Nicholas (Nick) Ferrara Nicholas (Nick) Ferrara financial con artist, scammer and thief. Frisco, Texas |
27th of Jan, 2013 by User927865 |
Nicholas (Nick) Ferrara is a financial con artist, scammer and a thief who was first introduced to our company by a third party located in Germany. When our company first spoke with him, he claimed that he was a former broker and a registered investment banker while stressing the importance of his 25+ years of financial experience. Amongst his many claims, Nick Ferrara, time and time again emphasized that his experience as a broker made him an expert at raising capital for publically traded companies in the stock market During the vetting process when our company asked Nick Ferrara if he had ever received ANY sort of regulatory action or a suspension from a governing agency he clearly stated no, never. This was a flat out lie as our company has come to find out he has a trade suspension along with other problems that have come from defrauding multiple companies in the past. Further due diligence has revealed that Nick Ferrara is a sociopathic con artist who makes his money stealing, defrauding and straight up ripping off companies. Further details of scam perpetrated on our company. Our company entered into a signed stock purchase agreement with Nicholas (Nick) Ferrara in which he agreed that he would buy stock at a market discount from the company and place it with various European accredited investors. (The company was listed on a German Exchange) Nick Ferrara always had an excuse and never paid for the stock he received. The only thing he did with the stock is blast it into the market, destroy the company's share price and pocket the proceeds. He never sent our company a single penny. Once his scam was complete, Nick Ferrara immediately ceased to return phone calls or any of the emails that were sent requesting the stock back or payment for the stock he received. Before this point Nick Ferrara would always call and return messages promptly. It was at this point our company realized that we had been scammed by a pro. This man is an outright thief and a good one as there was never a suspicion that he was a con artist. Be forewarned, Nick Ferrara will constantly refer to his involvement in his church and his religious background with the goal of putting his suspected victims at ease. He will say he is a committed family man with a wife and two kids while setting the stage for his fraud to take place. In conclusion, Nick Ferrara was sent 2.5 million shares as per the signed agreement but instead of following through with his side of the bargain, he simply stalled for time regarding payment for the stock and then sold all the shares he didn't pay for into the market putting all the money into his pocket. Total Loss for the company is 1.750 Million Euros. This was Nicholas Nino Ferrara CRD number until he was suspended in 1991and fined: 1694506. It was issued by the NASD and can be used to verify the information provided in this report. (http://www.finra.org/Investors/ToolsCalculators/BrokerCheck/) After further due diligence we have discovered that our company is not Nick Ferrara's only victims so we encourage other company's who are also victims of Nick Ferrara to come forward with the goal providing a documented warning to the future company's he may attempt to defraud. Linkedin link to his bio: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/nicholas-ferrara/43/9ba/453 His Company link: http://ivoryrockinc.com One of his other companies: http://www.sportmotionsystems.com/ |
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