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Morton Plant Hosptal
Morton Plant Hosptal Baycare Health System, Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O.,CrossCountry Trav Corps, Nightmare at Morton Plant Hospital Emergency Room, F
22nd of May, 2011 by User922076

n order for you to understand the reasons for my coming forward with my story, please watch my video at Youtube :
Nancystrokevictim and see the Fox TV Tampa bay news story about what happened to me (google : Fox TV News Tampa bay , Doctor, Hospital fight Video critical of care).
When I presented to Morton Plant Emergency Room in Clearwater Florida, on march 9th, 2010,with classical signs and symptoms of a stroke, I had the utmost confidence I would be helped , and at the very least be reassured I was not in any danger of having a serious medical problem, one that could affect my life. I expected to be treated by an experienced emergency room physician ,with the highest credentials obtainable, (This was a stroke center) not a Doctor who premeditated a plan to deter a malpractice suit, by not carrying medical malpractice insurance. One would have to conclude that the blatant disregard with which my health and well being was handled by Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. and Morton Plant Hospital, that this sort of medical practice was anticipated by him and the Hospital.
At no time did I see a poster , letter , nor was I told or given anything to inform me prior to treatment that Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. did not have Medical Malpractice insurance. How could it be , that our great State of Florida Legislature has put into place laws protecting our communities from such individuals, and practices, exactly why the Legislature obviously thought it was important enough to require Doctors to inform their patients of this, prior to treatment. For such a flagrant Violation of the Florida Statutes to be occurring within a Hospital that calls itself a stroke center is absurd. Upon reviewing The Baycare Website (Baycare is the corporation that owns Morton Plant Hospital) I Noticed that Baycares President-CEO Mr. Stephen R. Mason has put into place an online Quality report card for his institutions ,a public -reporting tool that also helps patients become more involved in their healthcare. Well Mr. Stephen R. Mason you / your institution /and Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. get an (F), for the horrendous treatment I received at your Institution. This is all about financial gain , what patient would realistically not have concerns about a Doctor who posts a notice in the ER that he doesnt have medical malpractice insurance , (so If I the Doctor who renders you care , here at Morton plant Hospital screws up with your health , and leaves you crippled and in constant pain , good luck getting some help with a wheelchair van and needed care) every patient made aware would be puzzled/concerned. This is precisely why the Legislature saw it so important so as to make it Law.
How could this kind of a scam be going on within a hospital corporation, and be left unchecked by BayCare President-CEO Stephen R. Mason, would it not be reasonable to assume that making sure patients receive appropriate medical care in your Emergency Room, would be to have all your Doctors in your Hospital Emergency Room, practicing medicine lawfully and not deceiving patients, and that catastrophic medical events should be the first to be ruled out with any and all patients. My only objective is to prevent this from happening to anyone else, and protect our communities, from such horrific occurrences. My life has been taken from me. I am lucky to be alive. If I had received appropriate medical treatment , I would likely not be in the condition I am in now , half alive . I was deceived by a Hospital and then placed in the hands of a Doctor who anticipated well his careless medical practices, so much so that he prepared himself for the occasion. I have a picture in my mind of a distasteful cartoon : A Large trusting entity presenting itself as a safe haven for the public, hand extended ready to collect for services, however once you walk through the door your met by the ER squad shovel in hand ready to send you out the door to make room for the next paying customer, with out any regard for human life. Tragic. Defrauding the public, while Mr. Stephen R. Mason is requesting a quality report card. Is this some kind of a Joke. I at no time was given nor did I see posted anywhere in the waiting area or in the Emergency room information disclosing Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. not having medical malpractice insurance as statute 458.320(F)7 requiresThe licensee must submit biennially to the department certification stating compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. The licensee must, upon request, demonstrate to the department information verifying compliance with this paragraph. A licensee who meets the requirements of this paragraph must post notice in the form of a sign prominently displayed in the reception area and clearly noticeable by all patients or provide a written statement to any person to whom medical services are being provided. The sign or statement must read as follows: Under Florida law, physicians are generally required to carry medical malpractice insurance or otherwise demonstrate financial responsibility to cover potential claims for medical malpractice. However, certain part-time physicians who meet state requirements are exempt from the financial responsibility law. YOUR DOCTOR MEETS THESE REQUIREMENTS AND HAS DECIDED NOT TO CARRY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE INSURANCE. This notice is provided pursuant to Florida law. If I had an opportunity to know what I should have, per statute 458.320(F)7 . I am sure I would have opted to see another physician. Subsequently possibly received adequate medical care.
Several years ago I was confronted by such a statement in a Doctors waiting room, I did not feel comfortable knowing this about the Doctor, and I left immediately, and sought treatment elsewhere, this is exactly what I would have done or requested a different physician. I didnt have that right during this visit. The Legislators knew and understood the importance of requiring this from a Doctor. I am obviously very concerned about public safety and because I am alive , and very lucky to be after meeting with the care I received by Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. and Morton Plant Hospital , I feel it to be my responsibility , to help prevent such a similar catastrophe from happening to anyone else and that obvious catastrophic events in the ER must not missed , and patients must be investigated, worked up appropriately. This is after all the ultimate objective of an Emergency room , you do not go to the ER for a cold , rather to address potentially life threatening issues. Definitely not to be given compazine, as was given to me, by Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. , while I was having stroke symptoms, ( I never complained of Nausea, for which compazine is indicated ) Then sent home where I live alone, doped up virtually incoherent. I never imagined this being the kind of care I would receive at my community Morton Plant Hospital Stroke center ER. Especially not for a hospital system to be in complete violation along with the Doctor, allowing the Doctor a chance to defraud the public, and prevent them from knowing, that Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. has prepared himself for poor patient outcomes, so that he may freely practice carelessly , without being held responsible. Morton Plant Hospital allowed Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. to deceive/ defraud God only knows how many patients, in their Emergency room , by not allowing the patients an opportunity to know what our Legislators wanted us to know. In my case the outcome was devastating. For Baycares President and CEO to allow such flagrant violations to occur, within a community Emergency Room/ Stroke center, unbelievable. By allowing such behavior , and having unsuspecting patients receive treatment by a Doctor , who is in obvious violation of the Florida Statute, sends a clear message to Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. , and others within their corporation that they may practice medicine with such blatant disregard for public safety, and without any consequences. I plan to go national with my media campaign, and to work with the major networks, so as to shed light on my tragic experience, and help prevent this sort of tragedy from happening to anyone else. There must be penalties in place for such Doctors and institutions which engage in these sort of fraudulent practices, and with such horrific patient outcomes. We should not let anyone else have to pay with their life , as I did. Such Reckless endangerment by a Dr. and Hospital system ought to be handled within the criminal court. As far as I am concerned Both Dr Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. and Mr. Stephen R. Mason President - CEO of Baycare should be put in the same Jail cell, for a long time. Would an amusement park not be held responsible criminally for not disclosing certain eminent dangers associated with the ride , and then have the patrons suffer horrendous physical disabilities, because of the flagrant disregard and careless practices they had for their patrons. How is this any different. Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. and Morton Plant Hospital / Baycare need to be held accountable for their blatant disregard for human life , in the name of monetary gain. It has been over a year since this occurred, I have been in constant pain , and unable to do anything for myself. Not even do I have an adequate wheelchair , or handicap transportation.
Not once has there been any effort made by Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. or Mr. Stephen R. Mason of Baycare or anyone else from Baycare /Morton plant Hospital to assist me in anyway, Unbelievable!!!! Such a response by them to a situation like mine , clearly shows the integrity of Baycare Leadership and Dr. Gregory Wayne Smith D.O. , they have none. Nancy
4935 days ago by Seabiscuit01
I had open-heart surgery at Morton Plant’s Morgan Heart Hospital in Clearwater, Florida on January 22, 2010. For the last one and a half years I’ve been asking myself why a hospital would treat a patient the way I was treated at that time. My stay at this hospital was absolutely the most horrific experience of my life. I was physically and emotionally tortured for over 17 hours while I was on a ventilator. I was restrained, isolated and given minimal sedation. I can’t understand how this could have happen in what was supposed to be one of the best hospitals in my area. I’ve written many letters to the hospital but have not received any answers to that question other than “we have to train our staff to be more compassionate.” How can they compare the word compassionate to the barbaric standard procedure that they inflict on every heart patient after surgery, which states that the patient will be restrained while they are on a ventilator? Morton Plant's Morgan Heart Hospital’s Cardiac Surgery Patient Handbook informs each patient and their family of the following. On page 22 it states: "Due to the long operation and the effects of anesthesia, you will come out of surgery with a small tube in your windpipe to help you breathe. You will not be able to talk while this tube is in place and your hands will be lightly tied at your side for safety. Try to relax and breathe with the machine. You will be able to communicate by nodding yes or no. You will have a nurse by your side to help you during this time." Right from the start they use words that hide what is really going to happen. When you read the words: "lightly tied” and “a nurse by your side to help you, ” you assume that you will be comfortable and cared for. After surgery the patient is taken to a private room, which doubles as an ICU and regular care unit, where they are restrained, isolated and left to be monitored by machines, thus freeing up the staff at the emotional expense of the patient. What you don’t realize when you read the handbook is that you will be lying on your back with both of your hands closely tied to each side of the bedrail which gives you absolutely no range of motion. After lying on a hard, flat table during surgery for 4 - 5 hours, your back aches to begin with and this restraint procedure greatly adds to this discomfort. You are not able to move and because your hands are tied to the bedrail, you have no way of calling for help if you need it. The reason why the nurses aren’t more compassionate is because they don’t have to be; they are not personally caring for their patients. I understand that my hands were supposed to be untied every two hours, but they were only untied on four occasions when I pleaded with the nurses to allow me to write a note. I have since found out that other hospitals do not agree with this restraint policy at all and restraints are only used as a last resort. So why is this policy openly disclosed and enforced at Morton Plant Hospital for all heart patients after surgery? If Morton Plant insists that this is a safety issue, then why don’t they put mitts on the patients as some other hospitals do? The restraint system that they use ties a patient’s hands to the bedrail with very little room for movement of any kind. This is extremely confining and uncomfortable. I know that they did not untie my hands every two hours as they should have because I specifically asked the nursing supervisor why I wasn’t untied and she gave me absolutely no answer other than to say that the matter would be looked into. To be restrained during that entire period was absolutely cruel, and it has left me with severe emotional scars. This barbaric policy simply has to be removed or greatly modified as it completely takes away the patient’s freedom, rights and dignity. After I was taken off the ventilator I was only able to sleep for short periods at a time for the remaining five days that I was in the hospital. Even when they gave me the same drug that they used when I was on the ventilator, it had no effect. It’s been over 18 months since my hospital stay at Morton Plant, and yet I remember it like it was yesterday. The anxiety that I continue to have as a result of this experience is overwhelming and it still affects my work, my sleep and my personal life. I’ve had to seek medical care for what my doctor has diagnosed as post traumatic stress syndrome. I’ve been prescribed sleeping pills, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication but nothing seems to work. In conclusion I just want to say that I was tied down, literally gagged, secluded and conscious of everything that was going on. It was totally inhumane to leave a person alone in that condition. After a while I began to feel so discouraged, helpless and demoralized. When you’re tied down, you loose all of your rights and feel so vulnerable and embarrassed. The endlessness of time and my inability to move was unbearable. I can’t emphasize enough the negative effect that being put in restraints has had on me. Morton Plant did not restrain me because I was pulling at tubes or being a difficult patient. They did this simply because it was hospital policy. They print it right in the handbook that they give you before surgery and make it seem like it is nothing at all. They explain that it’s being done for your protection, but once you’re in that situation and you’re all alone and you’re watching the clock and waiting for help for seventeen hours, you’ll realize that the emotional strain is more than you can bear and you’re not really being protected at all. My thoughts were never focused on trying to pull out tubes (as the hospital implies that they are trying to protect you from doing), but rather to try to get help. The only way I managed to call for help was to bang my elbow on the bedrail. When I was in Largo Medical Center for a similar surgery, I had a nurse at my bedside for the entire night after surgery. I had numerous tubes and IV’s after surgery but I wasn’t restrained in any way. There was a central line, an arterial line, a catheter and an IV, but I didn’t try to pull out any of these tubes or lines. So why would a doctor blatantly assume that I would pull out an air tube that was helping me to breathe and have me restrained. I didn’t do anything that would have justified my surgeon to order restraints. When I asked him about it, he said it was just a pre-written routine order. A routine order, hospital policy without actually accessing the patient. The worst part of this entire experience was being restrained. Why is it that one hospital (Largo Medical Center) does not use restraints while another hospital (Morton Plant) is allowed to use restraints indiscriminately? It was the most traumatic and humiliating experience of my life. It was totally inhumane and absolutely unnecessary. I’ve read many articles on the Internet, which state that restraints are not sanctioned by most hospitals and should only be used as a last resort when everything else fails. My purpose for this complaint is to ask you to investigate Morton Plant Hospital’s restraint policy. It was so traumatic and extremely uncomfortable for me to be tied down like that and completely barbaric that a hospital can be allowed to do that to a person for the convenience of their staff. I never expected to be tortured and humiliated by the hospital staff whom I expected would be caring for me. Being restrained and not being able to move throughout this horrible ordeal has had a serious emotional effect on me. The restraints greatly added to the anxiety of being on the ventilator. A patient wouldn't have to be restrained if the hospital provided adequate sedation and nursing care. I am trying to put this experience behind me and move forward; however it’s been over 18 months since my stay at Morton Plant Hospital and I continue to have periods of depression, anxiety and panic attacks throughout the day which has greatly affected both by professional and personal life. I strongly believe that Morton Plant Hospital’s use of restraints needs to be investigated. I truly hope that it will put an end to this barbaric policy as it is indiscriminately used at Morton Plant Hospital.

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