Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Quest FInancial Services Charles Aliahmed Ponzi Scheme Grosee Pointe Shores, Michigan
10th of Dec, 2011 by User392656
The owner of this company, Charles Aliahmed had to move to Grosse Pointe Shores Michigan due to the life threatning acts taking place in his Former Office in Roseville Michigan. He runs many scams from his office, ranging from investing in low income housing projects in Detroit, to False Credit repair and high risk refinancing scams, which cost his customers more in the long run than they imagine they save in the beginning. Charles eludes his customers after taking substantial monies from them, and never following through on his claims. His investments are frauds and ponzi schemes. He has one employee left working for him and has somehow continued to attract new customers to his fraudulent schemes.
4682 days ago by Ripped By Chuck
His new address is

102 kercheval
Grosse pointe shores, Mi 48236

Home address is

711 Lakeshore
Grosse Pointe Shores, Mi 48236

I have recently found many people in need of this information to serve him with paperwork!
4634 days ago by Ripped By Chuck Hmm...Chuck filed for Bankruptcy...His scams may be catching up to him...Just found out his new scam...Could cause serious illnesses in people also! What does a Muslim extremist like Chuck care about others in America.
4623 days ago by Chuck102
This is Charles Ali-Ahmad, owner of Quest Financial Services. My company was founded in 1998 and remains a strong and viable business today. A majority of my work comes through repeat and referral business from happy clients and this is why I've been able to remain prosperous with minimal advertising. This would not be possible if the allegations made against me on this site had any basis in truth whatsoever.

Now, before I address the falsities of the statement posted against me, I am compelled to disclose that the person who made the report had to be escorted out of my office by police officers. I point this out only because it should cast some doubt on his credibility. With that out of the way, I will move on with my formal rebuttal.

First, I run a duly licensed mortgage brokerage. It is not an investment or credit restoration business and I am confused as to why this was alleged.

Second, no aspects of my services could possibly be conceived as a Ponzi scheme and this statement is nothing short of slander.

Third, I moved my company to Grosse Pointe Farms (not Shores) simply because it is a more convenient location from which I can serve my clients. Customer service is the cornerstone of my practice and I will continue to direct my business and company in a way that provides the best service available.

Fourth, I have had the same cell phone number for 17 years and it is printed on my business cards. That isn't something I could say if I was actually trying to hide from anyone.

Fifth and lastly, because of my investment in technology and an overhaul of our file processes, I was able to turn around the same high volume of work with less personnel. This is a key reason my company has remained so financially viable during times when similar companies were failing at an alarmingly high rate.

Charles Ali-Ahmad

Quest Financial Services, Inc.
4612 days ago by Ripped By Chuck
Second time he has thought I was not the person I am. I am aware of the friend of his whom was a police officer, and Charles even posed one of his schemes on him. Many of us were shocked that nothing happened to the thief Ali Ahmed.

But, he disguises his schemes in many ways, and for whatever reason this person did not pursue anything against Charles.

The Market Brokerage was run to buy and restore abandoned houses in the Detroit area. Supposedly Charles would take on investors, buy a house that was previously foreclosed (and usually abandoned) in the plan that his workers would recondition the house for minimal investments, Charles would agree to find low income people who lacked credit, and Charles and crew would qualify the person for a mortgage.

The person would buy the house, and then everybody received their investment with interest back.

When the economy was collapsing, Charles sold off the houses claiming they were completed and awaiting the final persons to move in. In reality, they were abandoned houses, and Charles kept the money from several investors.

Several of the investors entered Charles office on Utica in Roseville, MI and the police had to be summoned to rescue Charles and his assistant, Ms Merlo.

A sudden move was performed by Charles, to his current location in Grosse Pointe Farms. He failed to pay for the building lease after that and stripped the building of several items which were not his, and left the owner of that building hanging with rent and several services also.

Charles also would assist these low income persons in Credit restoration, by disputing charges on their credit, stating that he was using a third party called WAAW, in Detroit, which was a check cashing establishment, to which Charles would take this check and cash it, giving proceeds to his friends there, and Charles would dispute items himself, giving the illusion that the assistance was taking place.

As to the allegations of this friend of his whom is a police officer, I know this man. He was never handcuffed an escorted from his office...Pure fantasy.

I questioned this guy regrading his experience with Charles for several weeks, after he stated that my investment house had been sold.

Yes, the same happened to him. Charles would push the closing date further ahead every time he called him, until he gave a date when it was closing finally. After that he used terms such as abatement, stating that the closing was days later. Finally, after 2 months of being told that the closing had happened, and the check was clearing on different dates, he gave a final date of the money being clear. Low and behold, the date came and nothing. Charles gave a further date (like all con-men).

When the guys entered his office to speak to him, Charles called the police, not desiring a report.

Charles is a low life scam artist, who has lost all friends, and numerous clients due to his less than professional ethics. He makes threats to people and then calls his lawyers, who work for little to nothing to scare people away from him.

His first felony of smuggling and running smokers only was overlooked by many of his friends, because of his charismatic personality.

In final, Charles is a scam artist, and if you are thinking of doing any business with him, beware.
4612 days ago by Chuck102
Sound like a great story to me, if anyone would like to verify the story about the building in roseville they can stop by and speek to Chris who is the owner of the building. He would be glad to answer any questions about how the building was left in excellent condition.

As far as the police officer he would be the only one that has every threatened my life, this is why i had to call the police to remove him from my build.

It looks like this police officer and his new friend Matt have nothing better to do but harras me.

Once again have been in business for myself for over 25 year, lived in michigan all my life, and this is the only negative report about me.
4611 days ago by Ripped By Chuck
If anybody would like to investigate Mr Hassans part in this corporation, please feel free.


ID Num: 51348D

Assumed Names

Type of Entity: Domestic Profit Corporation
Resident Agent: AL HASSAN

Registered Office Address: 29070 UTICA RD ROSEVILLE MI 48066
Mailing Address: 5322 15 MILE RD #C STERLING HEIGHTS MI 48310

Formed Under Act Number(s): 284-1972

Incorporation/Qualification Date: 6-9-2005

Jurisdiction of Origin: MICHIGAN

Number of Shares: 60, 000

Year of Most Recent Annual Report: 07

Year of Most Recent Annual Report With Officers & Directors: 06

Status: AUTOMATIC DISSOLUTION Date: 7-15-2010
4611 days ago by Ripped By Chuck

Opened under Rima Ali Ahmed..Wife of Chuck
4610 days ago by Ripped By Chuck
I believe a bit of research shows any competent person, that All Cities Housing was another front of Charles, who claimed above that he never had a business like this. If you look into the description of this company, which ironically was located in the same building as Quest, it is not hard to see that AliAhmed used this as a front company to buy and sell houses and cheat impoverished people out of money.

Charles time in Prison served him well to learn how to lie and cheat people. He is a smart man, now if he was totally upfront and honest with people, he could still be a great business man, but he chooses the dark practices to make the quick buck!
4584 days ago by Ripped By Chuck
Why is it that nobody see the funds sent back to Lebanon by Mr Aliahmed. He and his family sponsor quite a bit of funding to this land, but nobody investigates it.
4572 days ago by Chuck102
it truly is a shame that Matt Merlo has nothing better to do in this life but tell stories. He has teamed up with Craig Pulv and started posting accusations about me and my employees. Matt and Craig are both Police officers Matt works for east pointe and Craig works for Roseville. Craig claims that he i ripped him off, the truth of the matter is Craig pulled off the a short sale on his house in st. clair shores saving 150k. He has one of his friends purchase the for 50k and sell the house back to him. He still live in the house today. He also owns a house in Royal Oak that he claim as a home stead so he can avoid paying higher property tax. Craig credit was destroyed because he did not want to pay his bills, he took advantage of the system.

Matt's ex wife divorced him because of the mental abuse that she has been dealing with from him since high school. Matt is an emotional reck.

If you guys want to keep this BS going, i have put together a file on Craig showing Fraud on 2 houses in michigan claiming to the mortgage company that he had no money to pay his house payments, but the truth is he had two jobs working for the government.

Matt, i will expose your life history online in detail if you keep this up.

My family and i have never wired money to Lebanon or any other county.

i think you both should do your job as public safety officers instead of harassing me.
4494 days ago by Matthew Merlo
My name is Matthew Merlo and I was made aware of the posts made by Charles Aliahmad.

I do not know Charles Aliahmad personally just as he does not know me. Charles Aliahmad has never been a part of MY life and has no personal knowledge of my life. He posted that I have mentally abused my ex- wife and apparently he is receiving false accusations from Kari Merlo about me.

I am a well respected and honest public servant. He speaks of lies that were told to him by my ex-wife.

The facts and the truth are this. I have documented proof of the physical abuse (police reports) that I endured by my ex-wife. I have hours of audio recordings documenting the emotional and mental abuse that was put upon me and my children by Kari. I would never write any accusations if I did not have the factual proof to verify my statements.

Kari Merlo comitted a Larceny by Conversion and stole $4, 321.00 in mortgage payments from me. Her crime was very devastating to me and my children. Kari Merlo was ultimately charged by the Prosecutors Office and arrested on a 5 year felony charge. Kari Merlo was ordered to pay restitution to me in the above aforementioned amount of money.

I let the documented facts speak for themselves.

As for Charles Aliahmad, I do not know him personally however I do know of his past criminal behavioral that has been documented through police reports. I do know of all the crimes that he has been investigated for and charged with. All court documents and police reports are public record and can be obtained through the Freedom Of Information Act.

I am a righteous, law abiding and a GOD fearing person. I have served the public for the past 18 years and continue to do so. I have an impeccable record as a law enforcement officer. I am highly respected by my peers, the criminal justice community and the public that I serve.

Charles Aliahamad, your lies can not alter the truth because I have built my reputation over the past 18 years.
I highly suggest that this is the last post that you slander my name without proof. It's not slander if it's the truth and it can be proven however you have no proof. Your statements about me are false.
4159 days ago by UpsetwithBS
My name is Craig. I was recently made aware that my name has been slandered on the internet by a former friend, Charles Aliahmed. Charles, or chick as he is called made me aware of the internet information exposing him and his dealings months ago.

I stayed out of this banter due to a lack of interest, however, since Chuck would like to drag my name into it, I will tell you.

Chuck and I were friends (or so I thought). He suckered me into a ponzi scheme which he had, using my friendship with him. The idea was that I was to invest into slum housing in Detroit Michigan, which would be repaired, brought to code and sold to buyers which could only afford this level of housing. My return of income was said to be $4K per house sold upon a $20K investment.

The transactions were held inside of his office, which at the time had several employees. One house was sold in a few months, and I chose to deal with Chuck again. This time, I noticed that several of his employees had disappeared from his office, however, since I had several years of friendship with Chuck, I trusted him enough to believe that this was a sound investment.

On the second bout, he produced a property which was not owned by his company, but by his wife Rima. I bought this house with the idea that the project would be exactly as the first. The house was to be repaired, brought to code and sold. This time however, several months went by and the house was not touched.

Chuck stated that the house was not ready to be sold, and therefore his team would go in the house and take only a few days to repair this home for sale.

After several conversations, Chuck informed me that the house was sold. He was awaiting a closing date, and there were problems with the Utilities which were prolonging the sale.

At one point I investigated this, and found he was lying about the DTE bill. Chuck then gave me a closing date, which passed. And another, which passed, and another. This was done over the phone for the most part, until I went to see him in his office.

When I approached him, he told me that I was not welcome in his office. I found that odd, since I often sat with him and talked in the past.

He then called the police and stated that I was threatening him. I assure you I never did that. Chuck even told the officer I had presented a weapon. The officer searched me and found I had not even carried one into the office. I would not do that and never had, but Chuck presumed I had and attempted to use this as a tool for his request to remove me from his office.

Chuck refused to answer my calls numerous times, and eventually, he informed me that He did in fact steal the money, and told me that he had lawyers that would fight me in court over the investment.

I presented the information to attorneys, and then the police department, and since I signed the purchase of the said property, it could not be found as a crime, however they did begin an investigation to the shady dealings he had.

Chucks attorneys and Accountant filed paperwork on his behalf and he was advised on the best way to continue his shady dealings.

Ironically, he was evicted from his house, and office and he continues his business in wherever he can.

Chuck, Seriously, if you want the facts, I will present them. Do not try to make things up. We both know you stole money from me, and you have even told me you would make it good.

As far as any illegal doings I have, I live in my own house, legally. I have very good credit, and I have even purchased several homes since my last time dealing with you. Get life.

I am starting to believe that you may support illegal activities elsewhere now, which was stated on another website. As you are a thief to your friends, I would see no reason you would not support the crimes against people you did not even know.

As far as taking advantage of a system, Chuck, you showed me how, but I never followed your illegal advice.

Have a nice life takig advantage of others. At least I know you are never to be my friend again.

PS Chuck even called me months ago regarding the points made on another website, and admitted that, although true, he could not believe that somebody would write them.
3990 days ago by Ripped By Chuck
50 N. Deeplands Rd, Grosse Pointe Shores, MI

This is the new address for Charles for any business correspondence. I am sure many want to know this! Scumbags keep moving...he could not afford his old home, after his bankruptcy, now this is a very nice house for a thief!

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