Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Paradise Canyon Vacation
Dave harasses ex-employees
21st of Oct, 2011 by samantha_fox19
Paradise Canyon vacation Scam

Dave harasses ex-employees

Thursday October 20, 2011 - 6:25pm , 2011 our cousin receives not one but 2
calls from Dave trying to disguise himself as "james", Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left, trying to question our cousin about internet
blogs. *57 was used and the number traced to the police station, and the call
was more than likely made from Paradise canyon Vacation call center, during
working hours. It's not enough that Noel tried to use scare tactics and tell
our cousin that the police will be wating when he gets home the night he went
to pick up his final cheque, our family called the police station and Noel lied,
the police said the internet is free speech. Noel fired thousands of people even
his own Filipino people, Dave go and harass Noel's Filipino people, we are not
Filipinos, Dave go and call Brian since he was the one who said in the meeting
that Noel was protecting some people who had less sales than him, Brian was
angry about being fired, and he is Filipino who worked with Noel for 4 years.
Is this the kind of company you want to hand over $10,000 to $15,000 for a travel
membership, a company who harasses employees after firing them, Noel could have
given our cousin trade show sheets but he was out to fire our cousin, for asking
Dave to get his anti virus program back, Noel was very pissed the night he returned
the borrowed software, he hasn't talked to our cousin since and kept shitting on him,
thats the thanks you get for borrowing your boss who asked for the software, never
trust anyone from work, especially your boss. If this is how they treat their
employees just imagine how they treat their members. Don't let Dave or Noel get
your hard earned money, you will get nothing for your $10,000 and it is $3,500
not refundable and $40 to $60 a month for 20 years and the prices are no cheaper
than other travel agents or if you shopped around for yourself.
4908 days ago by Samantha_fox19
1/3-72 ways to lose $10, 000

1-Paradise Canyon Vacation Scam

- $10, 000 for a travel membership!!!

This Travel Company which claims is not a timeshare, but is charging
$10, 000 to $15, 000 for membership privileges for reduced travel
services which you can find just as cheap or cheaper if you
shop around. Cost is $3, 500 down not refundable and $40 t0 $60
per month for 20 years. There was one call a tele marketer was
saying that a lady refused to sign the contract, don't we all just
love to sign 20 year contracts and another time Noel the manager
was explaining to a tele marketer that Paradise Canyon Vacation
is like a bank and will finance the $10, 000 to $15, 000 membership
fee like a bank loan buying a car. You are getting nothing but a
membership that is all, you still have to pay for any travel expenses.
$3, 500 you could have gone on your vacation, instead it would cost
you $7, 000 to go on that same vacation with Paradise Canyon Vacation,
if you decide to cancell after paying out $3, 500, if not the same
vacation would cost you $13, 500, shopping around is still free.

This is a quote from an actual Paradise Canyon Vacation member,
from a reputable travel site,
if you go to that link, and clik rainman75, you can send him an email asking more information.

7. Rainman75
posts: 1

Re: Paradise Canyon Vacations
31 March 2011, 1:24
I got suckered and yes it is a scam! Paradise Canyon Vacations "deals" are no better then anywhere else and in some cases we found Paradise Canyon Vacation trips to be more expensive then our friends who would just book through a travel agent.At the Paradise Canyon Vacation SCAM presentation they constantly tell you how you can get great rates (like $200/wk) at great places all over the world without blackout dates. Using this company I've never paid less then $1300/wk!! The best times to travel are ALWAYS BLACKED OUT at Paradise Canyon Vacations!
I travel a lot and I save VERY little using Paradise Canyon Vacations
kerisosh's plug is a direct quote from the sales pitch!
It's all bulls**t and it's bad for you!!


2-Paradise Canyon Scam - $9700 and go up to $15k

Senior Member

Joined: Jan 2007
Location: Manchester to Alberta, but now beautiful Nova Scotia!
Posts: 1, 738

... so my wife got a call last week, out of the blue, and to cut
a long story short, we found ourselves attending some kind of
meeting/presentation today at the local golf club.

Paradise Canyon Vacations are apparently headquartered about
Lethbridge (AB) and made it 100% clear they're not a time share
and there was nothing to buy from them... today.

It's essentially a "club"- you pay them x thousand dollars to
join the club, and then you receive vacations/flights/cruises
etc at "net" prices. Some of the examples they gave were
extremely impressive.
It seems they're registered travel agents, so have access to
"net" prices through their sister companies/affiliates- that
include huge holiday condo companies, cruise companies, etc etc.

To be honest, I'm extremely skeptical of this kind of stuff,
and I only went because they promised a $1000 travel cheque.
The presentation was only an hour, so I thought it worth the
risk. However, the sales guy has me very interested...

The club "prices" start at around $9700 and go up to $15k or
so... but you can pay monthly over 20 years and cancel
whenever you want. The basic package, that I'm interested in,
would be around $40 a month.
I've booked an appointment with him to discuss in more detail,
but has anyone every had any experience with this company or
similar ones. For $40 a month, I'm inclined to try it for a
year and see what it's like. We have 2 holidays in mind for
this year and if we can save some money, it'll be worthwhile...

Anyone have any experience with this kind of deal/operation?
My subconscious is screaming it's some kind of scam and it
sounds too good to be true, but at the same time, I'm intrigued...


Paradise Canyon Scam - asking for $9-15K.

Totally Choco Chip

I had a quick look online and find it strange that they deny being timeshare
when asking for $9-15K. They are also members of which is a timeshare
exchange company.

I have nothing against timeshare, in fact we have owned one in Orlando for
8 years - we hold title deeds and own it until we decide to sell it. We enjoy
ours and have vacationed at our home resort a few times and also used it to exchange
through RCI to other resorts in Scotland, Ontario, Massechusettes and are heading
to Maine this summer.

I would question paying out between $9-15k fees and not own anything other than a


3-Paradise Canyon Scam - 2 quotes come to mind


Joined: Sep 2005
Location: Windsor, ON
Posts: 3, 345

If it's too good to be true...

Re: Paradise Canyon Scam - Phewwwww...!!!

Fort St...
posts: 106
13 June 2011, 22:15

Phewwwww...!!! I just had them call me and I was
going to go to the meeting but some little voice in
my head said "if it's too good to be true
then... you all know the rest!


4-Paradise Canyon Scam - 2hr movie $10 - 1 hr presentation $10, 000

Paradise canyon Vacation will call and invite you to a free 60 minute presentation
and tell you how they are not calling to sell you anything, is strictly information
only, you cannot buy nothing at the presentation. The truth is they are calling to
sell you a $10, 000 to $15, 000 membership, they won't sell it to you at the
presentation, they will come to your home and try to scam you for $10, 000.
Now if you went to a 2 hour movie, it will only cost you $10 admission plus
popcorn and sft drinks, snacks etc. But you won't have no salesman coming
to your home after the movie. By the way the membership is $3, 500 down not
refundable and $40 to $60 a month for the next 20 years. Just imagine going
to a movie theatre and walking out having to pay $60 a month for the next 20
years, this is what happens if you go to a 1 hour Paradise canyon Vacation
presentation. Choice is yours 2 hour movie $10, 1 hour travel expo presentation
$10, 000 . Where would you put your money?


5-"50 Ways to Leave Your Lover"

Paradise Canyon Vacation campaign song

-performed by Dave Simon, Noel's right
hand man who sometimes uses his left.

The problem with traveling is
all inside your head
Noel said to me
The $10, 000 answer is easy if you
Write out a cheque logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle
To be free of your timeshare membership
There must be fifty ways
To leave $10, 000

Noel said it's really not my habit
To intrude with free gifts
for attending the 1 hour presentation
Furthermore, I hope my meaning
Won't be lost or misconstrued
that is why we ask you to bring
your spouse or a travel partner
But I'll repeat myself
"because that is what we do"
At the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways
To leave $10, 000
Fifty ways to lose $10, 000

You Just slip out the back
door of the presentation, Jack
Make a new plan
go to a movie instead, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
hang up the phone when
Paradise Canyon Vacation calls
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
and bring your wallet with you
You don't need to discuss much
tell the salesman no
Just drop off the key, Lee
there are no free gifts to win
And get yourself free

Noel said it grieves me so
To see your wallet empty in such pain
I wish there was something I could do
like rip up your 20 year contract
To make you smile again
I said Noel I appreciate that
And would you please explain
About the fifty ways
To leave $10, 000

Noel said why don't we both
Just attend a presentation tonight
And I believe in the morning
You'll begin to be conned
to see the light
And write out that cheque for $10, 000
And then Noel kissed me
And I realized he probably was right
There must be fifty ways
To leave $10, 000
Fifty ways to lose $10, 000


6-50 Ways to Leave your Lover, or to Lose your members

Paradise Canyon Vacation Campaign song

-performed by Dave Simon, Noel's right
hand man who sometimes uses his left.

The problem is all inside your service
and the $3, 500 non refundable initial fee
I said to Noel
The $10, 000 answer is listening if you
Ask them to Take out their cheque book logically
I’d like to help you in your struggle
To scam callers, sorry To make a profit
There must be fifty ways
To lose your members

I told Noel it’s really not in
my job description
To advise or ask you to tell
members that the contract
is $40 t0 $60 a month for 20 years
Furthermore, I hope my meaning
Won’t get me fired or written up
But I’ll repeat myself
At the risk of being cool
There must be fifty ways
To lose your members
Fifty ways to lose your members

Just stab them in the back, Jack
Make a big scam, Stan
You don’t need more employees, Roy
Just streamline your staff.
Make a big fuss, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just tack on a fee, Lee
And file for Chapter 11

I said to Noel it grieves me so
To see your empty presentations
I wish there was something I could do
To make you hire more tele marketers
Noel said I appreciate that
And would you please explain
About the fifty ways

I said why don’t we both
Just review your company's motto tonight
And I believe in the morning
You’ll begin to see the light
And then told Noel to treat
tele marketers with respect and give
them more than 1/4% commisssion
And Noel realized I probably was right
There must be fifty ways
To lose your members
Fifty ways to lose your members

Just stab them in the back, Jack
Make a big scam, Stan
You don’t need more employees, Roy
Just streamline your staff.
Make a big fuss, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just tack on a fee, Lee
And file for Chapter 11


7-Paradise canyon Scam - A few good men

All it takes is a few people to let others know about the
corruption, lies and greed of big powerful money hungry
corporations. Using underpaid tele marketers to try and
rob the innocent of thousands with promises of free gifts
and vacations. Like the Justice League it is a never ending
battle for as soon as one villan is taken down another appears.
Paradise Canyon Vacation for years has been under paying employees
and using scare tactics like calling the police to protect it's
sales. They don't want callers to know that the membership is
$10, 000 to $15, 000 till the salesman arrives at thier home.
These posts were written by jilted employees and people who were
scammed by paradise canyon vacation to help and warn others
not to fall in the same misfortune.


8-Paradise Canyon - Allgallbladerss eat gaga's shit

Now that Paradise Canyon Vacation is on line on the internet scam sites. Employees like
Allbladerss and gaga come out of the wood word to protect their jobs, Especially Gaga
trying to slander innocent workers whom she accuses of going on line telling the truth,
Noel fired a whole bunch of people like he does every other week, "cleaning house" as
he says, Noel has pissed off many if not hundreds of ex employees including his own
Filipno people. Allgallbalderss and gaga you can both go and eat the shit out of Paradise
Canyon toilets call centre, because your both a piece of shit like the rest of them, gaga
is the biggest turd of them all slandering other employees but gaga didnt mention that Noel
the manager said it was ok for employees to sell stolen xbox, playstaion games as long as
employees got good prices, funny how gaga left that part out Gaga you enjoy trying to scam
innocent people out of $10, 000 dollars, next time you two are on the phone, just tell the
truth and tell the people its $3, 500 down not refundable, and $50 a month for 20 years oh
and don't forgot the lengthy contract they got to sign, Allgallbladerss when you can do this,
then you can tell people to eat your shit, till then you and Gaga keep licking the urinals
at Paradise canyon Vacation call centre.


9-Paradise Canyon Scam - Be Afraid Be Very Afraid

Paradise Canyon Vacations will sound so nice and
pleasing when they call you during supper and apologize
and swear they are not calling to sell you anything,
its strictly information only, you cant buy nothing
at the presentation and of course leave your money at
home, they will ask you to bring your wife or travel
partner, this way you can't walk away so easily from
the $10, 000 to $15, 000 membership, which is $3, 500
down not refundable and $40 to $60 a month for the
next 20 years, they will try to offer you gifts 2
free night hotel stay and dinner for 2, which nobody
ever receives, Paradise Canyon Vacations hates people
who come for the gifts, the owners call them "roaches",
then why do they offer the gifts and call the people
roaches for attending, there is also the $1, 000 travel
voucher, of course you have to spend $10, 000 to $15, 000
for the membership, membership is all you get, you still
have to pay for the trips, which will cost the same or
more if you shop around. Don't let Paradise Canyon
Vacation scam you.


10-Paradise Canyon Scam - Bring your own toilet paper

I worked for the call centre at Paradise Canyon vacation
in winnipeg, every week Noel would bring us in the
presentation room and threaten us if we didn't do better
he would "clean house" and fire us. If you saw the bathrooms
you would take getting fired as a blessing. The bathroom
floors were never mopped, Noel would just dump 20 gallons
of water on the floors and there would be 2 inches of water
on the floors, until it dried. Then we had the ants crawling
all over the bathroom floors, rumour has it that they were
Gaga's crabs, the girl who slanders employees on,
complaining of smell when in fact the smell was coming from
her own yeast infection. The garbage pails were always full
of employees garbage and doughnuts, that would explain all
the ants, the garbage was emptied a good once a month, the
garbage was always 2 feet over the small garbage pails. As
for the bathrooms there was hardly ever any toilet paper,
the employees were using the toilet paper to dry their
hands since the paper towel dispensers were always empty.
If you have to go to the bathroom for a crap you had better
remember to bring your own toilet paper from home.


11-Paradise Canyon Scam - Bullies Employees

Paradise Canyon Vacation advertises $15 an hour
for 24 hours per week, but it is in reality only
$10 an hour for 20 hours, and only $15 an hour
if you can get 10 leads that night which is next
to impossible. There is alot of favourtism and
those favored employees are given much easier
call list to work on, while others have to work
5 times harder, and if you dont produce enough
you are brought into the presentation room and
given warnings, special employees are protected
with very easy call sheets, Paradise Canyon
don't care about its employees only money,
and the $10, 000 to $15, 000 membership fee they
can get for their supposedly free presentations
from people believing they will receive 2 free
gifts, and Noel the manager and Rod the owner
call people attending the presentations for the
free gifts roaches.


Paradise Canyon Scam - Harasses Seniors

Paradise Canyon Vacations is harassing seniors trying to make them come to a
supposedly free presentation with 2 free gifts which no one ever receives,
they tell seniors is information only, leave your money at home, when in
reality the membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000, $3, 500 down and $40 to $60
per month for the next 20 years, one female worker told her boss, "shes a
senior 85 and dont travel", the boss told her to sell to her just the same.
Paradise Canyon Vacations just wants your $10, 000 even if you have 1 foot
in the grave. They have no compassion or morals, and should be respecting
seniors instead of conning them and trying to make them come out to a
presentation to con them out of their retirement money.


12-Paradise Canyon Vacation "can you spare $10, 000?'

Paradise Canyon Vacations tele marketers will call you during supper, offer
you 2 free night stay and dinner for 2, for attending an 1 hour presentation,
tell you to leave your wallet at home, strictly information only, in reality
the membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000 with $3, 500 which is non refundable and
$40 to $60 a month for 20 years, they will tell you "you can't buy nothing at
the presentation" and call you the day before, leave your money at home but
bring a cheque for $10, 000


13-Paradise Canyon Scam - Cracked Foundations

New Member

Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 1

I have to post. I am from Lethbridge. The real estate
at Paradise Canyon is sliding into the coulees as the
builders did not go down to bedrock on the hills.
Currently you can see 2 of the $350, 000 to $500, 000
house for schedule A sale at $159, 000 and 175, 000.
Schedule A means you are buying as is with no recourse
if the condo/house continues to slip. THESE HOUSES
IS NO QUICK FIX as I called a structural engineer and
he said they won't touch Paradise due to the numerous
lawsuits. You have to get pilings to go down to bedrock
and each can cost $30, 000 to $50, ooo apiece. You may
need 1 or 4 to stabilize each structure. Go to
and get to the Lethbridge listings to view the beautiful
homes on firesale at Paradise Canyon! I looked inmto it
because of the prices. The real estate guys won't even
buy to resale.
PS- The river is the Old Man river not the Milk River.


14-Paradise Canyon Scam - Dave right hand man with 2 left feet

Noel has a right hand man named Dave who sometimes uses his
left. Some of us worked with dave before at Tele Solutions,
where 1/2 of the closing supervisors collecting credit card information
had served jail time, and this is where Dave came from, and he seems to blend right in very nicely with his prison tattoos. Our cousin used to work with Dave on Saturday mornings at Tele Solutions and he remebers Dave coming in to work drunk like a skunk, and got many leads but once he sobered up he couldnt do nothing, useless as tits on bull. Dave comes in to work every other week with a black eye from bar fights, or misses days here and there when he's on a drinking binge. Is this the best that Noel can do for a right hand man who sometimes uses his left.If this is the quality of supervisors we can imagine the quality of the salesmen at the presentations, the sales pitch should be "leave your money at home but bring a case of two four".


15-Paradise Canyon Scam - Employee Theft

Paradise canyon Vacation tele marketers are very good in convincing you
that the presewntation is free and leave your money at home, and if you
haven't guess by now, it is a scam. The membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000
but they dont tell you that till the salesman/wo, man comes to your home.
Theft is a daily thing at Paradise canyon Vacation call centre, people
having cell phones stoen is very popular, that is because everyone is on
their cell phones surfing the internet playing games, so there is plenty
of cell phones to be stolen. One person even had his bicycle seat stolen
from his very desk, you cant leave nothing down. The mamanger Noel actually
encourages stealing among his employees, when questioned about Loren selling
stolen xbox, playstation pc games and dvd movies, Noel's reply was
that is is ok as long as employees get good prices, and Dave, Noels right hand
man who sometimes uses his left is Loren's best customer, we all also have
Rob selling stolen $200 sports jerseys for $40, and hsi biggest buyer is Ozzie
a tall skinny balck man from Mts on Osbourne in Winnipeg, buying a jersey a week,
now we also have shady crooked Mts employees trying to scam you out of $10, 000.


16-Paradise Canyon Scam _ Employees selling and buying stolen goods

Paradise Canyon Vacation employees for years have been enjoying
the benefits of buying stolen goods during work time on
comapany property. When Noel the manager was approached about
Loren selling xbox, playstation, pc games and blu ray movies,
Noel said it was ok as long as employees got good prices.

Paradise Canyon Scam - Selling stolen laptop for $100

Where else but at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre can you buy a
brand new stolen laptop for $100 still in the box. It happened with
a tele marketer called Sega, who used to come in everyday dressed
like she was a model walking down the runway. Rather than going to
the store to buy a new laptop she took advantage of Paradise Canyon
vacation employee benefits, and purchased a brane new stolen laptop
for $100, off one of the tele marketers, a big fat guy who was going
to the gym everyday so said Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left. When Noel the manager was confronted about Loren selling
stolen xbox and dvd movies, Noel said it was ok as long as employees got
good prices Not only can Sega buy stolen brand new laptops still in
the box, she can also buy xbox, playstation, pc games and dvd movies from
Loren, are his stolen movies any good, ask Dave Noel's right hand man who
sometimes uses his left, Dave is Loren's biggest customer. Stolen laptops
xbox games and movies is not all that Paradise Canyon Employees benefits
entitles them too, they can also purchase stolen $200 sports jerseys from
Rob for $40, ask Ozzie an Mts Osbourne winnipeg call centre employee,
he's been buying stolen sports jerseys one of every week for months, and
wears his stolen jerseys with pride. You too can receive employee benefits
and buy stolen laptops, xbox games, dvd movies and stolen sports jerseys,
all you need is a desire to lie to people about free presentations and
scam people out of $10, 000 for memberships.

Paradise Canyon Scam - Selling stolen sports jerseys

Along with scamming people out of $10, 000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get sports jerseys
valued at $200 for $40 to $60, thanks to Rob a tele
marketer in the call centre who has been for years
moon lighting selling stolen jerseys. Is the quality
good? Well just ask Ozzie a tall black man from Mts
on Osbourne in Winnipeg, Noels pet tele marketer
who along with Tyler also gets very easy expo sheets
while the rest of the workers have calls 5 times as
hard. Ozzie has been buying stolen jerseys at the rate
of 1 a week and is very proud to wear his hot jerseys,
Ozzie can afford to buy one very week cause he brags
hows he's making $20 an hour and his girlfriend is
making $35, you think with that kind of money he would
buy store bought sport jerseys. Just goes to show where
your money goes when you pay your Mts bill. As for Paradise
Canyon Vacation, they give it the thumbs up, because when
Noel was approached about the situation he said it was ok
that Loren sells stolen xbox, playstaion, pc games and movies
as long as the employees get good prices. Is this where the
$10, 000 membership fee goes, to pay crooked employees. Dave,
Noels right hand man who sometimes uses his left is
Loren's best customer. If this is the how the call centre
is running I hate to see the 1 hour presentations.

Paradise canyon Scam - Selling stolen xbox games

Along with scamming people out of $10, 000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get net prices
on all their favorite xbox, playstation and wi games,
not to mention dvd hd and blu ray movies. All thanks to
Loren one of their top bookers. When Loren is not
behind bars and at work, he is selling xbox games and pc
games to his top buyer, Dave who is Noels right hand man
and sometimes he uses his left. Paradise Canyon gives
all this the thumbs up, because when Noel was approached
concerning the situation he said "it's ok as long as
employees get good prices", now would you join and
pay $10, 000 membership if the employees and right hand
man are all buying stolen dvds. They should be offering
these dvd movies and xbox games at the presentations at
employee prices, along with the dinner for 2 and the 2
free hotel night stay.


17-Paradise Canyon Scam - Enormous Upfront Fee

New Member

Joined: Oct 2010
Posts: 1

Default Re: Paradise Canyon Vacations...
My friends just recently purchased a membership with Paradise Canyon Vacations,
so I thought I would check them out.

This Travel Club sounds the same as every other club out there... enormous
upfront fee and monthly charges for services that are offered on the internet
for free. I cannot believe that there are still Travel Clubs out there with
the introduction of the internet.


Paradise Canyon Scam - charge up to $15k

el richo
That's what she said!!!

Joined: Jan 2009
Location: Oobie doobie doobie, oobie doobie doobie, woop man, woop man, nick knack noo.

So they offer discounts on holidays, yet charge you up to $15k for the privilege? Sounds

I'll lend you my bargepole if you pay $4k for postage.


18-"50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" or "50 ways to lose your members"

50 Ways to Leave your Lover or lose $10, 000

Paradise Canyon Vacation campaign song

-performed by Dave Simon, Noel's right
hand man who sometimes uses his left.

The problem with traveling is
all inside your head
Noel said to me
The $10, 000 answer is easy if you
Write out a cheque logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle
To be free of your timeshare membership
There must be fifty ways
To leave $10, 000

Noel said it's really not my habit
To intrude with free gifts
for attending the 1 hour presentation
Furthermore, I hope my meaning
Won't be lost or misconstrued
that is why we ask you to bring
your spouse or a travel partner
But I'll repeat myself
"because that is what we do"
At the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways
To leave $10, 000
Fifty ways to lose $10, 000

You Just slip out the back
door of the presentation, Jack
Make a new plan
go to a movie instead, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
hang up the phone when
Paradise Canyon Vacation calls
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
and bring your wallet with you
You don't need to discuss much
tell the salesman no
Just drop off the key, Lee
there are no free gifts to win
And get yourself free

Noel said it grieves me so
To see your wallet empty in such pain
I wish there was something I could do
like rip up your 20 year contract
To make you smile again
I said Noel I appreciate that
And would you please explain
About the fifty ways
To leave $10, 000

Noel said why don't we both
Just attend a presentation tonight
And I believe in the morning
You'll begin to be conned
to see the light
And write out that cheque for $10, 000
And then Noel kissed me
And I realized he probably was right
There must be fifty ways
To leave $10, 000
Fifty ways to lose $10, 000


50 Ways to Leave your Lover, or to Lose your members

Paradise Canyon Vacation Campaign song

-performed by Dave Simon, Noel's right
hand man who sometimes uses his left.

The problem is all inside your service
and the $3, 500 non refundable initial fee
I said to Noel
The $10, 000 answer is listening if you
Ask them to Take out their cheque book logically
I’d like to help you in your struggle
To scam callers, sorry To make a profit
There must be fifty ways
To lose your members

I told Noel it’s really not in
my job description
To advise or ask you to tell
members that the contract
is $40 t0 $60 a month for 20 years
Furthermore, I hope my meaning
Won’t get me fired or written up
But I’ll repeat myself
At the risk of being cool
There must be fifty ways
To lose your members
Fifty ways to lose your members

Just stab them in the back, Jack
Make a big scam, Stan
You don’t need more employees, Roy
Just streamline your staff.
Make a big fuss, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just tack on a fee, Lee
And file for Chapter 11

I said to Noel it grieves me so
To see your empty presentations
I wish there was something I could do
To make you hire more tele marketers
Noel said I appreciate that
And would you please explain
About the fifty ways

I said why don’t we both
Just review your company's motto tonight
And I believe in the morning
You’ll begin to see the light
And then told Noel to treat
tele marketers with respect and give
them more than 1/4% commission
And Noel realized I probably was right
There must be fifty ways
To lose your members
Fifty ways to lose your members

Just stab them in the back, Jack
Make a big scam, Stan
You don’t need more employees, Roy
Just streamline your staff.
Make a big fuss, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just tack on a fee, Lee
And file for Chapter 11


19-Paradise Canyon Scam - Gaga has crabs or is that dinner for 2

Now that the truth comes out about Paradise Canyon Vacation employees selling
stolen xbox, playstation pc games and blu ray movies, the employees like gaga
come out of the wood word to protect their jobs, Gaga you can go and eat the
shit out of Paradise Canyon toilets call centre, because your a piece of shit
like the rest of them, I sat next to this person your trying to slander and he
was a perfect gentleman, and even though he rode to work, he changed his clothes
and brought spare clothes, as for mental the only mental people is you for protecting
Paradise Canyon Vacation it's funny Gaga how you didnt mention the stolen sports
jerseys and stolen xbox games and blu ray movies and when our cousin's bike seat
was stolen he mentioned to Noel about Loren selling stolen movies and xbox games
and Noel the manager told our cousin it was ok as long as employees got good
prices, gaga why did you leave out employees selling and buying stolen goods Gaga
how much did Noel pay you to slander our cousin, or is Gaga really Noel impersonating
an employee to try and save his company and sales Gaga you can lick my ass and let
me crap in your mouth, look at you trying to scam innocent people out of $10, 000
dollars, next time your on the phone, just tell the truth and tell the people its
$3, 500 down not refundable, and $50 a month for 20 years oh and don't forgot the
lengthy contract they got to sign, when you can do this, then you can talk shit about
people, till then keep licking the urinals at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre.
You didnt quit gaga Noel fired your ass couldnt you couldnt produce bookings, and Gaga
those ants in the ladies bathroom floor, those are not ants, those were your crabs, were
those crabs the free dinner for two you were offering callers on the phone to attend the
free presentation, Gaga go see a doctor you skank.


20-Paradise canyon Scam - Give me Noel NOW!!!

When Paradise Canyon Vacation calls, demand to speak to
Noel, he is the manager, and do not take no for an answer.
They can call and harass people during supper every night
with promises of supposedly free gifts. As for the do not
call list won't do nothing, because the tele marketers
dial all the numbers by hand. The call list may never even
be handed in since people come and go daily. When you speak
to Noel tell Noel you know that the membership is $10, 000
to $15, 000 and that you will not give him $3, 500 down non
refundable and then another $40 to $60 a month for the next
20 years. Noel and his boss Rod at the Calgary office hate
people coming to the presentation just for the free gifts,
they call them "roaches". Noel even fires his own people
Filipinos if they don't give him enough leads, even Brian a
Filipino who was with Noel for 4 years. The man is mean,
heartless and cares only about money, and we think he cares
about Edna a short Filipino we call Snooki who has been with
him for years, and is given special rebook sheets and has
Debbie and catherine wiping her ass finishing up her calls
with confirmation leads. Noel back stabs his own Filipino
people but kisses Tyers and Ozzzie's asses, one night Noel
gave Ozzie 2 expo sheets while other workers had to do all
the hard calls, and Tyler gets expo sheets every night, we
wonder who's nose is browner Noels, Tyler's or Ozzie's. How
can you trust a company who's manager turns on his own people
in the name of greed and money.

4908 days ago by Samantha_fox19
2/3-60 ways to lose $10, 000

21-Paradise Canyon Vacation Scam

- Harasses Seniors

Paradise Canyon Vacations is harassing seniors trying to make them come to a
supposedly free presentation with 2 free gifts which no one ever receives,
they tell seniors is information only, leave your money at home, when in
reality the membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000, $3, 500 down and $40 to $60
per month for the next 20 years, one female worker told her boss, "shes a
senior 85 and dont travel", the boss told her to sell to her just the same.
Paradise Canyon Vacations just wants your $10, 000 even if you have 1 foot
in the grave. They have no compassion or morals, and should be respecting
seniors instead of conning them and trying to make them come out to a
presentation to con them out of their retirement money.


Paradise Canyon Scam - Bullies Employees

Paradise Canyon Vacation advertises $15 an hour
for 24 hours per week, but it is in reality only
$10 an hour for 20 hours, and only $15 an hour
if you can get 10 leads that night which is next
to impossible. There is alot of favourtism and
those favored employees are given much easier
call list to work on, while others have to work
5 times harder, and if you dont produce enough
you are brought into the presentation room and
given warnings, special employees are protected
with very easy call sheets, Paradise Canyon
don't care about its employees only money,
and the $10, 000 to $15, 000 membership fee they
can get for their supposedly free presentations
from people believing they will receive 2 free
gifts, and Noel the manager and Rod the owner
call people attending the presentations for the
free gifts roaches.


22-Paradise Canyon Scam - Hat Trick

A hat trick in sports is when a player gets 3 goals in a game
at Paradise Canyon Vacation a hat trick is when you get called
3 times in the same night. Promising you gifts to attend the
presentation and reassuring you that its not time share and
free when the membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000 and $3, 500 down
not refundable and yes the best part $40 t0 $60 a month for
20 years. Don't let Ozzie, Wendy and Edna get the poweplay on
you. save your $10, 000 and put them in the penalty box where
these scamers belong.

Paradise Canyon Vacation and The Wizard of Ozzie Osbourne

Paradise Canyon Vacation has an MTS employee, from the Osbourne call centre location in Winnipeg
who calls himself ozzie, a tall skinny black anorexic man who is making $20 an hour, and his
girlfriend $35 an hour so he brags at the Paradise canyon Vacation Call Centre, yet he comes to
Paradise Canyon for minimum wage to rip off people for $10, 000, this is evil greed $55 an hour
between them both and he needs to come rip off innocent people and lie to them, we beleive that
Noel is paying Ozzie under the table because on several occasions we have seen Noel give Ozzie
several $20, Ozzie claims that its his pay and that he has no bus money to get home, really
he's making $20 an hour from MTS and his girlfriend $35 working with xrays and Ozzie has no
bus money to get home, maybe if Ozzie wouldn't buy so many stolen nba and hockey jerseys from
Rob, Ozzie may just have bus money to get home. Rob has been selling stolen sports jerseys at
the Paradise Canyon Vacation Winnipeg all on company time and property call centre for years,
but since Ozzie has arrived business has been booming, and what does Noel say about all this,
when Noel was approached about Loren selling stolen xbox, playstation pc games and blu ray
movies, Noel the manager said it was ok as long as employees get good prices. When Mts was
called they said that they didn't care what their employees did off company time, and no
supervisor even called back.Yet Mts wants us to give our personal information to their
employees buying stolen sports jerseys at the rate of 1 per week. Now you know where your
money goes when you pay your Mts bill it goes to employees like Ozzie buying stolen sports
jerseys so how can you trust a company who hires shady Mts employees and people selling
stolen sports jerseys, and not to mention Loren selling his stolen xbox, playstaion pc games
and blu ray movies so when you join Paradise Canyon Vacation and pay $10, 000 membership fee,
now you know where your money is going, membership does have its privileges but only for
employess of Paradise Canyon Vacation call center.


53-Paradise Canyon Scam - Wendy The Horrible

Beware of Wendy The Horrible, she is Paradise Canyon Vacation's top
con artist and dont care how many people she scams out of $10, 000,
regardless of age. All she is after is commission and inviting people
to the supposedly free presentations. She is constantly crying and
complaining when not enough people show up for the presentations so she
can make her commission. One night Wendy had a fight with the matriarch
of the Catherine clan, and verified her own lead, this lead to a fight
with Noel, Wendy was so horrible she told Noel the manager "you need me
more than I need you", not only is Wendy horrible but she is stingy and
all talk no action, next night she came back to work on her knees begging
Noel for her job back. She has a very horrible high pitched voice and when
she is working she is the only person you can hear in the room. Her voice
is so shrill that she can awaken the dead, . Be very aware when Wendy calls,
she is very cunning and manipulative and is very good at conning people to
come to the presentation. Paradise Canyon tele marketers dont have a heart,
all they want is to con you so they can get their commission.


Paradise Canyon Vacation - the 3 faces of Eve now adding Brittney

Paradise Canyon Vacation is so shady that even their tele marketers
are liers and dishonest. If you get a call from a woman claiming to
be Jenna or Ella, her real name is Edna, all the same person using 3
names to try to fool people and rob them out of $10, 000, telling them
the presentation is free and will receive 2 free gifts, only 1 woman
in over a year said she received the free hotel stay, but had travel
to Florida, from central Canada to the other side of the USA, and had
to pay the airfare, you cant pick and choose where to stay, a free hotel
stay may cost thousands of dollars in air fare, but Jenna, Ella or
Edna all the same person wont tell you this, she is greedy and wants
you to go to the so called free presentation and be conned out of
$10, 000, she is a good con artist so be very aware. Update now it seems
that Edna aka Eve has added a new name she is now going by Britney
so now when Ella, Jenna or Britney calls you, it is really Edna.
A short filipino lady trying to sound like a jersey shore poser,
every body just calls her snooki.


23-Paradise Canyon Scam - Hates children

Paradise Canyon Vacation hates when people attending the presentations
bring their children, yet they want to charge $10, 000 to $15, 000 for
a travel membership and alot families travel with children, and they
don't even tell you its $10, 000 till the salesman arrives at your house.
Contradictory to what is said at the presentation. Paradise Canyon
vacation should at least make accomodations for the children, rent a room
for them supervised with an adult. They want the childrens moms and dads
to fork over $10, 000 but don't care about the children. Noel the manager
says that the children disrupt the presentations and the salemen cant do
thier jobs. Do you really want to hand over $10, 000 to $15, 000 to travcvel
company that hates children, $3, 500 down and $40 to $60 a month for the
next 20 years. Do you really want to pass down the membership fees down
to your children when they grow up.


24-Paradise Canyon Scam - He Shoots! He Scams!!!

Paradise Canyon Vacation tele marketers love to call
oops, scam people during hockery games. Because they
know that everyone will be at home watching the game.
Especally Wendy the Horrible who is very good at
scamming people and even called Noel the manager
to brag how she got 14 leads the night of a major
hockey game.. Don't be fooled or scammed the
membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000. $3, 500 down not
refundable and $40 to $60 a month for $20 years, if
that is not timeshare then tell me what is. Tell those
tele marketers from Paradise Canyon you don't need
their 2 free night hotel stay and dinner for 2, and
that $1, 000 gift voucher. Don't let Paradise Canyon
Vacation get the power play on you.
Put Noel and Dave his right hand man and who sometimes
he uses his left in the penalty box, remember all they
want is to lure you to the supposedly free presentation
to scam you out of $10, 000, don't sign any contracts
or let Paradise Canyon sales people into your home.


25-Paradise Canyon Scam - I would go nowhere near it


Premium Member

Joined: Sep 2008
Location: CYXX
Posts: 5, 223

Check out the BBB, there are two complaints on there
about them. I would not join anything to pay for
something I can do myself.
My buddy registered himself as a travel agent so he
could guide two tours a year
(it is a free vacation for him).

Myself, I would go nowhere near it.


You may want to do a bit more research before shelling
out any cash.


Paradise Canyon Scam - Don't do it

Dumbo Wafflebutt

Joined: Sep 2006
Location: Kelowna
Posts: 1, 976

Don't do it. My father ended up being suckered into joining a
"holiday club" where he could enjoy countless benefits and
reduced price vacations all over the world.
The deals they were offering on their website were nothing
more than any average joe could get if they shopped around
and in the end all he got was a nice looking membership pack
which cost something like 5000 quid


26-Paradise Canyon Scam - I need a hero

Don't we all wish that there was someone who could make
Paradise canyon vacation stop calling during supper so
we can enjoy our dinners. We need a hero especially during
Hockey Night In canada when those pesky Paradise Canyon
Vacation tele marketers just won't stop dialing our numbers
on Sunday night. It's gonna take a superman to flew down to
that Winnipeg call centre and disconnect all those phone

30-Paradise Canyon Scam - Justice League

By now you probably realized that a group of men and women in
spandex tights are trying to take down the Cold Warriors a group
of ice themed super villians salesmen and tele marketers working
under Paradise Canyon Vacation, and in so doing making people
aware what is going inside Paradise Canyon Vacation with the
inside scoop, and what really happens at the presentations,
with testimonials from people who have been scammed. The
management of paradise Canyon Vacation don't want you the public
to know, that the membership fee is actually $10, 000 to $15, 000
with $3, 500 down non refundable and $40 to $60 a month for 20
years.They have tele markers call you and swear till they are blue
in the face that the presentation is free and that you cant buy
nothing and leave your money at home. This is all a scam the same
scam used by tele solutions when selling magazines, they will call
and tell you 'im not calling to sell you anything" but then pass
you on to their supervisor who will try and scam you for over $1000
in magazines. "i'm not calling to sell you anything", that is
because someone else will. They wont sell you nothing at the
presentation because Paradise Canyon Vacation sales people will come
to your home. Noel the manager even brags how good they are at
ripping peoeple off, and claims that they can get 9/10 people to fork
over $10, 000. This is a scam, the tele markers should tell the people
"we are calling to sell you a $10, 000 membership", and not lie. As for
the free gifts, you dont get those till after you filled out forms with
your information, and then wait 2-3 weeks in the mail, from what I
heard many people have told the tele marketers that they did not receive
the free gifts. Just like telesolutions who will not send you their $5
watch so described by JD the room manager, which they claim is a $650
diamond watch just so you will pay the $1, 000 magazine fee. The watch
arrives after 2 weeks because you only have 10 days to cancell your credit
card payment. Paradise canyon Vacation will also give you a $1, 000 gift
voucher towards the $10, 000 to $15, 000 membership. There are too many
services all around for free and you can get the same prices and even lower
and better if you just shop around. You work too hard for your money to let
travel companies and magazine publishers rip you off.

Together we can make people more aware with knowledge and knowing is
the first part of winning any battle, we have compiled a list of
informative blogs from people who have been called, tele marketers and
members who have been scammed. Paradise canyon Vacation is fighting back
by sending out their dragons to take down our blogs, so please help
us and spread the word, they mostly call people in British Columbia,
Alberta. Manitoba and soon trying to Scam Ontario, calls are in the
evenings. For your entertainment you can check out these pictures


31-Paradise canyon Scam - Justice League Assemble

It seems that the Knights Of Paradise have joined forces with
the Justice League and not only do they have to deal with the
dragon Paradise Canyon Vacation, but now has a team they have to
contend with its cousin the 3 headed hydra This 3 headed
hydra is working very closely with Paradise canyon vacation
to take down man, woman or child who dare to venture and post
anything negative about Paradise Canyon Vacation, all posts against
the dragon Paradise canyon Vacation have been removed, all but
one post slandering and hurting innocent employees with malicious
lies. is supposed to protect people from scam corporations
out there who lie and rip people off, and not to slander innocent
employees. We need your help to take down the dragon and the hydra,
please if you see any scam links about Paradise Canyon Vacation send
the links to all your knights, fair maidens, friends and family,
together we can slay the dragon and his cousin the hydra and help
people so they dont get scammed $10, 000 to $15, 000 for a travel
membership which is $3, 500 down non refundable, and imprisonment
in a dark dungeon for 20 years till the $40 to $60 a month has been
paid in full.


32-Paradise Canyon Scam - Justice League Reassemble

The knights of paradise along with the Justice Leage
shall not stop till they take down the walls of Rod
and Noel's tele marketing castle and break the
shackles and free all the enslaved tele marketers,
even the rich governement social workers like Darcy
and Ms Soldier, they will not even leave behind shady
crooked MTS employees like Ozzie who has been buying
stolen sports jerseys from Rob, they will even break
the shackles and free Loren who has been selling
stolen xbox, playstaion, pc games and blu ray
movies. But they will leave Noel in chains to rot in
the dungeon, for when he was approached about Loren
selling stolen xbox games, he said it ok as long as
employees got got prices, joining Noel to rot and
shackled will be his right hand man Dave who sometimes
uses his left, who is also Loren's biggest customer.
It seems that the dragon Paradise Canyon Vacation and
its cousin the 3 headed hydra have joined forces
with Cerebus the 3 headed guard dog of Hades aka Complaints, which is now guarding the gates and not allowing
people to post anything negative about Paradise Canyon vacation.
All posts get a message saying that it will first be reviewed
by the administrator and then never gets posted, seldom do you
]see the message "Your complaint has been added successfully!",
Please warn everyone you know, the memebership fee is $10, 000
to $15, 000, with $3, 500 non refundable and $40 to $60 a month
for 20 years. They won't tell you this at the presentation,
only when the salesman arrives at your home witht he lengthy
contract to sign. Help us in our struggle against the Dragon,
hydra and now Cerebus aka, For your
entertainment you can check out these pictures at


27-Paradise Canyon Scam - I would say watch out

New Member

Joined: Sep 2010
Posts: 2

Actually. I have been doing some research of my own. I got this call from these
guys last week. Becasue I grew up around the Lethbridge I was quite curious when
they told me their name. I asked flat out if they were affiliated with the
Lethbridge Paradise Canyon and the lady on the phone stumbbled to give me an
answer. That is where I started being skeptical. I asked them where they are
from and the lady told me she was calling from Winnipeg Manitoba. But the area
code on the phone number was a 403(southern alberta area code)

The Paridise Canyon in Lethbridge is a VERY nice place. Yes they have had some
problems with buildings and even part of their course sliding into the Milk River.
But they try to have that fixed up asap and they are very professional. Yes they have
an RCI timeshare system and on their website they even sell vacations. They call there
travel section of the company Paradise Canyon Travel. NOT PARADISE CANYON VACATIONS.

I just got the confirmation email and it looks cheap. They have photo shopped Paradise
Canyons Logo onto it and it looks bad. If you go to the actual paradise canyon website
it looks nice. Do you actually think that a company with such a good reputation around
their community would make up such a crappy email when they have obviously spent good
money on a nice well done website. I dont think so.

This Paradise Vacations company, I would gather, is no better than one of those lame
Vacation Faxes that comes across the machine once a month.
I wouldnt do it... would you?

In closing haha. If you are ever in Lethbridge give Paradise canyon a try.
especially if you are a golfer. Very nice. The the housing area is clean and and cookie
cutter houses adds a nice feel for the community they are trying to uphold. But this
other "vacations company" I would say watch out. I am going to call the actual
Paradise Canyon tomorrow to find out more info and I will post another novel for you.
HAHA Cheers.


Paradise Canyon Scam - giving them a miss

Zoe Bell
bored desk monkey

Joined: Apr 2007
Location: TORONTO- yay!!!
Posts: 2, 480

Well if that's the quality of their sales team I'll be giving them a miss


28-Paradise Canyon Scam - Is Edna Noel's woman?????

Is Edna Noel's woman? That is the question all are asking
at the Paradise Canyon Vacation call center in Winnipeg. It
seems that Noel has been firing his own people Filipinos
even Brian who has been with Noel for 3 years. But Noel is
protecting Edna, giving Edna easy rebooks, and expo sheets.
Noel even has Catherine and especially Debbie the supervisors
making certain that Edna and her friend Laura are taken care
of, Edna doesn't have to tell callers that the supervisor will
call them back, she raises her hand and Debbie or catherine
come running to close the lead and give the confirmation
number, while other tele marketers lose leads becuase people
dont answer the return calls. Edna brags about her $1, 000
commission in less than 6 months, but she has Catherine and
Debbie wiping her ass and wiping Laura's ass to ensure sales
and not having missed calls. paradise Canyon Vacation does
alot of favourtism while other call agents work 5 times harder.
It's unusual that Noel has fired just about all the female
Filipino tele marketers but Edna, If I was Noel's wife I
would be questioning Noel as to why Debbie and Catherine are
wiping Edna's ass guaranteeing her sales, and why Noel is firing
his own Filipino people.


29-Paradise Canyon Scam - is it worth my while?

New Member

Joined: Mar 2011
Posts: 1


Yes this is one of the first hits that comes up when you
google Paradise Canyon Vacations.

I was invited to one of these presentations and while I
could never afford to buy in (University student) I was
going to go for the 2 free nights in a hotel.

Did anyone else go to a presentation and actually get this
offering? Is it worth my precious homework time?


Paradise Canyon - Going For The Gifts

New Member

Joined: Aug 2010
Posts: 1


I actually received a call and my husband and I are
going to an informational seminar tomorrow night. I
have no intentions of purchasing anything at all. I
am only going to receive the 2 free hotel nights.
Did you receive this also? Anyhow good luck to you if
you decide to do it. We do travel, but there is no way
I am paying thousands of dollars to belong to a travel
"club". Take care and good luck!


Re: Paradise Canyon Scam - free hotel nights?

Senior Member

Joined: Jan 2007
Location: Manchester to Alberta, but now beautiful Nova Scotia!
No, I didnt get the free hotel nights.


30-Paradise Canyon Scam - It's a family affair

Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre is like one big happy family,
out to scam you out of $10, 000. The head of the Matriach is Catharine
now the supervisor who calls and gives you your confirmation number,
will tell you to enjoy and leave your money at home. Then there is
Tyler, Noel's little pet, whom Noel protects by giving him the easy
expo sheets and rebooks, we always wondered why Tlyer's nose was
always so brown. Then there's Tyler's Auntie who is the coach of a
womens basketball team who brings with her 1/2 her team along with
her anorexic daughter, how wonderful now you got a mother and son team
scamming people and a mother and daughter team scamming people as well,
then theres Catherine's daughter laura who's been away for a while,
and then this other girl that we all beleive she is single because she
always wears dresses showing off her cleavage . Beware the Catherine
clan, especially her son Tyler with the brown nose, he is a very smooth
talker and wants to make his momma proud by trying to scam as many people
as he can out of $10, 000.


31-Paradise Canyon Scam - Just Say "NO"

Help us to help others so they don't get scammed by the professional
tele-marketing scamers, if you been
scammed into a presentation, or had a bad experience with Paradise
Canyon Vacations, please post a reply and join
our community, check your contract you may have 5 days for a refund
like some other time share contract, don't sign any contracts till
you bring it first to your lawyer, is it worth $10, 000 to $15, 000
per $50 month for 20 years on top of the $3, 500 initial start up
cost for something you can do yourself for free, shopping around
is still free


32-Paradise Canyon Scam - Like father like son

We called the owner of Paradise Canyon to discuss employees
selling stolen dvds, xbox games, playstation games, and the
owner said he will fire anyone selling stolen goods on
company property, when we told the owner that Noel told our
cousin it was ok for employees to sell stolen goods as long
as employees get good prices. The owner backed off as if to
protect Noel yet he said he would fire anyone selling stolen
goods, now why doesn't he fire Noel for allowing employees
to sell stolen goods, all he said was that he would post a
memo and no one was fired.Noel, Rob, Loren should have been
fired along with Dave his assistant Loren's biggest customer
for buying stolen movies and games, Rob for selling $200
jerseys at $40 and Ozzie an MTs winnipeg, osbourne employee
for buying 1 jersey a week from Rob. Noel slandered our cousin
by pretending to be an employee with malicious slander to
protect his sales, the owner, manager and employees are all
crooked, stay away


33-Paradise Canyon Scam - Mickey Mouse "watch out"

Paradise Canyon Vacation is out to scam Disneyland, it's
nice to know that the manager Noel can afford to take
his entire family including 12 kids to Disneyland. This is
just one of many extravagant vacations he takes every other
month, which he boasts how cheaply he gets it for. The
average family has never ever been to Disneyland with their
1-2 children, yet the manager of Paradise canyon Vacation
goes 3-4 times a year to Disneyland with 12 children, and his
wife's family and thier 10 children, when your scamming people
$10, 000 to $15, 000 per travel membership you can afford to raise
a whole army of kids. So you wonder why the membership is so
expensive, it's not cheap to fly 22 kids and 4 or more adults to
see Mickey and Minnie Mouse and stay at the disneyland resort for
2 weeks, all thanks to the members who paid $10, 000 to $15, 000,
it seems the only one getting the net prices is Noel, everyone
else is getting prices just as cheap or cheaper if they shopped
around. Let us Just hope that Mickey and Minnie mouse have hidden
their nest egg of cheese so that they too don't get conned into
attending a free presentation and get scammed out of $10, 000 to
$15, 000 for the membership.


34-Paradise Canyon Scam - Noel aka two face

Noel will lie to you right to your face, that is one of the quality
for scamming people out of $10, 000 to $15, 000. Our cousin offered Noel
anti virus to borrow for one night, after 3 weekends of Noel saying
" I didnt get around to it" he asked Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left, and dave said that Noel is a procrastinator and that he himself
lent Noel a movie and it took him a year and he still didnt get it back. Not
retiurning something someone lent you is just like stealing, and is a power
control sickness. Dave told Noel he needed ths software, Noel thren just
dropped it on his desk. Since then Noel has been lying to our cousin, when he
approached Noel for trade show sheets, Noel said he didnt have any, yet Noel would
get up and pass trade show sheets around, Another time when asked Noel said he
didnt have any but gave Ozzie 2 sheets. Noel was not the same since returning the
anti virus and was no longer talking to our cousin, and eventually fired him,
while giving other employees the easy trade show sheets. When Noel's boss
Rod was called Rod said trade show sheets were only for callers with high lead
volumes, but on his last night there he saw Tylers aunt who was also given a
1 week termination to sign with a trade show sheet, Noel was protecting Tylers
aunt from being fired. Noel is a lying scum, and two faced who will lie
right to your face. Is this the kind of man you want to hand over $10, 000 to
$15, 000 for travel membership, if this is how Noel treatrs hsi own employees
then how does he treat his paying members.Your better off flushing $10, 000
down the toilet then give it to Paradise Canyon vacation.


35-Paradise Canyon Scam - Noel can sniff Gaga's Panties

Now that Paradise Canyon Vacation is on line on the internet scam sites. Employees like
Allbladerss and gaga come out of the wood word to protect their jobs, Especially Gaga
trying to slander innocent workers whom she accuses of going on line telling the truth,
that Paradise Canyon Vacation don't tell you till the salesman arrives at your home
that its $10, 000 to $15, 000 for the travel membership, and tell you completely different
at the presentations. Noel fired a whole bunch of people like he does every other week,
"cleaning house" as he says, Noel has pissed off many if not hundreds of ex employees
including his own Filipno people.So who is Gaga to accuse of going on line you skank.
Allgallbalderss and gaga you can both go and eat the shit out of Paradise Canyon toilets
call centre, because your both a piece of shit like the rest of them, gaga is the biggest
turd of them all slandering other employees but gaga didnt mention that Noel the manager
said it was ok for employees to sell stolen xbox, playstaion games as long as employees
got good prices, funny how gaga left that part out Gaga you enjoy trying to scam innocent
people out of $10, 000 dollars, next time you two are on the phone, just tell the truth and
tell the people its $3500 down not refundable, and $50 a month for 20 years oh and don't
forgot the lengthy contract they got to sign, Allgallbladerss when you can do this, then
you can tell people to eat your shit, till then you and Gaga keep licking the urinals at
Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre. Gaga its easy to talk trash about others, when Noel
is paying you to protect his sales, so don't give us the bull shit you came on your own to
shit on employees, by the way Gaga that smell you talk about was not the worker riding his
bike to work he brought fresh clothes with him, that smell was of dead fish coming from your
panties, go and see a doctor for yeast infection you skank, or better still have a bake sale
don't forget to invite Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left to the
bakesale Dave just loves fish smelling creampies.


36-Paradise Canyon Scam - Noel slanders employees

Noel posted the malicious mean lying post against our cousin posing
as "Gaga" on an ex female employee who says she worked for
Paradise canyon Vacation call center for 3 months, yet funny doesn't
leave her real name, a real ex employee would not be afraid to leave
their real name, this is either Noel or someone he paid to go online.
Yes Paradise canyon vacation is $10, 0000 to $15, 000 to join which
they don’t tell you until the salesman arrives at your house,
completely contradictory from what is said at the free presentations.
It is $3, 500 down non refundable and $40 t0 $60 per month for 20
years and lets not forget the lengthy contract you have to sign.
Noel was aware for years about stolen xbox, playstaion and pc games
and movies being sold by Loren and stolen sports jerseys by Rob
valued at $200 selling for $40 to $60, when approached about the
stolen DVDs and xbox games he said it was ok as long as employees
get good prices. Now what kind of business allows for stolen goods
to be sold on company property. As for the employees, yes there are
very rich people including government employees, including Ozzie an
MTS, Winnipeg Osbourne sales rep, whose been buying Robs sports
jerseys at the rate of 1 per week, and Dave his right hand man who
sometimes uses his left is one of Lorens biggest customers. Whatever
Noel said about our cousin is all lies to protect Paradise Canyon
Vacation, check out trip advisor to read the truth about Paradise
Canyon Vacation. Noel is now paying his employees to protect his sales.
Noel impersonating as "Gaga" on calls people mental yet he
approves of stolen goods in the call centre. and calling people losers
when Noel fires his own Filipino people, he is supposed to look after
his own people not crap on them. All Noel has written or has paid
one so called "Gaga" to write is all lies. The truth is Noel tried to
steal our cousin’s anti virus which he lent Noel for one night because
Noel asked to use it, for 3 weeks Noel said he was too busy or "I didn't
get around to it" then our cousin asked Dave his assistant or Noel's
right hand man who sometimes uses his left to please ask for it back,
since then Noel has treated our cousin like crap, and eventually
fired him all because he asked for his software back, then he accused our
cousin of writing things on line and told our cousin that the police
will be waiting at his home when he gets home, this was all threats and
lies, the police station was not aware and said the internet was free
freedom of speech. Paradise canyon Vacation is like a revolving door
employees come and go everyday, hundreds if not thousands of employees
have quit from that call centre. Noel I'm sure has fired thousands of
people, yet he blames our cousin all because he asked for his software
back, and because he didn't let Noel intimidate him by trying to
steal his software. Noel even calls the police on employees, a scare
tactic. Is this the kind of company you want your want one of your
friends or family members working for. This employee who wrote the blog
is more than likely Noel himself posing a "Gaga" a past female employee
to slander our cousin and try to protect his sales.


37-Paradise Canyon Scam - One flew over the cuckoos nest

I worked at the Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre in Winnipeg,
and it was just like being in the movie "one flew over the cuckoos
nest", but unfortunately there were more than one cuckoo. There were
people selling stolen sports jerseys like Rob, and others like
Loren selling stolen xbox, playstaion, pc games and blu ray movies,
Loren we beleive spent 1/2 of his time behand bars when not at work
for days on end. Then we have a tall black anorexic man from the
MTS Osbourne Winnipeg call centre, who loves to brag how he is making
$20 an hour at MTs and his girlfriend $35 working with xrays, and he
just can't stop talking about the house he bought, and what does
Ozzie aka Chris do with all his money, buys stolen sports jerseys
from Rob at the rate of 1 per week, so know you know what happens
when you pay your MTS bill, employees like Ozzie buy stoeln sports
jerseys. Then we have the warden Noel who loves to fire people every
other week "cleaning house" as he calls it, and lastly his right hand
man Dave, who sometimes uses his left, with his prison tatoos he blends
in nicely with Rob and Loren, we call them the 3 amigos, that is just
the tip of the iceberg, now you see why we call the Paradise Canyon
Vacation call centre "a few flew over the cuckoos nest"


38-Paradise Canyon Vacation Scam - Oh Come All Yee Roaches

Whenever Paradise Canyon Vacation calls it is just like Christmas time,
perhaps they should answer their calls with a "ho ho ho"
because they will offer you so many gifts just to attend their
1 hour presentation.

1) 2 free night hotel stay, 30 hotels right across n. america
2) dinner for 2, usually Boston Pizza they claim $50
3) $1, 000 gift voucher, towards the services after you spend $10, 000
4) Draw for 7 day resort stay
5) boat cruise, yearly draw prize

They give like Santa but save like Scrooge, the owner and manager
call the people who come out to the presentation/expo for the free dinner
for 2 and 2 free night hotel stay "roaches", and they don't like people
coming out to the presentation/expo for just the free gifts. Then why do
they make the tele marketers tell the people about the gifts, and then
insult the people for showing up to receive the gifts they were promised
on the phone. All they want is $10, 000 to $15, 000 for their membership
for vacation prices one can get cheaper or just as cheap if they shop
around. The gifts, coupons are not given the same night, you have to
fill out a registration form and wait 2-3 weeks in the mail. Yet they want
people to show up sometimes the very same night for their presentation,
but you have to wait 2-3 weeks, that is if you receive your gifts. One lady
received the 2 free nights hotel but had to fly to Florida from Alberta to
use it, and pay her own air fare, you can't just pick and chose which hotel
you want to stay at, depending on where it is, it may cost you hundreds if
not thousands of dollars to get to the hotel destination. As for the $1, 000
gift voucher that is only after you have given the salesman a non
refundable cheque for $3, 500 and sign the lengthy contract to pay $40
to $60 a month for the next 20 years. In the long run coming out for the
free gifts is not so free after all.


39-Paradise Canyon Scam - Out of the woodwork

Paradise canyon vacation is getting its rich MTS sales rep from Osbourne Winnipeg
Ozzie and it's government social workers to go online and try to save the company,
the bottomline is, they are all lying to the people they call. Tell them the presentation
is free dont bring any money. When the membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000
and you can get the same deal if not cheaper if you shop around.
When you come to the presentation for the 2 free gifts, Noel the manager and
the owner says you are roaches, but they want your $10, 000 and insult the
people for coming to the presentation for the gifts they were promised.
Is this the kind of company you want to give $10, 000 to, who calls
people names and thinks of people as roaches. The shady employees are coming
on linme to protect their sales, the same employees who are buying stolen sports
jerseys from Rob valued at $200 for $40, and stolen xbox, playstation, pc games
from Loren, this is ok for the manager Noel when approached said it was ok as long as
employees get good prices. So when you read or see posts from Paradise Canyon
trying to protect Paradise Canyon and slander the employees for speaking out,
it is more likely Noel the manager trying to protect his job and sales.


40-Paradise Canyon Scam - Tiger Woods selling Juniper estate

Tiger Woods will soon be selling his Juniper Estate to Paradise
Canyon Vacations so that it can be turned into time share. With
Tiger Woods golf career at a all time low at 44 in rankings.
Paradise canyon Vacation will be giving Tiger Woods 30% share
of membership fees, with being scammed sorry paying $10, 000 to
$15, 000 to receive nothing more than a membership, and travel
prices just as cheap or cheaper if they shopped around. That
would give Tiger Woods a good $3, 000 to $5, 000 per membership.
Could this mean that Nike and Paradise Canyon Vacation may
soon merge, will we soon be seeing PCV on sneakers along with
the NIke swoosh. The good news is that we may soon hear the
pitter patter of tiny little feet at Juniper Estate, [no Elin
is not having another cub], as families rush to move in for
their time share vacations with their little ones.

Tiger Woods To Promote Paradise Canyon Vacations &
Golf Resort

Tiger Woods To Promote Paradise Canyon Vacations &
Golf Resort, seeing how Tiger Woods is spiralling downhill with
his golf career, Tiger Woods has dropped a further six places
to 44th in the world golf rankings, and he may soon have to
sell his Juniper Estate to purchase new golf clubs and a Gucci
golf bag. As the spokes person for Paradise Canyon Vacations
and Golf Resort Tiger Woods can rest assured that he can
afford to travel to all his tournaments at net prices. So the
next time you pick up your phone and the display reads
tele marketer from Paradise Canyon Vacations, and you hear a
"GROWL" big cat roar. It may just be Tiger Woods asking you to
come to a presentation and fork over $10, 000 for a membership
so he can pay for his wife Elin Nordegren child support.

4908 days ago by Samantha_fox19
3/3-60 ways to lose $10, 000

41-Paradise Canyon Vacation Scam

- is paying

Is Paradise Canyon Vacation paying is protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation
and allowing them to keep on scamming people for
$10, 000 to $15, 000, for travel services people
can get just as cheap or cheaper if they shop
around, is allowing Gaga from Paradise
Canyon Vacation in winnipeg call centre to slander
employees with mean malicious lies, yes you "GAGA"
to protect their scam sales, Gaga why didn't you
mention that for years Rob and Loren have been
selling stolen xbox, playstaion pc games and blu ray
movies along with stolen sports jerseys, and by the
way Gaga the person your slandering Mike our family
and cousin when he questioned Noel about the stolen
xbox games being sold by Loren, Noel told our cousin
it was alright as long as employees got good prices,
Gaga you like to slander our cousin Mike but like to
leave out employees buying and selling stolen goods.`
Is this what is about slandering employees,
instead of posting corporate is the only
web site that has taken down virtually all complaints
about Paradise Canyon Vacation, only allowing other
employees to post malicious lies like skanks named
"Gaga", is not supposed to take down complaints
or ban people from posting complaints, is being
paid by paradise canyon vacation to ban anyone from
posting complaints and remove complaints. is a
scam if this how how they run their web site, and
"gaga' the 3 month employee who is all talk but cant leave
her real name, Gaga" how much did Noel pay you to protect
his sales. and gaga keep on licking the urinals at
Paradise canyon Vacation call centre, and while your at it
have a free lunch eating in the toilet bowls on employee
turd, because you are what you eat, your both turds
hiding the truth.


42-Paradise Canyon Scam - Robin Hood??????????

The story of Robin Hood was stealing from the rich to give to the poor,
but at Paradise Canyon it's backwards, instead Paradise Canyon steals from
the poor, seniors and average low income people to give to the rich
the salesmen and tele marketers. When you drive into paradise Canyon
Vacations tele marketing office, it is like walking into a new car show room
all the tele marketers all have expensive brand new cars. There is hardly
a car under $35, 000, except for Edna aka Jenna, Ella and now Britney she is
driving a brand new gm, all the other tele marketers have more reliable Toyotas
All the tele marketers are rich, like Ozzie an MTS employee from Osbourne
Winnipeg location, he just bought a big new house, his girlfriend is making
$35 and hour and Ozzie is making $20 an hour, yet he comes to
Paraide Canyon to rip off poor seniors, then there is the government
social workers like Darcy whos driving a $40, 000 Toyota and Ms Soldier making
at least $25 both an hour or not more ripping off seniors and low income people
trying to con them out of $10, 000 for a supposedly free presentation. Government
social workers should not be trying to scam seniors and lying about a free
presentation which costs thousands of dollars. Then we have Paul aka Sinder who
pretneds to be poor, and is too afraid to leave Paradise Canyon Vacation for a real
job, but has no problem flying to India and back. Don't let Paradise Canyon scam
you out of your hard earned money, we all can't be as rich as these tele marketers.


43-Paradise Canyon Scam - Sales Bonus points incentive

Membership cost is $10, 000 to $15, 000

The sales bonus figures is from the actual employee hand book

1st sale = $25 dollars...$10, 000/$25 = 0.25 or 1/4 of 1 percent

2nd sale = $50 dollars...$10.000/$75 = 0.75 or 3/4 of 1 percent

3rd sale = $100 dollars...$10, 000/$175 = $175 or 1.75%

4th sale = $150 dollars...$10, 000/$325 = $325 or 3.25%

5th sale = $200 dollars...$10, 000/$525 = $525 or 5.25%

Now lets break this down another way, so you can see that Paradise
Canyon Vacation even scams its own employees

1st sale $10, 000 = $25 = 0.25% or 1/4 of 1 percent

2nd sale $20, 000 = $75 = 0.325% or 1/3 of 1 percent

3rd sale $30, 000 = $175 = 0.583% or 6/10 of 1 percent

4th sale $40, 000 = $325 = 0.8125% or 8/10 of 1 percent

5th sale $50, 000 = $525 = 1.05% or 1.05%

Noel the manager has said that in all the years in business he
has only seen 1 person hit 5 sales. Out of 25 call agents 3 sales
on a pay cheque happens for 1 person every 3 months. It is set up
to pay as little as possible as less often as possible.

The presentation sales man sales bonus

6 sales of $10, 000 = $10, 000 or $1, 666 per sale = 16.6%

[Paradise Canyon Vacation advertises $15/hour on the job bank]

This is from the actual employee guide book

Sales Bonus

TSRs are paid a base wage of $10 per hour plus bonuses
At any time a TSR achieves 10 qualified bookings [couples]
in a shift, he or she is paid $15/hour for that shift
-there are 4 sales people who can get 10 bookings,
and that is maybe 1-2 per week, out of those 4 people
the manager gives 2 of them easy expo and rebook sheets

-now this is completely different than what is posted on the
job banks where it states $15/hour for 24 hours [sometimes 20]

Paradise Canyon Scam - Tele Marketer Points Bonus Incentive

Paradise Canyon Vacation even runs the call centre like a time share
company using a points system, members receive enough points every year
to stay for 2 weeks only at one of their resorts. Here is the actual
points bonus incentive from the employee handbook

Points Bonus Incentive

A qualified expo attendee is worth one point

Any TSR rthat reaches 20 points or more 2 months in a row, their base
salary go up to $12 per hour

After achieving the base wage of $12 per hour and you do not reach 20
points again two months in a row, the base wage go back down to $10
per hour

When you fail to have any qualified expo attendee for every expos,
your employment relationship with our company is re-evaluated

Here is the actual sales bonus ioncentive from the employee handbook

Sales Bonuses

Tsrs are paid a base wage of $10 per hour plus bonuses
At any time a Tsr achieves 10 qualified bookings [couples]
in a shift, he or she is paid $15/hour for that shift

-now this is completely different than what is posted on the job banks
where it states $15/hour for 24 hours [sometimes 20]

Even the presentation is run the same way, here is a quote from someone
on trip advisor that attended the presentation and met with the salesman

Senior Member

Joined: Jan 2007
Location: Manchester to Alberta, but now beautiful Nova Scotia!

Just to close this off (and in case anyone else gets a call from them in
the future), we had the sale guy round this evening.

Turns out that you have to put down a minimum of $3500 before you can
even use the services... which is completely in contrast to what was
explained in the presentation originally.

Suffice to say he was told to sling his 'ook.


44-Paradise Canyon Scam - selling stolen laptop for $100

Where else but at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre can you buy a
brand new stolen laptop for $100 still in the box. It happened with
a tele marketer called Sega, who used to come in everyday dressed
like she was a model walking down the runway. Rather than going to
the store to buy a new laptop she took advantage of Paradise Canyon
vacation employee benefits, and purchased a brane new stolen laptop
for $100, off one of the tele marketers, a big fat guy who was going
to the gym everyday so said Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left. When Noel the manager was confronted about Loren selling
stolen xbox and dvd movies, Noel said it was ok as long as employees got
good prices Not only can Sega buy stolen brand new laptops still in
the box, she can also buy xbox, playstation, pc games and dvd movies from
Loren, are his stolen movies any good, ask Dave Noel's right hand man who
sometimes uses his left, Dave is Loren's biggest customer. Stolen laptops
xbox games and movies is not all that Paradise Canyon Employees benefits
entitles them too, they can also purchase stolen $200 sports jerseys from
Rob for $40, ask Ozzie an Mts Osbourne winnipeg call centre employee,
he's been buying stolen sports jerseys one of every week for months, and
wears his stolen jerseys with pride. You too can receive employee benefits
and buy stolen laptops, xbox games, dvd movies and stolen sports jerseys,
all you need is a desire to lie to people about free presentations and
scam people out of $10, 000 for memberships.


45-Paradise Canyon Scam - selling stolen sports jerseys

Along with scamming people out of $10, 000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get sports jerseys
valued at $200 for $40 to $60, thanks to Rob a tele
marketer in the call centre who has been for years
moon lighting selling stolen jerseys. Is the quality
good? Well just ask Ozzie a tall black man from Mts
on Osbourne in Winnipeg, Noels pet tele marketer
who along with Tyler also gets very easy expo sheets
while the rest of the workers have calls 5 times as
hard. Ozzie has been buying stolen jerseys at the rate
of 1 a week and is very proud to wear his hot jerseys,
Ozzie can afford to buy one very week cause he brags
hows he's making $20 an hour and his girlfriend is
making $35, you think with that kind of money he would
buy store bought sport jerseys. Just goes to show where
your money goes when you pay your Mts bill. As for Paradise
Canyon Vacation, they give it the thumbs up, because when
Noel was approached about the situation he said it was ok
that Loren sells stolen xbox, playstaion, pc games and movies
as long as the employees get good prices. Is this where the
$10, 000 membership fee goes, to pay crooked employees. Dave,
Noels right hand man who sometimes uses his left is
Loren's best customer. If this is the how the call centre
is running I hate to see the 1 hour presentations.


46-Paradise canyon Scam - selling stolen xbox games

Along with scamming people out of $10, 000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get net prices
on all their favorite xbox, playstation and wi games,
not to mention dvd hd and blu ray movies. All thanks to
Loren one of their top bookers. When Loren is not
behind bars and at work, he is selling xbox games and pc
games to his top buyer, Dave who is Noels right hand man
and sometimes he uses his left. Paradise Canyon gives
all this the thumbs up, because when Noel was approached
concerning the situation he said "it's ok as long as
employees get good prices", now would you join and
pay $10, 000 membership if the employees and right hand
man are all buying stolen dvds. They should be offering
these dvd movies and xbox games at the presentations at
employee prices, along with the dinner for 2 and the 2
free hotel night stay.


47-Paradise Canyon Scam - Shady Employees

Not only do Paradise Canyon Vacation tele marketers
lie to people on the phone trying to convince them that
the 1 hour presentations are free, When actually the
membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000, $3, 500 down not refundable
and $40 to $60 a month for the next 20 years.
"you cant buy nothing at the presentation, it is strictly
information only, im not calling to sell you anything,
leave your money at home and right off the hop let me assure
you i'm not calling to sell you anything" and the famous
"bring your wife or travel partner so nothing is lost in
the translation", they know that people who come alone will
tell the salesman "i got to talk to my spouse"
On with the shady employees, first we have Rob selling stolen
sports jerseys valued at $200 for $40 to $60 dollars, who uses
Paradise Canyon Vacation as an outlet to sell these Jerseys, his
biggest buyer is Ozzie an Osbourne, Winnipeg MTS tele marketer who
buys a new jersey just about every week, hes wearing a diffferent
stolen jersey every week, and we beleive hes working on buying
the whole collection. Next is Loren who is seldom at work, we beleive
he spends most of his time behind bars, he sells alot of stolen
xbox, playstation, pc games and dvd movies which he shop lifts from
stores. One of his biggest clients is DAVE the supervisor, Noel's
right hand man, and sometimes he uses his left.
The manager of Paradise Canyon vacation is well aware of all the
stolen dvds and jerseys buying and selling going on, when he was
approached about the situation, he said it was alright as long as
the employees were getting good prices. Now this is just the call
centre would you trust the salesman at the presentation if this is
how the call centre is running.


48-Paradise Canyon Vacation - Sharks In Paradise

Yes there are sharks at Paradise Canyon Vacation, these predators the
tele marketers the creatures of the night who call every evening can
smell a $10, 000 membership fee victim from miles away, the biggest of
these sharks is Wendy The Horrible, with a shrilling voice that can
awaken the dead, she came to Paradise Canyon Vacation from another
travel agency and brags about being the best sales agent, next we have
the great brown shark Ozzie and MTs employee making $20 and his
girlfriend $35 an hour, yet he likes to scam innocent people out of
thousands of dollars for minimum wage, as a hobby this tall black skinny
anorexic black man buys stolen sports jerseys from Rob at the rate of 1
per week, then we have Rob who is a unemployed repo man who moon lights
selling stolen sports jerseys at Paradise Canyon call centre for several
years, lets not forget Loren for without him employees cant get stolen
xbox, playstation and pc games and blu ray movies, Loren's biggest
customer is Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left,
Dave is an alcoholic with prison tatoos, who comes in to work every other
week with a black eye from bar fights, and misses days off work when he
goes on a drinking binge, when approached about the stolen xbox, playstaion,
pc games and movies Noel the manager said it was alright as long as employee
got good prices, wouldn't you love to have an understanding boss like Noel,
from the Catherine clan we have her son Tyler who gets only the easy rebooks
and expo sheets, he is a smooth talker on the phone who wants to scam as many
people as possible to make his momma proud, back by popular demand is Jessie
who was gone for awhile, who is such a good con artist he once scammed a
business and booked 3 leads to go home early with pay. Let us not forget
Edna, Noel's favorite Filipino, all the other Filipinos Noel fired, which is
unusual since Noel is a Filipino himself, Edna we beleive is schizophrenic with
at least 3 personalities she uses on calls, aka Jenna, Ella and lastly she has
added Britney, she is a short fat lady but we all just call her Snooki. Beware
the sharks of Paradise canyon, and don't let these scam artists take a bite of
you or your wallet or purse. Did we forgot Rod the Megaladon Noel's boss out
of Calgary, Alberta the 52-foot (16-metre) version of the White Shark with jaws
large enough to engulf a rhino.


49-Paradise Canyon Scam - sounds like direct buy

ann m
Senior Member

Joined: Jul 2006
Location: Cochrane, Alberta

Sounds like that Direct Buy company - where you pay them fees,
to then sell you something for a supposedly cheaper
price ... I'm not convinced ...

Paradise Canyon Vacation - Thanks for the warning

Posts: 4

05 August 2011, 12:53

Thank you. This type of discussion is why we ALWAYS check
out Trip Advisor! We have been booking our Caribbean
holidays ourselves over the past 10 years and always
consult Trip Advisor!!! Thanks to all who post honestly
to this forum!


50-Paradise Canyon Scam - the 3 faces of Eve now adding Brittney

Paradise Canyon Vacation is so shady that even their tele marketers
are liers and dishonest. If you get a call from a woman claiming to
be Jenna or Ella, her real name is Edna, all the same person using 3
names to try to fool people and rob them out of $10, 000, telling them
the presentation is free and will receive 2 free gifts, only 1 woman
in over a year said she received the free hotel stay, but had travel
to Florida, from central Canada to the other side of the USA, and had
to pay the airfare, you cant pick and choose where to stay, a free hotel
stay may cost thousands of dollars in air fare, but Jenna, Ella or
Edna all the same person wont tell you this, she is greedy and wants
you to go to the so called free presentation and be conned out of
$10, 000, she is a good con artist so be very aware. Update now it seems
that Edna aka Eve has added a new name she is now going by Britney
so now when Ella, Jenna or Britney calls you, it is really Edna.
A short filipino lady trying to sound like a jersey shore poser,
every body just calls her snooki.


51-Paradise Canyon Scam - The Knights Of Paradise

By now you probably realized that a group of knights in shining armour
are trying to take down the dragon Paradise Canyon Vacation, and in
so doing making people aware what is going inside Paradise
Canyon Vacation with the inside scoop, and what really
happens at the presentations, with testimonials from people
who have been scammed. The management of paradise Canyon
Vacation don't want you the public to know, that the membership
fee is actually $10, 000 to $15, 000 with $3, 500 down non refundable
and $40 to $60 a month for 20 years.They have tele markers call
you and swear till they are blue in the face that the presentation
is free and that you cant buy nothing and leave your money at home.
This is all a scam the same scam used by tele solutions when selling
magazines, they will call and tell you 'im not calling to sell you
anything" but then pass you on to their supervisor who will try and
scam you for over $1000 in magazines. "i'm not calling to sell you
anything", that is because someone else will. They wont sell you
nothing at the presentation because Paradise Canyon Vacation sales
people will come to your home. Noel the manager even brags how
good they are at ripping peoeple off, and claims that they can get
9/10 people to fork over $10, 000. This is a scam, the tele markers
should tell the people "we are calling to sell you a $10, 000
membership", and not lie. As for the free gifts, you dont get those
till after you filled out forms with your information, and then wait
2-3 weeks in the mail, from what I heard many people have told the
tele marketers that they did not receive the free gifts. Just like
telesolutions who will not send you their $5 watch so described
by JD the room manager, which they claim is a $650 diamond watch
just so you will pay the $1, 000 magazine fee. The watch arrives after
2 weeks because you only have 10 days to cancell your credit card
payment. Paradise canyon Vacation will also give you a $1, 000
gift voucher towards the $10, 000 to $15, 000 membership. There are
too many services all around for free and you can get the same prices
and even lower and better if you just shop around. You work too hard
for your money to let travel companies and magazine publishers rip
you off.

Together we can make people more aware with knowledge and knowing is
the first part of winning any battle, we have compiled a list of
informative blogs from people who have been called, tele marketers and
members who have been scammed. Paradise canyon Vacation is fighting back
by sending out their dragons to take down our blogs, so please help
us and spread the word, they mostly call people in British Columbia,
Alberta. Manitoba and soon trying to Scam Ontario, calls are in the
evenings. For your entertainment you can check out these pictures


52-Paradise Canyon Vacation and The Wizard of Ozzie Osbourne

Paradise Canyon Vacation has an MTS employee, from the Osbourne call centre location in Winnipeg
who calls himself Ozzie, a tall skinny black anorexic man who is making $20 an hour, and his
girlfriend $35 an hour and who bought a new home, so he brags at the Paradise canyon Vacation
Call Centre, yet he comes to Paradise Canyon for minimum wage to rip off people for $10, 000,
this is evil greed $55 an hour between them both and he needs to come rip off innocent people
and lie to them, we beleive that Noel is paying Ozzie under the table because on several
occasions we have seen Noel give Ozzie several $20, Ozzie claims that its his pay and that he
has no bus money to get home, really he's making $20 an hour from MTS and his girlfriend $35
working with xrays and Ozzie has no bus money to get home, maybe if Ozzie wouldn't buy so many
stolen nba and hockey jerseys from Rob, Ozzie may just have bus money to get home. Rob has been
selling stolen sports jerseys at peg all on company time and property call centre for years,
but since Ozzie has arrived business has been booming, and what does Noel say about all this,
when Noel was approached about Loren selling stolen xbox, playstation pc games and blu ray
movies, Noel the manager said it was ok as long as employees get good prices. When Mts was
called they said that they didn't care what their employees did off company time, and no
supervisor even called back.Yet Mts wants us to give our personal information to their
employees buying stolen sports jerseys at the rate of 1 per week. Now you know where your
money goes when you pay your Mts bill it goes to employees like Ozzie buying stolen sports
jerseys so how can you trust a company who hires shady Mts employees and people selling
stolen sports jerseys, and not to mention Loren selling his stolen xbox, playstaion pc games
and blu ray movies so when you join Paradise Canyon Vacation and pay $10, 000 membership fee,
now you know where your money is going, membership does have its privileges but only for
employees of Paradise Canyon Vacation call center.


53-Paradise Canyon Scam - they are a time share

Senior Member

Joined: Nov 2007
Location: Coniston Nr Hull Now Lethbridge Alberda!!
Posts: 225

Mike and I owned a timeshare in UK - and we did a swap to paradise
canyon 9 years ago for our very first visit to canada. so yes they
are (or at least they were) a timeshare company. People buy the
houses down there then let the "club" rent them out as holiday
homes. Plus alot of the houses which are actually in the "canyon"
bottom are sinking - beware. Lesley


Paradise Canyon Scam - it's a time share

Posts:7, 586

12 April 2011, 1:03

I guess it's a time share, so the proof would be in how
convenient they would make sharing a place on the dates
that you want. A quick google search of "PCV Reviews"
showed the following. Perhaps you can find more results.
If their head office is in Lethbridge here's the BBB
rating for the company:…

Here's a slightly different one:…


Paradise Canyon Scam - We all know its timeshare

posts: 4

Question: If Paradise Canyon Vacation is not a
Time Share, then why are you locked into payments
of $50 a month for the next 20 years. That"s right
you are locked into 20 years at $500 a year, that"s
like buying a family home. Membership is $10, 000
to $15, 000, and you have to pay for your vacations
on top of that. How long would it take to get back
the $10, 000 in savings. A $3, 000 vacation actually
will cost you $13, 000, and are you going to vacation
every single year for the next 20 years. If this is
such a good deal why isn't Tiger Woods wife, a member
and the spokes person, she takes 2-4 vacations a month.
We don't see her giving Paradise Canyon Vacations $10, 000
to travel


54-Tiger Woods To Promote Paradise Canyon Vacations &
Golf Resort

Tiger Woods To Promote Paradise Canyon Vacations &
Golf Resort, seeing how Tiger Woods is spiralling downhill with
his golf career, Tiger Woods has dropped a further six places
to 44th in the world golf rankings, and he may soon have to
sell his Juniper Estate to purchase new golf clubs and a Gucci
golf bag. As the spokes person for Paradise Canyon Vacations
and Golf Resort Tiger Woods can rest assured that he can
afford to travel to all his tournaments at net prices. So the
next time you pick up your phone and the display reads
tele marketer from Paradise Canyon Vacations, and you hear a
"GROWL" big cat roar. It may just be Tiger Woods asking you to
come to a presentation and fork over $10, 000 for a membership
so he can pay for his wife Elin Nordegren child support.

31-Paradise Canyon Scam - Tiger Woods selling Juniper estate

Tiger Woods will soon be selling his Juniper Estate to Paradise
Canyon Vacations so that it can be turned into time share. With
Tiger Woods golf career at a all time low at 44 in rankings.
Paradise canyon Vacation will be giving Tiger Woods 30% share
of membership fees, with being scammed sorry paying $10, 000 to
$15, 000 to receive nothing more than a membership, and travel
prices just as cheap or cheaper if they shopped around. That
would give Tiger Woods a good $3, 000 to $5, 000 per membership.
Could this mean that Nike and Paradise Canyon Vacation may
soon merge, will we soon be seeing PCV on sneakers along with
the NIke swoosh. The good news is that we may soon hear the
pitter patter of tiny little feet at Juniper Estate, [no Elin
is not having another cub], as families rush to move in for
their time share vacations with their little ones.


55-Paradise Canyon Scam - Tighter than a bull frog's arse

How cheap is Paradise Canyon Vacation, they are so cheap they
wont give employees 8 hours a day, and bother people in the
evenings during supper. Even xentel gives employees 8 hours a
a day and the 4 hour option. Paradise canyon vacation is like
a revolving door with employees quitting everyday, it is almost
as bad as tele solutions. Except at tele solutions you don't have
to work Sunday nights. Paradise canyon Vacation has no respect
for people they call, they only want their $10, 000 travel membership
fee. If they cared about people they would leave peop[le alone on
Sunday nights. Your supposed to bring your own paper and pencil or
pen and ruler, the company don't supply that. Workers are always
stealinbg pens and rulers off other workers desks, Noel don't be so
cheap and buy some pens!!! State of the art equipment, really now,
how about $5 bargain shop phones, which only 1/2 are working
properly, all calls are made by hand. Other call centres are using
computers and usb headsets. Where is the $10, 000 to $15, 000
membership fee going? Either Rod the owner or his mamnager Noel's
pockets, because there surely is not pens, papers, rulers or
computers with usb headsets. Don't forget the 1/4% sales bonus
incentive, oh my a whole 1/4%, how can they afford this?


56-Paradise Canyon Scam - "to be or not to be"

For Paradise Canyon Vacation tele marketers the
question really is "to work or not to work",
employees at Paradise Canyon Vacations come to work
whenever they feel it, not like the rest of us who
have to follow a schedule, take Gordon for example
Noel told him that has 2 sales, so what does he do,
doesnt come to work the next night. The Thursday
before labour day weekend workers are told get 6 sales
and get $15 an hour, and be paid for Sunday [a bonus],
but have to show up for work Tuesday to be paid for
Monday and work the past Thursday. What a big joke the
call centre floor was almost empty, only 1 person came
in who got the bonus and that was Paul and only reason
he came in, because he was warned "shape up or ship
out". If and when people decide to come in to work, they
are on thier blackberry or iphones. No one works more than
10 to 15 minutes out of the hour. Workers are more interested
texting or surfing the net. Take Ozzie an MTS emplyee from
Osbourne for example he makes more personal calls during work
time than he does company calls. Dave moved Ozzie to a crowded
section so he couldnt make personal calls, and Noel then goes
and puts Ozzie back in his corner so Ozzie can make more
personal calls, is this how MTS employees work? It just goes to
show how poorly managed Paradise Canyon Vacation is, now would
you pay $10, 000 to $15, 000 for a membership to such a poorly run
travel, sorry time share company.


57-Paradise Canyon Scam - told to sling his 'ook.

Senior Member

Joined: Jan 2007
Location: Manchester to Alberta, but now beautiful Nova Scotia!

Just to close this off (and in case anyone else gets a call from them in
the future), we had the sale guy round this evening.

Turns out that you have to put down a minimum of $3500 before you can
even use the services... which is completely in contrast to what was
explained in the presentation originally.

Suffice to say he was told to sling his 'ook.

Paradise Canyon Scam - salesman in sheeps clothing

New Member

Joined: May 2010

Joined: May 2010
Posts: 2
First of all the resort itself is great and the nicest place to stay in
Lethbridge (if you ever have the need to go there), but secondly, the
program is not about Lethbridge... you get access to every resort and
hotel in the world at rediculously low prices. I've stayed in Banff for
a week for $150, Cabo San Lucas and Greece each for a week for $200. In
5 star places. you'd have to see the program presented for it to make any
sense, but it is great.

Paradise Canyon Scam - back off salesman

Zoe Bell
bored desk monkey

Joined: Apr 2007
Location: TORONTO- yay!!!
Posts: 2, 480

So nice of you to join up and start posting just to inform us all of this,
now naff off back to whatever sales company you work for.


58-Paradise Canyon Scam - too good to be true

How many times have we heard it before, "if it sounds to good to be true,
it probably is" or "Buyer Beware." Yet, people are pulled into travel scams
all the time. There are more travel scams out there at any given time than
you can imagine. Think it can't happen to you? It happens to the best.
An on going story is Paradise Canyon Vacations based out of Lethbridge
Alberta but their call centre is in Winnipeg manitoba. Their tele
marketers call up unsuspecting people during supper and offer them
2 free nights hotel stay and a free dinner for 2, to attend a 1 hour
travel presentation. They will swear its information only, you can't
buy nothjing at the presentation and leave your money at home. The
bottom line is, the membership is $10, 000 to $15, 000, with $3, 500
of it is the initial start up cost and $40 to $60 a month for the next
20 years. They know how to scam you and talk you into coming out to
the free presentation, and only the best tele marketing scammers are
kept and tele marketers are threatened, warned and fired if they dont
produce enough leads every night, to bring in new tele marketers they
even lie on job banks offering $15 hour for 24 hours, when it is only
$10 hour for 20 hours. They are 100% time share and work on a points
system, they give you so many days free a year [2 weeks] to stay at
one of their time share accomodations, but your paying $10, 000 for
the membership plus payinmg for the 2 weeks, all you get for $10, 000
is a membership and prices are cheaper if no better if you shop around
for free. By the way Paradise Canyon Vacation hates giving out the 2
free gifts, the owners refer to people who come to the presentation
for the gifts as roaches, then why are they offering the 2 free gifts,
then insult the people for showing up, you dont get these gifts the same
night of the presentation, you fill out a form with all your personal
information then pray to god that they get mailed to you in 2 weeks,
if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.


59-Paradise Canyon Scam - Wendy The Horrible

Beware of Wendy The Horrible, she is Paradise Canyon Vacation's top
con artist and dont care how many people she scams out of $10, 000,
regardless of age. All she is after is commission and inviting people
to the supposedly free presentations. She is constantly crying and
complaining when not enough people show up for the presentations so she
can make her commission. One night Wendy had a fight with the matriarch
of the Catherine clan, and verified her own lead, this lead to a fight
with Noel, Wendy was so horrible she told Noel the manager "you need me
more than I need you", not only is Wendy horrible but she is stingy and
all talk no action, next night she came back to work on her knees begging
Noel for her job back. She has a very horrible high pitched voice and when
she is working she is the only person you can hear in the room. Her voice
is so shrill that she can awaken the dead, . Be very aware when Wendy calls,
she is very cunning and manipulative and is very good at conning people to
come to the presentation. Paradise Canyon tele marketers dont have a heart,
all they want is to con you so they can get their commission.


60-Paradise Canyon Scam - Yes, it is a scam.

New Member

Joined: May 2010
Posts: 1

Yes, it is a scam. We attended the presentation, which sounded
somewhat legitimate, so we tried the follow-up one-to-one.
The latter was with "Jack", the worst salesperson on earth.
He was rude, evasive, and condescending. He would not directly
answer our questions. I could go on and on. But in short: Run for
the hills, folks. And yes, they DO sell your private information.
I've already received junk mail for more "exciting presentations",
addressed directly to me. Since they are a member of the Better
Business Bureau (4 complaints in the year since they became
members should be a tip-off), I might be the 5th complainant
if the junk mail doesn't stop or if I start receiving calls.


Paradise Canyon Scam - Yes It Is A SCAM!!!

Posts: 1

31 March 2011, 1:24

I got suckered and yes it is a scam! Paradise Canyon
Vacations "deals" are no better then anywhere else and
in some cases we found Paradise Canyon Vacation trips
to be more expensive then our friends who would just
book through a travel agent.
At the Paradise Canyon Vacation SCAM presentation
they constantly tell you how you can get great rates
(like $200/wk) at great places all over the world
without blackout dates. Using this company I've
never paid less then $1300/wk!! The best times to
travel are ALWAYS BLACKED OUT at Paradise
Canyon Vacations!
I travel a lot and I save VERY little using
Paradise Canyon Vacations
kerisosh's plug is a direct quote from the sales pitch!
It's all bulls**t and it's bad for you!!


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