One Click Cash |
One Click Cash Please do not use this company no matter what!!! Someone needs to stop these people. Internet |
26th of Jan, 2011 by |
One Click Cash is a pay day loan place on the internet that takes advantage of people in need by doing things that seem to me to be illegal and getting away with it. I admit that I was in need and borrowed $350 from this company with a finance charge of $105 which I agreed to and had no problem paying them. I read the loan several times before I agreed tothe loan. All throughthe contract itstates that if you want to extend your loan you need to contact them to be able to do that.
Well, I did not want my loan extended so I did not do anything figuring that when my loan day came they would take the whole amount of my loan. That day came and the company took only 105 which was the finance charge. I immediately emailed the company letting them know that they did not take enough money out and they said that I was to let them know 3 days prior to take out money I owe. I told them that this was not what I agreed to and they said it was om the contract which is not exactly how it is stated.
I decided that to have them leave me alone that I would pay another 105 finance charge and just throw that to lesson learned.I told them that they could not take the wholee 455 at one time because of the agreement I had with my bank. The representative told me that I could make the 105 payment on 2/4 then contact them and pay theremaining loan and they would take it out the cvery next day.The thing is thatno one told me this on the original email so this was therer wayof getting at least an extra 105 out of me.
I think that others should know about how this company works. I also would like to point out that I have used pay day loan places before and they were very professional and the way most of them work that are not taking advantage of people is that they take out the whole loan the day it is due UNLESS you contact them to extend the loan and you can only do that a certain number of times. This company looks like it would take out $105 until you contacted them and told them not to then how long would they continue to take only $105 indeffinately? Also, they stated to me that they emailed me several time which is false because I check my email daily and did not receive any emails until I contacted them. I kow for a fact a little late for me that this company has done this to many, many more people than me. I feel they really need to have to pay somebody and it does not have to be me for all the things they do to people.
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