I have been trying to get a loan modification since December of 2008 and Indy Mac has been dragging out the process. Continuely wanting more and more paper work, some I have sent more than 10 times. They told me I had to stay current on my payments or I would not get the modification. I did not fall behind on my payments until August 2009. I let them know that I had to make loans, to stay current as they req of my iuired, and was now paying out $600 more per month than I was at the begining of the process.
They came up with a temporary modification in October 2009, it only lower my payment by $217 dollars. They told me that at the end of the 90 days the final modification would be lower. When the final modification arrived in March 2010, it was about $600 higher than my original payment and over $800 higher than the temperary.
I refused it and request a relook and they came back and said that the new payment was 31% of my income. I ask what they thought my income was and they had come up with a figure that was almost $30,000 higher than what my tax returns showed. My income had dropped by about 40% in the last year. They said they had project my income to increased this year because I had a couple of good months. I told them that they should use my tax returns and not project my income because being self employed I varies greatly month to month. They informed me that it was up to them to determine what they thought my income is and is going to be.
At this point I began to try to find an Attorney that would assist me, but where I living there were none that would help for free or at least cheap. The cheapest I found wanted a $5000 retainer "to look into it", if I could afford that I should be making my payments.
When I refused to give up and let they steal my home, they came up and said they require I have additional insurance for windstorm. I told them they didn't require it when they made the loan and that it's not rquired by law, so I"m not getting it. They then put on forced coverage at a cost of $7300 a year. Which they added to my escrow amount.
Then when that didn't force me to quit, they said I needed flood insurance. I contacted the county planning and zoning department and they sent them a letter stating that my home was "not" located in a FEMA designated flood zone. They said it did not matter they are requiring I have flood coverage or they will put on force coverage.
As of this dated 02 December 2010 I am still in the fight to save my home, in the last 2 years I have tryed to get help from the following places and I's like IndyMac is above the law and everyone is scared to do anything to help us homeowner from having our "HOMES" not houses stolen so they can make a big profit.
Hope Now, HUD, FHA, Office of Comptroller of Currency OCC, SIGTARP, NACA, Congressman Gene Taylor, The Mississippi State Insurance Comissioner, The MS States Attorney General, The MS Center for Justice, Fanny Mae (the servicer of my loan), and anybody at IndyMac that I could talk to, normally just a customer service representative that only says want they are told to say, and I never get to talk to the same person twice.
IndyMac is determined not to work with me and come up with a affordable payment, as the Make Homes Affordable Program was supposed to do. I believe that the program is not worth the paper it's written on because even the Government is affraid to stand up to the banks and make them go by the program.