Lliase Hunter-Tamayo |
Lliase Hunter-Tamayo Lisa Shannon, Lisa LaRue, Lisa Tamayo, Lisa hunter. Lliase Hunter. Liar, Horrible parent, cheater, dishonest, don't trust Tieton, |
2nd of Jun, 2011 by User879148 |
Where do I even start?!?!?!?!?! Hmmmm! Oh, we could start at birth where you pawn me off on everyone OR we could fast forward to 25 years later where I am dealing with you taking my identity and using it to gain what you want (Again!) I know The whole This is your mother and you really shouldnt talk bad about her. doesnt apply here, this thing most would call a mother makes a mother rat look like a fantastic parent and considering they eat their young, I still would have been better off. My mother is a liar, manipulator and cheater and this is just her good qualities. She has stolen all of her childrens identities at some point. She has stolen mine Twice in 6 years!!! she has little shame about it, I dont even keep in contact with the witch (being polite!) She will tell this colorful wonderful story about how horrible of a daughter I am, and go on about how she did all this for me and that, but she didnt raise me at all. The relationship her and I had at any point would be destroyed by her need to steal from me. I would go into my childhood, but as much as I enjoy a good psychoanalyst, I cant afford it. Because for the third time in my life I will be dealing with Identity theft staring my mother in the leading role!! LLiase Hunter-Tamayo used my information as a child and abused the h*ll out of it after I turned 18. Our legal system protected her the first time round, but I managed to clear it up. Social Security office said The companies are willing to work with you; we cant change your number. So, here I am almost 6 years later trying to clean this mess up AGAIN! Now, I have called; FTC, Postal services and everyone with a 1-800 number you can think of to start to take care of this matter at hand again, but once again I am clicking my heels are waiting for the credit report, How did I not stop it this time?? Well... I put a state between her and I and changed my phone number and limited contact with anyone who was willing to stick up for her and a freeze on my credit and in return she changed my address and opened accounts in my name and moved and changed them so much nothing got back to me. I pulled my credit report in Dec of last year and nothing came up, (I am young and building my credit as I go. I have made a few errors and I am taking care of those) but!! The red flag didnt come up until recently when I moved to a new state and needed service and that is when I was informed I couldnt have such due to a past account (which was passed around to 4 different collection companies, who happened to not seek harder for me??) Now, this person (which is polite!) has been reported to every reportable person I could come in contact with, but its not enough, I have heard nothing, but horrible things about her telling people I have treated her badly and its time to clear the air. I treated LLiase Hunter-Tamayo with respect until I was old enough to see her for who she is, I am not to blame for her or what she does to others. Calling me to inform me my mother owes you money is not called for!!! I am not the bank of LLiase (or whatever name she is using this year) I am a hard working college student trying to stay above water as she manipulates the system for her gain. I am not her keeper and nor will I take the blame anymore for her actions. I am sure she has ripped off many people and will continue to do so until someone else steps up and stops bailing her out, maybe! You sold her a car and she refused to pay for it or maybe she sold you a car that belonged to someone else. Maybe, she reported you for something you didnt do or called the police on you for something silly, but really the list could go on and on and I wish I had a lifetime to post every little thing she did, but I dont and I just really wanted some place to rant for 10 mins, Enclosing I would like to say. Thank you mother for life, lmao! Im joking next mothers day the shrink bill is on you! Anyone wanting to stick up for this beast of life will be treated like trash under a highway!
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