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Power Company Scamming Users With High Prices
16th of Apr, 2011 by negawatt
PerpetualGreens Renewable/Efficiency Energy Systems Are the Cleanest new Source of Energy
PerpetualGreens renewable/energy-efficient systems just introduced to the building market are becoming the popular way to produce clean energy right where it is consumed. This eliminates the staggering fossil fuel-to-steam-to-generator-to-transmission losses that wastes up to 70% of the power produced by utilities. Once the power gets to its location, another 10% to 20% is wasted by homes and businesses through inefficient practices and electrical systems. Most of our generated power goes into thin air.
On-site generation of clean negawatt power through new state-of-the-art equipment like the new hybrid renewable energy systems from PerpetualGreen is becoming a popular energy retrofit with home and small business owners.
Additional megawatts of power are becoming harder to find these days. New clean energy production is in the planning stages, but will it be available soon enough? Coal mining and off-shore oil drilling disasters have brought new demands for bans or moratoriums on fossil fuels. New wind and solar farms have met with stiff resistance from environmental groups that could tie the process up for year.
The world will need 28 trillion watts annually to meet its energy needs a gap of 15 million megawatts, or the amount of power the world uses annually now. The only way to close that gap is by producing more negawatts power that never had to be produced in the first place. Negawatts, sometimes called the fifth fuel are the cleanest, easiest, and cheapest way to produce energy. The cost of producing negawatts is one-tenth to one-twentieth the cost of producing clean energy.
The Energy Information Administration ranks the U.S. as the 137th most in-efficient country in the world. Our wasteful behavior is forcing our utilities to produce more power than we actually need, creating additional fossil-fuel emissions that threaten our health and economic stability. Its up to all of us to do what we can to solve our energy needs. Its the right thing to do.
4914 days ago by Brent Ivie Scam Artist
To all who will listen. Brent Ivie and Gary Tanner are crooked liars who have stolen money from a lot of people, me being one of them. And the sad part is they actully could have ran an honest business. Doug Stewart the first CEO of Pepetual Green is as guilty as Brent and Gary. I did business with PG for a year they promised energy savings with there power factor correction devices. I will say that I sold systems that did save on power. With that said the majority of there systems did not perform as was promised in there contract.

I purchased three commercial units from Gary Tanner. He put in the contract that a minimum of ten percent savings on KWh. This did not happen. From his own mouth he said there was no savings. When I asked for the money back he acted as if the contract was talking about residental units. It was a joke as was he!!! I will say I believe they tried to start and honest business. But when they started finding out flaws that were over there head they panicked and took the money and ran!!! Way to go boys all the while invoking the name of the LDS church. Always good to know there are honest Mormons out there.

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