Jio Lucci / jiolucci/ DECEMBER 102011 SATURDAY |
jio lucci/ JioLucci 12-10-2011 SATURDAY |
10th of Dec, 2011 by Betty betty |
Dec 10 2011
Jio Lucci / jio lucci is a VICTIM AGAIN. Google has been notified and the internet authority will order these people or persons to STOP. STOP the malicious False posts. These person (s) are trying to extort money from Coach Lucci, threaten to post FALSE DOCUMENTS and False REPORTS. They used a Company, paid for it to SLANDER.
United States Section Code 230 intent to reckless disregard : Definition: SLANDER.
Coach Lucci has no recourse but let the Law handle it. It is Ironic that very positive news came out last week on Jio Lucci , and now someone is trying to destroy that.
These predators hurt peoples families also. Coach Lucci is a family man and his wife is very ill and this harassment from these persons just make it worse. They hide behind the internet to hurt.
These DISPICIBLE people will do ANYTHING to harm a persons reputation. The Post False Documents, Phony Doctured Documents, false e mails. They are basically sick people but hard to catch.
Jio Lucci 12-10-2011 Victim of Internet Identity theft: These people STOLE COACH LUCCIs Identity and are USING IT on the internet.
Peter F. Internet Authority /
Jio lucci : VICTIM
Coach Lucci family is under a lot of stress due to this person who has a vendaetta, trying to extort money for Coach Lucci,
Going to post more malicious content
Authorities say even if there was a problem of a dispute, this person has gone way “BEYOND THE REALM” of the dispute to try and SLANDER Coach Lucci.
Its wrong, its sick, its unethical, : They paid a company to CONTINUOUSLY post and paid them to do it. Paid them to post derogatory remarks.
Coach Luccis family member is very ill that had 2 strokes and these “vultures” do not stop. They are basically sick people.
They will do anything to make them look correct and try to attempt to defame and defraud a reputable person. Their posts are so childess, it really reflects that they are some very sick person |
12-10-2011 JIO LUCCI Quaterback Combine : someone posting negative blogs
December 10 2011: Jioluccis A Victim Again. Witness Comesforth In Coaches Aide, 12/10/2011 - Jio Lucci, jio lucci 12-10-2011
December 10 2011
the man posting False Writings on Coach Jio Lucci is a fraud, a very sick person and has a vendetta to try and ruin Coach Jio Lucci.
This man knows who I am, Betty. I am a witness that he wants to try and ruin Coach. he knows me, and I have already reported to GOOGLE of this mans malice.
Even if it was a minor dispute, this man has no right to use the internet, FOOL THE GENERAL PUBLIC, with SLANDER.
There are several legal issues this man is going to have to face for SLANDER. Jio Lucci has not even met this man face to face.
Coach Lucci has a family, children and a very ill wife and he stays quiet, does not respond to this very sick person because he feels the person is not worthy of a response.
Coach does not want to play "kid games"name calling back and forth, it only gets ugly.
Betty is my name and I am a witness that this man is trying to hurt Coach Lucci in the public eye, ruin his business and just has a vendetta.
DO NOT BELIEVE the posts or even read them.
I really feel for Coach Lucci having to read all the LYING POST.
ALL ISSUES have been reported to THE INTERNET AUTHORITIES, Google, Civil and Crime attornies for SLANDER and hurtful intent.
This man I have seen is going to POST FALSE DOCUMENTS, FALSE E MAILS and more.
He knows me, I am his ex girlfriend and I have left him because of his sick mind.
Hope you win this one Coach... good luck
Betty |
STOP THE NONSENSE: leave Coach Lucci alone
no one cares about your problems |
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