Machol & Johannes Fradulent service of process, can't substantiate collection account, original creditor is paid in full, will not accept payment agr |
20th of Nov, 2011 by User556651 |
Machol & Johannes are suing me for a very old and small credit card bill that has been paid in full and even has a $50 credit. I have a letter stating that from the original creditor. Over $2,000 has been paid on a $1,200 balance and interest continues to accru (at 23% - usery), plus fees. They will not accept a payment plan even thought the payments would be more than what they can get through a garnishment on my small salary. This means that it will never be paid off and I am just a cash cow to them. They just want to keep it on the books so that they can continue to increase the bill each month with additional interest and fees. On top of that, I was never served with papers to give me a chance to respond. They are lying when they say they've served me and I have asked for proof. They have not produced anything. This firm is a collection of sharks and fraudulent processes. I would be very interested in hearing other horror stories about this firm. I filed a Better Busisness Bureau complaint against them and the BBB has record of 12 complaints in the past few months. We'll see what they have to say. I will not stop reporting them anywhere I can find, including this site, until they make an arrangement that I can live with. With the statement from the original creditor, I believe the entire baalnce should be written off. They've collected enough from me. Feel free to contact me offline. |
They are doing the same thing to us!! Taking whatever and whenever they want from our bank account. With no warning they just seize whatever is in our bank. All over a 500 dollar credit card that is almost 10 years old. Have you figured anything out with this company? Would be curious to see what you have figured out as we don't know what to do with them. |
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