Loan Shop |
Loan Shop LTS Management Services Unauthorized withdrawal Wilmington, Delaware |
19th of May, 2011 by User764842 |
Date:05/20/2011 Today I went to check my account to pay my bills. With making $7.57 at 80 hrs biweekly. I work 36+ miles to get to work it isn't enough. I took out a loan in 2008 for $100.00 sad. I couldn't even pay it back. I intended to pay it back at Income tax time guess what IRS got me. That ended that! I tried to take a loan to have money to get to work with other companies. The installment amount for most to pay biweekly was like $60 so I could afford it. So, I go to check my account and Loan Shop took out $130.00 for a $100.00 loan. Plus then I called them on break and spoke to a lady who had my case she says they are authoried to take their money due if there is an active checking account. I didn't even put in a loan with Loan Shop. So, apparently when you take out on-line loans even though they say they don't give your information to third parties its all a lie. If you apply for an on-line loan if you don't qualify with their company they send your information to other companies. I didn't get to pay daycare, so then what loose my job and go on unemployment or welfare and foodstamps. The sad thing is I hear they will keep debiting the account until they get the full $280.00. Well...looks like I will have to pay $25 to cancel the account. Write them and tell them to off me a settlement because I can't afford the $150.00 they want more to pay in full. So, if they get this or read it....Send me a settlement and another thing I am going to a loan place if need be inside the store where its safer. The only two online places I trust is Everest and Integrity...if anyone wants to know where to go.
i am Mary from the united state, I want to say this explicitly for its of a surprise that regardless of the internet fraud, i could still meet some one this genuine, am not here to talk on relationship, so don’t be in the offing to hear that, but its something supplementary, for i seeked for a endorsement in my office for the past one year, but my boss asked me to lay with him, or no promotion, when i met dr dumedu he cast a spell for me and ask me to go to work and see what will happen, i went to work and saw my letter of endorsement waiting for me on my desk, just like that, i was so amazed, but i owe him the thanks….go to him for he will be of assistance, and please try to give him the chance he needs, for a chance might change your whole life… |
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