Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Norman V Meier
Stock Fraud
5th of Nov, 2011 by sheigel
Norman V Meier

U.S. stock bribery cases have Vancouver connections

Hemis Corporation - Tecton Corporation - Norman Meier

Green and Bacchus have a history of registering companies that have been used in stock manipulation. Green was the filing attorney for minerals exploration company Tecton, Inc. In 2009, Jason Jadidian was given probation for three years and fined $10,000 for paying an undercover FBI agent to purchase shares of Tecton Corp. (The criminal complaint is here and the Vancouver Sun article about it is here). The president of Tecton, Norman Meier, is also the CEO of Hemis Corp. Green did the filings for it too.


3. Norman Meier for a role model. Rendal probably didn't realize it at the time, but Norman Meier would pioneer a lot of the paths that Rendal is going down. Norman Meier started a lot of mining companies over the last few years and several have their own threads here at Investors Hub. These include:
Hemis -
Tecton -
Wave Uranium -
and Mass Petroleum -

Norman Meier's specialty was fleecing small investors. He set up his own boiler-room which allowed him to both clobber the investors with commissions (over 40%) and then pay himself exorbitant salaries. When that proved too slow, he just stopped putting any money in the exploration projects and diverted everything to himself via offshore accounts.

The scam blew up for Norman last year after he ran a pump & dump for Tecton. Here's something ironic - deciding it was time to get out of Zurich, Norman took his girlfriend to San Diego. The Swiss FINMA (the banking regulators) closed down Norman's boiler room last month so at least for the meantime, he can't go back.

Curious that Zurich is hosting Rendal Williams while San Diego is the new home of Norman Meier. In a more perfect world The US and Switzerland would do a felon swap. That would be almost poetic.


Swissalis was Norman Meier’s boiler room, same as now Athena Capital Partners, it’s the exact same set up and lots of people will lose their money once the stock has been promoted high enough.


Jordan Shapiro was Norman Meier’s business partner, he only has also shady business people

The Swiss tend to be touchy about sleazy scammers

Norman has his hands in every scheme!





Eddie Meier / Dr. Edwin Meier / Edwin Meier

If Norman Meier is the son of the so called Prof. Dr. Edwin (Eddie) Meier, from Switzerland than you should really stay away from him. His father (Eddie) claims to be a Professor which is not true at all. His Business School (Swiss Management Academy AG) is almost bankrupt and does not exist anymore. The only thing that works in his environment is the school in Kenya. Both use to write books on health and personal management, while they are totally broke. Stay away from this people. If you don't trust me, just make a search in Google of yahoo and you will understand.

Jordan Shapiro

This man (Norman Meier)along with Jordan Shapiro and their attorney Penny Green took their publicly traded companies and created what is called a "Pump and Dump". What they did is place out false information (paid news companies in some cases 7500 Beacon Equity) causing the stock to increase significantly and they sell their stock and make money the stock eventually tanks to nothing.

Now you should know that this was a shell company they did not own a piece of equiptment, their mining leases were either sold off for profit and diverted into Mr. Meiers off shore accounts. The entire Board of directors resigned, now Penny Green Atty at law files bogus SEC filings. Mr. Meier and Mr. Shapiro made a loan for close to one million dollars from Tecton Corp to Hemis Corp with out board approval and all the monies went into Meiers and Shapiros accounts. Meier has a phony PHD, i have hired a Private investigation company and they turned up so much fraud its not even funny. I have turned all of this over to the DOJ> Stay away from these people, also George Kuenzli is part of this scam too. STAY AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE THEY WILL STEAL EVERYTHING YOU HAVE


It's been a while since anything has gotten posted on Tecton and by now the company is now longer in a coma and is quite dead. Quite possibly there are no more Tecton shareholders looking here any more as they have long since written off their investment.

But before we let it go, let me let you in on something you may not know - the SEC is as much to blame for this as is Norman Meier. Tecton was a plain, old-fashioned pump & dump. Norman Meier and Jordan Shapiro began an systematic plot to push up the stock price beginning in December 2007. They involved people from southern California to help keep the BS flowing.

The SEC was notified in February of 2008 that a pump & dump was moving forward. It would snare a new bunch of investors as Meier, Shapiro and cronies dumped their shares on the public who only know what they were being told in those BS market newsletters.

Here's the kicker - the SEC was told what was going on and had six weeks to put the brakes on Tecton. The did nothing. They sat back and played possum while Tecton lost over 80% of it's value as the pump & dump took off. They did nothing after the pump & dump screwed the investors, nothing later as the stock sunk below a penny. The SEC did nothing ever about Tecton.

For those of you who lost your savings in Tecton, contact the SEC and ask what they are going to do about this. Contact Carolyn Winters at [email protected] Even better, call her at 202-551-4583, assuming she still even works for the SEC. Ask her how many years she's going to sit on this stuff while those who perpertrated the pump & dump are still walking freely among us. She's had the data for over a year and it never made it to the top of her in-box.

Ask her how she sleeps at night.


Junior Gold Company HMSO set to Soar!

In today's markets gold is King and there is no better
place to make Significant Money than Junior gold companies.

Do a search on "junior gold company" and you will see that
they are Making a killing and so are the people who Follow

The key is, knowing which companies have the big potential.
We have found one that we believe is a winner.

Hemis Corp. (HMSO)

Currrent Price: $1.05
Tarrget Price: $3.10

Why is this getting our top rating?

* The second largest gold c company in the world has entered
into a join-venture Property agreement with HMSO.

* HMSO recently discovered Molybdenum mineralization at its
El Tigre property. Molybdenum has quadrupled in price
since 2002!

* Go to your favorite financial information source and see
for yourself - lots of positive releases.

* World class properties, Excellent financing, a winning
team of experts. The recipe for success!

With so many high potential projects in exploration stage
we feel that this company will come through with that big
find very, very soon.

A position in HMSO ensures you a ride on the gold train

Natasha Waite

All Norman’s companies were incorporated through EastBiz where Natasha Waite worked and all companies from Norman had the same address in Nevada (Suspicious??). Norman at one point had so many companies, like Sirius, Allegra, Aurum, Stratos and many more….

Brett Matich

Details of the five simple steps to turn $0 into $20,000,000 in shares and cash.
The main two players being Brett Matich and Mik "MANY NAMES".

These two first became "totally welded at the hip" when they spent months together facing "drug running charges" of a very serious nature - of which they were found not guilty.

Since these exciting times the Matich team of Paul and Brett along with Mik "MANY NAMES" have controlled, by directorship and/or mind control, many A.S.X. listed companies including, but not restricted to, ACCLAIM, AZTEC, FOX, RANGE to name just a few. All were involved in the failed YANDAL float with their close friend Michael James Giovinazzo, who copped 18 years porridge for punting away the seed capital.

Also note, Matthew Lewis, a former director of Range Resources Ltd, an appointee of Mik "MANY NAMES", has re-surfaced in this latest "little number".

Graham Harris

Graham Harris: Another day, another Canadian ripoff

Graham Harris: Is it possible to shame the shameless?

Interesting to note the insider filings of ATW Gold (ATW.v) Chairman Graham Harris today:

The Harris guy has managed to dump nearly 600,000 shares on the market in the last five months and pocketed gross proceeds of $154,395, most of them a mile outside the normal disclosure period for insider transactions. But especially noteworthy are those first two sales (which aren't on the cad insider page, cos they only carry the last 10 transactions; to see the first two you need to go over to sedi dot ca) made on Sept 11th 2009, one week BEFORE his company released the news on its trainwreck mine in Australia that dumped the stock forever and ever amen.

Total impunity once again. The Chairman of the company, who knew the crap that was about to go down, dumps his stock before shareholders find out what's going on and can't be bothered to tell anyone for five months. For this the OSC will slap his wrist with the normal $1,000 fine (which he'll be able to pay in cash straight from his wallet when the time comes).

So let's check Harris's credentials: Oh looky! He's an ex-VP at the can of corn! What a surprise, the same house of education as like the other guy who jumped the ATW.v ship before anyone else got to hear the bad news, Luke Norman.

Meanwhile, let's check in on what arch-bullshit pumper Peter Grandich said about Graham Harris in February 2009:

"I’ve known Graham Harris, one of ATW’s Directors, for almost 20 years. He’s always been a straight shooter, particularly when he was in the financial arena, and finding a straight shooter in the financial arena is like finding a needle in a haystack. So I’ve always had confidence in his honesty."

Wow! Two assholes for the price of one!

Graham Harris is also the big honcho at Tribune Resources (TNR.f), a €0.52 stock over on the Frankfurt exchange. You have been warned, my Teutonic friends.

Graham Harris is also the big honcho at Tribune Resources (TNR.f), a €0.52 stock over on the Frankfurt exchange. You have been warned, my Teutonic friends.

IKN says: DO NOT GO NEAR ATW GOLD (ATW.v). Leopards do not change their spots, these people have the most awful record of ripping off shareholders and using the corruptible mining media to promote their bullshit....and they've proven without much doubt that they have no idea about actual mining (they know all about mining other people's pockets, however). These people should be in prison and would be in any other country than Canada, home to the world's most toothless regulators. DYODD dude, but you've been warned about ATW Gold now so don't come running to me, ok?

Daniel Lorber and Josh Whitley

both work for Athena Capital Partners (Boiler room) and Pure Logic Management Group, which has weird connections to Garb Oil.

Garb Oil

John Rossi and Crew is Bad News> Be very careful investing in GARB.OB.

Here is some diligence I have pulled on GARB.OB. The new crew in here seems to be a bad one!

Report: John Rossi, Felix Assfalg, Ayoub Rami, Ernest Beresford Peter Hall, Edward Brian Anthony Hall,

Category: Manufacturers
John Rossi, Felix Assfalg, Ayoub Rami, Ernest Beresford Peter Hall, Edward Brian Anthony Hall, Edward Hall, Ernest Hall Conspiracy to Defraud, Slander, Stating False and Illegal Claims about Patents/Technology Vetschau Germany

John Rossi, Felix Assfalg, Ayoub Rami, Ernest Beresford Peter Hall, Edward Brian Anthony Hall,
Phone: 011-49(0)1717676008
Fax: 011-49030887163434
Kraftwerkstrasse 24,
Vetschau, D 03226
Submitted: Friday, June 26, 2009
Modified: Monday, July 13, 2009
Reported By
Beverly Hills, California

After viewing a number of documents and cross referencing all of the above subjects I hereby state all of the above referenced have been involved with the Conspiracy to Defraud Investors, Slandering, Stating False and Illegal Claims about Patents/Technology. Some of these individuals or companies that may of been defrauded included but are not be limited too; Shairco of Jeddah Saudi Arabia, Dubai Investors, Bahrain Investors, Germany Investors, and USA based Magnum DOR Resources, Inc. and its shareholders.

Some of these individuals and companies listed above (including but not limited to: John Rossi, Felix Assfalg, Artech Recycling Tech GMBH, Spreelast GMBD, German Rubber Industries) have been involved with the German Court - defrauding and criminal bankruptcy.

John Rossi, Felix Assfalg, Ayoub Rami, Ernest Hall, Edward Hall INTESO AG, Spreelast AG, Artech GMBH Germany have stated and mislead a number of individuals and investors about these so-called Patents of Rubber Devulcanization and Technologies. If you go to the German Patent Office you will see they have stating false claims which is illegal.

We got the copy of a (1) patent sales and (2)exclusive licensing rights contract, between (1) Mr Rainer Berkmann and Mr. John Rossi - German and Australian Citizen, was dated 09th May 2006. (2) We also have a copy from the SEC office about this following and new born exclusive licensing rights contract about our own US and international patents between Magnum D'Or Resources Inc. Ft. Lauderdale and John Rossi, Felix Assfalg, Ayoub Rami, Ernest Hall, Edward Hall INTESO AG, Spreelast AG, Artech GMBH Germany.

The exclusive licensing right agreement about their so-called rubber devulcanization patent was intent or conspiracy to defraud shareholders and the company "Magnum DOR Resources, Inc" from the US Stock Exchange.

Our advice and suggestion is to stay away from these swindlers, thief's and high debtors.

Beverly Hills, California

<More information I had found after doing research on GARB.OB just recently>

Spreelast AG, INTESO AG and ARTECH AG Germany

Company information:
Spreelast AG / INTESO AG/Artech AG

Me, Gerhard H. Krieg, vice president of King & Krieg Inc. Tulsa/Oklahoma, I am now bringing a public charge against the politics and justice of the Federal German Republic – punishable by law in accordance with §27 StGB linked to §187 StGB and §258a StGB - to be responsible for support by omission of publicly slandering our enterprise, carried out by the chairman of the Spreelast AG and board member of Magnum D’Or Inc. Fort Lauderdale, Mr Felix Eugen Assfalg, German citizen and others.

John Rossi President & CEO

Regarding the Gentlemen Mr. Fexlix Eugen Assfalg (German Citizen) & Mr. John Rossi alias Sposato alias Procheddu (Italien Citizen) and Board Member of Inteso AG Germany - bankrupt since 2009, which sigend on Dec 31th 2007 an exclusive licensing rights agreement about my national and international rubber devulcanisation patent - with Magnum D 'Or Recources Inc. Ft. Lauderdale, we wrote a strong charge against the General Attorney Mr. Steinforth, his involved Solicitors and others too. Our Charge was dated May 25th 2011. The General Attorney confirmed on Aug. 26th 2008 to us, he couldnt found any proofs of patent infringement and fraud from Mr. Berkmann, Mr John Rossi - Shareholder by Garb Oil Power Salt Lake City. Now we got all proofs complete and informed Mrs. Hannelore Kraft (Governor of the German State NRW) by Fax Letter up front. We are still waiting of the file number of investigation against all involved people.
sign by Gerhard Krieg

CONTACT for Garb Oil & Power Corporation:
Garb Oil & Power Corporation
+1-801-738-1355 Office
John Rossi President & CEO
Email: [email protected]
SOURCE Garb Oil & Power Corporation

Jason Jadidian

Litigation Release No. 21919 / April 6, 2011
Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jason Jadidian, Civil Action No. 08 Civ. 8079 (PGG) (S.D.N.Y.)
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that on March 31, 2011, the Honorable Paul G. Gardephe of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York granted in part the Commission’s motion for summary judgment against defendant Jason Jadidian, and issued a final judgment finding Jadidian liable for violations of Sections 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The court imposed a $50,000 civil penalty against Jadidian, a resident of Cliffside Park, New Jersey.
The Commission’s complaint, filed on September 18, 2008, alleged that Jadidian, a stock promoter, engaged in a fraudulent broker-bribery scheme designed to manipulate the market for the common stock of Tecton Corporation. The complaint charged Jadidian with violating Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5.
After considering the undisputed facts, the court found a clear record of Jadidian’s violations of the anti-fraud provisions of the federal securities laws and imposed a $50,000 civil penalty. The court declined to impose injunctive relief or issue a penny stock bar.
See Litigation Release No. 20777 (Oct. 8, 2008).

In 2009, Jason Jadidian was given probation for three years and fined $10,000 for paying an undercover FBI agent to purchase shares of Tecton Corp. (The criminal complaint is here and the Vancouver Sun article about it is here). The president of Tecton, Norman Meier, is also the CEO of Hemis Corp.

In another "test transaction," the undercover agent bought 80,000 shares for a total of $18,672, for an average of 23 cents per share. Jadidian subsequently wired the agent a $5,000 kickback through a third party. The stock has since slumped to one-tenth of a cent.
Tecton went public on the OTC Bulletin Board last year as an exploration company, with properties in B.C. and Saskatchewan.
The company's president is Norman Meier, a former Canaccord Capital broker who claims to have PhD in Human Behaviour from Newport University in Switzerland.
The company's filing solicitor is Penny Green of the Bacchus Law Group in Vancouver. Green has helped numerous companies go public on the pink sheets and bulletin board on extremely dubious business premises. Most have ended badly for investors.

George Kuenzli

Aurum was one of Norman’s companies. George Kuenzli is a good friend of Norman’s Dad Eddie (Edwin) Meier, who runs a fake school in Kenya called Swiss Management Academy, where Kuenzli is also involved. Kuenzli worked for Norman in Switzerland (for Hemis).

Athena Capital Partners

Joerg Zielasek

Additional Information

ALL of these companies have the EXACT same ADDRESS

Suite 2000 1177 West Hastings, Vancouver BC

Windfire Capital Corp
Red Hill Resources
Range Engergy
4839 days ago by Stroth
I am glad someone speaks up against these criminals!
4833 days ago by Monet
People can post whatever they want on the Internet these days BUT that does not mean these statements have proven to be truth! You should really make sure you are posting fact when trying to discredit someone. These are people's professional reputations and livelihood. Just because you are not properly educated and informed before making a financial investment regarding stocks, etc does not give you the right to slander people. Yes, it is a tough economy and nobody likes to have made a bad investment but if you are angry and regretful do not post slander against innocent people! Maybe you should just keep your money in the bank or under your mattress. Sounds to me like someone is bitter and misinformed by many accounts... Check your facts, and possibly find a better use of your time. Ignorant people trying to destroy others - it's not right
4833 days ago by Monet
I would like to point out that this forum is meant to protect consumers from legitimate scams not a blog spot for angry people to come and trash the reputations of legitimate professionals.
Sheigel - the only thing you have done is prove your ability to copy/paste off of the Internet and other articles. ( only you are doing so out of context and reading subject matter you have no education on) Clearly throwing around such terms as ' Boiler Room' and 'pump and dump' ; Sheigel- put down your tv remote, get off your computer and go do something truly productive with your life...
4833 days ago by Sheigel

All data and information provided on this post is for informational purposes only. sheigel makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this post and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.
4833 days ago by Sheigel
The Information should not be construed as investment/trading advice and is not meant to be a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any securities mentioned. For personal advice on your trading decisions, please consult with your financial advisors.

The Information should not be used as the sole basis for making any trading decision. Rather, readers should use the Information as a starting point for doing additional research on the companies mentioned in order to allow the reader to form his or her own opinion. Such research should include, but is not limited to, each company's quarterly and annual reports, all SEC filings, and press releases. If you should ignore my advice to do independent research of industries, companies, and stocks, choosing instead to trade solely on my information, or opinions found in this Information, you have made a conscious, willing, free, and personal decision to do so.

I also strongly recommend that you read the SEC advisory to investors concerning Internet Stock Fraud, which can be found at Readers can review all public filings by companies at the SEC's EDGAR page. The NASD has published information on how to invest carefully at its web site.
4831 days ago by Monet
Again copy/paste skills by sheigel.
4421 days ago by Pauldeacs
Norman Meir was my financial consultant before and he made me understand the importance of financial planning as an investor. He has given me more idea on how to run a business that can earn a good sale.He give me advice in how to start a good business and how to invest the money to the business i. I highly recommend !

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