MoneyGram Payment Systems |
MoneyGram Payment Systems Inc. MoneyGram Does not honor stolen money orders in fraudlent cases Brooklyn Center, Minnesota |
8th of May, 2011 by User578744 |
I am an honest, single mom who works hard for my family. In Jan.4, I purchased a Money Gram money order from Wal-mart thinking it was a safe secure way to pay my rent. Was I ever wrong! I filled out my money order, every line completely and dropped it in my apartments rent drop box. My apartment manager put a notice on my door three days later saying I need to pay rent or will be evicted. Luckily, I had proof with the money order stub and Wal-Mart receipt that I had paid rent and was confused as to why I would get a notice. The apartment manager informed me that my money order along with several other tenants was probably stolen. I then filled out information for a tracer and was surprised to see that someone elses name was on the money order I had filled out and they cashed it like it was written to them. I filled out an affidavit and got in notarized stating what had happened and enclosed a $35 fee in hopes they would research it and would honor the moneys on the money order. I filled a police report and the sheriff knew of the woman and situation since several checks/money orders were stolen. Rather promptly, I received a notice back from Money Gram along with my $35 that says the money order was not filled out and they cannot help me because a blank money order is like cash. It makes no sense that I would drop a blank money order in my apartments drop box. I am in accounting and very familiar of how important it is to fill out money orders correctly so it can properly be applied to my rent payment. It absolutely was filled out and dropped in my apartments drop box, where others were stolen as well. When I called Money Gram they said my money order couldnt have been filled out and I need to call the sheriffs office and get a subpoena. Now the sheriff wont return my calls and my apartments are still asking what is happening with Jan. rent. I dont know where to turn and I dont want others to have a false sense of security when they use money orders. I am thankful for any help or direction you can point me in and would be more than willing to discuss further as this does make for an interesting story. Best Regards, Amy D. |
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