| They asked for small court filing fee before they knew they can have the case. For my case, I put the order 6 months ago. They cannot |
4th of Jul, 2011 by User625095 | collected court filing fee before they knew they could do something about the case. I filed the case in January 2011, and paid the fee. I wanted to make a claim for a failure GE water heater, but cannot find the mail address for GE, so I asked help. They cannot find the address either. I called them more than 20 times, and Mr. Mike is in charge my case, but Mike seldom returned my call. I am disappointed. |
“Please take caution; after being scammed I have contact a lot of other individuals from other posting sites such as Trustlink, and; it seem like they ALSO WRITE THEIR OWN FAKE REVIEWS!”
What a Horrible unprofessional experience. The whole process was so long and in the end I was taken for my money. I was filing suit against a corporation and after not hearing from my small claims for a long length of time I contacted them and they had basically written it off. I was told that they had filed incorrectly due to the fact that the company I was suing was a corporation. They then started over. I was then told that some paperwork would arrive from the court, when it did arrive it was too close the the established court date and they had not provided the corporation with the papers in time to meet requirements. I was then told I had to pay more money to get it fixed and I didn't need to appear in court for the original scheduled date. When I didn't appear the judge dismissed the case and wouldn't allow a new date. I had not heard from them again for a long time and called to check in and was told this information. I was then told that I would have to start all over and re pay the fee's to pursue this. It was my understanding that they were getting me a new date due to the late paperwork. The lack of details on their end left me with little information and if I had known me showing up to the original date would have mattered I would have been there, but I was never told I possibly couldn't get a new date. It was such a let down to already be taken and then to be taken by the people you are paying to help you. They insisted that they had told me different and were not willing to hear my side. I was only able to get a refund of $35 of the $300 I had payed them |
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