Dr. Keith P. Taylor, President / Executive Director, of Modest Needs discriminated against me. I disclosed my disabilities to him (autism, personality, and anxiety disorders) and that made no difference to him. In addition, he would provide me no accommodations to use his services, despite when asked, which is discrimination. I never said I would violate one of his rules. He made that impression, jumped the gun and refused to let me use his services. Since his organization would have an eye out for me, it would not be in my best interest to break his rules. The rule he said he feel I violated is based on ethics. Before I spoke to him about it, I spoke to his COO about it and he saw nothing ethically wrong in what I wanted to do. In addition I spoke to several other people about it, including my landlord and former employer and they saw the same thing. So clearly, he cannot be so adamant in that what I did was so ethically wrong, unless he is calling all those people I mentioned either stupid or liars. Therefore, there was no rule violation. Since it appeared he was uncomfortable dealing with me then he needed to request to speak to the medical professionals that treat me, but he refused to, which is discrimination. He is unprofessional on the phone (belligerent, rude, nasty, and refuses to let you talk), which is not a way to treat anyone, especially individuals with extensive disabilities. His rules contradict what the IRS says. The IRS says you can give money to a foundation to allocate to an individual. Mr. Taylor disagreed with this verbally and in writing, directly contradicting the IRS. He said if I get a determination letter from the IRS stating it is OK to do what I said, then he is fine with it. Therefore, no ethical issue exists. I am an individual with extensive disabilities, unemployed, cannot find a job based on my qualifications, on food stamps, and extensively volunteering in the community and deserve not to be treated this way. I broke no rules, Mr. Taylor is discriminating against me, and he refuses to listen to the IRS. Mr. Taylor is clearly not fit to run or work with this organization and it is urged that whatever legal manner to remove him from the organization is done. |