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John Harold
John Harold of Gulf Atlantic John Harold Durocher, Randall Farr, Pacific Capital, Gulf Atlantic, Inc. John is a convicted felon posing as an investor.
15th of Dec, 2010 by User128864
John Harold (real full name is John Harold Durocher) is a thief. A convicted felon, he preys upon the unsophisticated and makes bold claims about his billionaire status (he claims to be one)... funny though: he can't afford his own phone or car, or gas, or food). Yes, he's a bum. We let him borrow our car and we hooked him up with a phone to use under the agreement that we would split 50/50 any/all commissions generated by his efforts with a near-fictitious 'shell' company: Gulf Atlantic (CEO is Randall Far, and he's in on the game too, so beware the 2 of them). He'll rave about bonds, acquisitions, and the many companies he's owned. He'll talk about the importance of disclosure in his negotiations... but he won't tell people he's a convicted felon, who served time for grand theft, forgery, fraud, among other things. He will lie to you with a smile. Charming guy, but don't trust him. He owes us thousands of dollars in commissions, but each time we call he's "in a meeting". Just glad we got our car back. John, if you want this off, let's settle for $1000 and we'll call it quits.
4867 days ago by Randall Farr
As noted, I, Randall Farr, am the President of Gulf Atlantic Group, Inc however I was not a part of any scam or any of the other dishonest acts done by John Harold.

In fact, I too was lied to and deceived by John Harold (Durocher).

In my capacity with Gulf Atlantic Group, Inc and Pacific Capital Investments, Ltd, I manage and have control over many assets, including foreign bonds (debt instruments) and precious metals. These assets are held in escrow with a safe keeping receipt (SKR). These are not "shell companies".

The problem with these online reports is that they are generally unsubstantiated and unverified.

Therefore, any “pissed-off person” can name anyone they choose without any proof or factual evidence. This is the case here – I am being smeared because of John’s Harold’s actions.

In my opinion, John is a top-notch “con man” and I believe he will likely be going back to prison because of the way he lies to people and operates his business affairs.

Gulf Atlantic Group and I have truly been victimized by John Harold (Durocher).

I just recently found out about his real last name and the way he has been operating with his deceptive ways. I wouldn’t doubt that he probably has many other names that he may use in ripping people off.

John Harold was referred to us as someone who had been successful in identifying and negotiating the purchase of distressed businesses. He was brought on with Gulf Atlantic Group as an independent sales consultant with no real authority other than to identify properties and businesses which could be purchased.

John was working with a realtor / business broker who I believe is honest & trustworthy, but was also duped by John. I had thought that John was handling his business honorably and this realtor / business broker was keeping everything in order.

However, unknown to me, John misrepresented himself and made many misleading statements to a lot of people. He claimed to have authority to act on behalf of the company which was never granted to him. Unknown to me, John entered into many contracts in the company’s name and made of lot of unfounded promises. In fact, I am still unwinding some of the messes he made.

I had absolutely no idea that he had been in prison, nor did I know how he was deceiving people.
Now I know he truly demonstrates “sociopathic behavior” and is a very dangerous person.

Since I discovered the truth about John, he has been given a Cease & Desist order from me and I am not associated with him in any way. Below, I have shown the MOU letter I sent to John to terminate our relationship -

"John, according to your employment with Gulf Atlantic Group, Inc (GULF) as an Independent Sales
Consultant, on December 8, 2010 a “Letter of Authority” was issued by GULF, describing your role of identifying financially distressed businesses and real estate developments which may be suitable for GULF’s national acquisition & development program.

To your credit, over the past several months you have worked diligently to identify potential business acquisitions which potentially may be appropriate for GULF’s acquisition & development program.

While you had originally worked in concert with GULF to move these projects forward, you have also negotiated and entered into several purchase agreements and opened escrow to close said transactions without the knowledge or approval of GULF. Many of these purchase transactions were priced much higher than what would seem reasonable and prudent considering today’s current “buyers” real estate market.

Should GULF have had foreknowledge of the specific terms of some of these transactions (particularly the exorbitant offering price), many of these purchase agreements would have not been approved. Fortunately, for reasons outside GULF’s control, none of these acquisitions have been closed or funded.

Furthermore, there are many negative issues that have recently come to my attention that are very alarming and concerning for GULF. There have been several instances where you have gone well beyond your authority in this position. You have made many untrue statements, promises or representations that are clearly overstepping your limited authority as an Independent Sales Consultant.

For instance, you have assumed authority to enter into certain agreements which you never had the authority to make. You have made several independent decisions regarding employment contracts and salaries, marketing commitments, and without prior approval you entered into a service agreement with a photographer for work relating to medical spas that had yet to be purchased, as well as a RE rental agreement for a home which has been your personal residence for the past six months – all in GULF’s name.

You have made unrealistic promises regarding the immediate delivery of purchase agreements, and/or setting definite closing dates for certain transitions without any prior discussions or corporate approval. In general, you have given assurances and made many promises that are well outside the scope of your authority as an Independent Sales Consultant.

This is in direct conflict with your role as an Independent Sales Consultant. As you well know, you are not a corporate officer of GULF and no corporate resolution has been adopted granting you authority to make decisions that obligate GULF contractually or place GULF at financial risk in any way.

As an Independent Sales Consultant, your role is limited to identifying financially distressed businesses and real estate developments which may be suitable for GULF’s national acquisition & development program. Once a business or property has been identified, you were to work with GULF (under terms and conditions approved by GULF) to move forward and not go ahead on your own without prior discussions with GULF and subsequent corporate approval.

However, in direct contradiction to GULF’s instructions, you have repeatedly written and entered into unauthorized agreements and made unwarranted commitments in GULF’s name.

Conversely, since you are an Independent Sales Consultant, you are free to work with other individuals or companies and are not limited or obligated to work solely with GULF.

To that end, you have been working with Chris Camerucci who has been assisting you with your efforts under a separate agreement to split commissions. You and Chris have worked together to put forward many unauthorized purchase agreements and opened escrow in GULF’s name without GULF’s prior approval.

Although at times you and Chris have worked with GULF in coordinated your activities, there have been many instances where you have acted on your own to conduct business in GULF’s name. In direct opposition to my instructions, there have been many times that you have deliberately worked to conduct business in GULF’s name “behind my back”.

Furthermore, in late December 2010, after GULF had failed to meet anticipated timelines for the funding of certain projects, you advised me that you had entered into an agreement to begin working with Kenny Eng as someone who could fund certain acquisitions and you would be identifying financially distressed businesses and real estate developments which would then be presented to him and not GULF. At that time, Kenny formed a new LLC for this purpose.

This is all well & good. However, since then you have again changed directions. In February 2011 you formed a new consulting company with Chris named Rucci & Company (RUCCI) and have been working together to promote the “Managing Partner” concept that you have developed over the years to purchase distressed businesses by assuming their company debt.

Again, this is all well & good, except for certain transactions, you have continued to represent GULF’s financial strength and make assurances and financial commitments on behalf of GULF without any prior knowledge or approval from GULF.

This is outright deceitful and unconsciousable behavior on your part.

Your new clients, who have paid Rucci & Company a consulting fee that is unrelated to GULF, are being told and assured by you that GULF or Pacific Capital Investment, Ltd (PCI) is ready, willing and able to provide funding for the acquisition of these various businesses or provide a line-of-credit for the development of certain distressed businesses. This is an outright lie!

As you know, GULF’s method for acquiring financially distressed businesses and real estate developments does not allow for other third-party partners not affiliated with GULF. By you taking on Managing Partners who have paid a fee to RUCCI, you are attempting to blend GULF and RUCCI into a joint transaction, which is completely unacceptable.

Based upon the foregoing, as President of GULF and Managing Director of PCI, I am providing you with this written communication to instruct you as follows:

You are to immediately Cease & Desist from representing GULF or PCI (or any other company, foundation or other entity under my control that is not legally associated with you) and/or their ability or willingness to provide capital for acquisitions or lines-of-credit for any transaction associated with RUCCI or any other entity represented by you which has not been specifically acknowledged and approved in writing by me personally."

I am in no way connected with John's lies and deceptive actions. If you were to speak with people whom I have worked with for many years, you would quickly see that I have consistently acted in good faith and been honorable in all my business dealings. I am truly sorry that we ever got involved with John and now I see that it is coming back to bite me.

Check out my profile with LinkedIn at

You will see that I have many written references shown there that say I am honest, hard working and truthful in my work.

Now, you can see that I too was victimized by John Harold Durocher. My only problem seems to be that I am much too trusting and didn't check John out when he came on board with GULF.

All of these issues concerning a car and cell phone had no connection to me. Although it seems to be accurate information, I can't say because I was not involved with their business dealings.

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