In January 2010 I took out a loan and signed a contract with JD Byrider. I was desperate for a car, and since my credit was not very good, I decided to go to JD Byrider. Huge mistake!I got a 2006 Pontiac G6 that had around 76,000 miles on it. I had to pay $1500 as the downpayment. My car payments are $179.21 EVERY TWO WEEKS! That is about $360 a month.
Besides the fact I am paying a ridiculous amount for this car, it is also a piece of crap. Within a month, the car started making all sorts of noises. I took it in and the intermediate shaft needed replaced (which was under warranty).
A few months later, the brakes started shaking and vibrating horribly. Well, brakes are NOT under warranty, so I had to take it to an independent mechanic. I had to have ALL of the brakes replaced. The mechanic I took it to also found that I needed the sway bar links replaced.
Then, only a month after having all of that work done, the car started shaking above 60mph, had a loud thumping/popping noise in the front end, and was rattling so loud on the driver's side. I called JD Byrider to make an appointment. I drop it off and here is what's wrong now: 2 tie rods need replaced, the entire steering column needs replaced, the tires need balanced and rotated, the alignment needed balanced, AND I need 2 new front struts. The struts and the tires/alignment are NOT under warranty. So once again, I have to have something fixed out of pocket -- and of course the struts are the most expensive issue.
Something goes wrong with this car every few months and it never seems to be properly fixed!
What can I do?! I really need help. I don't know who to talk to about this. Can JD Byrider get me into another car? This one is CLEARLY extremely unsafe. Is my car considered a "Lemon"? I do not know who to contact or where to get help -- but I would love any advice on where to start.
This car worries me! I am a nanny and am responsible for driving around a 3y year old girl all day. This car seems so unsafe to drive. There have been so many issues! I am afraid this car won't last until my loan is over. It has only been one year of my 3 year loan. By the time my loan is paid off, I will have paid over $19,000 for a car that is not worth 1/4th of that!