purchase any watches from this fraudulent company. NONE of the watches shown on the website are available. It is a scam to take your money in return for poor quality items. You will NOT get the watch that your order.
I ordered a watch for $248 via PayPal. They sent me a completely different watch and when I requested a refund, they made every attempt to get me to purchase another watch at a discounted price rather than refund me. I gave them 3 options: either I'd return the watch for a full refund, or keep the watch and accept a 30% refund, or a 50% discount off another watch. They sent me a list of the watches that they did have available, all of which were clearly substandard and outdated. I chose another watch with a leather band and requested that they send me a dated picture of the actual watch before I would place the order. They offered an excuse that they didn't have any pictures of the watch; instead they had a picture of the same watch with a rubber band, and if I placed an order for that they would send me the one with the leather strap! No picture = no watch, so I requested a 30% refund within 24 hours or I would return the watch for a full refund (although something told me that if I returned the watch I'd lose both the watch and my money). They refunded the money to my PayPal account.
If you're not 100% convinced of a company's ability to supply what you want, always request a dated picture of the actual watch before you place an order. If the company can't send you one, do not purchase anything. |
The same thing just happened to me. They sent me a totally different watch than I ordered and are trying to get me to keep that watch for a little less than I paid for the one I ordered. This is a scam. BEWARE!!! |
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