Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Jan Windglows, Do you know the meaning of confidentiality? Apparently NOT!! You cannot repeat
14th of Aug, 2010 by User583585
Jan Windglows, Do you know the meaning of confidentiality? Apparently NOT!! You cannot repeat any clients name to anyone and you have posted confidential information on your clients on the INTERNET and twisted and lied as to what they told you. You are not a psychic! You are a WITCH!! Evil and negative and destructive to yourself and everything that is associated with you. The laws of the universe dictate that what you wish on others happens to you x10 tenfold. Good brings more good but evil destroys only you not the person to which you direct never effected. God is powerful and omnipotent. That client asked you to STOP posting false reports on the Internet and you disrespected that request. WHY???? Is someone paying you to torture, defame, scandalize, lie, committ fraud daily? Who benefits from 4 years of cyber stalking by Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan?

You have treated one former client in particular with no integrity or honor. She declined your services as every client has a right to do and you have posted slander, lies and misinformation about her for (4) four years. You have attacked her and her family and her dead father Why did't you just cast a spell to get her out of your life? Because SPELLS DON"T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is not a convicted felon 1st lie. Is this a sample of your unpsyhcic inabilities.

I called this young woman as you gave her name and address on the internet without her permission and I got an earful. She has NOT been convicted of any crimes, more of your false information, she is in a lawsuit currently and working her way through it. She is not in jail,more of your false lies. Nothing you printed about her is true but it is harmful. I have advised her to get an attorney file a lawsuit against Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan, Mike Cahill and all your Negative Witchcraft Sites. Print every report and invite you (via subpeona) to state your complaints in court. You will bring your business records of course, your license to practice Witchcraft, Your IRS retrurns for at least the last 4 years, this should not be a problem. Someone in your company must go to the P O Box 118 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, a Marshall will be there waiting to serve you when you arrive, or whoever arrives at that Post Box. Your cell phone 297 714 4348 can be traced as well.

I especially am abhored at the picture of this young woman in a jail cell, how did you do this? Where did you get her picture to superimpose and create a false picture? Lies are lies, intent to do harm, defamaton of character, slander, cyber stalking, character assasination ad. naseum, harrassment,breach of confidentiality. If she was your client why have you breached her confidentiality? If she ripped you off why haven't you filed a complaint with you local police department? You have been whining about this one client for four years? Don't your spells work for you? You have done nothing about this woman but complain and esculate the lies about her daily.

Prepare yourselves to repeat every lying word in a court of law with a jury. Let's see 1) A psychic reading 2) Every client tells me they were then advised they had to have a spell cast. Each of my clients have complained about the following:

1) Psyhcic reading FALSE 2)$2500 to $5000 NRP: A love spell known as negative releasing prayer clients were then told to get a large tapered candle and tie 10 ribboons to the candle. Burn the candle for 10 minutes until the 1st ribbon burns then stop. Next day burn candle again until 2nd ribbon is burned and so forth. This buys up 10 days while you check clears or your credit card, pay pal, or western union payment clears. When the NRP doesn't work (and it never does) they move on to 3)BOOSTER SPELL for another $ 500 or whatever the traffic will bear if the NRP isnt working. Jan and co. will always lure your on during the 90 days required for the spell to work that the "TARGE" is thinking about you, getting sick, not doing well, upset, losing jobs and getting destroyed all because of this incredible SPELL you put on them. Does it every work? NO NO NO. The scripted answer. "Well, the DIVINITY" won't grant your wish yet!!!! Jan and Co. will tell you to cast spells on everyone in your life, the ex, the job etc etec. So if you fork over more money and cast yet more SPELLS you have another shot at getting your wishes to come true.

The menu for the other spells goes something like this:

1) High Destruction Spell $ 2500 to $ 5000

2) To Remove Opposition Spell $ 2500 to $ 5000

3) Detroy your Ememy Spell $ 2500 to $ 5000

4) High Separation Spell $ 2500 to $ 5000

5) Have you Opposition Killed with Spells within 90 Days $ 5000 plus

All spells have the same result "DIVINITY WON"T GRANT IT YET" keep sending more money to make the spell more effective, how many candles and incense do you need? Look up GRAND LARCENY, I think you have a problem people. At this point you are into DECEPTION FRAUD, IDENTITY FRAUD, GRAND LARCENY, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER, Inability to prove services to any client that has paid you.

My advise to all who have been decieved and hurt by these modern vampires.File complaints at your local police station, and you can also file a complaint in civil court (may need an attorney in some states). The police with give you an Order of protection. In civil court you with be granted a restraining order. These can be served by a Marshall or by registered/return mail Once served if they will suffer the consequences of defying a court order. Understand that No means No. If you ask them to stop writing or contacting you they must obey the Order or bear the consequences. A Class Action Lawsuit is also viable for $ 10 million dollars. I am working on putting that together. Always ask for a copy of a business license before dealing with any psychic. I see my clients in my home, my business license is plain view. I deserve the trust they place in me, they are sacred to me. I have never and would never repeat their identity or any confidences told to me. The readings are private and confidential I have been practising for over 18 years in the same place, same community and am well known and respected.

Witches, Spells, Witchcraft, phony pshycics all hurt me to see people getting ripped off. God your only true souce. He is the Light, the begining and the end. Live in His Love, You are never alone. God gives each of us a special Angel, known as our Guardian Angel, That Spirit is always with you. We are here at this time to learn certain lessions. Our time on earth is a mix of joy and sorrows and lessions to become better people, to eventually spend our eternity with God in Heaven. Your life is what you make it. Know you are loved and perfect, God only makes perfection. We have the free will, however, to destroy what He has made. Jan Windglows and company is a prime example of those entities that ignor the Truth that He has given us and seek evil and destruction to exist.

Let me do a brief reading: Jan Windglows was a practising psychic and had a business going years ago enter Jim Morgan and his then wife Celeste and associate Mike Cahill. Jan becomes "involved" with JIm, a married man, and the marriage with Celeste disolves. Lots of anger, hurt not over, no good feelings from Jan and Jim to Celeste and back again. Business matters not settled, suits and countersuits no one really wins anything lots of hurt fights over who keeps Dragonspells, Angelseals.etc. Mike Cahill sues it goes nowhere, they have a P O Box but no one knows where they moved to. Can't be found, Cell phone moves a lot. Also use daughters to give phony readings and spells enter Kim Thrasher, and Matilda Somerfield. Psychic readers who then tell everyone, "Let me cast a spell for $500", but don't tell Jan" Jan has directed them. This is all coming to a crashing, burning END. You will never survive being exposed in court. Like a Vampire can't be in the LIGHT.

Let us all pray for those that have been victimized by Jan Windglows et. al That she has a psychic revelation as to the evil and harm she is imposing and will stop of her own volition and turn her life over to God, Ask for forgiveness. To forgive is devine and turn her life into a useful productive human being. What life she has left.

We live in a litigious society where anyone and everyone is exposed. Modern communication has made is impossible to commit the crimes you have perbetrated on the public without being traced, commuters, cell phones are all traceable. STOP. STOP. STOP

You do not have permission to print reports on any former clients STOP.

Anyone being legally abused by these monsters please contact 1) File a complaint or police report at your local police department 2) Contact the District Attorney for Bonners Ferry file a complaint, 3) Call the FBI 4)Call the FTC 877 438 4338 (Federal Trade Commision) Phony services ripped off 5) Better Business Bureau in Bonners Ferry, Idaho and fianlly 6) Eric Holder, US Attorney in Washington DC

You are not alone as a victim, Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan and Mike Cahill et al have hurt countless victims. STOP THEM They are parasites and dangerous.

DO NOT USE PAY PAL, WESTERN UNION. or your CREDIT CARD to pay for any services to any of these sites: , . . DO NOT USE THESE SITES.

God bless you all

5085 days ago by JAN208
This is Enchantress Jan Windglows. I am posting on my behalf and my husband James behalf concerning convicted felony stalker Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle or PSYCHO IN SEATTLE as she is better termed. Unfortunately Mary Prantil who IS the poster here cannot shut her mouth and continues to keep posting. She is getting herself ready to have the HELL sued out of her as a result.

Poster Mary Prantil asks WHY we exposed her? Because she will not leave us the hell alone, and because we want to prevent other innocent people from having the same thing happen to them by Mary Prantil. We have been putting up with her CRAZY AS_ for over four years and it is over for her now. Yes, the names are mine BUT are NOT aliases but maiden name and married names from previous marriages as if it is any of Prantil's business. Her stalking days are numbered, and she is pushing the envelope.

My husband and I do NOT live in Coer d Alene, dumb AS_ the phone number which is my business number is my SKYPE number which I got so I could BLOCK you from CALLING and harassing me and stop you from hacking my business cell phone. My Bonners Ferry address is CORRECT. ( again none of YOUR business anyway )

My husband James and I are speaking to our attorneys at this time preparing for several things concerning felony stalker Mary Prantil who pretends to be several people on this site and other sites. Well, your SH_T is no longer working and since you could not leave us alone, we are coming after you, Prantil. We ( and everyone else on the web ) have had quite enough of you, criminal.

First off-Nobody twisted Mary Prantil's AKA PsychicNSeattle's arm to buy a spell from me. I did not go searching throughout the Internet for her...she approaced and contacted ME and ASKED me to do work for her. She had successful services rendered to her and became angry because I refused to give her a refund, I do NOT GIVE REFUNDS FOR SPELLS FOR THE MILLIONITH TIME, as I have stated this many times before already. Read this again, Prantil and THINK- USE YOUR BRAIN FOR ONCE, you remember you agreed and I have your original email stating YOU AGREED to my NO REFUND POLICY, GOT IT? So GET OVER IT.

I did not FORCE you to buy any type of spell work from me at any time. You CHOSE to, on your own free will and choice. No one stole your money, as_hole. You did this on your own free will. You even got what you wanted concerning your spell wishes. Mary Prantil aka PSYCHO IN SEATTLE is the ONLY scam up here. Mary INSISTED on not only one but several spells. Sociopaths HATE rejection and in addition Mary Prantil did not like having her case terminated because of her EXTREME ABUSIVE behavior toward myself and my husband James.

Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle aka Witchcraft Stopper ( lol ) ran her lover off all the way to Egypt with her harassing and stalking him, then having him arrested with false charges. Is is any wonder that everyone that comes into contact with Prantil runs in the other direction? In comes Mary Prantil and all you see is elbows and heels, lol because people cannot wait to get the Hell away from her.

The only reason Mary Prantil is pissed off is because after we did all the successful work for her and spent more time with her than any of my other clients is because after she got everything she wanted then messed her spells up, could not get a refund from me. PRANTIL KNEW AND AGREED TO MY SITE POLICIES BEFORE ANY MONEY CHANGED HANDS- AFTER I CAST A SPELL I DO NOT GIVE REFUNDS- I HAVE A NO REFUND POLICY- PERIOD.

SHE KNEW THIS AND AGREED TO THE FACT THAT BECAUSE SPELLS ARE SPIRITUAL IN NATURE AND CANNOT BE GUARANTEED, she was willing and insistent on having me cast for her anyway. Prantil is a typical criminal, used to scamming people and getting refunds. She is the type of person that buys a new dress and leaves the tags on it so she can use the dress then take it back to the dress shop and get her money back, LOL. NOW THAT IS CHEAP.

This is the type of person Mary Prantil is. Mary Prantil is also currently involved in the Manhattan Criminal court system up on several criminal charges including felony stalking. She has been a repeat offender for 28 years- if I had known this I would never have taken her case to start with- we found out later that Mary Prantil had been a prisoner at Rikers Island Women's Prison and was arrested/picked up on a warrant for violating her parole and lot of other stuff about Mary Prantil-she is just a very VERY nasty mean spirited woman PLUS a CONVICTED FELON, actually with several convictions including Felony E Stalking. Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle can never play this down as her little character of "PsychicNSeattle" or anyone else she tries to portray herself as.

Every time one of her posts go up anywhere on the web she has the same style of writing so it is a no brainer and everyone knows it is Mary Prantil posting. My clients all laugh at the trash she posts, and in fact, every time Prantil posts, it just brings me more business and I post successful testimonals very often from happy clients. Some that have been with me for many years.

I feel if Mary Prantil is as good and kind of a person as she keeps telling everyone she is, she would offer a public apology and face the facts that she did not attain her goals which her objectives are for my husband and I to fail and our business to fail but that will never happen. We have always told the truth about Prantil while backing our statements with TRUE PROOF and as time went on, posted her criminal records in order to expose her for the crazy and I mean CRAZY psychotic sociopathic serial stalker that she is. Divinity and Their Righteous Judgements prevail over evil, and over Evil, hateful people such as Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle.

Go to this link and hear Mary profess in her own voice how she attained her spell results and MARRIED her target. Whether she married him or not, the bottom line is that Mary Prantil AKA PsychicNSeattle could not scam me out of the money she paid me so for the last four years has been trying to ruin my business but Divinity's Grace has only made her life miserable and caused my business to be even more successful, while Divinity continues to bless our lives in every way with Their Grace and Abundance.

Note: ( Mary Prantil AKA PsychicNSeattle AKA Witchcraft Stopper etc, etc, is a real crazy FREAK LOL unbelievable that someone would be as stupid to actually leave voice messages like that on a telephone answering machine- again, Mary Prantil is a PSYCHOTIC SOCIOPATH, so before you listen IF you do, just know she is extremely psychotic and that is an understatement...)

Felon Mary Prantil AKA PsychicNSeattle: CALL Criminal Court/NYC 646 386-4500 Call/Give Info: Her Prison/Jail Number: NYSID: 03088617J

JUST LOOK AT THIS WOMAN'S CRIMINAL RECORDS : MARY PRANTIL AKA "PSYCHIC IN SEATTLE" AKA MARY T. PRANTIL OF QUEENS NEW YORK: NYSID: 03088617J Age: 46 Sex: Female Race: White Height: 5 ft 3 inches Weight: 95 lbs Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Green Nativity: New York Booking Information

Incarceration: 2010-06-14 Book & Case Number: 3471001054 Facility: Rose M. Singer Center Arrest Date: 2010-06-14 Arrest Number: COURT DIRECT Next Court Date: 2010-06-30 Projected Release Date: Actual Release Date: Discharge Reason: Bail & Bond: Remanded Charge Information Docket: 2010NY022485 Indictment: 00000 0000 Charges: 120.50 FE (STALKING 3RD DEGREE E Felony) 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) Docket: 2009NY002655 Indictment: 00000 0000 Charges: 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 205.30 MA (RESISTING ARREST A Misdemeanor) Docket: 2009NY046033 Indictment: 00000 0000 Charges: 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 215.50 MA (CRIMINAL CONTEMP- 2ND A Misdemeanor)

The Rose M. Singer Center is where Mary Prantil has been many times over incarcerated, which is one of TEN jails on Rikers Island. Ten Jails on Rikers Island List Part 2 Rose M. Singer Center Address: 19-19 Hazen St., East Elmhurst, N.Y. 11370 Rose M. Singer Center was opened in June 1988 as an 800-bed facility for female detainees and sentenced inmates.

**Important Note** The information here below was posted the night before Mary Prantil was arrested and taken into custody: 06/14/2010 B PENDING (Prantil's Criminal Court Date 06/14/2010 ) 05/18/2010 B Mennin, F PENDING No Type Morrison, S Case Continued (adjourned), Returned On Warrant Released on Recognizance 05/07/2010 B Burke, J PENDING No Type Riccio, C Parole Revoked, warrant Ordered - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued 03/24/2010 APAR3A Coin, E PENDING Pre-Arraignment Deposition Given Tejada, I Psychiatric Exam Ordered - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Released on Recognizance Web Crims

Search Results 1 through 3 of 3: 010NY022485 Prantil, Mary 6/14/2010 New York Criminal Court 009NY002655 Prantil, Mary T 6/14/2010 New York Criminal Court 009NY046033 Prantil, Mary T 6/14/2010 New York Criminal Court Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence: L 120.50 03 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description : Stalking - 3rd count. ( NOTE* Stalking is what Mary has been accusing us and others of doing to HER, lol ) L 240.30 01 **TOP CHARGE** Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: Agg Harass-2nd count, communicate/alarm. Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence: L 240.30 02 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge,

Arraignment charge Description: Aggravated Harrassment-2nd count, telephone. L 215.50 03 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: Criminal Contempt-2nd count, disobeying the Court. L 240.30 1A **TOP CHARGE** Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: Aggravated Harassment-2nd Degree. Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence: L 205.30 00 **TOP CHARGE** Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge,

Arraignment charge Description: Resisting Arrest L 240.30 01 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: Aggravated Harassment-2nd count, communicate/alarm. More Evidence On Scammer Mary Prantil Posted On May 11th, 2010 Mary Prantil's Current Criminal Records 2010 Posted Here Ethnicity: Unknown Arrest/Incident Date/Time Arrest Date: June 9, 2009 Arrest Time: 11:00 Incident Date: May 6, 2009 Incident Time: 04:42 Case Related Numbers Criminal Justice Tracking Number: 63615729R NYSID Number: 3088617J Arrest Number: M09652561 Summons/Ticket Number: BAC and Vehicle Info Blood Alcohol Content: Vehicle Info: N/A Arresting Officer Info Name:

SHEEKO Shield Number: 6560 Tax Registry Number: Agency: NYPD Officer Command: 20 Confidentially Search for Records You are searching for records on First Name: mary Last Name: prantil State: NY DOB: 19640127 MARY THERESA PRANTIL AKA: MARY T PRANTIL AKA: PRANTIL, MARY Year Of Birth: 1964 (46) Address City State Zip 32-85 C2 33 ST ASTORIA NY 11106 3285 33RD ST C2 ASTORIA NY 11106 32-85 33 ST ASTORIA NY 11106 251 E 32ND ST 2C NEW YORK NY 10016 251 E 32ND ST 17F NEW YORK NY 10016 3285 33 WUSD 69 ASTORIA NY 11106 1352 PO BOX NEW YORK NY 10150 PO BOX 1352 NEW YORK NY 10150 Voter Information Name : MARY T PRANTIL Residential Address : 32-85 33 STREET C2, ASTORIA, NY 11106 Mailing Address (if any) :

Political Party : Democratic

Voter Status : Active

Voter District Information Election District : 59 County Legislative District :

Senate District : 12 Assembly District : 30 Congressional District : 14 Town : QUEENS

Ward : Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T Defendant Name:Prantil, Mary T Birth Year:1964 NYSID: 3088617J Status: Incident and Arrest Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3

Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Incident and Arrest Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3

Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Defendant Name:Prantil, Mary T Birth Year:1964 NYSID: 3088617J Status: Incident and Arrest Incident Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3 Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Defendant Name:Prantil, Mary T Birth Year:1964 NYSID: 3088617J Status: Incident and

Arrest Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3 Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T

Defendant Name:Prantil, Mary T Birth Year:1964 NYSID: 3088617J Status: Incident and Arrest Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3 Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Case Details - Appearances Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T

Date/ Part Judge Calendar Section Arraignment/ Hearing Type Court Reporter Outcome/ Release Status 06/14/2010 B PENDING No Type 03/24/2010 B Unknown, PENDING No Type Test, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 03/09/2010 B Whiten, M PENDING No Type Johnson, S Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 03/03/2010 B PENDING No Type Unk, Case Continued (adjourned) -

Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 02/17/2010 B PENDING No Type Oviedo, Y Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 12/10/2009 B Mcgrath, K PENDING No Type Barna, C Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 10/28/2009 B Burke, J PENDING No Type Morrison, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Released on Recognizance 08/10/2009 B Burke, J PENDING No Type Barna, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Cash $1 (Cash) 07/28/2009 B Whiten, M PENDING No Type Burrofato, Court Adjourned - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bond $1 (Not Posted) 06/09/2009 B Ross, N PENDING No Type Barna, Case Continued (adjourned) -

Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 04/02/2009 B Kamins, B PENDING No Type Rodriguez, I Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 02/20/2009 B Burke, J PENDING No Type Bent, A Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 01/10/2009 APAR3 Allen, B PENDING Pre-Arraignment Deposition Given Harris, V Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Released on Recognizance Case Details - Charges Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence PL 205.30 00 **TOP CHARGE** A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description Resisting Arrest PL 240.30 01

A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description Agg Harass-2:communicate/alarm Case Details - Motions Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T There are no motions on record for this case. Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence L 240.30 02 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description Agg Har-2nd:telephoneL 215.50 03 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionCrim Contempt-2nd:disobey CrtL 240.30 1A

**TOP CHARGE** Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionAggravated Harassment-2nd Deg Queens Civil Supreme Court Index Number:

022186/2009 Case Name:


Other Real Property Track:

Expedited Motion Information: Motion Number Date Filed Filed By Relief Sought Submit Date Answer Demanded Status Decision Order Signed Date 001 02/04/2010 PLAINT Change Or Remove Attorney 03/04/2010 No Decided: 04-MAR-10 MOTION GRANTED Before Justice: PINEDA-KIRWAN Short Form Order 03/04/2010 Court: Queens Civil Supreme Index Number: 022186/2009 Case Name: 3285 REALTY COMPANY LLC vs. PRANTIL, MARY Case Type: Other Real Property Track:

Expedited RJI Filed: 01/26/2010 Date NOI Due: NOI Filed: Disposition Deadline: Disposition Date: Calendar Number: Jury Status: Justice Name: DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff: MARK S. FRIELANDER Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active 150 BROADWAY NEW YROK, N.Y. 10038 212 962-2877 Attorney/Firm For Defendant: ATTORNEY RELIEVED

Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record

Atty. Status: Active 32-30 87th Street East Elmhurst 11369 718-426-7424 Date Part Judge Calendar Section Arraignment/

Hearing Type Court Reporter Outcome/ Release Status 6/14/2010 B ENDING o Type 3/24/2010 B unknown, ENDING o Type est, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 3/09/2010 B hiten, M ENDING o Type ohnson, S Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 3/03/2010 B

ENDING o Type nk, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Released on Recognizance 2/17/2010 B ENDING o Type viedo, Y Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 2/10/2009 B cgrath, K ENDING o Type arna, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 0/28/2009 B urke, J ENDING o Type orrison, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 8/10/2009 B urke, J ENDING o Type arna, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 7/28/2009 B hiten, M

ENDING o Type urrofato, Court Adjourned - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 6/15/2009 C andelbaum, R ENDING o Type ames, C Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bond $500 Cash $500 (Cash) 6/10/2009 APAR2 hiten, M ENDING re-Arraignment Deposition Given ilion, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bond $500 Cash $500 (Not Posted) NEW YORK New York Criminal Court Docket 2009NY046033 Defendant Prantil, Mary T Law Code and Code Section/Subsection PL 240.30 02 Charge Detail A Misdemeanor, 1 count count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: AGG HAR-2ND:TELEPHONE Disposition/Sentence Law Code

and Code Section/Subsection PL 215.50 03 Charge Detail A Misdemeanor, 1 count count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: CRIM CONTEMPT-2ND:DISOBEY CRT Disposition/Sentence Law Code and Code Section/Subsection PL 240.30 1A *** TOP CHARGE *** Charge Detail A Misdemeanor, 1 count count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT-2ND DEG Disposition/Sentence Court: Queens County Civil Court Index Number: CV-071786-09/QU Case Name: GE MONEY BANK vs. PRANTIL, MARY Case Type: Civil Classification: Consumer Credit Filing Date: 06/18/2009

Disposition Date: Calendar Number: Jury Demand: No Judge Name: Attorney/Firm(s) For Plaintiff - GE MONEY BANK: Rubin & Rothman LLC Attorney Type: Firm 1787 Veterans Highway Suite 32 P.O.Box 9003 Islandia, New York 11749- (631) 234-1500 ext: Attorney/Firm(s) For Defendant - MARY PRANTIL: Please note that this record report has been generated by an independent searcher, using the Department of State's, State Tax Warrant Notice On-Line Database. The information contained in this report is NOT an official record of the Department of State. Taxpayer Name(s) Selected: City specified in warrant address record of Taxpayer Searched: County in which warrant is filed of Taxpayer Searched: MARY PRANTIL

Not Applicable QUEENS Your name selection(s) has returned 1 State Tax Lien Notice histories. Warrant ID# : E-029211902-W001-3 MARY PRANTIL 32-85 33 ST C2 ASTORIA, NY 11106 June 10, 2008 QUEENS $106.21 June 20, 2008 Warrant ID# : E-029159448-W001-7 MARY PRANTIL 32-85 33 ST C2 ASTORIA, NY 11106 February 14, 2008 QUEENS $4, 072.14 February 14, 2008 Taxpayer Name(s) Selected: City specified in warrant address record of Taxpayer Searched: County in which warrant is filed of Taxpayer Searched: MARY PRANTIL Not Applicable QUEENS NEW YORK New York Criminal Court Docket 2009NY046033 Defendant Prantil, Mary T Appearance Information: Appearance Part & Date Judge Calendar Section

Court Reporter Release Status Arraignment Type Hearing Type Docket Detail Restraining Orders Applied Against Mary T. Prantil B, June 14, 2010


No Type B, March 24, 2010 UNKNOWN, Pending TEST, RoR Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, March 9, 2010 WHITEN, M Pending JOHNSON, S RoR Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, March 3, 2010

Pending UNK, Released on Recognizance No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, February 17, 2010

Pending OVIEDO, Y Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of

Protection Issued B, December 10, 2009 MCGRATH, K Pending BARNA, C Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, October 28, 2009 BURKE, J Pending MORRISON, Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, August 10, 2009 BURKE, J Pending BARNA, Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, July 28, 2009 WHITEN, M Pending BURROFATO, Bail Continued No Type COURT ADJOURNED - Temporary Order of Protection Issued C, June 15, 2009 MANDELBAUM, R Pending JAMES, C Bond $500 Cash $500 (Cash)

No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of

Protection Issued APAR2, June 10, 2009 WHITEN, M Pending FILION, Bond $500 Cash $500 (Not Posted) Pre-Arraignment Deposition Given

CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued Docket Information: Standards and Goals Age Defendant Status Docket Sentence Information: Docket Sentence No Data Available Defense Attorney Information: Name Type Court Date Court Part Firm Name Phone Number Address UNK, 18B (Assigned) June 10, 2009 APAR2 Assistant District Attorney Information: Name Assignment Date June 15, 2009 Defendant Docket Number Summons Number Appearance Date County / Court / Part Judge Prantil, Mary T- 2009NY002655 -06/14/2010 NEW YORK / New York

Criminal Court / B Prantil, Mary T 2009NY046033 06/14/2010 NEW YORK / New York Criminal Court / B State of California & Queens NY Criminal & Civil Records On Mary T. Prantil : Supreme Court Civil ; Lawsuit Case Detail : Court: Queens Civil Supreme Index Number: 031093/2002 Case Name: PRANTIL, MARY vs. LAMPROPOULOS, CHRISTOPHER ANO Case Type: Motor Vehicle Track: Complex RJI Filed: 11/28/2003 Date NOI Due: NOI Filed: Disposition Deadline: Disposition Date: Calendar Number: Jury Status: Justice Name: COMPLIANCE CONF JUDGE Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff: GEOGHAN & COHEN Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active 7 PENN PLAZA SUITE 505 NEW YORK NY 10001 212-465-0600 Attorney/Firm For Defendant: JERROLD N. COHEN

Attorney Type: Attorney Of


Atty. Status: Active 163 MINEOLA BLVD - POB #229 MINEOLA, NY 11501 1 - 718 - 895 - 3215 ISSERLIS AND SULLIVAN, ESQ.,

Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record

Atty. Status: Active 999 STEWART AVENUE BETHPAGE, NEW YORK 11714 516-349 0111 Court: Queens Civil Supreme Index Number: 022186/2009 Case Name: 3285 REALTY COMPANY LLC vs. PRANTIL, MARY Case Type: Other Real Property Track: Expedited Appearance Information: Appearance Date Time On For Appearance Outcome Justice / Part Comments Motion Seq 05/24/2010

Supreme Trial DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN PT 36 PRELIM CONF 05/19/2010

Supreme Trial Remove Stay DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN PT 36 GEN CAL 03/04/2010

Motion Fully Submitted


Supreme Trial Stayed-Attorney Relieved DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN PT 36 PRELIM CONF 45 DAYS PER SFO 3/4/10 02/08/2010

Supreme Initial (first time on) Adjourned DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN PT 36 PRELIM CONF Previous address Locations & Civil Records Of Mary T. Prantil 3285 33rd St, Astoria, NY 11106 Reported:12/01/2002 251 32nd St, New York, NY 10016 Reported:07/18/2001 3285 33 Wusd # 69, Astoria, NY 11106 Reported:06/01/2001 3044 1st Ave, San Diego, CA 92103 Reported:11/13/2000 1352 PO Box, New York, NY 10150 Reported:06/18/1997 3044 Juniper St # 2, San Diego, CA 92104 Reported:10/01/1995 1154 22nd # 2, San Diego, CA 92102 Reported:12/01/1993 319 Gravilla St, La Jolla, CA 92037 Reported:08/01/1992 Criminal Court Records Criminal Profile Subject Name: PRANTIL, MARY

THERESA Date: 12/8/2007 3:45:39 PM Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: M695524 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T105836 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT

SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T108343 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T110326 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T120948 Criminal Court Records Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Case Number: M598531 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 03/23/1990 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case

Number: M695524 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 02/01/1995 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T105836 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 11/13/1992 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T108343 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 01/04/1993 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T110326 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 02/02/1993 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T120948 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 08/09/1993 Bankruptcies, Tax Liens & Judgments by Name for: Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Address: PO BOX 1352, NEW YORK NY 10150 Action: STATE TAX LIEN Court: SACRAMENTO COUNTY COURT (RD) Plaintiff: STATE OF

CALIFORNIA Case: 9706100302 (06/10/1997) Liability/Assests: $1, 310.00/NA Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Address: 251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016 Action: BANKRUPTCY Court: NEW YORK FED COURT-NEW YORK CITY (NEW YORK County) Case: 9640110 (01/11/1996) Liability/Assests: NA/NA Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Address: 251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016 Action: BANKRUPTCY Court: NEW YORK FED COURT-NEW YORK CITY (NEW YORK County) Plaintiff: PRO SE Case: 9640110 (01/11/1996) Liability/Assests: NA/NA Judgement Against Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Address: 3038 DICKENS ST, SAN DIEGO CA 92106 Action: SMALL CLAIMS JUDGMENT Court: KEARNEY MESA MUNI - SAN DIEGO CO Plaintiff: LIBS CHIROPRACTOR CENTER Case: 570215 (12/19/1991) Liability/Assests: $2,

198.00/NA Supreme Court - Motion Detail Court: Queens Civil Supreme Index Number: 031093/2002 Case Name: PRANTIL, MARY vs. LAMPROPOULOS, CHRISTOPHER ANO Case Type: Motor Vehicle Track: Complex Appearance Information: Appearance Date Time On For Appearance Outcome Justice / Part Comments Motion Seq 10/26/2004


Supreme Trial Preliminary Conference Held ALLAN B. WEISS PT 2 PRELIM CONF 12/22/2003

Supreme Initial (first time on) Adjourned ALLAN B. WEISS PT 2 PRELIM CONF Oh, ah GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Mary Prantil WHO ARE YOU? Where are you? What are you? DDDDUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH???????

YOU ARE A MONSTER AND A CYBER BULLY AND FREAK who has never told the truth about anything up here and never provided ANY actual PROOF of all you have said. Prantil has failed THREE TIMES and had THREE HOURS on THREE DIFFERENT occasions to call in and speak to us and the public on LIVE radio but she FAILED then made dumb excuses about the phone number being wrong, and the radio station being fake, LOL yeah RIGHT, so the third time is a charm, and that makes Mary Prantil A THREE TIME LOSER who STILL, after FOUR YEARS cannot provide PROOF of any of her trash posts here or anywhere on the net, but that

is nothing new, LOL. Sociopaths like Prantil HATE REJECTION and I did have to terminate her case after a time because she became worse and worse and could not adhere to spell criteria, or stay out of trouble, and since then Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle has been stalking us for 4 years. But she will soon be in prison and we will not have to get up here and subject all the nice people to Mary Prantil and will no longer have to respond to her trash posts. As usual the stalker is playing "VICTIM" here, but for psychopathic sociopaths like Mary Prantil that is TYPICAL behavior. Ask any psychologist. Manhattan CriminalCourt, 100 Centre Street, New York - (646) 386-4500 Give the clerk this information-they know who Mary Prantil AKA PsychicNSeattle is.

NYSID: 03088617J which is Mary Prantil's JAIL/Prison number. Ficticious names of Mary T. Prantil Of Astoria New York/ AKAs Of Mary Prantil: AKA "American Citizen Speaking Out" AKA WitchcraftSTOPPER - Seattle ( USA ) " AKA Honest Person AKA Honestperson AKA Park City USA, AKA Uta, AKA Pittsburg, AKA Pennsylvania, AKA Washington D.C.AKA Washington, AKA Astoria, New York, AKA Pittsburg, AKA Pennsylvania

AKA Park City, AKA Utah AKA Astoria New York AKA Phoenix Arizona AKA SadisticPsychicJanWindglowsHURTME2 - Houston (USA AKA Unhappy Client - Xxx (U.S.A AKA CONArtist-JimMorganNOTaWizardorMagicalPowers AKA Houston (USA AKA SCAMJanWindglowsSpellCastingSchemeOperation AKA Settle USA AKA Astoria USA AKA Honestperson Pittsburg U.S.A.

AKA Cc - Essex United Kingdom AKA Enforcer Of Justice AKA Washington D.C., Washington AKA New York, New York AKA Phoenix Arizona AKA Honestperson Pittsburg U.S.A AKA Enforced Justice AKA Phoenix USA AKA UK Other AKA PsychicHater (Seattle Washington)United States of America, AKA do not tread on me (Astoria New York AKA OpinionatedAmerican (Tampa Florida)United States of America AKA PsychicHater AKA Toronto Ontario AKA Jesus Hates Satan

IN CLOSING MARY PRANTIL AKA PSYCHICNSEATTLE recently was all over Twitter saying that our site exposing her at was deleted, but it was NOT and is ON THE AIR.


Jan Windglows
5074 days ago by Mary Prantil
May 7, 2011 - Jan Windglows is a dangerous Socio-path, that has been stalking me for 4 yrs, after Jan windglows committed Deception Fraud by and Grand larceny in the amount of $3550. Jan Windglows has further committed Felony Aggravated Harassment by literally posting daily slander on multopkle sites since 2007. Jan Windglows goes on the commit "Attempted Murder" by posting DEATH Threats on a webiste that Jan Windglows made called which literally viloates DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act). Jan Windglows is a verified Witchcraft SCAM that stolen $1000's thru her FAKE site

Jan Windglows I filed police report #3057 at the 114 Precint in NYC. I provided you with my attorney in NYC, and I have personnally served you with 2 Cease and Desist Letter which are posted on my SCAM-Informer Account.

Jan Windglows please stop stalking me, please remove my name, address, cell, photos, voice recordings and all my original copyrighted material effective immediatley.

Jan Windglows has been vcaught in all her crimes and will go to JAIL for Grand Larceny, Deception Fraud and Felony Aggravated Harassment/Stalking.

May 7, 2011 12noon EST - Jan Windglows please de-activate @BANmaryPrantil, @DJDRFILA,, please take down all the Curse photos whiche written in a satanical language and a pledge by you and you Coven of Criminal Jim Morgan, Michael Jenkins, Ray Meseroll, Kim Thrasher, Matilda Sommerfield, to have me killed.

Jan Windglows - I look exactly like all my photos ...becasue they aren't FAKE like all the FAKE photos of you on your many FAKE websites. Jan Windglows is a verified THEIF and dangerous woman.


Psalms 23:1 The Lord is my Sheperd; there is nothing I lack.



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