Orenda International LLC, Oki, Aronia Berry Superfood Orenda International Obvious MLM Overpriced, Doesn't Work, Employees Harass Loved Ones Tempe, Ar |
23rd of Dec, 2011 by User750982 |
I know that I am probably going to be retaliated against for writing this (or at least will be flooded with rebuttals of 'positive reviews' from actual employees brainwashed by this stupid MLM group) but I am not afraid and feel the truth should be known, as I could find no complaints thus far about Orenda International outside of personal anecdotes from people I've talked to. Long story short, I travel a lot for work and recently went to stay with an old college buddy of mine, who we'll call 'Freddy'. Freddy and I used to be real close- we went to U of A together- and we have still connected regularly through my travels. At this time he was living just outside of Denver, CO in a small place, struggling to make ends meet. I have met up with Freddy many times in the past years and hung around for a week or two just palin' it up and doing guy stuff, you could say (Freddy is divorced and I am single, so I guess friendship means a lot to us or at least it DID to him). This time things were different. Immediately after our usual meet n' greet at a bar he launched into this long, drawn-out, rehearsed sales pitch for this company Orenda International. He told me that he was an 'executive salesman' for the company and that they sold 'alternative health products.' When I looked dubious about the nature of the products he was quick to whip out pamphlets and show me numerous scientific 'facts' and testimonials on the web from his smart phone. I admit that I became intrigued because I have taken alternative medicine in the past (mostly herbal remedies, nothing of a serious nature) and it does interest me, especially as someone who travels on planes all the time and has a lot of aches, pains, colds, etc. He assured me that not only were these products quality and way more valuable than their price (which seemed a little steep) that he would give me some samples so I could judge for myself. After using the samples (he gave me some kind of berry drink and a couple mens' health supplements) he could see that he had piqued my interest even further. At once he sold me this pitch about what a great 'business opportunity' this could be and that we could 'work together' on this and make thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars a year right away! 'Too good to be true' I thought. Once he explained that he would recruit me in order to receive a commission, and then we would BOTH go to work trying to recruit people, my wheels were already turning. The fact that I would have to purchase a package of goods up front to become an 'executive sales associate' or whatever grand poobah title they were offering... this fact clinched it. When I told Freddy that he had described a classic MLM situation, and that he was creating high pressure sales situations and thrusting them on his friends and family, he got all in a huff and insisted that the program would WORK if only I tried it. Undeterred, he contacted HIS recruiter, a guy we'll call 'Jim'. I was a little uneasy at this point but agreed to meet with Jim and Freddy over lunch the following day because Freddy told me he was also a longtime friend of Jim's and knew he could be trusted. I should have followed my instinct immediately and fled for the hills! Shame on me. Well cut to the chase, lunch with 'Jim' was just another uncomfortable sales pitch where they kept upping the ante, claiming they could prove how much the 'higher ups' in the company made and INSISTING this was not a pyramid scheme. Feeling a little sorry for my friend (and, admittedly, not thinking clearly) I said that I would not begin working for their company at this time (I never had any intention to, but they wouldn't stop hounding me) but that I would purchase their product line. Big fat mistake. These items initially seemed to improve my vigor, stamina and overall well-being (this may just as well have been psycho-somatic on my part) but after a while they didn't seem to be doing much at all, CERTAINLY not enough to warrant their hefty price tags. (I ended up spending several thousand dollars over a series of weeks. I know, very foolish.) I began to feel cheated and guilt-tripped by my old friend and this 'Jim' character who clearly knows a sucker when he sees one. After telling Freddy about my dissatisfaction, and asking if I could return the rest of the inventory I had purchased for even a partial refund, he went into a rage and claimed I was betraying him, and that ALL I had to do to help him out was let him recruit me for the damn commission money. I told him the truth- which is that he shouldn't be pressuring friends and family to take part in this asinine money-sucking scheme- and we haven't really spoken since. I know I acted out of anger and I regret the split in our friendship but I felt cheated and used. In the months following (this all took place summer 2011) I have spoken with several other of our U of A alum friends and they all had a similar story about being harassed and cajoled by Freddy and his 'superiors' at Orenda International- some, like me, had purchased products, but none had been so foolish as to actually join in on this pyramid scam. I have also had some contact with Freddy's ex-wife (they had remained amicable, and our circle of friends all socialize with her) who told us the same sad story about Freddy desperately trying to make money off of Orenda in what was clearly a losing battle. The worst part is that companies like these blame the 'salesman' for not making money, saying that he isn't 'trying hard enough' or 'doesn't know how to work the program'. They try to build up his self-esteem with boosts from sponsors and co-workers even as he loses more and more time, effort, and money. Don't believe all the hype you hear and see on the internet (especially on sites funded and created by or FOR Orenda International) and CERTAINLY do not let these con men, no matter how convincing or how enthusiastic they may be, do NOT let them force you into something you aren't comfortable with. The products are overpriced crap and they know it but they want to lure in people who are unemployed, young, naive, lonely and desperate for money (and that fits the description of MANY Americans today) so that they may dupe them with these lofty dreams of making thousands a year, of driving a Porsche, of being financially independent by selling SUPPLEMENTS. (And of course we all know that the actual money is in trying to pawn off these products on your loved ones, who you will be forced to continually alienate and harass until they give in and are 'recruited' onto the Orenda 'team'.) If I know anything about the way these guys operate- and I think I do- the rebuttals beneath this report will become inundated with Orenda employees, and their friends and family members (and sock puppet accounts who INSIST they are not employees) all singing the praises of Orenda International, their business model and their product line. Well I have told the truth here and anyone with half a brain can see these people are full-on scammers. I only hope that someone will read this and think twice about getting involved with Orenda International. |
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