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Mastthew Olyphant, Matt Olyphant,
Fraud and Con Man Attacked me On Internet Date
5th of Jul, 2012 by Tanna R
Do not date Matthew Olyphant. You will be sorry if you do. He is dangerous and only out for one thing and he will get it with force if he has to. I was fooled by his nice behavior at first but I learned he is sick and violent. I wish I had not met him for two dates, but I fell for his charm and compliments. Since I am not an attractive woman and do not have the type of curvy figure men prefer, I was easy to trick. I do not date strangers anymore and will never go out with a man from a dating site or the internet. Matthew Olyphant lives on the internet and spends his time luring women to his home so he can have them. I did not mention that he also had friends present who he invited to participate in his attack. I never met them and I cannot clearly remember their looks but there were at least two other men when I would come to and they were joining in.
I live in the San Francisco area and Matthew Olyphant lives in San Rafael. Watch out for him on dating sites in the area.

Fraud and Con Man Attacked me On Internet Date

4637 days ago by L K
I think it's fabulous that sites such as Scam Informer provide a publicly-driven forum for promoting and sharing details in the spirit of community and grounded in a modernized version of the Latin phrase, caveat emptor. However, this public place can be abused by meanspirited individuals whose desire for attention and drama crave a public audience for the acting out of personal vendettas and deceptive attacks. I have personally been the victim of such an individual on this site and others. My good friend, Matthew Olyphant, the subject of this very offensive and fictitious post has also been targeted by the same individual whose anger over rejection has fueled her to slander his name across the Internet. Her goals have nothing to do with arriving at the truth or providing genuine information to the public, instead they are deliberate lies meant to harm his business and depreciate his and his employees' livelihoods, limit his professional network, and denigrate his character in the eyes of friends and associates.

This post is all lies and as a female friend of Matthew Olyphant's, I can vouch for his trustworthy and kind nature without a moment's hesitation. Furthermore, as Mr. Olyphant's former girlfriend, I can honestly say that the ludicrous content posted here could not be further from the truth. Matthew Olyphant views and treats women with unquestioning respect and the idea that he would ever harm a female is preposterous. By today's standards, Matthew Olyphant might even be considered innocent and old fashioned by many. He is one of the kindest and most thoughtful men I have ever met.

As we all have lapses in judgement, so has Matthew Olyphant when he became involved in a long distance relationship with a woman named Diana Prause, who resides in Austin, Texas. Ms. Prause had hidden agendas and a desire for personal gain when she dated Matthew Olyphant, so that when her true nature was discovered and Mr. Olyphant ended their relationship, she became outraged and filled with a compulsion to seek blind vengeance. To that end, Diana Praise has stalked Matthew Olyphant and his family and friends using hundreds of personas and dozens of weapons in her one person war against herself. She is well versed in concealing her true nature and it is apparent that she and truth in general are not on good terms. Ms. Prause is a toxic individual with the mentality and behavior of a true stalker in the purest meaning of the term and her path of destruction is clearly evident across the Internet. Performing a search for Matthew Olyphant's name, will result in a catalog of false posts. Searching for Diana Prause's name will render a single, sincerely written post that I penned in defense of my friend only after Matthew Olyphant silently suffered the impact of her harassment for over a year:
4637 days ago by L K
I think it's fabulous that sites such as Scam Informer provide a publicly-driven forum for promoting and sharing details in the spirit of community and grounded in a modernized version of the Latin phrase, caveat emptor. However, this public place can be abused by meanspirited individuals whose desire for attention and drama crave a public audience for the acting out of personal vendettas and deceptive attacks. I have personally been the victim of such an individual on this site and others. My good friend, Matthew Olyphant, the subject of this very offensive and fictitious post has also been targeted by the same individual whose anger over rejection has fueled her to slander his name across the Internet. Her goals have nothing to do with arriving at the truth or providing genuine information to the public, instead they are deliberate lies meant to harm his business and depreciate his and his employees' livelihoods, limit his professional network, and denigrate his character in the eyes of friends and associates.

This post is all lies and as a female friend of Matthew Olyphant's, I can vouch for his trustworthy and kind nature without a moment's hesitation. Furthermore, as Mr. Olyphant's former girlfriend, I can honestly say that the ludicrous content posted here could not be further from the truth. Matthew Olyphant views and treats women with unquestioning respect and the idea that he would ever harm a female is preposterous. By today's standards, Matthew Olyphant might even be considered innocent and old fashioned by many. He is one of the kindest and most thoughtful men I have ever met.

As we all have lapses in judgement, so has Matthew Olyphant when he became involved in a long distance relationship with a woman named Diana Prause, who resides in Austin, Texas. Ms. Prause had hidden agendas and a desire for personal gain when she dated Matthew Olyphant, so that when her true nature was discovered and Mr. Olyphant ended their relationship, she became outraged and filled with a compulsion to seek blind vengeance. To that end, Diana Praise has stalked Matthew Olyphant and his family and friends using hundreds of personas and dozens of weapons in her one person war against herself. She is well versed in concealing her true nature and it is apparent that she and truth in general are not on good terms. Ms. Prause is a toxic individual with the mentality and behavior of a true stalker in the purest meaning of the term and her path of destruction is clearly evident across the Internet. Performing a search for Matthew Olyphant's name, will result in a catalog of false posts. Searching for Diana Prause's name will render a single, sincerely written post that I penned in defense of my friend only after Matthew Olyphant silently suffered the impact of her harassment for over a year:
4637 days ago by Fb007
Diana Prause, Dell Computers, Austin, Texas
Diana J. Prause Cyberstalks Harasses, and Slanders Innocent Individuals via the Internet

Diana J. Prause who is employed by Dell Computer Corp., Austin, Texas has spent the past six months relentlessly stalking myself and several other individuals via the Internet. She has a hosts of email and Twitter accounts she uses along with numerous negative web presence forums to fabricate complete lies about me because I dated a man she formerly dated. She has stalked numerous other people for similarly petty reasons or imagined beliefs about her self importance and presence in their lives. Her attacks are intent on causing irreparable damage to an individual's reputation both on and offline. Much of this constant stalking and annoying harassment and slander is done during her work hours at Dell Corp. The behavior she has exhibited is beyond jealousy or what many may consider permissible of a woman scorned, it is absolutely psychopathic and pathological.

Her employer should be alerted since she has broken several laws during the course of her ongoing campaign to cause me constant strife and fear for the past six months. Apart from stalking and harassing me with hundreds of emails from numerous accounts, she has also impersonated me and my email accounts, threatened me with physical harm, and hacked into my email and Facebook accounts. The list of offences is ridiculously long and bizarre--it's quite the accomplishment she has made on Dell's watch when she undoubtedly had genuine tasks at hand.

The issues she has caused me and other individuals is outrageous and completely unwarranted. I have never met Diana Prause and live several states away. I had never heard her name before investigators revealed she is my cyberstalker. That fact makes her behavior quite frightening as she had to indeed go to great lengths to accomplish her sick and twisted attacks, many of which were sexual in nature and deviant based. The list of examples is far too long and complicated for this forum, but I felt it was necessary to issue a warning.

I warn any single men in the Austin Cedar Park area of Texas to avoid Diana J. Prause and her dark hidden lifestyle. If you break things off with her, she will not let go and any women you subsequently meet may become her target. I would also issue a general warning to any individual that Diana J. Prause is dangerous and suffering from a plethora of likely undiagnosed mental illnesses. There is nothing remotely normal about her personal life and behavior. She will stop at nothing to stalk her prey on a daily basis in any and all ways available. She pursued me on a seemingly full-time basis and she will employ the same destructible energy against others. I do not believe her attacks will cease, but I firmly believe she needs professional help and would benefit from an intervention. Beware and be warned that Diana J. Prause is mentally off kilter and morally bankrupt and these two characteristics cause the perfect storm for her delight in behaving as the ugliest human being I have ever encountered in my life. Whether or not she has additional demons is unknown to me, but I would not be surprised if she were a substance abuser or heavy drinker. I have a difficult time understanding how a person not under the influence of some mind altering chemical can be so deviant and driven to cause harm to innocent people.
4576 days ago by Unbelievable111
This report, as well as others, regarding Matthew Olyphant is bogus. Matthew is the target of a disgruntle ex-girlfriend who was caught cheating by Matthew. The interesting thing about this ex-girlfriend is she carries this grudge for over a year. Her goal is to totally destroy Matthew by posting these slanderous reports. As you can see, the report is anonymous, as are the others. However, some of the posted reports on the internet sometimes have a name attached as an author, but those names are false.

This ex-girlfriend lives in Texas and Matthew lives in California and their relationship lasted only a few months due to distance. Every single accusation this ex-girlfriend has posted is false. Legal actions against the ex-girlfriend are ongoing.

I am a licensed private investigator in California, hired by Matthew, to assist in halting these false and malicious reports.

Chad Yeager
4571 days ago by Dinka
I've known Matthew for many years and this "report" is absolutely laughable. There is no way any of these claims can be true. He is the kindest, most gentle and generous soul I've ever met and I am honored to say that he is my friend.
The person making these claims has tried to use Matthew for personal gain and when they could not succeed now tries to destory Matthew.
My suggestion love, just get on with your life, you are making a fool out of yourself and not using your time constructively. Stop sitting day after day making up lies about Matthew. You missed one of the best guys to be by your side, now deal with it like an adult and move on.
4571 days ago by Dinka2
You might think you know Matthew Olyphant Dinka but you do not know him like I do. He dated my friend and he treated her like crap. Gentle souls do not cheat lie and use drugs. He tried to force himself on me many times and always used the excuse that he was too drunk to remember. Nice guy isn't he Dinka? Of course, Dinka is really Matthew himself tryinng to hang on to the last bit of his power to use the internet to lure women into his sex and drug crazed lifestyle. Dinka you should shut up and even if you are a real friend you are only hurting innocent women by trying to speak up for a violent and sick man like Matthew Olyphant.
4571 days ago by Dinka
Wait, now, he dated your friend, not you and yet you know him better than I do who is actually his friend? Are you right in the head? You keep making accusations without proof, just get yourself some proof, love, because claims without proof do not have any value.
You don't realise it, but all the personalities you are making up has exaclty the same manner of expressing yourself and it looks ridiculously stupid.

Do you really sit on the Internet day and night watching all your posts to see whenever someone posted something? It is sad. You are missing out on all the good things in life.

I know losing someone like Matthew in you life is a terrible loss, you cheated on him and you treated him wrong and he wanted to break up the relationship. He was not prepared to go on with the relationship knowing you already cheated on him. Just accept it. Nothing from this point is going to change.
4570 days ago by Jong
Matthew Olyphant is one of the greatest guys I've ever met. You can always depend on him. He also always puts his family first. He is now being stalked and harrassed by a woman who seems to be not very smart, because if you actually take time to read through her stories, there are too many gaps and information which makes no sense.
4568 days ago by Franko
Hey girl, yo, yo, yo, let's go with the fake reports. The more fake reports we get out there with more oomph like this one is good!
How dare he be a good soul?
We don't like men who are kind and gentle, we want to wipe their reputation out and replace it with a new ruiend one courtesy of our 1000 fake reports!

I think you'd agree with me that we were looking so much on his famous brother's pictures that we drooled and our computers exploded, now we deserve to use Matthew for favours from his famous brother, don't we? Girl we are going to let him pay! He ignored our attempts to use him, what a swine!

He dares to be a good guy and good guys are not our type! No, girl, not at all, we like them mean and nasty!

Girl, the fake reports are slowing down, we need more out there, many about him, his company and his artwork. Yes, girl, yes!

We're not going to reach our 1000 fake report target unless we step up a gear! Girl, we are going to lean on each other for support. Our motto in life is Good guys = 1000 fake reports! Keep ém coming girl.
4567 days ago by Kittycute
I know Diana J. Prause from Texas and I can confirm that all the reports you will find on the Internet was made by her. She told me that she hated Matthew Olyphant because he broke up the relationship and she is going to take revenge on him regardless of what it takes.
She told me he was one of the best things which happened to her, he was the kindest most thoughtful guy she ever knew and the loss of him from her life is driving her insane.
I can not reveal my identity, because I fear for my good name to be damaged as well, should she discover who I am.
I decided I have to speak out, because what is happening is going too far, I would not want this to happen to me. Any thing you read regarding Matthew's art, his company and his character is all Diana's doing, none of what is reported on the Internet is actually true.
I hope she will come to her senses, but I would not count on it, she is really in an awful state.
I don't know Matthew personally but from what Diana told me he is a very good guy.
4567 days ago by Fightingmad
Maybe in California you think cheap strippers who do unmentionable things for an extra 10 bucks is a hot babe or a woman you have a relationship with but the rest of the country doesn't share your insanity. When you bring kids into the picture it's even more pathetic. Then mix in drug use and a very lose lifestyle and you have Matthew Olyphant and his ex wife. Following his "marriage" he went right back to the same type of cheap women until he had a chance to better himself which he blew. He continues to date strippers and troll the internet looking for group sex and when he finds willing participants they better be careful because he's a violent and angry man who spends a lot of time revenge.
4567 days ago by Maggi
Diana, I like the idea of bringing kids into the picture, now, a fake report like that has super punch!

This scenario may help you out with your ideas on a fake report about how Matthew brings kids into the picture.

So, you, dated Matthew and he had kids and you had kids. He liked to make parties for the kids with steamed vegetables, salad, salmon and orange juice. They were playing games and having fun.

You got distrurbed by the amount of parties he wanted to make for the kids, I mean, every weekend??

One weekend Matthew was throwing yet another party for the kids. He liked to dance around and play with the kids, stripping off his jacket, then putting it back on again.

You approached him in the kitchen while he was collecting another plate of salmon and told him you needed to confront him about his kids parties. You said you didn't like all these parties and him stripping off his jacket and putting it back on all the time.
He even went as far as hiring cheap clowns to wear jackets on top of their clown suites, strip the jackets off and put them back on.

When you told him you don't like the parties, they are too many, he got angry! He ripped off his party hat and brutally bit into it! He violently attacked the party hat, you saw glitter flying everywhere. He viciously tore it to millions of pieces and jumped onto it over and over again.
His partner came into the kitchen and she just stood there laughing and laughing.

You were in a state of severe shock. How can any man be so brutal to a party hat? You've never feared so much for the party hat on your hat ever in your life. You grabbed your party hat, clenched it in your hands, ran out of the door all the way back home.

You can never look at a party hat again without the vision of Matthew. It is something no one can take away from you. The End.
4567 days ago by Fightingmad
Again Hilarious. I will be the one laughing when you find out that Matthew Olyphant has been stalking himself for attention. He has been screaming stalkers for years. He wants to be stalked. He is the sick one and he pulls others into it. Just look at the amount of people he has pulled into his game. Is he really that family oriented? Haha I think you might want to get to know the REAL Matthew Olyphant.
4567 days ago by Innis
Wait... what you're telling us is Matthew is the one going around the Internet faking reports about his character, his artwork and his company? He is actually stalking himself??
Please help me understand. Why would Matthew go around the Internet to write false accusations about himself, his artwork and his company?

Another thing which disturbs me about your last post under the username Fightingmad is that you said you will laugh if someone gets hurt. Why would you laugh? Why wouldn't you rather feel sorry for people? Could it be that you are a cold hearted person after all?

The more likely case is Diana J. Prause from Texas who works at Dell computers who are writing all these made up reports and use her working time instead of working, to write false reports about Matthew.

I have a suggestion for you, why don't you start your own company called Fake Reports R US? This way you kick that job at Dell and spend all your working time and spare time writing fake reports with made up lies about people and companies for payment? That's just the perfect career move for a smart woman like you.

You seem to be exactly as your username states: fighting - being a fighty person who always looks for trouble even where there is none. And mad - not right in the head, some screws have seriously losened and the rattling in your head is causing some kind dilusions and getting you off track to what normal behaviour is like.

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