These guys seems pretty nice at first. I dropped the car off, (1988 acura legend), and picked it up 2 weeks later. The car drove just fine for less than a week. I was driving down route 8 to pick up my brother from Tumbull, next thing I knew, the car started shifting veryhard...basically going from 5th gear to 1st or second, them jumping back to 5th.(automatic transmission)..I barely made it to a safe part of the highway and the car broke down completly. The car was smoking, so as you can imagine, maybe 2 or 3 good samaritans, stopped to help out anyway they could. I was out the car about 20 feet away...The first to approach me was a fire chief... The first thing he asked me was, "Did you recently get transmission work done to the car?" Myjaw dropped, and I asked him how he knew that...He told me that the transmission fluid had leaked all over the place, and that was causing the smoke too. Long story short, I immidiatly called the shop and pleaded with he to send out a truck to pick the car up.. This could have been the stupidest thing I could have done. He held my car hostage and told me that it was my fault for going that far out, and that if I had stayed in Waterbury, the problem wouldn't have happened! This guy actually made me pay for the tow back from where the car was, just to get my plates back.. on top of the $230 bucks for the tow, I also had to bring him the title. I later realized that he played me for a fool, because I was a fool in his eyes. I was a 19 year old kid, determined to take care of my own problems...(very stupid) thats exactly how he treated me, like a nieve little kid. The situation was out of my hands... I am glad this website is up.. I'm sure he had done good business for other people, but I tell you, I'm certain, that if I was a more established member of our community, or if I had've actually showed up with my pops, the situation would have been handled differntly. In all, this guy is a crook, period. If you think I am exagerating, go ahead and think what you'd like, if you want more information, contact me. This happened in 12/09...Its now 2/11 and I can look back and laugh at it...but it did happen.