myfreecams.com MFC & |
17th of Nov, 2011 by User884807 |
About MFC or any "cam-sites" or singles-clubs (like: TRUE or any of the Russian-ladies-date-clubs or anything related to "matching-with-the-opposite sex on the internet-The are organized-crime! Make no mistake about it! About the women or "models": #1,mostly they are married or bi-sexual,or lieing about thier "status" (could-be and likely-are: Already hooked-up with current boyfriends,etc.-before they appeared on the site! #2-If thier bosoms look "large" and "blown-up-hard" like a ball or a balloon-they had "plastic surgery" or "augmentation surgery",whether they admit-it, or not! And they went to France to have it done or "similarly" or they went to some "local" hospitals,etc.(allot of times finding a cheap surgeon-group "mass-surgery-producing" augmentations or the doctor does "wheeling-and-dealing-with-them" & does it "under-the-table-discounting" with-them--they can get it "all" done for on-the-average: about 6 or 7 thousand dollars(U.S.)! #3-This "business",is: 90 Billion-dollars in "worth" & it's growing! And it isn'tslowing-down and "the reason" becomes "apparent"-as I will explain, further! #4Chances of meeting a model or "hook-up" and having sex with-her,is: almost "zero" or you'll have to "buy" your way into "her pants",so-to-speak and that will cost thousands of dollars(U.S.),if not millions of dollars(U.S.). #5-I know a model on the Internet and even she underestimates what the rest of her "competition" is doing,or: "what they do" #6-Most have mental diseases,drug problems or boyfriends(or husbands)or girlfriend-relationships exposed to sexually transmitted diseases,prior to them appearing on the sites or "acquired" shortly thereafter,they got infected-with these STD's,because: About over 90% of them are bi-sexual or thier spouses are in Prison,etc.(I observed many models "commonly"-where this was goiung-on! Conclusions: Due to the corruption-levels,going-on: (in the U.S. & elsewheres); Nobody (probably)-will put these "skanky-women" and thier STD disease "spreading-around" or thier "skanky-lifestyles" out-of-business any time "soon",or: the sites they are on! Don't spend your money on these sites "ever-again"! You'd have to be a "pathetic" sex-addict, to keep to keep spending money on them! As a good majority of this country is:Sexually-addicted(no doubt),as well as other countries! It's causal-effect is women(it appears)changing "morals" towards marriages,relationships & "other"-that didn't exist until recent-times,and or guys "doing-the-same"..Sexual-addiction is far-worse than "amounts" of drug or alcohol addictions and those addicted-to sex are often "comprised"(simultaneously)of: drug-addicts,and,or: alcoholics(often they were "both"). It can-be "terminal-disease",dealing with these women(obviously) My advice is:Go to a church that runs a sexual-addiction counseling-program and stay-away from the "private-practices" doing-so! Why? Because I noticed allot of these women-models,etc. going after "Psychology Degrees",etc. and it's doubtful the churches would let them practice thier degreed-stuff in thier programs,if it was "found"-they financed thier schooling by the very-thing they were supposed-to-be "treating",now,would-it? Oh yes! I noticed married-models buying "sex-machines" made by: "Doc Johnson" & they were expensive and spending thousands on them! This is what you "enable" and thier respect for you is: Superficial(at-"best")! And they "prove-it" by getting abuseive with you by "arbitrarily" banning-you from them if you don't fork-over the big-bucks to-them to pay for thier new machines. So; the greed of these models is a common-problem they "share" with the administrators (or "Admins") of the site! They say: "they aren't professional porn stars",but, they do "raffles" to the professional porn star gatherings (AVN awards/convention;is often-mentioned,by them)-and so: "there you are"-organized smut-crime, or: organized criminal behavior! And they all have "sob-stories" in thier Personal onsight-messages to you,about: "we only make 3 cents on a token",but in thier profiles,they describe themselves "going-around and owning Audis & other expensive-cars or living in Beverly Hills",etc.-Go "figure"??! Bottom-line is thier "story-line" is "no-different" from the "high-class hooker's story-line"- running a madame-house;they are doing it on the internet(or in the case-of "Nevada-State"-they are doing-it in both-locations! These Gals are too-lazy to go out and get "real-jobs" or the work you and I "do" and so are the site-administrators;likewise! They are a "parasite"-on your back,my friend! I kid-you not!Get rid of your "business" with-them! As it will "account-for-nothing" to deal with-them further,and,besides: ou are better "actually" dateing or spending money on a recovered sex addict "date" rather-than "any" of these afore-mentioned "trash"! |
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