OPTIONS CREDIT SERVICES CANADA LTD of Chilliwack, B.C., and its owners, DON ANTLE AND KAREN ANTLE, are advertising on Craigslist and Kijiji in cities all across Canada, selling company "licenses" for $15,000.00. They claim that if you purchase a license from them, that they will provide you with an income exceeding $300,000.00 in 3 years. They also claim there is no selling required to earn this huge income. These licenses the company are selling for $15,000.00, are no more than the right to sell for the company. You get nothing in return for your $15,000.00 other than the right to try and entice poor people into using Options as a debt consolidator. What is very unfortunate, is that OPTIONS and Don Antle, are simply preying on poor folks who are experiencing financial problems, and enticing these people to hire the company to manage their debt. That's all this company does, is charge a service fee to manage the clients debt, and they charge HUGE money to do this. OPTIONS charges their clients a 15% service fee per month, yes, 15% PER MONTH, not per year, to manage their debt! The truth is that if these clients knew the truth, they would likely never hire OPTIONS or Don Antle to manage their funds, especially when the clients could do this themselves and save thousands of dollars instead of paying Don Antle and OPTIONS to do this. WHAT A RIP-OFF! The company also claims that if you purchase the license from them, they will give you leads from all across Canada, however, it is doubtful if they do have clients from all over Canada. They have only been in business a few short months, and it is highly unlikely they have many clients from anywhere, nevermind all across Canada as they advertise. If you purchase their license, you would still have to entice the few leads they give you into become a client of OPTIONS. That way, you get to take advantage of the hurting folks as well as Don Antle and OPTIONS CREDIT SERVICES CANADA LTD. OPTIONS also claims that it offers better service, better programs, and better results than any of its competitors. This is absolutely FALSE ADVERTISING; they offer nothing more than any other company in Canada. Their claim to have their "Options Express" program is a lie; they have no such program available at all. Don Antle, the president, is also trying to sell shares in the company without filing a prospectus, contrary to the securities act. This is a criminal offense. This company is an absolute SCAM as is its owner, DON ANTLE.