Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Members Alliance
Marketing Machine pretending to be a Financial Advisor
17th of Aug, 2012 by RTO scams
Members Alliance is first and foremost just another property marketing company based on the Gold Coast Queensland Australia, but they have offices in most other states as well. They pretend to be expert financial advisers who look carefully after their clients' interests. That may be so if you understand that their real clients are the developers they sell property on behalf of!

In the usual way that we see from property marketing companies these days, they introduce themselves via telemarketing calls and as financial experts advising on tax effective strategies. They will even imply to naive investors that they are part of the Tax Department. They will seek an in home appointment. The in home appointment is essentially to establish exactly how much equity you have in your home to borrow against, but they will extract all sorts of other information from you as well which they will use against you later. Next step will be an appointment at their offices to speak to one of their "financial expert". That's right a 'loan shark".

This is where the real crunching will be done. They will try all sorts of psychological sales techniques to convince you to sign a contract on the day. They don't want you having any second thoughts and their carefully polished sales process will ensure you are locked into an unconditional contract by the time you walk out of heir building. Bingo! "Another sucker" they chuckle as they gather around the water cooler after you leave! Everything will appear to be legitimate. They will make all sorts of promises, claims and concentrate on wearing you down to the point where you sign. BUYERS BEWARE. This has become the standard practice of rogue property marketing companies!

A look behind the facade of the company: One of it's directors is a Richard Malborough. Malborough was the Western Australian CEO of the failed Westpoint company which sent hundreds of Mum and Dad investors into financial meltdown. He escaped relative unscathed from that and set up Members Alliance doing exactly the same thing.

They are very sensitive to negative press. They will spend a lot of time and money trying to hide postings like this from rating too highly on the google search engines. They get their staff to constantly troll the property forums and other places where they are being exposed by unhappy clients. These people will pretend to be happy clients and make all sorts of false claims about their critics in a bid to discredit them, for instance, they will claim that the critic is simply a disgruntled ex-emloyee or some other such nonsense.

The General Manager is a man called David Domingo. He is one of the most arrogant abusive and greed driven people you could meet. He is only interested in himself and encourages his staff to lie, browbeat and bully clients into signing into property contracts. He doesn't care what they say as long as the client signs a contract to purchase a property before they leave the office. These are just some of his underhand tactics! Once again, in a cunning bid to hide the negative press that is slowly appearing all over the internet about their company, Domingo has his PR experts write and publish articles like this

In these articles he pretends to be an expert and advising consumers of how to protect themselves from the very same scams they are running themselves. This behavior has become the norm with these con men. They point to other scammers (in this case Storm Financial) and pretend to be one of the good guys that can be trusted. It is truly unbelievable the lengths that these rogues will go to to squash negative press and set themselves up an entirely false public profile, designed to make themselves appear legitimate and safe for consumers to deal with.

Be very very careful having anything at all to do with this company. They are truly wolves dressed up in sheepskins.

What I have described here about Members Alliance at the same tactics being used by a multitude of Property Marketing companies. Don't be fooled by their lying cheating and conniving sales tactics.
4555 days ago by Linli
4510 days ago by Delaneyjohn
I am a customer and very happy with their service - whats wrong, did you not qualify for assistance and you are bitter about it? There were no claims about being the Tax Department and their home visit was on time, professional and very educational. Sorry mate, you have got this one wrong.
4479 days ago by Davidc
We had 3 calls from telemarketers for Members Alliance, they ring saying there are incentives from the government that you may be eligible for if you meet certain criteria, I mistakenly booked a time with them.
The give you minimal details on the phone as they "are not able to legally give financial advice over the phone".
When the woman "Simone" came in she she was abrupt and asked "what we wanted" we said you came to see us to tell us about the financial incentives we can get from the government, she asked rudely had we looked at the website, we said what website, which was Members Alliance.
She then went on to say quite rudely, that we made this meeting for advice and why did we not look up the website, we told her we were told that she would come and provide all the information, she was rude and spoke to us as if we were idiots.
I told her that she was rude and not to come into my home with attitude and speak to us that way. I should have thrown her out there and then.
4397 days ago by Raj.lover82

Last night, person from Member Alliance came to my house and discussed about how I can pay my mortgage faster, how I can retire with big money and how to buy investment property.

He provided all info at high level and asked me and my wife to attend 3 hours presentation in MA office. I am happy what he provided but do not know what will happnen when I go and see expert in MA office.

He siad I do not need to pay anuthing for getting service. I asled then how you get money? He said company gets comission from service provider. I do not care if I pay same amount of money. I mean if I pay $ 400 for buying life insurance directly from service provider and pay same money through MA.

One thing he asked me to pay $ 200 as deposite for attending presentation and it is refundable once I attend the presentation. He insists me to bring my wise with me and ready to provide child care facility and food. So bit wondering how company can afford that ???

I did not provided CSV number and gave wrong card expiry date so if I do not turn up for presentation, company can not chage money.

Personally, I want to attend the presentation and see how it will go. But based on peoples' comment and bad experience, I will make sure that will not sign any paper or commitment for buying property through MA.

Appreciate if any one share their experience
4396 days ago by Dman
Don't bother I went to ma meeting and all ll they investments. Just scanners and will rip.u off
4396 days ago by Dman
Also I didn't sign up for any property on that day. Just walked out after
3 boring hours. I didn't get charged 200 dollars. Never again will I never meet with these type of companies
Ever again . Just rip of merchants..
4373 days ago by Amandawellington
What a bunch of rubbish! I've known a few people who have gone with MA and have been able to save so much money and pay off their mortgage heaps sooner. I agree with John, obviously the person who wrote this has their nose out of joint because they didn't qualify or something? I've heard nothing but good things and whining about the fact that they give free childcare and food is laughable! Does that not say that they are wanting you to have an easy comfortable experience with them?

I know that the people who went through them would not be where they are financially if they didn't sign up/

Get real people!
4368 days ago by BNE
Hi, MA are certainly caniving and a bit sneaky, however everything they tell you and do is actually real, or can be real. The modelling they use is quite sound from the cashflow utilisation and the financing on interest free loans whilst maximising payments on your own home etc etc.. the question really is, where do they make their money? The reality is, they make it from the inflated purchase price of the property you buy. Over time, property prices increase so you the customer think MA are fantastic people making you rich. But like most investments, the profit is in the buying, not selling. So, whilst they can make you rich, you'd be a lot richer if the price was less to start! What MA did do was tell you the model they use, and you know what... it works! I'm now 2 weeks out from finishing building our own investment property. It will yield the same rent returns as theirs, but because I've done all the dirty work, we'll do it for $30, 000 cheaper, and it's within 20 mins from home, not some place interstate that you can't touch or feel.

In summary, what they tell you is fine, but be careful. They don't get fancy offices on the GC without stinging someone. So if you can find some time to buy your own place, do it!
4363 days ago by Dman
That is my whole point.. By the way Amanda. Wellington do you
Work for MA ????? When I went for the 3 hour property sales pitch disguised as financial advise to minimize tax
And live rich apprently for good.

Key things I noticed

1 wouldn't tell me where the property is. Just that the total cost is 450 grand. To invest.
2 scare tactics used to think this is ur only chance to retire well
3 when i said two things i wanted before signiing anything is 1 a independent
Valuation and also legal and financial advise by my.own lawyer and accountant
They did not like that. that sounds instant inflated price!!
4 everyhing they said was based upon assumptions. No guarantee given .ie u expect to
Take the word only ????? What if the market drops they.make there
Money and you lose.out.. big time.

My advise u see the above run a mile.!! But while there a dumb people
Out there then these guys will go on...
4363 days ago by Dman
That is my whole point.. By the way Amanda. Wellington do you
Work for MA ????? When I went for the 3 hour property sales pitch disguised as financial advise to minimize tax
And live rich apprently for good.

Key things I noticed

1 wouldn't tell me where the property is. Just that the total cost is 450 grand. To invest.
2 scare tactics used to think this is ur only chance to retire well
3 when i said two things i wanted before signiing anything is 1 a independent
Valuation and also legal and financial advise by my.own lawyer and accountant
They did not like that. that sounds instant inflated price!!
4 everyhing they said was based upon assumptions. No guarantee given .ie u expect to
Take the word only ????? What if the market drops they.make there
Money and you lose.out.. big time.

My advise u see the above run a mile.!! But while there a dumb people
Out there then these guys will go on...
4357 days ago by Membersofalie
The worst company I have ever worked for, they are crooks who do not pay their staff entitlements, and even deny simple employee rights such as taking holidays.
They even record all phone calls without letting the customer know about it, as they are unsolicited cold calling people this is an illegal act, might open a can of worms there.
Such degenerates as David Domingo use scare tactics and belittle staff on a daily basis as a way to get better work performance, good one big guy...
The owner Richard is a nice guy, he likes to call the staff Cunts and Prostitues who just cost him money and couldn't care much for them at all.
On that note soon enough they are sending their call centre work overseas leaving its local staff out of work and I wouldn't be surprised if one Monday the staff show up for work and there is simply a sign on the door saying sorry no more work.
No morals
No customer care
No care for value or quality
If you would like to deal with a company like this good luck to you.
4356 days ago by Mickwor
what i'd like to know is if you have signed up for this. is it possible to stop them going ahead with the deal after just one week, from someone who thinks they've fucked up badly. need all the help i can get .

regards : really pissed off
4356 days ago by Dman
U possibly can get out the cooling off period is a week . But depends
Where and when u bought. If I.were u I.would.get a solictor to go over
The contract and an independent valuation of what u bought to see what if any difference the price is
And they may be able to get you.out but shouldnt leave it to long
4239 days ago by Quinn
Just want to warn people about Members Alliance too. Through telemarketing we accepted a home appointment and were deemed people who they could help to reduce our tax - basically we earned over 80K. I thought we would receive personally tailored financial strategies but their strategy was simply to get us to buy a block of land in an area determined by their analysis to be optimum (in our case the land was in Victoria and we live in WA) and build a new house. By employing a good accountant we could then reduce our tax (on each pay day) though depreciating household items. Its a long term strategy (10year plus) and won't necessarily see any increase in the value of this investment - because locations for investments are regional - the idea is to offset your current mortgage with rent and reduced tax. It all sounds good but there are other management costs involved and possible lack of renters as well forking out a lot of money for the first year to buy and build with no return. They expected us to borrow a lot more than the investment was worth as a buffer. I personally couldn't see it significantly reducing our mortgage - despite their smart board analysis. It's a slick operation with lots of 'nice' people (seemingly convinced they are doing you a favour) - and they expect you to sign up to a $450K debt on the day!!! These guys are not nice.
4233 days ago by Dman
Hi quinn

That is how I seen it as well they want u to commit hundreds of thousands
Of dollars without any due dilligience or checks on your part. Also the house and
Land package would be worth less then what they sell.go you - kick backs from
Developers. These guys and other mobs like them couldnt Care less if u lose your family home from
A deal like that ( ie many.people sucked in to.these things carnt afford it and sell with massive.loss and debt). They have made there massive commsion. They are all just bottom feeders the lot of
them.complete arses. But as I said before while there are stupid people out there
They will continue to operate.

ps : everyone stay safe. Do your checks and think before signing anything!!
4183 days ago by Robyn.whatley
Hi, we just had a ma in home appointment and my partner has handed over credit card details for the $200, the consultant said we will get a call next week to say if they can help us and said we get the money back if they cant. We are in Tasmania and he said they would fly us to melbourne and put us up for night if they can help, so do i get my partner to put a stop on his card or what? or do we go to melbourne for night and just not sign anything!
4170 days ago by Adviser1
Sounds like another property spruiker. I used to work for one until I found out they were destrying their clients lives. These so called 'financial planning' companies make anywhere between $30k-$50k off each property they sell as commission. That's why they charge low fees and still have modern city offices and offer to fly you places for free. The properties will always be interstate and sold at very inflated prices. I know when I ever purchase property, I always want to see it first or at least the land where it is to be built. I also want to negotiate on price which these property spruikers dont allow you to do. They would do anything to get your finance approved. I witnessed on numerous occasions, forging signatures and leaving children off home loan applications. The place I used to work was called WPS Financial Group and have since changed their name to Anne Street Partners. They changed their name because they had too many disgruntled clients. It was set up by a crook named Scott Gore. They particularly focused on starting up Self Managed Super funds for clients and flogging properties through them. Their sole focus was to sell investment properties. There wasn't an ounce of quality advice in that place. The people that work at these kinds of places would sell their own mother. My advice is to steer clear from any financial planning company that has anything to do with investment properties. I am still a financial adviser and now working for a reputable company. I was young, naive, and ambitious when I worked for WPS but learnt a lot of valuable lessons.
4089 days ago by Janet25
These people keep ringing up and have managed to get mine and my husbands name. My husband invited them to visit, I was unhappy, asked her a few questions and sent her on her way - they wanted all bank details, annual earnings, credit card and loan details and would not satisfy my questions as to exactly what is was they were offering?? My husband would have provided this information had I not prevented him!!!
They said they would work out a plan for us and present us with a power point...POWER POINT!!! (I think she thought we would be impressed!).

Now relentlessly they call and call, talking initially as if we are friends, when I ask them, 'what is it you want?' they get a little 'shirty' and ask for my husband, or vice-versa...stay away; they are not genuine. And it appears once you do be civil with them they will hound you for life!!!

They have nothing valuable to offer as far as I can see and are unable to answer the most basic questions about their motives and company goals/policies. Screams, SCAMMERS!!!
4087 days ago by Michael Mewburn
I am absolutley fed up with their calls and have now reported them
4023 days ago by Polo2014
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