This company is full of brain dead losers. Marketing Give you permission to do something then Top Earners/Company Investors can vote you out for any reason even if marketing told you what your doing is legal.
Read your pdf files because it states this.
I found a legit Loop-Hole in that legal insurance company and marketing confirmed.
This is what Top Earners/Company Investors Fear.
To sign someone up for the service just tell them One-Time Fee $26 and they can cancel at anytime. I made a ton of money doing this but uplines get mad because their getting hit with charge-backs. Remember marketing told me a can tell future members this because I was on Pay as Earned. ost Top Earners are on Advance Commissions and this will wreck havoc on their income if down-lines didn't focus on keeping people on the books. f you look at your Disconnect Magazine you'll notice most 99% of top earners only recruit. Why? They can collect more money trapping you with both all service plans than trying to sell that weak service individually. That's how they pay their rent/mortgage and car loans. Truth is you don't have to purchase any of the service in order to sell the plans.
Your uplines lied to you. Call Marketing and ask questions asap before you keep losing money. Save money. Stop paying for that crappy membership and identity theft service. Now watch how fast these Top Earners and uplines Levels fall.
Pay as Earned vs Advance Commission!!!
That legal insurance company selling prepaid plans don't give you the option to start off as pay as earned. Let me explain. As soon as you sign up you set up for Advance Commission which is a shark loan. That company knew most associates won't figure this out until it's too late. You're guaranteed to get hit with charge-backs unless you hurry up and call marketing and switch to pay as earned. Don't wait call marketing Nooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!! Switch to pay as earned. This is called betting against company investors. Why do you think some of the famous millionaires and billionaires say good things about Prepaid Leave-Em. Hahaha They helped Fund that charge-back system then split the profits off of your failure. Trust me, as an investor, there's more money to be made off peoples failures than success unless your with that company making money from all ends. Why do they tell you to tell others to check their stock market. Simple. They use that charge-back money to buy back their own stocks which by the way has been proven. Their stock market is now struggling because I exposed their secrets. Here's how their stock work. Take notes. When their stock is up. Charge-backs Played a huge part in buying back their stock. With charge backs for example. You sign up 10 members and that shark loan company pay you $250 per person even though they only payed $26. You make about $3,000 for that month. Guess what. That's not your money until all of those members complete the one term agreement. If they stay on the books then that $3,000 is good for one year. They make it seem like your going to make $3,000 a month but failed to tell you; you must keep signing up 10 people or more every month which is highly impossible. What happens if 9 members quit the service because they figured out the product is weak, which by the way they will.
Take $250 and divide that by 12 which equal about $20.83
If this was pay as earned you would've made $20.83 per member without charge backs ruining your financial life. $20.84 times 10 equals about $208.40 pay as earned amount for that whole year. This is your True amount unless 9 people quit then you would've only made $20.83 for that whole year. Since we're talking about Advance Commission they're going to charge you for 11 months lost plus about $40 penalty per member plus interest. Ok $3,000 subtract $750 equal $2250 about plus about $40 per member and interest. $40 time 9 lost members equals about $360 plus $2250 and interest. You owe them $2610 plus interest. You made $750 in Advance Commission. Now you see why famous millionaires and billionaires promote these thieves. More Info Coming Soon. |