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Owner Finance Buyers
Owner Finance Buyers, LLC Brandon Scott Coppock,, brandon coppock, brandon scott coppock, owner finance buyers llc, wayne the c
20th of Jun, 2011 by User863333
What YOU should know before entering into any agreement with OWNER FINANCE BUYERS, LLC. (You could end up losing thousands of dollars AND your home like we did!) We purchased our home February 5,2010 through a company called "Owner Finance Buyers, LLC." . Company information and location: Owner Finance Buyers
1333 W. McDermott Drive
Suite 200
Allen, TX 75013
469-519-2777 Due to a previous bad "owner finance" deal from Craigslist in 2008, we made it very clear to Brandon at our first meeting that we did not want a "wrap note" (this is where the original lien or mortgage is kept in place, and the seller of the home uses your payments to pay on the original mortgage). We wanted to buy a home from a seller who owned the home "free and clear". We were assured by Brandon Coppock, that Ronald Kroonstuiver, the cash investor, owned the home "free and clear". During the same conversation that day at his office, he made sure to mention he was a former police officer. He said he chased "dope" (narcotics?) We'll have to admit, this did make us feel a little more comfortable in trusting him. He actually states this on his website. {Quote} "OFB was founded by a former law enforcement officer whom after being shot in the line of duty in late 2003 and ultimately exiting law enforcement was brought to the financial reality that all of OFB's clients are currently faced with. Upon attempting to purchase a house he realized that his injury and 6 months of inability to work resulted a 380 credit score ." {End Quote} (original quote: ) Brandon is partnered with Wayne Sanford, who is well known in the credit industry and goes by "Wayne the Credit Guy". Company name and location: New Start Financial Corporation (same location as OFB)
1333 W. McDermott Rd
Suite 200 Allen, TX 75013
(website: ) The program that Owner Finance Buyers offers/offered was as follows: 1.) You must buy the house with "owner financing". 2.) Then you MUST enroll in Wayne Sanford's credit program to repair your credit rating ( within 6 months ) Cost is $799.00 (see program application here: ) 3.) Then you must refinance (in our case in 1 year) to obtain a loan through traditional financing and pay off your mortgage with the seller. We paid a $4,000 down payment and $500 in closing costs. Of the $4,000 down payment given to Brandon in person, $2,500 was made out to Brandon Coppock for his commision upon closing. We had the closing for the sale of this property at the attorney's office of Hoffman, Kaliser, and Messina on February 5th, and moved in the next day. This is where it gets ugly.... Approximately three months after buying our new home we were contacted by a man named Steve Saylor (CRS Holdings), who said he was a partner of Ronald Kroonstuiver. He told us he had filed a "les pendens" against the property. He said the title had been placed in Kroonstuiver's name to facilitate a refinance and then Kroonstuiver was to put the title back into company's name. Instead, Kroonstuiver sold the house to us. We were also told that Kroonstuiver did not own the home outright. There was a lien on the property held by Jefferson Bank that had not been disclosed to us. The house also had an HOA lien in the amount of $1,800.00 as well. We had specifically asked Brandon if there was an HOA prior to closing, and he said there were none to his knowledge. We also saw that the contract we signed with Owner Finance Buyers claimed no HOA existed as well. Having been through a bad owner finance once before, we immediately began making payments directly to Jefferson Bank and called Brandon from Owner Finance Buyers to clarify the situation. From that conversation on we have recorded all of our conversations with Brandon Coppock, Wayne Sanford, and Ronald Kroonstuiver. Brandon has been very unprofessional throughout this ordeal. Brandon told us that he only "markets" the properties. ( ) He also claims no responsibility even though he is listed as the "trustee" on our "Deed of Trust" with Ronald Kroonstuiver. ( ) He also claims that he is not making a "Real Estate" transaction, but yet assures you in the beginning that everything is legitimate with the sale he is facilitating to you for the owner. You ONLY deal with Brandon throughout the whole transaction. ( ) So, if Brandon is the only person you deal with "in person"and guiding you throughout the whole paperwork process, then how can he not be any part of faciliatating a transaction? Shortly after these conversations, it was indicated by Wayne, that Brandon was trying to become "SAFE ACT" compliant. We continued to make payments directly to Jefferson Bank through July when we found that Ronald Kroonstuiver had filed for bankruptcy and listed our house in the bankruptcy paperwork. Ron's total debt listed on the bankruptcy paperwork was over "1.3 million dollars". Due to this bankruptcy, the house was foreclosed on October 5th, 2010 by Jefferson
Bank. During this stressful ordeal we contacted Wayne and Brandon several times over the months. Brandon got "hot headed" denying any responsibility early on and accusing me of harassing him on my 2nd call to him, so we primarily used Wayne as the "go between". Wayne helped set Brandon up with this OFB business and gets his cut through the promise of fixing your credit for $799.00 if you join their program. We feel he shares some responsibility, as this is a "joint" program between them. We paid OFB-Brandon for a service that could not legally be completed. Here is a recording of Wayne months later (September 2010 ) offering us to go back to Brandon's site and pick another house. He said that we "could just walk in to another home" with no down or closing costs... They would pay for it out of their pockets, less moving expenses. ( ) When I inquired about a refund, Wayne stated any refund would be the amount they made off the transaction. ( in our case they made $2,500.00 ) We decided it would be in our best interest not to deal with OFB or New Start Financial any longer, so we requested our $4,500.00 back that was lost. In response, we received an email from Brandon Sun, Oct 10, 2010. ( ) Since then, now being 6/2011, we have filed a small claims suit in Collin County. We sent one last email to Wayne of our small claims suit, offering them an opportunity to settle out of court for a reasonable amount. ( ) Once, again Brandon fires back with an email response in which he seemed to be writing to Wayne at first {quote} "While I understand their frustration, and truly believe that they were victimized, it wasn't by you or myself it was by the seller who failed to disclose the underlying lien." {end quote}
( ) Now, if he "truly" believes we were "victimized", why then in two sentences later, does he state that {quote} "The Clarks lost their house due to non-payment of mortgage" {end quote} Yet, Wayne admits "they" knew about the bankruuptcy in a recorded call back in September 2010.
( ) By the end of the email he starts writing it as though it was to us... {quote} "I look forward to the Constables Service, upon receipt of service I will be filing a counter suit against you for legal fees and "Mental Anguish" as well. I will also be filing a suit for slander and defamation of character as our company has been without blemish and your false claims can and will cause us loss of income due to the impending civil litigation. I look forward to court, we will see you there!" {quote} Brandon, was an officer right? He needs to check penal codes next time: ( see email above ) I was upset during these calls to Wayne & Brandon and may have used a bad word or two myself. We were their clients, and when dealing with an issue like this on their end, it is still a standard to use proper etiquette. I have worked for several big companies over the years dealing with customers over the telephone. When I am dealing with an irate customer, I would be terminated if caught using foul language or even getting aggressive with my customers. Notice how Wayne, although not even upset during the call, refers to me speaking with Brandon saying that he didn't care " if " I would have said (expletives about how to $#@$! Brandon's mother and in what position) That speaks enough in itself for their business.... ( WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT!!! ) To proceed for audio. Due to the length and large file size of these calls, I have uploaded only what is pertinent in letting others know who they are dealing with. Brandon and Wayne are very cordial and professional until things get sour, in a transaction such as ours... My wife was 8 months pregnant during this time, "OFB" and "Wayne the Credit Guy" have no idea as to how much stress this caused us the months before and after the home finally foreclosed and we were forced to find another place to live. We fought to keep our home and the bank made us think we could. We made all payments on the home ( Jefferson Bank ) until we saw the house was included in Ron's bankruptcy paperwork. Granted, we should have hired a lawyer to look over the paperwork. This program was very different from the bad owner finance we previously went through. We were "naive" and trusted Brandon at his word when he informed us of how this program worked and it's legitimacy. Once again, the fact that he stated he was a former police officer also had an effect. (We somewhat doubt this, as a simple background search using public records as well as a search in Google using "Brandon Scott Coppock" in quotes pulled up questionable criminal history. ) Although, Brandon/Owner Finance Buyers,LLC. & Wayne have obviously done some legitimate sales, this does not keep them from having SOME responsibility for unscrupulous investors and making sure these properties have no liens. Happy House Buyers (also Brandon's former employer ) had this house listed originally, before Brandon picked it up. Our neighbor on the street behind Wyndham ct. had informed us she was about to buy it herself, until Happy House Buyers
found the liens and warned her not to. I have talked to Happy House Buyers owner Daniel, who says that they specifically research properties (via title search) prior to closing to avoid bad transactions for their buyers. (probably should have went through them...) By keeping the original property owner and buyer separate, as well as handling all closing in person, they are facilitating a sale. At the very least, they have no right to keep their commission out of the closing of the sale, when there was no possibility of going through their program. We also found on Brandon's "new" website, (after our deal) the mention of a "licensed" loan originator. We contacted this man, and he said that he was not aware his name was on Brandon's website. He also made it clear he had nothing to do with our transaction. Within several hours his name dissappeared from Brandon's website.... This report merely serves as a strong warning to other investors and potential buyers like ourselves.
5013 days ago by SELLNOW
This is an incredibly long and if true sad story.

Don't trust one guy
Check title to the property
Close with a title company you choose
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give money or payments to "some dude". Use Escrow.
File a lien (notice of interest) on the property, after you find out it is "free and clear".
A wrap is awesome if you use Escrow for payments and ALL MONIES.

Sad story but MANY THINGS were done wrong by the seller and YES the buyer User863333.
5011 days ago by Ownerfinancebuyersvictims
Our original story, audio and documents can be viewed here:

(warning audio contains explicit language used by this company and it's partner)

I totally agree that we messed up too by trusting them by their word. However, this company preys on Craigslist users that want to buy their own home and are not aware of all the dangers... He assured us that everything was legitimate and we would close at a title office. He also made sure to mention he was an ex-law enforcement officer which was a bit reassuring. Had we done a simple Google search for Brandon Coppock, we would have discovered his convictions. (thus the reason he cannot get a "real" license to practice) We have learned now that you don't need or have to have a 3rd party to play middle man for the cash. You just need to do a title search and get a lawyer to look over the paperwork. To this date, they still have not offered to refund the commission he earned at the closing.

He posts his ads/spam in the Dallas craigslist section under real estate for sale, "by owner". You can see his ads by typing "ownerfinancebuyers" all together in the search box while in the real estate section.

This was our second bad owner finance, so we did record the calls and made sure to be specific in our cashier's checks in the event it went bad. Not sure how this got on scam informer, but it was jusst after submitting it to Ripoff reports.
5003 days ago by 123456789
Sucks that hapenned to you. I bought a house from Brandon about 9 months ago, and my experience was great. We actually closed at a title company with an attorney. We don't make our payments to the sellers, but instead we make them to a company who handles the payments. We were told at closing that there was an existing mortgage in place, but it didn't bother me. I think Owner Finance Buyers provides a very good service for people who want to buy a house but can't qualify for a traditional mortgage. He helped us. Again, sorry that the seller of your property did that to you. Good luck in the future!
4999 days ago by Hadtowarnsomebody
We have had nothing but trouble with Brandon Coppock. You are polite to say "questionable criminal history." He is, in fact, a registered sex offender (sexual assault of a child). I thought I did a thorough search before I worked with him. There were so many pages on him I admit I didn't read them all. When I did, it was easy to find the criminal data. This is easy to verify. He is presently listed as an offender in Princeton, TX. I think we will be able to keep our house but Brandon was very unprofessional and threatening with us as well once a dispute arose.

Stay away from Owner Finance Buyers!! You may very well get a house, we seem to have, but the risks are very high. It was said to me and I'll say it to anyone who will hear. Just wait out the bad credit. It will work out and you can pick the house you want instead of the limited ones that are available to you.

FYI, you can search county records for liens on titles and such. I was able to do this very easily for my county in Texas. This will catch any liens you weren't told about. Also, there is no reason you cannot pay for a title search and title insurance. It's a good idea to get your own lawyer.

Here is a link to the offense when he was registered in Garland, TX:

Good luck to all!
4996 days ago by Ownerfinancebuyersvictims
REVISING THIS POST TO REFLECT ONLY TRUTH OR OPINION (just a few small edits in the statements)

Report: 7/11/2011 - We went to our temporary injunction hearing this morning and pleaded our case to the Judge. With the assistance of a very knowledgeable attorney at our side, it resulted in us being allowed to re-post our website and post to Internet complaint boards as well.

However, due to not being able to remove the original post on, we will be updating here tomorrow after the temporary injunction expires at 12 am 7/12/2011. This post will contain a "revised" version of our story containing only TRUTH or OPINION as allowed by the Freedom of Speech granted to us as citizens of the United States of America.

Our website,, will resume with the revised version as well... Your comments are appreciated!
4995 days ago by Ownerfinancebuyersvictims

The whole reason we went through this company is we believed that they would advise us of anything that needed to be done to make this a safe transaction. Otherwise, why the need to pay someone else $2500 in the first place? We would assume the average person does not have sufficient knowledge about Real Estate transactions, thus the reason for the use of a "licensed" Real Estate agent or broker.

IN REPLY TO USER "123456789" - Nice they did a Title Search and disclosed the underlying liens to you. Why did that not happen in our situation?

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