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Marie Laveaux HIV SCAM Slander Cocaine The Erotic Review Prostitute Naomi Monroe Cyber Stalking
13th of Aug, 2011 by msfoxxx

Marie Laveaux 404-399-7574

Marie Laveaux is a Prostitute/Escort who advertises on Atlanta This Person has Made False Reports About Me. For The Record. Everything reported about me ARE LIES! I do not have a pimp. I dont Do Drugs. I dont Pop Pills or Snort Cocaine. I Don't Have HIV/AIDS. I AM DISEASE & DRUG FREE!

What I do have is a Jealous Woman, Insane who has problems with posting and reporting lies on me and others.

Currrent FALSE Report and SLANDER. Marie Admits Responses she made here on Scam Informer about me were for Entertainment Purposes....

I have proof From This Person of her plans To Slander My Name....Text and Business Associates as well.

The Immaturity,Envy, and Hatred of some People Amazes me. But I am Not Amazed By Lies... Deadly Disease, Drug, Use, Financial Troubles and false accusations. I will File A Report EACH Time She Slanders Me
4957 days ago by Marie Laveaux
Kaylani looking at your pictures anyone can see you have a problem, the proof is in the pictures. You coming on here pointing out the obvious is only making the issue bigger for you. I know you want me to write about you on my blog, sorry, I refuse to bore men with these childish coward internet games. I told you whenever you are ready to be a real woman and meet me face to face I am here, otherwise I can't help solve your problem when you are too afraid to confront the very person you have issues with. This site can't help you with your problem against me, which is really your problem against yourself. Kaylani you are fighting yourself because you are in a mental and emotional battle within. I feel so sorry for you and I hope you take the time to get some mental help for your issues.
4957 days ago by Marie Laveaux
Oh I see you included TER here as a reference, well for those unfamiliar with the escort industry, Kaylani Foxxx is upset that myself and 2 of the ladies I work with are rated Top 100 companions here in Atlanta on the TER website, where she was blacklisted for the same games she is trying to bring here, to a site that could care less about a dried up prune prostitute with self-esteem and rejection issues. I Marie Laveaux and any of the ladies I choose to work with, have excellent reputations, not self proclaimed falsehoods to make ourselves appear to be something we are not. We allow others to praise our worthiness, and we build on continuing our efforts in being the best of the best where industry standards are concerned. We're not internet busy bodies seeking attention to make us feel validated, we have worked hard to maintain a certain image, and I will not allow you or anyone else to try to sabotage that due to your own personal turmoil and instability. If you're such a great person, prove it and take your issues up with me in person, until you do that you are coming across as a troubled soul, scrambling and grasping for an explanation for the decline of business on your part. I will tell you now that YOU are your worst enemy, the enemy is within you Kaylani, you hate yourself so much that there is no need for anyone to hate you even more.
4957 days ago by Msfoxxx
Look at my Photos I AM BEAUTIFUL and YOU CAN'T STAND IT. Yes I included TER. Where You advertise Your "Lame Services" also where a False Report was made From a Liar I NEVER Met. I Do NOT need That Petty ass Website To Get Money, You DO. My Repuation and My Name Is Excellent. I can Advertise on My Own With Success! Continuing My Success Despite Your Lies and Falsehoods and The Rest of the Haters Like Yourself and Down With You!


The Only Lies Being Told Are Coming From and the delusions you continue to type via the net. You dont know Shit About me.The TRUTH is You are Trying To Make Me Go Broke Thats' The Reality of this Matter, The Report And rebuttals.

Consider this, You are THE ONLY PERSON So Deeply Concerned and taking all the time out to HATE, SPEND MONEY ON BACKPAGE TO LIE FOR MONEY and attention and insinuate fucked up shit about me, Bring Others Into It that don't have a thing to do with what you are saying about me and your own petty opinions about me...???

Marie you can ACT and Tell More Lies and create FABOULOUS STORIES for people to read for "Entertainment" but the FACT is Your LYING. You ARE SLANDERING Me.

The TRUTH Is... The Report about me Is A LIE. The Initial Report and You Slandering Me. The Only Enemy I Seem To Have is YOU. You are taking so much time out to try to explain things that aren't True In Addition, your Own Opinions about me and Not Others! You are a Liar and Dirty As Hell To Lie to me online and Post Lies.

Kaylani Foxxx doesn't FAKE, Stunt or Lie Nor go online playing games, KAYLANI has face to face discussions, I dont Play Text Message Games. I have the right to defend my honor & Reputation, and will continue to do so.

Just know when you make false accusations against me KAYLANI FOXXX to obtain attention and to increase traffic to your site or Phone or BACKPAGE Ads. I will respond and Act accordingly
4957 days ago by Marie Laveaux
Your entire post here is a lie, everything you write is a lie, starting from the upscale locations in Buckhead/Lenox, to the VIP Elite status you continue to claim, girl stop it please, lol. Kaylani prior to November 2010 when I told you I would not work with you we never had any issues. It was not until I told you I did not want to work with you, just as many others have, you became upset. That is all this is about, nothing more, nothing less. You can't make me work with you, you can't make me like you. The entire Atlanta knows you are bad news and according to another site you were referenced as "Decatur pussy rot, " and you know I did not say that, lol. Sooooo why are you acting like this is something new for you, your reputation as a shit talker and internet prostitute bully is known here in Atlanta, why you're trying to say otherwise is beyond me, hell beyond everybody, no one likes you anymore and you my dear did this to yourself, not Marie. Why would I use you as a means to draw traffic to my site, did you not see the ass on those last two partners of mine, lol, people go to my site to acquire information relating to myself or my other affiliates, not to learn about you, who are you anyway, an unknown unknown, lol. You thought I was going to give you some attention via my site and write a blog on you, my clients would be so disappointed if I did, and so would my colleagues so no babe, no more advertising for you, we have to duke it out elsewhere, lol. Marie Laveaux does not need anyone but Marie Laveaux to make business propositions, you don't fit the script for "quality companionship, " thus the rejection, lol. But hey girl, there may be plenty other ladies who need your help and expertise, I'm just not her, lol, Marie is doing just fine over here.

I don't advertise on TER, I am actually reviewed there by others who just so happen enjoy my company, it is a networking site for companions. You were kicked off the site for writing false reviews on yourself and getting upset with others when they reported that you looked nothing like your pictures, now that is the real truth. Your reputation is not excellent, thus the reason for you continuing this charade of a beef of which you have NEVER attempted not once to ever meet me to discuss. I have offered to come by and pick you up and I even told you that you can come to me, still nothing. You are an attention seeker with no life, no one with any amount of heart has to come on a site not made for beef to start beef and continue nonsense. Remember I had to deal with you just this past March regarding the same thing. You copy my ads, try to rewrite them as your own. You called yourself the same name as I gave to myself and the ladies affiliated with me, again this stuff is on your site within your blog so why do you keep forgetting that the things you keep trying to deny are still visible on your site. Kaylani everyone avoids you not because of what Marie says, but due to what Kaylani does and says. Your problem with me is that you can't touch me, you can't scare me, you don't even move me. You want me to sit back and allow you to come at me like you think I'm gonna back down, NEVER! I can care less about who you are or what it is you lack financially, physically and mentally, what you eat does not make me shit. But do us all a favor, here, TER, backpage and twitter, meet me face to face. If you're not willing to do that, what is your purpose? Case closed...
4957 days ago by Msfoxxx
Who Ever Is Reading This Bullshit This Bitch Is Posting and Reporting are Lies and Envy By a MAD, MENTAL WOMAN as we can see is a CYBERSTALKER and SLANDER!

The Only Lies Being Told Are Coming From and the delusions you continue to type via the net. You dont know Shit About me. The TRUTH is You are Trying To Make Me Go Broke Thats' The Reality of this Matter, The Report And rebuttals.

Consider this, You are THE ONLY PERSON So Deeply Concerned and taking all the time out to HATE, SPEND MONEY ON BACKPAGE TO LIE FOR MONEY and attention and insinuate fucked up shit about me, Bring Others Into It that don't have a thing to do with what you are saying about me and your own petty opinions about me...???

Marie you can ACT and Tell More Lies and create FABULOUS STORIES for people to read for "Entertainment" but the FACT is Your LYING. You ARE SLANDERING Me.

The TRUTH Is... The Report about me Is A LIE. The Initial Report and You Slandering Me. The Only Enemy I Seem To Have is YOU. You are taking so much time out to try to explain things that aren't True In Addition, your Own Opinions about me and Not Others! You are a Liar and Dirty As Hell To Lie to me online and Post Lies.

Kaylani Foxxx doesn't FAKE, Stunt or Lie Nor go online playing games, KAYLANI has face to face discussions, I dont Play Text Message Games. I have the right to defend my honor & Reputation, and will continue to do so.

Just know when you make false accusations against me KAYLANI FOXXX to obtain attention and to increase traffic to your site or Phone or BACKPAGE Ads. I will respond and Act accordingly!

By the Way...I'm Not Going To Waste Anymore Time On You or Lies and Your Hatred.

MAY GOD BLESS YOU in All Your SCAM Ventures!
4957 days ago by Marie Laveaux
Can we stick to the subject matter at hand, how is this lies, everything I am saying can be proven by simply going to twitter vipkaylanifoxxx or backpage or your own blog, no lies, simply exposure! You have barked up the wrong tree messing with me, so don't coward out now, bring it Tink, you wanted me so bad, you want internet beef, personally I prefer meeting but you are too scared so I have to beat you at your own game. Stop using Marie Laveaux as the reason no one wants to see you. The reason no one wants to see you is because they are afraid, afraid of the succubus, lol. Please when responding go back to your blog because if you don't remember what you have already said and done, then you have no leg to stand on when refuting your own lies, your blog, twitter page and ads tell the truth, Marie is only using your own devices as tools to prove my point.
4957 days ago by Nondescript
wow you people really need to get a life and get off of the computer.
4957 days ago by Msfoxxx
The Point Is You have Been Slandering ME and Former Adult Actress/Model..You Know Who and Others For The Longest and your still Lying. My Website Blog, Twitter and Text Messages You Sent me and Still Sending as of Today Also Business Associates Of Mine Who have dealt with you... Will Prove Your a Liar, Stalker and SLANDER...That's The ONLY Proof!...
4957 days ago by Marie Laveaux
You're right, nondescript and I do apologize that I have had to come here to solve an ongoing issue with someone too afraid to meet me in person. This is stupid but this is the only way she likes to communicate. Again I apologize not only to you but the site as a whole, I am just tired of her and this internet bully bullcrap. I am not about to allow anyone to think they are going to play with me in anyway, too bad this site has to deal with it, but hey they allowed her to post lies so this is the result of that, sorry hun.

But back to you Kaylani, you don't even know any models, living or dead so what model are you referring to? Now if you're talking about the failed pornstar who was homeless and I took care of her on my 9-5, lol, please, you two are both mad at me for what, not wanting to be your friend, please let it go, I do not want to be involved with you two, please get over it. Both of you are two bitter Betty's mad that I will not have any associations with either of you, oh well. I don't have twitter, never did, and as far as text messages, the ones of me telling you to stop using my name on your blog and twitter, what about them? I do not go around posting ads on you, why would I waste my money to do that? Lies. Everything you say is a lie, you are a pathological liar. So stop making yourself look more stupid than you already are and get over the fact that I will never work with you! That's what you're mad about, nothing more, lol.
4957 days ago by Msfoxxx
I fear NO ONE except GOD. You are Nothing To Me. But I am The World To You. I wouldnt Waste Not a drop of enerygy To Meet up or whatever the hell you talking about.

The Reason Why You Claimed That You Don't wanna Work with me is because of Reniya, You Told me lies about her Just like your saying about me but wasnt expecting for me and Her to speak to each other. When You found that out that was when you Claimed TO I dont wanna work With Kaylani Anymore...Stop spreading Lies on people and me and Yourself.

I wouldnt have to Protect Reputation in this manner if It werent For You and People Like you...HATERS

Typical Liar..Will SayAnything and Still Lying On People...Damn Shame..

I have Money to make and people to see...

4956 days ago by Marie Laveaux
Don't bring God into this as if you feared him you would not do half the things you do, God has nothing to do with the children of Satan, please don't insult God in that way. I personally don't think the world of anyone unless of course it is my kids, family or friends. You are correct in that you will not meet me, and that is because you are a frightened internet coward hiding behind a computer screen spewing lies after lie for sympathy, always playing the woe is me, everybody always messing with me game.

I would not work with you not only because of Reniya but also because your reputation in the industry is not good. People kept saying you were bad news, but I did not know this until afterward when I declined the offer to work with you, you did me the same thing as you did Imani, Honey and Pocahontas. Next you are going to write a report saying something about my status, lol, remember you tried to say I was doing voodoo too, lol. As far as Reniya is concerned she is of no issue here, none, again Reniya slept in my home, was fed from my earnings, leave her out of this. I did not want to work with you because I do not work with girls who consistently start confusion with other companions as you always seem to do, Reniya was not the reason for me not working with you, you were.

As far as your reputation is concerned, your site tells the real story. If we were to do a timeline from January 2011, you went from writing ads about yourself to writing ads about everything but you. First it was Imani Stacks has HIV, then it was Honey and Black Cherry. After you talked about Black Cherry like a dog, you turned around and asked her to work with you. But prior to Black Cherry it was me, remember the Marie is on coke and pills blog you wrote on me in March, it is now August and you are still doing the same exact thing. I told you then I should have sued you for slander, remember that, but did I come on here or twitter making up lies to get attention, nope, I told you off on my blog, left it there for a month or so and removed it as no one I know cares about you anyway. Not once in my blog did I call you a crackhead, pill popper, HIV infected individual, I just spoke directly to you telling you to stop being so darn evil towards people who reject you. So please stop lying and lying, Kaylani your blog speaks for me, I really don't have to even refute any of this, but I will.

I will not allow you to continue to drag my name in the mud with yours all because of a friendship that will never occur. I can't believe you are that pressed for affiliations, there are scores of other ladies you can befriend without being so salt lake city behind Marie Laveaux, lol. Just be prepared that each time you come on this site or any site talking about Marie Laveaux I am going to deal with you, online and off.
4953 days ago by Anonymous
Begun, the great itnneret education has.
4949 days ago by Fedthafucup
STICK A DICK IN AND GET RICH! Backpage is a form of advertisement to obtain clientele not internet bang and go back and forth about stupid bullshit. All of thee above involved, need to get a fucking life and worry about some damn money and not each other. You look like straight fools, ghetto and trashy! If you can't address each other face to face, than shut the fuck up and move on!
4936 days ago by Marie Laveaux
Fedthafucup, if you take issue with the content of the information which has been submitted to this site, I would advise you to take it up with the moderators or administrators of this site. Otherwise you should take your own advice and get a life, mind your own business too while you're at it, as last I checked your name is and never was a part of the battle, debate, argument, war, etc. I'm intelligent enough to know that I should not have to interfere with a matter that clearly has nothing to do with me, hint hint. The only fool here seems to be you, considering you are unable to comprehend that a ghetto is : a section of a city occupied by a group who live there especially because of social, economic, or legal pressure. The term ghetto was originally used in Venice to describe the area where Jews were compelled to live. A ghetto is now described as an overcrowded urban area often associated with a specific ethnic or racial population. When I last checked the address of which I reside in, it does not have the history of ever being considered a ghetto, past or present. If it pained you so to read the entire battle between myself and someone else, two people you do not happen to know mind you, I have to question your sanity, you sound pressed for attention, needing to feel involved. Now if you care to address me further, you are more than welcomed to give me a call, via telephone, so that I can reiterate the importance of one minding their own business, otherwise meditate on that last line of your not so "upscale" remarks above, certainly the context clues of your post does not elude blue blood, upper class or elite, especially the stick a dick in and get rich opening line, according to your own theory I would perceive you to be a straight hood figure as well as a clown, hahaha.
4579 days ago by Anon404
I just logged back in to check this out 1 whole year later & see you dumb bitches still going back at it smdh @ marie how the fuck is your ignorant ass going to tell somebody to mind their business when you & these other rachet ghetto bitches put each others business out there for the world to see. At the end of the day all your doing is hurting yourself & making yourselves look like shit & fucking up your own money. I have read on plenty of known boards potential client who have said they would not see any of you girls nor will not see again because of the way you conduct yourselves & have seen clients who have seen you and said the same. For you to be as OLD & CLASSY as you claim to be you sure the fuck don't act like it... TYPICAL NIGGERS
4576 days ago by GetYouSomeBusiness
To Anon404

So you actually logged on anonymously to address me? Really? A coward calling me a dumb bitch & a nigger. I tell you this internet grows nuts for the nutless. So you mean to tell me your life is so bland and boring that all you have to do is follow my arguments between myself and a disgruntled psycho broad who is mad that I declined her offer for partnership? Says plenty about you as well as your character. You too are displaying questionable behavior when you come to a board and not call me personally to express your views. One things for certain Marie is no coward so I don't have to take to message boards under made up aliases to post a rebuttal or speak my mind, why do you? Besides the real question is why does any of this matters to you? Do you have any sort of vested interest in my potential earnings? I think not! Now contrary to what lies you speak from your heart, my business has never declined, and never will, sorry to bust your bubble. You have read on many boards regarding clients who said they would never see me, really? Well this must be a make believe board as you have seen things others have not, lol. We don't have to lie to kick it, if you're following me so close you and I both know my ranking in the city, Marie has never and will never fall off, so where is your bitterness coming from? So again I say to you, you have read on many boards that potential clients would never see me or is it in your heart you hoped they wouldn't, which one is it? You sound bitter as fuck behind someone you don't even know, me! You claim clients that have seen you have said that they would never see me again, sounds like pillow talk to me to make you feel better about yourself. Babe no client has ever stopped seeing me because of my reactions to being stalked for almost two years. I know that is something you would like to believe to feel better about your situation, but trust me Marie is doing swell, no need to try to cause waves with me, this ain't what you want. Now for future reference I suggest that since you have to so much to say in protest regarding the way I choose to deal with my stalkers, call me, meet up with me, express yourself face-to-face. My reputaion precedes me on and off the internet, people can easily distinguish between who is Marie Laveaux and who I am in my person, neither of whom you know, not even from afar. My clients, past, present and future judge me by how I treat them, which is grande, not by how I have to defend myself against evil spirits who dwell in misery due to being undesired, none of which is my fault, lol.

Ghetto, ratchet, nigger, all terms of which you used to describe me and my associates. Instead of worrying about me and how I move and questioning my age and class, you might want to invest more time in expanding your vocabulary, as those phrases speak more about you than me. I wonder how your clients would feel if they knew how classy you were hiding behind your anonymous moniker, bwahahahahaha! Keep playing with me and I will reveal your name to you as well, lol!

The Marie Laveaux
4576 days ago by PissFreek
marie laveaux: i want to piss in your mouth.
4576 days ago by GetYouSomeBusiness
No PissFreak, I'll leave that task up to your mother, I'm sure she can assist you with that.
4520 days ago by Haterproof5000
All u backpage bitches is bottom feeding crabs in a bucket. Bitches been selling ass for 15 years and still renting and leasing posting ads because u can't keep regulars. Bunch of junkies with $ and nothing better to do. When I wanna dump sum gravy on that old ass biscuit ill hit u up Marie

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