Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Paradise Canyon Vacation
Paradise Canyon Vacations Harrasses Seniors
14th of Sep, 2011 by stickshiftinhand1
Paradise Canyon Vacations is harassing seniors trying to make them come to a supposedly free presentation with 2 free gifts which no one ever receives, they tell seniors is information only, leave your money at home, when in reality the membership is $10,000 to $15,000, $3,500 down and $40 to $60 per month for the next 20 years, one female worker told her boss, "shes a senior 85 and dont travel", the boss told her to sell to her just the same. Paradise Canyon Vacations just wants your $10,000 even if you have 1 foot in the grave. They have no compassion or morals and just want to scam unsuspecting seniors.
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - Yes, it is a scam.

New Member

Joined: May 2010
Posts: 1

Yes, it is a scam. We attended the presentation, which sounded
somewhat legitimate, so we tried the follow-up one-to-one.
The latter was with "Jack", the worst salesperson on earth.
He was rude, evasive, and condescending. He would not directly
answer our questions. I could go on and on. But in short: Run for
the hills, folks. And yes, they DO sell your private information.
I've already received junk mail for more "exciting presentations",
addressed directly to me. Since they are a member of the Better
Business Bureau (4 complaints in the year since they became
members should be a tip-off), I might be the 5th complainant
if the junk mail doesn't stop or if I start receiving calls.
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - Yes It Is A SCAM!

Posts: 1

31 March 2011, 1:24

I got suckered and yes it is a scam! Paradise Canyon
Vacations "deals" are no better then anywhere else and
in some cases we found Paradise Canyon Vacation trips
to be more expensive then our friends who would just
book through a travel agent.
At the Paradise Canyon Vacation SCAM presentation
they constantly tell you how you can get great rates
(like $200/wk) at great places all over the world
without blackout dates. Using this company I've
never paid less then $1300/wk!! The best times to
travel are ALWAYS BLACKED OUT at Paradise
Canyon Vacations!
I travel a lot and I save VERY little using
Paradise Canyon Vacations
kerisosh's plug is a direct quote from the sales pitch!
It's all bulls**t and it's bad for you!!
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Tiger Woods To Promote Paradise Canyon Vacations &
Golf Resort

Tiger Woods To Promote Paradise Canyon Vacations &
Golf Resort, seeing how Tiger Woods is spiralling downhill with
his golf career, Tiger Woods has dropped a further six places
to 44th in the world golf rankings, and he may soon have to
sell his Juniper Estate to purchase new golf clubs and a Gucci
golf bag. As the spokes person for Paradise Canyon Vacations
and Golf Resort Tiger Woods can rest assured that he can
afford to travel to all his tournaments at net prices. So the
next time you pick up your phone and the display reads
tele marketer from Paradise Canyon Vacations, and you hear a
"GROWL" big cat roar. It may just be Tiger Woods asking you to
come to a presentation and fork over $10, 000 for a membership
so he can pay for his wife Elin Nordegren child support.
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - We all know its timeshare

posts: 4

Question: If Paradise Canyon Vacation is not a
Time Share, then why are you locked into payments
of $50 a month for the next 20 years. That"s right
you are locked into 20 years at $500 a year, that"s
like buying a family home. Membership is $10, 000
to $15, 000, and you have to pay for your vacations
on top of that. How long would it take to get back
the $10, 000 in savings. A $3, 000 vacation actually
will cost you $13, 000, and are you going to vacation
every single year for the next 20 years. If this is
such a good deal why isn't Tiger Woods wife, a member
and the spokes person, she takes 2-4 vacations a month.
We don't see her giving Paradise Canyon Vacations $10, 000
to travel
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Re: Paradise Canyon Scam - too good to be true

How many times have we heard it before, "if it sounds to good to be true,
it probably is" or "Buyer Beware." Yet, people are pulled into travel scams
all the time. There are more travel scams out there at any given time than
you can imagine. Think it can't happen to you? It happens to the best.

An on going story is Paradise Canyon Vacations based out of Lethbridge
Alberta but their call centre is in Winnipeg manitoba. Their tele
marketers call up unsuspecting people during supper and offer them
2 free nights hotel stay and a free dinner for 2, to attend a 1 hour
travel presentation. They will swear its information only, you can't
buy nothjing at the presentation and leave your money at home. The
bottom line is, the membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000, with $3, 500
of it is the initial start up cost and $40 to $60 a month for the next
20 years. They know how to scam you and talk you into coming out to
the free presentation, and only the best tele marketing scammers are
kept and tele marketers are threatened, warned and fired if they dont
produce enough leads every night, to bring in new tele marketers they
even lie on job banks offering $15 hour for 24 hours, when it is only
$10 hour for 20 hours. They are 100% time share and work on a points
system, they give you so many days free a year [2 weeks] to stay at
one of their time share accomodations, but your paying $10, 000 for
the membership plus payinmg for the 2 weeks, all you get for $10, 000
is a membership and prices are cheaper if no better if you shop around
for free. By the way Paradise Canyon Vacation hates giving out the 2
free gifts, the owners refer to people who come to the presentation
for the gifts as roaches, then why are they offering the 2 free gifts,
then insult the people for showing up, you dont get these gifts the same
night of the presentation, you fill out a form with all your personal
information then pray to god that they get mailed to you in 2 weeks,
if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - too good to be true


Joined: Sep 2005
Location: Windsor, ON
Posts: 3, 345

If it's too good to be true...
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - told to sling his 'ook.

Senior Member

Joined: Jan 2007
Location: Manchester to Alberta, but now beautiful Nova Scotia!

Just to close this off (and in case anyone else gets a call from them in
the future), we had the sale guy round this evening.

Turns out that you have to put down a minimum of $3500 before you can
even use the services... which is completely in contrast to what was
explained in the presentation originally.

Suffice to say he was told to sling his 'ook.
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - they are a time share

Senior Member

Joined: Nov 2007
Location: Coniston Nr Hull Now Lethbridge Alberda!!
Posts: 225

Mike and I owned a timeshare in UK - and we did a swap to paradise
canyon 9 years ago for our very first visit to canada. so yes they
are (or at least they were) a timeshare company. People buy the
houses down there then let the "club" rent them out as holiday
homes. Plus alot of the houses which are actually in the "canyon"
bottom are sinking - beware. Lesley
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Vacation and The Wizard of Ozzie

Paradise Canyon Vacation has an MTS employee,
who calls himself ozzie, a tall skinny black man
who is making $20 an hour, and his girlfriend
$35 an hour, yet he comes to Paradise Canyon for
minimum wage to rip off people for $10, 000, this is
evil greed $55 an hour between them both and he needs
to come rip off innocent people and lie to them, and on
top of that he buys stolen sports jerseys from another
Paradise Canyon employee, all on company time and property
so how can you trust a company who hires shady Mts employees
and people selling stolen sports jerseys
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Vacation - the 3 faces of Eve

Paradise Canyon Vacation is so shady that even their tele marketers
are liers and dishonest. If you get a call from a woman claiming to
be Jenna or Ella, her real name is Edna, all the same person using 3
names to try to fool people and rob them out of $10, 000, telling them
the presentation is free and will receive 2 free gifts, only 1 woman
in over a year said she received the free hotel stay, but had travel
to Florida, from central Canada to the other side of the USA, and had
to pay the airfare, you cant pick and choose where to stay, a free hotel
stay may cost thousands of dollars in air fare, but Jenna, Ella or
Edna all the same person wont tell you this, she is greedy and wants
you to go to the so called free presentation and be conned out of
$10, 000, she is a good con artist so be very aware.
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Vacation - Thanks for the warning

Posts: 4

05 August 2011, 12:53

Thank you. This type of discussion is why we ALWAYS check
out Trip Advisor! We have been booking our Caribbean
holidays ourselves over the past 10 years and always
consult Trip Advisor!!! Thanks to all who post honestly
to this forum!
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - sounds like direct buy

ann m
Senior Member

Joined: Jul 2006
Location: Cochrane, Alberta

Sounds like that Direct Buy company - where you pay them fees,
to then sell you something for a supposedly cheaper
price ... I'm not convinced ...
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Re: Paradise Canyon Scam - Phewwwww...!!!

Fort St...
posts: 106
13 June 2011, 22:15

Phewwwww...!!! I just had them call me and I was
going to go to the meeting but some little voice in
my head said "if it's too good to be true
then... you all know the rest!
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Vacation Can Sniff My Panties

Tiger Woods To Promote Paradise Canyon Vacations &
Golf Resort, seeing how Tiger Woods is spiralling downhill with
his golf career, Tiger Woods has dropped a further six places
to 44th in the world golf rankings, and he may soon have to
sell his Juniper Estate to purchase new golf clubs and a Gucci
golf bag. As the spokes person for Paradise Canyon Vacations
and Golf Resort Tiger Woods can rest assured that he can
afford to travel to all his tournaments at net prices. So the
next time you pick up your phone and the display reads
tele marketer from Paradise Canyon Vacations, and you hear a
"GROWL" big cat roar. It may just be Tiger Woods asking you to
come to a presentation and fork over $10, 000 for a membership
so he can pay for his wife Elin Nordegren child su
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Re: Paradise Canyon Scam - Just Say "NO"

Help us to help others so they don't get scammed by the professional
tele-marketing scamers, if you been
scammed into a presentation, or had a bad experience with Paradise
Canyon Vacations, please post a reply and join
our community, check your contract you may have 5 days for a refund
like some other time share contract, don't sign any contracts till
you bring it first to your lawyer, is it worth $10, 000 to $15, 000
- $50 a month for 20 years on top of the $3, 500 initial start up
cost for something you can do yourself for free, shopping around
is still free
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - it's a time share

Posts:7, 586

12 April 2011, 1:03

I guess it's a time share, so the proof would be in how
convenient they would make sharing a place on the dates
that you want. A quick google search of "PCV Reviews"
showed the following. Perhaps you can find more results.
If their head office is in Lethbridge here's the BBB
rating for the company:…

Here's a slightly different one:…
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - is it worth my while?

New Member

Joined: Mar 2011
Posts: 1


Yes this is one of the first hits that comes up when you
google Paradise Canyon Vacations.

I was invited to one of these presentations and while I
could never afford to buy in (University student) I was
going to go for the 2 free nights in a hotel.

Did anyone else go to a presentation and actually get this
offering? Is it worth my precious homework time?
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - I would say watch out

New Member

Joined: Sep 2010
Posts: 2

Actually. I have been doing some research of my own. I got this call from these
guys last week. Becasue I grew up around the Lethbridge I was quite curious when
they told me their name. I asked flat out if they were affiliated with the
Lethbridge Paradise Canyon and the lady on the phone stumbbled to give me an
answer. That is where I started being skeptical. I asked them where they are
from and the lady told me she was calling from Winnipeg Manitoba. But the area
code on the phone number was a 403(southern alberta area code)

The Paridise Canyon in Lethbridge is a VERY nice place. Yes they have had some
problems with buildings and even part of their course sliding into the Milk River.
But they try to have that fixed up asap and they are very professional. Yes they have
an RCI timeshare system and on their website they even sell vacations. They call there
travel section of the company Paradise Canyon Travel. NOT PARADISE CANYON VACATIONS.

I just got the confirmation email and it looks cheap. They have photo shopped Paradise
Canyons Logo onto it and it looks bad. If you go to the actual paradise canyon website
it looks nice. Do you actually think that a company with such a good reputation around
their community would make up such a crappy email when they have obviously spent good
money on a nice well done website. I dont think so.

This Paradise Vacations company, I would gather, is no better than one of those lame
Vacation Faxes that comes across the machine once a month.
I wouldnt do it... would you?

In closing haha. If you are ever in Lethbridge give Paradise canyon a try.
especially if you are a golfer. Very nice. The the housing area is clean and and cookie
cutter houses adds a nice feel for the community they are trying to uphold. But this
other "vacations company" I would say watch out. I am going to call the actual
Paradise Canyon tomorrow to find out more info and I will post another novel for you.
HAHA Cheers.


Paradise Canyon Scam - giving them a miss

Zoe Bell
bored desk monkey

Joined: Apr 2007
Location: TORONTO- yay!!!
Posts: 2, 480

Well if that's the quality of their sales team I'll be giving them a miss
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon Scam - I would go nowhere near it


Premium Member

Joined: Sep 2008
Location: CYXX
Posts: 5, 223

Check out the BBB, there are two complaints on there
about them. I would not join anything to pay for
something I can do myself.
My buddy registered himself as a travel agent so he
could guide two tours a year
(it is a free vacation for him).

Myself, I would go nowhere near it.


You may want to do a bit more research before shelling
out any cash.
4929 days ago by Samantha1
Paradise Canyon - going for the gifts

New Member

Joined: Aug 2010
Posts: 1


I actually received a call and my husband and I are
going to an informational seminar tomorrow night. I
have no intentions of purchasing anything at all. I
am only going to receive the 2 free hotel nights.
Did you receive this also? Anyhow good luck to you if
you decide to do it. We do travel, but there is no way
I am paying thousands of dollars to belong to a travel
"club". Take care and good luck!

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