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Peter Max Art Fraud
ART IS NOT painted by Peter Max
24th of Apr, 2012 by Fraud Concern
First of all DO NOT BUY ANY PETER MAX ART that is after 2009. WHY? because he is not painting it, hired people in his studio are now painting the same images over and over and the signatures are not even Peter Maxs. How can a man who in interviews says he tours 30 weeks out of each year to galleries to see his fans and who does 10-20 interviews per week find the time to even paint ONE original? it is impossible based on the paintings that are being flooded into the market. EBAY sells hundreds of Umbrell man and LIBERTY originals that would keep peter busy 52 weeks per year. AND on that note. WHY does any artist paint the SAME subject 500 times? and NOW he has the NERVE to say that his art that is some computer print out with a few paint strokes ( again that arent even his) be called ART, in the article that he painted SHAK ONEILL is just some HUGE computer print out with some color added. DO NO BUY MAX ART, its not him painting them.
4703 days ago by Fraud Concern
I mean COMON PETER! there were 44 Umbrella Man paintings sold on ebay just last week not to mention the thousands of others on cruise ships, galleries and other art websites. AND that is just that one subject! what about liberty, etc etc etc. there are currently 20 or so subjects with similar quantities sold, that means you would have to paint at least 10, 000 per year! thats 27 paintings per day! how can you do that if your touring 30 weeks each year and interviews 10 times per week? You would have to be painting close to 500 paintings per week!

The simple facts are that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for Peter Max to paint what is being sold. They are now originals and probably not even his signature. I agree he is (was) a fine artist but now its just a money machine to keep the over head paid.. SUCH A SAME...
4702 days ago by Fraud Concern
This is a CRIME and is FRAUD! and people who are being told to buy PM art are being sold art that is not even worth the paint used. HOW sick is it that people go visit him in galleries and pay $8000 for a painting that HE DID NOT DO and he knows it. SUCCERS!

With so much time traveling and interviewing it is IMPOSSIBLE for Peter Max to paint what is being sold PERIOD. I mean HOW stupid is it that you have people over and show them your PM LIBERTY only to have them reply WHO DOESN'T HAVE ONE! I mean so far how many are in the market? 500, 1000, 5000!
On ebay there are dozens of "BETTER WORLD" now in series two but its still the same. Liberty DOZENS, umbrella man DOZENS, OH WAIT! "Better world 3 is also being sold" "without borders is also flooding the market and that is JUST EBAY!

here in Peter Max own words he actually ADMITS that its impossible to paint what hes currently selling

"Its just an amazing thing that I was so lucky to get popular, Max says. I do probably 20 interviews a week. I love it. Its one of my highlights of the day."

“I travel so much, 25-30 weekends a year, ” he continued. “Sometimes it’s one city in a weekend, sometimes its five or six in a row. But to see my fans it’s all worth it.”

Nearly every weekend, Max visits a show of his work. On Friday and Saturday, he’ll be at a Hilton Head Island art gallery to meet with the public.

“I love to travel, ” he says.
4701 days ago by Be Careful
I purchased a Peter Max painting in a Florida gallery and the paint still smelled fresh as if it were painted that month. After reading articles that Peter has said in his own interviews about how much time he spends on the road and in interviews, I can see why that it is impossible for him to be painting all his own works. And every image I see, hes holding many paint brushes in front of a painting and never has one paint stain on his shirt yet the paint is all over the table, brushes and floors but Peter remains spotless as if it were just a studio image set up.

My friend bought some Peter Max paintings from a Canadian marketing company after being told they would increase in price and he would make 30% returns when in fact he got scammed and his paintings are worth far less then he paid and for that matter now he is also questioning weather they are in fact really painted my Max himself.

Art fraud is one of the great scams of all time and this is just another cycle of fraud that if you calculate the time frames and actual statements by Peter himself you can see it is impossible for him to paint what is being sold.

Maybe the signatures are his but the art is not and YES that O'Neill painting that is nothing more then a huge computer printout with some brushstrokes around the back round is far from art. I guess people are just to amazed with Peter max, they are blind to the facts. I ended up trading my Peter Max art and some cash for a neighbors Honda scooter for my son to use to get to work, it needed some slight repairs but I think I got the better deal.

You are right: FC, Peter Max would have to paint 500 originals each week to keep up with what is being sold if hes touring each weekend and interviewing 20 times per week. Even if they had canvases on an assembly line and he painted them as the canvases passed him, his arm would fall off and would have to work 24/7. I now am convinced that he is not painting his art. I am sure those who are doing it will be exposed.

These interview facts do prove the original post.

here in Peter Max own words he actually ADMITS that its impossible to paint what hes currently selling

"Its just an amazing thing that I was so lucky to get popular, Max says. I do probably 20 interviews a week. I love it. Its one of my highlights of the day."

“I travel so much, 25-30 weekends a year, ” he continued. “Sometimes it’s one city in a weekend, sometimes its five or six in a row. But to see my fans it’s all worth it.”

Nearly every weekend, Max visits a show of his work. On Friday and Saturday, he’ll be at a Hilton Head Island art gallery to meet with the public.

“I love to travel, ” he says.
4701 days ago by Be Careful
I purchased a Peter Max painting and the paint still smelled fresh as if it were painted that month. After reading articles that Peter has said in his own interviews about how much time he spends on the road and in interviews, I can see why that it is impossible for him to be painting all his own works. And every image I see, hes holding many paint brushes in front of a painting and never has one paint stain on his shirt yet the paint is all over the table, brushes and floors but Peter remains spotless as if it were just a studio image set up.

My friend bought some Peter Max paintings from a Canadian marketing company after being told they would increase in price and he would make 30% returns when in fact he got scammed and his paintings are worth far less then he paid and for that matter now he is also questioning weather they are in fact really painted my Max himself.

Art fraud is one of the great scams of all time and this is just another cycle of fraud that if you calculate the time frames and actual statements by Peter himself you can see it is impossible for him to paint what is being sold.

Maybe the signatures are his but the art is not and YES that O'Neill painting that is nothing more then a huge computer printout with some brushstrokes around the back round is far from art. I guess people are just to amazed with Peter max, they are blind to the facts. I ended up trading my Peter Max art and some cash for a neighbors Honda scooter for my son to use to get to work, it needed some slight repairs but I think I got the better deal.

You are right: FC, Peter Max would have to paint 500 originals each week to keep up with what is being sold if hes touring each weekend and interviewing 20 times per week. Even if they had canvases on an assembly line and he painted them as the canvases passed him, his arm would fall off and would have to work 24/7. I now am convinced that he is not painting his art. I am sure those who are doing it will be exposed.

These interview facts do prove the original post.

here in Peter Max own words he actually ADMITS that its impossible to paint what hes currently selling

"Its just an amazing thing that I was so lucky to get popular, Max says. I do probably 20 interviews a week. I love it. Its one of my highlights of the day."

“I travel so much, 25-30 weekends a year, ” he continued. “Sometimes it’s one city in a weekend, sometimes its five or six in a row. But to see my fans it’s all worth it.”

Nearly every weekend, Max visits a show of his work. On Friday and Saturday, he’ll be at a Hilton Head Island art gallery to meet with the public.

“I love to travel, ” he says.
4701 days ago by Be Careful
Fakes and Forgeries at cruise auctions?

While all anonymous complaints about cruise ship art auctions are completely unverifiable, this newspaper article titled "The Art of Piracy" in the Broward Palm Beach New Times notes that some cruise ship art auction fraud has been well-documented:

“Mitchell couldn't believe so many forged copies of her work had been sold. "I certainly didn't sign 1, 100 prints, " she says.

She sued both Eubanks and Princess in January, eventually attracting the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which had also begun looking into Eubanks after being contacted by one of Eubanks' former employees.

In September, the FBI made its investigation into Eubanks' dealings public and called on victims to come forward. Mitchell says she's the FBI's star witness.”

“My name is Jordan Hillin and I went on the Carnival Pride about a month ago. From the sound of it we made a bad mistake on going to that art auction. Is all this true about Park West screwing people and if so what should I do with the art that I purchased? I bought a Peter Max that I was told appraised at 4, 700 and I just saw the same one on E-bay for $1, 000 . . .”

January 2009 - by indicates a lawsuit against Park West and Royal Caribbean alleging fraud and misrepresentation:

"Over the last few months, numerous people have contacted our firm with the same complaint: they purchased artwork from the Defendants who misrepresented the authenticity and/or value of the pieces they purchased.

Our clients believed they were buying an investment, when what they received was virtually worthless."

The following links are a few of the HUNDREDS of galleries who are selling the same ORIGINAL art. were talking about tens of thousands of originals! painted within just a few years plus hundreds of thousands of limited edition signed prints of those supposed originals. The math is as follows:

Over 4 years from 2009 to 2012, Peter Max would have to paint 7 originals per day and have to hand sign 68 prints per day to make up for the art that is available currently. If each painting takes an hour, thats 7 hours every day to paint those originals. And each signed print takes 10 seconds, thats another hour per day.

BUT here is where it gets tricky! Peter Max tours and travels 30 weeks per year! and he does not paint on jet planes of hotels SO the figures are as follows with the removal of those 30 weeks and lets not forget HE Does need to sleep and eat.

52 weeks - 30 weeks touring and traveling to his galleries, he would now have to paint 113 originals per day and even if it took him 15 minutes to paint an original it would take him 28 hours per day to do it BUT there are only 24 hours per day and he has to sleep and eat. And to sign all those prints would take another 4 hours per day.

This is proof that Peter Max art is being painted by someone other then him. I herd there is a cell phone image of people (not MAX) in his studio actually painting some of his current works and signing them. I am currently attempting to retrieve this image.
4640 days ago by Reality
Have any of you ever been inside Peter's studio? It doesn't sound like it. You are basing these very serious allegations on things you know nothing about. You ever think that EVERY Peter Max painting being sold on ebay is being sold from someone who has already owned the art work? I have looked and most of the art on ebay is fake and made buy people with no affiliation with Peter's studio. Peter Max is not flooding the market on ebay. He does not have an ebay store.
Also the amount of fake artwork on sale on ebay is ridiculous. Only a sucker would buy art of the internet, especially from ebay or some 3rd party website.

You guys sound like ranting children with your calculations of hypothetical numbers that you made up.Although Peter does paint non-stop just about when ever he can because it is his favorite thing in the world to do. Even when he is traveling he still creates art. Also he has been archiving paintings for decades. All of your numbers and arguments just sound silly. I have talked with people who work in his studio and with people that are very close LONG time friends with Peter. I assure you that if a painting from the art of Peter Max studio says it is done by Peter Max that it IS DONE BY PETER MAX... It's all about provenance. There are fakes out there but anything coming from his studio is REALLY done by Peter Max.

As for him being clean in photos, well the accumulation of painting for decades is what you see on the floor etc and he is a big boy & can keep paint off of himself, after all he has been painting for around fifty years. Also for photo ops he might not have just painted.

Come on people! DO some research! Peter Max is one of the fathers of Pop Art. He helped to create the use of mixing silk screen printing and paint with his friend Andy Warhol. The Shaq portrait was a canvas that he painted on and then screened an image of Shaq on it then Painted again with acrylic paint. He has shown the original one on canvas on news stations live. The prints you have seen are posters made from the original for sale and hand signed by him and Shaq. This is one of the styles of portraits that Peter Max does. Peter does not hide anything and is a good person.

I can go on forever with how ignorant you all are. you are like sheep someone makes up some numbers and you all say yeah, yeah that's impossible, well you don't know the reality of what goes on or how many whatever he paints

you're just ranting about numbers you made up. Are you tweakers or what? best of luck to you all...

one more thing-
He paints the same subject matter because that is what his fans want. If you don't like it then don't buy one. but you don't have to slander someones name who has worked hard & non-stop his entire life and his art work makes millions of people have a brighter day everyday...
This man has been painting for almost 50 YEARS!
Sorry but that is the TRUTH.
4640 days ago by Reality
Have any of you ever been inside Peter's studio? It doesn't sound like it. You are basing these very serious allegations on things you know nothing about. You ever think that EVERY Peter Max painting being sold on ebay is being sold from someone who has already owned the art work? I have looked and most of the art on ebay is fake and made buy people with no affiliation with Peter's studio. Peter Max is not flooding the market on ebay. He does not have an ebay store.
Also the amount of fake artwork on sale on ebay is ridiculous. Only a sucker would buy art of the internet, especially from ebay or some 3rd party website.

You guys sound like ranting children with your calculations of hypothetical numbers that you made up.Although Peter does paint non-stop just about when ever he can because it is his favorite thing in the world to do. Even when he is traveling he still creates art. Also he has been archiving paintings for decades. All of your numbers and arguments just sound silly. I have talked with people who work in his studio and with people that are very close LONG time friends with Peter. I assure you that if a painting from the art of Peter Max studio says it is done by Peter Max that it IS DONE BY PETER MAX... It's all about provenance. There are fakes out there but anything coming from his studio is REALLY done by Peter Max.

As for him being clean in photos, well the accumulation of painting for decades is what you see on the floor etc and he is a big boy & can keep paint off of himself, after all he has been painting for around fifty years. Also for photo ops he might not have just painted.

Come on people! DO some research! Peter Max is one of the fathers of Pop Art. He helped to create the use of mixing silk screen printing and paint with his friend Andy Warhol. The Shaq portrait was a canvas that he painted on and then screened an image of Shaq on it then Painted again with acrylic paint. He has shown the original one on canvas on news stations live. The prints you have seen are posters made from the original for sale and hand signed by him and Shaq. This is one of the styles of portraits that Peter Max does. Peter does not hide anything and is a good person.

I can go on forever with how ignorant you all are. you are like sheep someone makes up some numbers and you all say yeah, yeah that's impossible, well you don't know the reality of what goes on or how many whatever he paints

you're just ranting about numbers you made up. Are you tweakers or what? best of luck to you all...

one more thing-
He paints the same subject matter because that is what his fans want. If you don't like it then don't buy one. but you don't have to slander someones name who has worked hard & non-stop his entire life and his art work makes millions of people have a brighter day everyday...
This man has been painting for almost 50 YEARS!
Sorry but that is the TRUTH.
4640 days ago by Reality
Have any of you ever been inside Peter's studio? It doesn't sound like it. You are basing these very serious allegations on things you know nothing about. You ever think that EVERY Peter Max painting being sold on ebay is being sold from someone who has already owned the art work? I have looked and most of the art on ebay is fake and made buy people with no affiliation with Peter's studio. Peter Max is not flooding the market on ebay. He does not have an ebay store.
Also the amount of fake artwork on sale on ebay is ridiculous. Only a sucker would buy art of the internet, especially from ebay or some 3rd party website.

You guys sound like ranting children with your calculations of hypothetical numbers that you made up.Although Peter does paint non-stop just about when ever he can because it is his favorite thing in the world to do. Even when he is traveling he still creates art. Also he has been archiving paintings for decades. All of your numbers and arguments just sound silly. I have talked with people who work in his studio and with people that are very close LONG time friends with Peter. I assure you that if a painting from the art of Peter Max studio says it is done by Peter Max that it IS DONE BY PETER MAX... It's all about provenance. There are fakes out there but anything coming from his studio is REALLY done by Peter Max.

As for him being clean in photos, well the accumulation of painting for decades is what you see on the floor etc and he is a big boy & can keep paint off of himself, after all he has been painting for around fifty years. Also for photo ops he might not have just painted.

Come on people! DO some research! Peter Max is one of the fathers of Pop Art. He helped to create the use of mixing silk screen printing and paint with his friend Andy Warhol. The Shaq portrait was a canvas that he painted on and then screened an image of Shaq on it then Painted again with acrylic paint. He has shown the original one on canvas on news stations live. The prints you have seen are posters made from the original for sale and hand signed by him and Shaq. This is one of the styles of portraits that Peter Max does. Peter does not hide anything and is a good person.

I can go on forever with how ignorant you all are. you are like sheep someone makes up some numbers and you all say yeah, yeah that's impossible, well you don't know the reality of what goes on or how many whatever he paints

you're just ranting about numbers you made up. Are you tweakers or what? best of luck to you all...

one more thing-
He paints the same subject matter because that is what his fans want. If you don't like it then don't buy one. but you don't have to slander someones name who has worked hard & non-stop his entire life and his art work makes millions of people have a brighter day everyday...
This man has been painting for almost 50 YEARS!
Sorry but that is the TRUTH.
4600 days ago by BobbyG
I rarely comment on items like this but I couldn't resist. I couldn't agree more with "Reality". I personally know Peter, I am one of his biggest individual collectors in the US and I have been to his studio numerous times. What you are overlooking is that Mixed Media pieces are meant to be done in large quantites with each one being different and therefore an "Original". It doesn't take a lot of time to do these!

Peter is very prolific but he is also a very dedicated artist and all of the strokes on his paintings are his. In fact, there is one Statue of Liberty done on the White House lawn that he allowed President Reagan to add a stroke and that painting, which is in his studio, will not be sold. As for the purchase price versus the appraised value, art is similar to jewelry. If you go out and buy a diamond ring today for $1, 000., you will and should get an appraisal for $2, 000. Therefore, if you pay more than half of the appraised value for a piece of art, you have overpaid.

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