Upon a camping trip to Deep Creek Hot springs, CA , with mutual friends Nurha de souza being one of the guests, she , began zooming her camera at me from the top of a boulder where I was swimming with only my red scarf in a pond.
I refused her, then we came into an agreement that the images were for me.
I gave her a mermaid water dance , exposing my naked flesh or 30 minutes or more. For I felt it would be a perfect story/image to add to my personal project.
Nurha was a couch surfer and always made the excuse that the films were in a friends storage who was out of town... time passed , and she contacted me to give me my images at last.
we met in a public place she showed me tiny prints and said she will give me bigger and better images later, she was in a hurry off to brazil . She proposed to me the idea of having a possible show. she then left quickly , without leaving me any prints of the images. .
The next day , I sent her a message wishing to meet with her and that I had people possiblly intrested in the images and that I was willing to go 50/50 with her.
I did not hear anything from Nurha for months , assuming she was in Brazil .
I was told by a friend that my images were up in frames at Bloom cafe and that he had been doing free labor on them , he was suprized I did not know about it.
I went to Bloom cafe , saw my images and confronted Nurha. She tricked me , and had her attorney hide around the corner where we were meeting .
Her attorney Khatleen Pratt , and an employee of Antoine Bonsorte printing company , bullied me , telling me I had to sign a waiver for the show will go one with or without me, and if I wanted 10% of the sales , which they did not even know how much it was being displayed for sale !!!!!!
I ran out of the restaurant , in the street to my car. Both Khatleen and NUrha followed me.Nurha grabed my arm pushing me in the street away from my car , onto fast traffic , endangering me , brusing me and both khatleen pratt " a human rights attorny " sat on my car and started insulting me , and bulling me , telling me I had to sign the forms they had.
I cried , and begged them to let me go .they just mocked me and insulted me more.
I proceeded to call for help , at which point the tow got up from the hood of my car.
the next day I asked bloom cafe to remove my images from their wall , Nurha again injured me by attempting to break the camera I was filming them with . , they removed my images only to put them up again that night.
When I called LAPD , Nurha and bloom cafe asked them to arrest me for tresspassing , and the police advised me to get an attorney .
I recently saw Nurha in a shop , purchasing thousands of dollars of new computers, i pads ect.......when I confronted her in the store, she said that those images do not belong to me , they are hers because she is the photographer and she does not owe me anything .
I have been violated, abused , bruised, exploited, cheated, and have not received a penny nor have I released any of those images to Nurha de souza.
Nurhs De Souza has damaged me beyond words, and she is living off of my images and denying me as a woman , a human being .
painfully . |