"No Labelz Magazine" / Emerge Media Entertainment and Financial Group Nailah Lovell Banton "No Labelz Magazine" does not pay employees for advertised |
11th of Oct, 2011 by User797714 |
I responded to an ad placed on NJ.com by "No Labelz Magazine" for an Advertising Sales Director position in May of this year. I recieved a call from a Miss Whitney Bryant (the "PR and Publicity" specialist for the magazine, and the Publishers girlfriend as I would find out later) asking to come in for an interview. The interview went extremely well, and a few days later they offered me the position (advertised at $30,000 a year plus commissions). They told me the magazine had 60,000 subscribed readers and national distribution through Barnes and Noble booksellers and Borders bookstores. I was told that the Salary was paid the 1st of the month, and commisions would be on the 15th of the month. I gave two weeks notice at my internet sales job at a local car dealer (whom was very upset to see me leave, and told me if things didn't work out, there would be a job still for me there). I started at "No Labelz Magazine" on July 5th. I knew I was going to have three weeks between pay periods, and Miss Banton (owner/founder/publisher/CEO) was kind enough to give me some cash to keep gas in my car and some food on my table. August 1st, the first payday, I get an email from Miss Banton (who was sitting in her office 20 feet away from me) stating that "due to Border's Bankruptcy" a large distribution check they were expecting was not coming in, and could I please hold off till the end of the month in regards to my pay. She promised that it would be a very lucrative job, and so forth. I agreed, and inquired if she could not help me out by paying me weekly in lieu of a lump sum, or get me some kind of money to pay my bills. I was already falling behind on car payments and rent, and scrounging for food at this point (a calculated risk, I know, but when you're promised to be paid). Again, she said she would see what she could do, and "pay out of her own personal money" to help... Over the course of the month, I recieved approximately $340 in cash from her to "help". My car was going to be reposessed, and again I stressed to her about my financial situation and how morally it was wrong of me to ask, and that legally, I should NOT have to ask to be paid. As we moved forward, I would come to work to find 1) Internet and Phone services shut off 2) CRM tool software shutoff for lack of $30 payment, and many other hurdles to keep me from doing my work properly. Miss Banton had the nerve, in an email, to say to me "If you are unaware, but a magazine relies on advertising to keep in business" ( I ran/managed FIVE publications for an ESTABLISHED publishing company for five years... I know far better than her how a magazine, let alone a business should be properly run). She offered to gie me a company debit card (Issued in her girlfriend's company name) and put $300 a week on it, and make two car payments for me. She also offered to use her skills (she used to own a "non profit" financial credit counseling service in Union, NJ, and claims a wealth of financial knowledge on her facebook and twitter pages). She put $600 total on that card, and only paid one car payment. She did make sure, however, to reiterate that she was paying me out of her own monies. I inquired about the second payment, as it was now late... She had, at this time, rented a car and hotel rooms in Atlanta for a Pride event, and "was driving back... I'll take care of it tomorrow." I inquired again (This is now the first week of September) and got an email from her stating that "because I deposited an out of state check, the bank said it would take 3-5 days to clear" and that she would take car of this. I gave her until September 12th, and inquired about the check clearing and my car payment. I did not get any response for FIVE HOURS, when I got a call from her girlfriend, Miss Whitney Bryant (and the companies "PR and Publicist") saying that Miss Banton asked her to call me and stated that she just deposited an out of state check which would take until the end of the week to clear. I finished my work for the day, and on the 13th I tendered my resignation from "No Labelz Magazine". I did not get a phone call, or an email, just Miss Banton posting on her Facebook Page two hours later "With You or without you. I'm going to make it. period". I did not reieve any other contact from her until I inquired about the balance of back pay owed me (approximately $4900 and change after deducting monies given to me for the 2.5 months of work). She responded that she would consult with her attorney and get back to me. I inquired again two days later and she responded "my attorney said to send me a certified letter to the office (which they were planning to move from weeks prior... ON A WEEKEND)... I asked for attorney's address and sent him a copy as well. Well, the attorney DID recieve the letter, and after THREE attempts to the office address given by Miss Banton, her letter was returned to me. Her attorney told me as of September 10, 2011 she did not respond to his requests to contact her or call him back when she said she would. Because of Miss Banton's poor business practice, I have had to claim food stamps, still risk losing my car, my phone, and face eviction. My claim for unemployment is now in appeals because of the situation she put me in. Yet she still has the audacity to post tweets/advice about how to run a business?? how to treat people around you?? My only conclusion is that she is dilusional and has never done anything successfully in her life... Why would a magazine that claims to have national distribution (I'm investigating with Barnes and Noble if they ever were distributed by them) and such great business ettiquette NOT pay the money they advertised?? After four years, a business model is supposed to show a PROFIT, not come up with excuses, unpaid bills, and a slipshod work ethic. (This is why they look for "interns" as writers... so they don't have to pay them) WHY would someone who ran a "non profit" credit counseling service allow this to happen to an employee???? Unfortunately, I put my good and blind faith in something that I thought would be a great experience, in spite of MANY people (who are REAL business and financial professionals) telling me I should have left sooner. So, will I ever see a cent of the money she owes me? Not including the financial and emotional damage incurred by her poor character. I don't know... it's up to her to be a professional, not me to show her how to be one. |
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