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Illinois Circuit Courtof Cook County Civil Bribery. Chicago, Illinois
23rd of Dec, 2011 by User115585
To whom it may concern! Brought by (Pat )that names a Judge, five attorney’s and other as defendant’s; That alleges has numerous statutory causes of action against each defendant, such as fraud, human, civil, and constitutional rights violations, corruption, bribery, million dollar + payoffs. This letter is a complaint about my Illinois divorce, case # 09D8322, a multi-millionaire husband, a crooked Judge and attorneys, whom my husband alleges that he paid a million plus dollars to Judge Moira Susan Johnson, and hundreds of thousand dollars to the attorneys in question to botch the case. In Crook County Illinois, (cook county) there's an Estate Attorney name Donald Sadowski (Schaumburg. IL) who has committed fraud and other crimes that resembles a Ponzi scheme. he has misused his power by illegally removing my Florida gift home out of my unregistered Trust name. He then placed my gift home in another trust to allegedly off-set the balance of that trust, Afterwards, he allegedly paid Circuit Court Judge, Moira Susan Johnson (Richard J. Daley Center, Chicago Il) a million plus dollars and several attorneys in question: divorce attorney Joel Degrazia ( Schaumburg Il), divorce attorney Jessica Oefelein ( Schaumburg Il), divorce attorney Elliot Heidelberger (Hanover Park and Chicago Il), divorce attorney Learetta Tyson ( South Chicago Il) thousands of dollars to botch the divorce case and cover up the crime. If anyone has an estate planning or business dealing with Estate attorney Donald Sadowski of Schaumburg Il, who’s connected with And Alliance Bernstein Global Investor Service Inc.
I suggest you inspect and Investigate your Fund/Portfolio with this crook and get a second opinion. Attorney Jessica Oefelein the opposing counsel, alleged that while residing with my husband, I allegedly took $10,000.00 from my shared residence, months later the opposing counsel decided to up the price from $10,000.00 to $16,000.00, she then aided and abetted her client into perjury by now alleging that my Florida gift home which I located via the internet, purchased during our marriage is now his non-marital property, Judge Johnson aided this perjury and at the last minute the Judge combined the hearing and the trial together, this corrupt and bias Judge decided that I must pay for my own attorney after Judge Bellows ordered my husband to pay my attorney fees and maintenance, I was a house wife and husband was the sole provider, the corrupt Judge Johnson ordered that I walk away with nothing, she ordered that I make no claims toward my Florida gift home, she ordered that I pay my own credit card bills, she also placed my non-marital automobile on reserve Judge Johnson ordered that I must pay 10% of the $16000.00 or I will be in contempt of court, therefore a body warrant has been issued for my arrest while I was in the courtroom.
I have never missed a court appearance, I’ve never obstruct justice, I jut set there dumb founded while my attorney Learetta Tyson screwed me over and made no objections.
the body warrant was issued against me while I was in court and court was in session, the session was not recorded, but is documented with the courts, judge Johnson alleged that session was recorded, but there was no court reporter there on 2/8/2011. a clear Judicial violation, and it enables me from filing criminal charges at this time until I can somehow pay this bogus $1,600.00 contempt of court charge. My attorney Learetta Tyson, who made little to no argument, quit my case because of the alleged corruption, she alleged that she is a civil rights attorney who helped bring down crooked lawyers and Judge, yet she allegedly took a bribe, she has since updated her website, now with video, unlike before. After reporting Judge Susan Moira Johnson to the Judiciary review board, I was later told that she was answering to the charges, but no disciplinary action was taken. I later received a letter from the inquire board stating that they have closed the case. COMPLAINT AGAINST DEFENDANT‘S, ALLEGES AND AVERS AS FOLLOW; 1. Leonard J. Jablon (hereafter, Respondent / defendant A ) 2. IL, Attorney Learetta Tyson - 29534 - (hereafter, defendant B ) 3. IL, Attorney Jessica Oefelein ( Lagattuta, Degrazia & Oefelein PC.) - 38490 - (hereinafter, defendant C) 4. IL, Attorney Joel Degrazia ( Lagattuta, Degrazia & Oefelein PC.) - 38990 - (hereinafter, defendant D) 5. IL, Attorney, Donald Sadowski (hereinafter, defendant E) 6. IL, Attorney Elliot Heidelberger - 24499 - (hereinafter, defendant F) 7. IL, Circuit Court Judge Moira Susan Johnson - 1836 - (hereafter, defendant G) CHARLOTTE COUNTY FORECLOSURE ABSOLUTE AUCTION SITE A. On or around February 1st 2009, while surfing the internet, plaintiff came across a real foreclosure site Called the Charlotte County real foreclosure absolute auction site. INSTRUCTIONS B. All properties are sold AS IS. You must register on the web site and you are required to place a deposit equal to 5% of your estimated successful final bid.
Either on the website via electronic check (ACH) or in person with cash or cashier’s check or money order payable to: CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. $10,000.00 DEPOSIT C. On or around February 4th 2009, defendant A, gave the Clerk of the Circuit Court a 10,000.00 deposit. via electronic check (ACH). For plaintiff dream home. THE TITLE D. The name on the Title was (The Mahoghany’s Crystal Trust)With Leonard Jablon as Trustee. E. The successful bidder MUST pay the balance of the final bid PLUS the registry of the court service charge no later than 11:00AM EM (THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY). HIGHEST BIDDER F. On 05/11/2009. We ( plaintiff and defendant )were the successful highest bidder for the Florida bank foreclosed home In the amount of $186,100 CHECKS G. On 05/11/2009 plaintiff and defendant A, hurried to his bank’s and withdrew the checks from defendant A, personal / business accounts. CASH ADVANCE H. Defendant A, also withdrew $25,000.00 from one of his credit cards and rushed to the FedEx center to overnight the money to the Charlotte County Courthouse (see attachments). STOCKS I. On May. 11, 2009 defendant A, asked his accountant, Mr. Roger Rowe, to sell three small stocks from the Judith Jablon Trust. OFFICIAL J. On 05/12/2009 the home located at : 5242 Fleming St. Port Charlotte Florida was plaintiff official dream/vacation home, According to the Charlotte County clerk of the courts. REIMBURSEMENT K. On May 13th 2009, defendant A, received the money from the stocks and deposit the money into his personal accounts to REIMBURSE HIMSELF for the purchase of my Florida dream home.
(see attachments) ORPORATE CREDIT CARD L. On 05/19/2009, plaintiff, defendant A, and plaintiff mother, flew (airplane) to Port Charlotte Florida for seven days to see and work on cleaning up the Florida property, and purchased items for plaintiff property, all of which was paid for with my husband’s corporate credit card. SIGNING AND BACKDATED PRENUPTIAL I. On or around June 1st through June 5th 2009 plaintiff spoke to defendant E, via the telephone regarding plaintiff coming to defendant E’s office and signing a pre-nuptial a couple of months after the marriage of plaintiff and defendant A, and a post- nuptial, and defendant E will backdate the pre-nuptial and plaintiff spoke about creating a new and joint trust for plaintiff and defendant A. NEW AND JOINT TRUST II. Defendant E, refused to create a new and joint trust for plaintiff and defendant A, alleging that defendant A’s deceased wife trust (Judith Jablon ) is suffiencient for both plaintiff and defendant A. SECOND OPINION III. On or around June 5th 2009, Plaintiff wanted a second opinion on backdating a pre-nuptial, and on the Judith Jablon trust, plaintiff asked defendant E, if she could bring an attorney to his office for a second opinion, defendant E, strongly stated NO. TRANSFER TITLE. IV. On or around, June 5th 2009, defendant E, then asked plaintiff, if she would transfer TITLE from plaintiff’s gifted Florida home into the Judith Jablon trust to ensure that plaintiff and defendant A, stay married until death, plaintiff said yes, but only after plaintiff get’s a second opinion on the Judith Jablon trust, defendant E, strongly suggested NO second opinions. SECOND OPINION V. What is so wrong with getting a second opinion on a legal Trust, what is so secretive about this Trust that would make defendant E, go nuts, has defendant E, stolen money from this Trust that he don’t want defendant A, to know about. COERCED 1. Defendant E, coerced defendant A, via the telephone with defendant A, speaker on, to NOT allow plaintiff to get a second opinion regarding the Judith Jablon Trust and to persuade her to sign over her Florida gift home or they, defendant A and E, will go to jail for the misuse of the Judith Jablon trust and defendant‘s C and D will go to jail for the cover up. MURDER THREAT. 2. Plaintiff then refused to go to defendant E’s office, after many failed attempts from defendant E to defendant A, to bring plaintiff to his office, defendant E, alleged that he will get plaintiff at all cost including threats of murder, ( see Donald Sadowski, ARDC, complaint ) alleging that plaintiff has crossed the line because plaintiff refused to be apart of his (defendant E) fraudulent and illegal scheme to sign fraudulent documents, so he could backdate the pre-nuptial document and sign over title of the Florida home. 3. This made plaintiff very suspicious, plaintiff asked defendant A, if she could get a copy of the Judith Jablon trust to get a second opinion on the Judith Jablon trust, defendant A, said sure, he went on to say that the Judith Jablon trust is a simple land trust just like defendant A, the only difference is, the Judith Jablon trust has more property in it then the Leonard Jablon trust, defendant A, then produced both trusts to plaintiff to copy and get a second opinion. FAILED ATTEMPTS 4. Plaintiff then refused to go to defendant E’s office, after many failed attempts from defendant E to defendant A, to bring plaintiff to his office, defendant E, alleged that he will get plaintiff at all cost including threats of murder, alleging that plaintiff has crossed the line because plaintiff refused to be apart of his (defendant E) fraudulent and illegal scheme to sign fraudulent documents, so he could backdate the pre-nuptial document and sign over title of the Florida home. FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT (DIVORCE) I. On or around June 8th 2009, after all else failed, defendant E, coerced ( defendant A) to secretly divorce plaintiff, for not complying with his fraudulent schemes and he (defendant E) will see to it that the other attorney’s defendant C, and D will falsely charge plaintiff with abandonment , fraud, and other illegal tactics, including stealing the Judith Jablon wedding ring, the same ring that defendant A, married plaintiff with and defendant A, admitted this in his deposition on June 8th 2010. BACKDATING DOCUMENTS II. On June 16th 2009, plaintiff got a second opinion from attorney Larry Mraz of Roselle IL. III. On or around June 16th 2009, plaintiff explained the conversation between herself and attorney Sadowski to attorney Mraz, plaintiff asked attorney Mraz, if he would create a duplicate Trust like the Judith Jablon land Trust and defendant A, land trust, attorney Mraz explained to plaintiff that he did not want to get involved with or affiliate himself with any attorney who backdates documents, he explained that the two TRUSTS were not the same, he explained the difference between the two trusts, he also explained that the Judith Jablon Trust was not a simple land Trust as Attorney Sadowski alleged, he explained that the Judith Jablon Trust was a marital and a residuary Trust and had a million plus dollars in it, he then (attorney Mraz) referred me to attorney Elliot Heidelberger. Plaintiff has accidentally uncovered a crime of stolen money from a deceased woman’s Trust allegedly committed by Attorney Donald Sadowski that resembles a Ponzi Scheme. (see attached.) NEW LIVING WILL IV. On or around July 7th 2009, defendant A, went to attorney Sadowski office, then came back to the Northbrook home with a new Living Will, that was backdated to the year 2000. Defendant A, stated that the new Living Will didn’t take long to create and backdate, plaintiff asked defendant A, if she could make a copy of it, defendant A, said yes and gave plaintiff the new living will to copy. VICIOUSLY ATTACKED V. On June 21ST 2009, Father’s Day, plaintiff was in bed with defendant A, when defendant A, son Joseph bust through the bedroom door and viciously attacked plaintiff, alleging that a few days prior, he overheard defendant E, telling defendant A, that they were going to tell the courts that plaintiff has stolen money from the Judith Trust and secretly purchased a Florida dream home for herself, plaintiff put a restraining order against defendant A, son Joseph, he was not allowed in the Northbrook residence. (see police report). CREDIT CARD ADDITION VI. On June 30th 2009, defendant A, drove plaintiff to Costco Warehouse to add her on his Costco account, defendant A, submitted his identification card, plaintiff submitted her identification card with her maiden name (Hausley) appearing on her I.D.
Plaintiff was given an American Express card from Costco. FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT, ILLEGAL AND DECEPTIVE PRACTICE A. On June 2009 through September 2009, (defendant E) engaged in fraud, and conversion, deceptive practices that resembles a Ponzi Scheme regarding the Judith Jablons Trust, backdating documents, civil theft of plaintiff Florida home, secretly and illegally causing defendant A to file for a divorce under fraudulent concealment, which led to irreparable damage to plaintiff and defendant A’s marriage. BRIBERY, NEGLIGENCE B. On September 2nd 2009, plaintiff, was told by defendant A, that defendant F, took a bribe from him to botch this divorce case so that the Judge will rule in defendant A, favor regarding plaintiff Florida home and the outcome of the divorce proceedings. ATTORNEY WICKER C. On or around September 5th 2009, plaintiff contacted the Florida attorney John Wicker who originally set up plaintiff’s land Trust and asked him to check with the Florida Courts and see if plaintiff’s gift home was fraudulently and illegally taken from her trust by defendant’s A and E. MOTION TO AMEND TITLE D. On September 8th 2009, attorney Wicker stated that there was a MOTION TO AMEND TITLE filed on
June 16th 2009, by defendant E, fraudulently Alleging that defendant A, mistakenly put the Florida home in the Mahogany’s Crystal Trust , fraudulently alleging that it was a non-existent Trust. INTERCEPT E. September 8th 2009, Attorney Wicker then asked if plaintiff wanted him to go to court and intercept the process. Plaintiff stated to attorney Wicker that she did, and I (plaintiff) have a divorce attorney name attorney Elliot Heidelberger, you (attorney Wicker) and he (Elliot Heidelberger) can discuss legal procedures on how to keep plaintiff’s Florida home in plaintiff’s Trust. MOTION TO AMEND TITLE F. On September 8th 2009, attorney Wicker emailed plaintiff the document’s (MOTION TO AMEND TITLE) plaintiff immediately forwarded the documents to attorney Heidelberger. FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE; G. On September 8th 2009, and up until his release, defendant F, ignored all requests made by plaintiff , to him and through his paralegal, to speak with attorney Wicker regarding what documents to file from Illinois to Florida that would make the Florida Courts aware of the fraud between defendant A, and defendant E, and that plaintiff’s Trust does exists because the signed trust was not registered with the courts yet, estate attorney Donald Sadowski had destroyed the signed trust. COURT ORDER VIOLATION H. In October 2009 Defendant A, has stopped paying the co-payment on plaintiff medical bills, he has stopped the temporary maintenance, that was a direct order from the Courts, during the divorce proceedings, under the fraudulent advice of his attorney’s, defendant C, and defendant D, a violation of the court order. FAILURE TO REPORT FRAUD AND CONVERSION TO THE PROPER AUTHORITY, FRAUDULENT AND ILLEGAL CONCEALMENT, NEGLIGENCE AND BREACH OF CONTRACT I. In June 2009, and up until his release, after reviewing plaintiff documents/proof, defendant F, did not report the fraudulent and the illegal activities that was committed by defendant’s A , C, D and E to the Proper Authorities, including but not limited to the misuse of the Judith Jablon Trust, and the fraudulent documents produced by defendant’s A and E, to the Florida Court, and the Cook County Courts, regarding the Mahogany’s Crystal Trust and this fraudulent and illegal concealment allowed defendant’s A, C, D, and E, to illegally and fraudulently defraud the Florida and the Cook County Court. FRAUD AND CONVERSION, CIVIL THEFT, UNJUST ENRICHMENT J. On or around October 2009, Defendant E, fraudulently alleged to the Florida Court that the Mahogany’s Crystal Trust does not exists and fraudulently alleged to have placed an undivided 54.72% interest in the Leonard J. Jablon Trust ( defendant A ) and fraudulently alleged to have placed an undivided 45.28% interest in the Judith Jablons Trust, ( defendant A’s deceased wife ) defendant F, known or should have known that the Florida property was a gift in Trust to plaintiff, purchased during plaintiff’s and defendant A’s, marriage and by defendant F, not reporting this to the Proper Authorities, he concealed and allowed this illegal and fraudulent activity to happen , defendant E and defendant A, directed a conspiracy and scheme in which they filed and caused to be filed fraudulent and illegal documents to the Florida and the Cook County Court, (a violation of the court order). FLORIDA ATTORNEY K. On September 13th 2009 plaintiff spoke to attorney John Wicker, via the internet regarding computer hacking by defendant A, and he suggest that plaintiff purchase a spy ware program call “ eblaster” for protecting plaintiffs privacy from her husband, while on the computer. CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD, CIVIL THEFT, UNJUST ENRICHMENT L. On or around October 2009, defendants A, C, D, E, AND F, conspired and caused to conspire documents that was fraudulently filed and used to obtain the Florida gift home from the Florida Court to take the home out from plaintiff trust and placed into defendant A, wife trust, and used said fraudulent documents to illegally file, conceal, then defrauded the Cook County Court. CONSULTATION M. On November 30th 2009, plaintiff had an appointment for a consultation with defendant B, plaintiff wanted a second (2nd) opinion regarding plaintiff’s Florida home, and the legalities of defendant F, allowing defendant A and defendant E, to fraudulently and illegally remove plaintiff Florida home from plaintiff trust, which was a gift in Trust, and why defendant F, did not report the fraud to the Proper Authority, plaintiff gave (defendant B) all court documents that was in her possession regarding plaintiff Florida home, and the documents pertaining to the divorce with respondent DECEPTIVE PRACTICE N. On November 30th 2009, defendant B, stated to plaintiff that she can clearly see that defendant F, was fraudulently and illegally screwing plaintiff over and that plaintiff should file a complaint against him with the ARDC, plaintiff asked who are they and what could they do for plaintiff. ARDC O. On November 30th 2009, defendant B, stated that they are the Attorney registration and disciplinary commission. P. On November 30th 2009, defendant B, alleged that once the ARCD reads plaintiff’s complaint and if attorney Heidelberger (defendant F) have money in his account that the ARDC will make him pay you (plaintiff) for your Florida home. Q, plaintiff asked defendant B, if she would take my case, defendant B, stated that she would, but first plaintiff has to fire defendant F. NEW ATTORNEY R. On November 30th 2009, Defendant B, quoted plaintiff her retainer fee and said she defendant B will take the case but plaintiff first has to fire defendant F. FIRED THROUGH EMAIL S. On December 1st 2009 plaintiff emailed attorney Heidelberger (defendant F) and fired him. RETAINER I. On or around December 2009, plaintiff borrowed money from her good friend, to retain defendant B. On December 15th 2009, a motion of Elliot Heidelberger to withdraw as attorney for the petitioner. SET FOR STATUS January 15th 2009, the matter for Elliot Heidelberger to withdraw was set for status. ATTORNEY CLIENT AGREEMENT II. On January 27th 2010 plaintiff, signed an Attorney Client Agreement with defendant B, and paid a retainer in the sum of $3,475.00. NEW YORK III. On February 2010, plaintiff went to New York, to get away from the corrupt divorce proceeding that were taken place, while there plaintiff, sold some of her old Jewelry that she purchased many years prior to meeting defendant A, that was stored at her Schaumburg apartment, because defendant A, violated the Judges order for maintenance, and he should have been held in contempt of court. PROPER AUTHORITIES IV. In February 2010, , and up until her release, after reviewing plaintiff documents/proof, defendant B, did not report the fraud, the conversion and the illegal activities that was committed by defendants A, C, D and E, to the Proper Authorities, including but not limited to the misuse of the Judith Jablon Trust, and the fraudulent documents produced by defendant’s A and E, to the Florida Court, regarding the Mahogany’s Crystal Trust and this fraudulent and illegal concealment allowed defendant’s A, C, D and E, to illegally and fraudulently defraud the Florida and the Cook County Court, a violation of the court order. ILLEGAL EVIDENCE V. On March 1st 2010 defendant B, called plaintiff and informed her that she had talked to defendant C, and was informed that defendant A, has fraudulently hacked into plaintiff’s computer and they have copies of all of plaintiff’s and defendant A, nude pictures that was taken from plaintiff’s digital camera and downloaded onto plaintiff’s personal computer, and defendant C, plans to use the fraudulent and illegal evidence against you ( plaintiff) in Court. DEPOSITION VI. On June 8TH 2010, in defendant A, deposition, defendant A, stated that he married plaintiff with the Judith Jablon wedding ring. TRANSFER JUDGES I. On July 19th 2010, (defendant D) file a motion to transfer Judge, from Judge Bellows Courtroom 1602, to Judge Johnson’s Courtroom 1903. DECEPTIVE PRACTICE II. On September 1st 2010, plaintiff asked defendant B, why did opposing counsel change judge, (defendant B) deceptively alleged that she changed Judge, without plaintiff’s approval/knowledge. BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE III. On or around September 1st 2010, plaintiff over heard defendant B, discussing a conversation that was between plaintiff and plaintiff’s friend Ronald Friedman, to the opposing counsel, defendant C, telling defendant C that plaintiff, plaintiff’s daughter and plaintiff friend had lunch together, defendant C, later that day used an innocent lunch against plaintiff and plaintiff’s friend during questioning, alleging that plaintiff and her friend are lover’s. BRIBERY IV. September 2010, defendant A, continually revealed to plaintiff that he is illegally paying defendant B to botch the divorce case to go in his favor. BRIBERY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE V. On September 1st 2010, Defendant B, alleged that she must withdraw as plaintiff attorney, after several attempts by plaintiff, defendant B, never answered yes or no to the bribery allegations that she did not take a bribe from defendant’s A, C,D,E, and F, but defendant B, insinuated that defendant G, (Judge Susan Moira Johnson did.) PRE-TRIAL, DECEPTIVE PRACTICE AND BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE. A. On September 1st 2010, (defendant B) never informed plaintiff that this was the day for pre-trial, never prepared plaintiff for the pre-trial hearing, defendant B never discussed question’s that would be asked during the pre-trial hearing, there was never a trial. DEPRIVATION, NEGLIGENCE, OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE B. On September 1st 2010 defendant B, and defendant G, deceptively deprived plaintiff of her right to allow plaintiff’s witness to testify on plaintiff’s behalf, claiming that it was too late for witness to testify. PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE C. On September 1st 2010 defendant B, fraudulently alleged in her billing statement that there was a pre-trial conference; entered into settlement negotiations - parties did not settle hearing scheduled for September 8th 2011. PRE-TRILA NEGOTIATIONS D. On September 1st 2010, plaintiff, did not attend a pre-trial conference, alleged by (defendant B), plaintiff was unaware of a pre-trial conference, plaintiff was unaware of any negotiations. PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE
E. On September 8th 2010, there was never a pretrial conference,
Plaintiff was never aware of a PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE, OR A TRIAL ever taken place during this divorce that was alleged by (defendant B). PLAINTIFF’S TESTIMONY NOT RECORDED F. In September 2010 while plaintiff was being questioned under oath ,defendant B, deliberately asked the type of question’s that allowed defendant C, to object , so plaintiff’s testimony would not be recorded. ATTORNEY FEE’S G. In September 2010, defendant B, written a bogus fee petition for respondent to pay attorney fees, defendant G asked that she re-write it. NEGLIGENCE, SPOILATION (OF EVIDENCE ) I. On or around September 30th 2010, defendant B, did not present plaintiff’s proof/ documents into evidence, alleging that defendant G ordered her not to submit.. Depriving plaintiff of the right to present evidence further disabling plaintiff with emotional stress. OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE, NEGLIGENCE, DEPRIVATION II. On or around September, 30th 2010, again, defendant’s B, and G, deceptively deprived plaintiff of the right to allow plaintiff’s witnesses to testify on plaintiff’s behalf. FRAUD AND CONVERSION ON FORECLOSED DOCUMENTS, UNJUST ENRICHMENT III. On November 22nd 2010 Plaintiff testified that defendant A, and defendant C and D, committed fraud and conversion by conspiring to file documents with the Illinois Circuit Court, alleging that defendant A’s helicopter company was bank foreclosed, when instead defendant A and defendant C and D, transferred defendant A, helicopter business out of his name and into the name of defendant A’s friend’s company name (Dan Asher). (see attachments). DEPOITION TRANSCRIPT IV. On November 30th 2010, plaintiff, requested a copy of defendant A, deposition transcript, defendant B, deceptively alleges that plaintiff fee for a copy would cost $2, 250. 00 plus $178. 00. (I have the email). CHANGE OF COURT DATE V. On January 25th 2011, plaintiff went to court, on her scheduled court date in courtroom 1903, plaintiff was told by Judge Johnson’s clerk that Judge Johnson was presiding in court room 1602, plaintiff went to court room 1602, then was told by defendant G (judge Johnson ) and not told by defendant B that plaintiff court date was changed to February 8th 2011. CHANDE OF COURT DATE VI. Defendant B, never informed plaintiff that the January 25th 2011, court date was changed to February 8th 2011. CHANGE JUDGES VII. February 2011 plaintiff discovered that (defendant D) filed the motioned to change Judge, and not defendant B as she alleged. FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT, ILLEGAL AND DECEPTIVE PRACTICE, CONSPIRACY AND NEGLIGENCE VIII. On February 8th 2011, (defendant B), re-wrote her fee petition after conspiring with defendant C and defendant G, to defraud the Cook County Court, and filing illegal and fraudulent documents, then defendant G, tried to Purged the documents. (fee petition for defendant A, to pay denied). NO COURT REPORTER A. On February 8th 2011, There was NO Court reporter during session, session was not recorded. DECEPTIVE PRACTICE, FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT B. On February 8th 2011, defendant B, did not make any arguments on behalf of plaintiff , for the return of plaintiff’s Florida home, located at: 5242 Fleming St, Port Charlotte Fl. 33981, which was a gift in Trust. DUE PROCESS C. Plaintiff was not given a fair hearing in a State Court proceeding, deprivation of property without due process. 2001 NISSAN ALTIMA D. On February 8th 2011, a fraudulent order was issued by defendant C, and granted for plaintiff’s 2001 Nissan Altima to be reserved, a vehicle that was purchased/ paid in full during plaintiff’s first marriage in 2005. (non-marital property), also the same vehicle in which Judge Bellows in October, 2009, ordered that defendant A, cannot take because that was plaintiff’s vehicle before the marriage. LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY E. On February 8th 2011, defendant B, and defendant G, allowed defendant C, to file a fraudulent motion for law enforcement agency to comply, while plaintiff was in the courtroom, without regards to habeas corpus. STAY OF EXERCUTION F On February 8th 2011, defendant B and defendant G, allowed defendant C, to fraudulently and illegally filed through the Circuit Court of Cook County, while plaintiff was in the courtroom, a stay of Execution (allowed). ATTORNEY FEE’S G. On February 8th 2011, defendant B, filed her petition for attorney fees to be paid by defendant A, which somehow was denied, petition for attorney fees to be paid by plaintiff, was somehow allowed the sum of over $19,000.00 defendant A, B and defendant’ C and G, was aware that plaintiff is indigent. FINANCIAL STATEMENT, FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT H. On or before February 8th 2011, defendant B, didn’t submit plaintiff’s, January 2011, financial disclosure statement to the Court, alleging that defendant G ordered her not to. PARTY TO PURGE I. On February 8th 2011, defendant C, motioned for PARTY TO PURGE (allowed by defendant G). WITHDRAWAL OF ATTORNEY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE 1. On or around March 4th 2011, defendant B, filed a motion, substitution and/ or withdrawal of attorney from the petitioner’s case, after many months of threatening to remove herself from plaintiff‘s case, after plaintiff questioned defendant B, regarding a bribe that defendant A, alleges she took, defendant B, alleged that there is a bribe on the table, but she defendant B, didn’t take the bribe, but insinuated that a higher Authority did (defendant G). ‘ REAONABLE DEGREE OF CARE OR SKILL IN REPRESENTING HER CLIENT 2. On March 2010, through March 2011, defendant B, failed to exercise a “reasonable degree of care or skill in representing her client”,. FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT, DECEPTIVE PRACTICE , NEGLIGENCE AND BREACH OF CONTRACT. 3. On or around March 9th 2011, defendant F, mailed plaintiff, a bill, fraudulently alleging that plaintiff owe him several thousand dollars For his services which the court ordered defendant A, to pay, and defendant A, paid plaintiff’s attorney fee’s to defendant F. (see attachment). NEW ATTORNEY. 4. On March 10th 2011, plaintiff’s family hired an attorney by the name of Michael Moore, who was present on the next court date which was March 22nd 2011. NEW ATTORNEY, MICHAEL MOORE 5. On March 22nd 2011, plaintiff’s new attorney Michael Moore, appeared before the court, to file his appearance …and to address the fraudulent and illegal contempt of Court, and default charge that was illegally placed on plaintiff, attorney, Mr. Michael Moore was given twenty one days to file his written appearance. FAILED TO FILE AN APPEARANCE 6. March 22nd 2011, defendant C, entered another fraudulent default order against the Petitioner/Counter-Respondent, (fraudulently) alleging that Petitioner/Counter-Respondent failed to file an appearance and answer for March 22nd 2011. FRAUD, CONSPIRACY , NEGLIGENCE, DECEPTIVE PRACTICE , SCHEME , CIVIL THEFT AND UNJUST ENRICHMENT 7. On April 4th 2011, defendant C and G directed a conspiracy and scheme, in which they fraudulently filed and caused to file fraudulent and illegal document’s ( Judgment for dissolution of marriage) through the Cook County Court that Plaintiff/Counter-Respondent was in default, and that Plaintiff/Counter-petitioner was personally served an order of default papers on February 9th 2011. 8. Plaintiff’s divorce case has been Severely Compromised and therefore Corrupted. FRAUD AND CONVERSION, DECEPTIVE PRACTICE, NEGLIGENCE, CONSPIRACY,SCHEME, UNJUST ENRICHMENT 9. On April 4th 2011, defendant’s , C and G, directed a conspiracy and scheme, in which she filed and caused to file this fraudulent and illegal document ( Judgment for dissolution of marriage) through the Cook County Court that petitioner’s Florida home, which is a gift in Trust, and bought during plaintiff and defendant A’s marriage has been illegally and fraudulently Turned into defendant A’s, non-marital property and percentages were placed into defendant A, and defendant A’s deceased wife (Judith Jablon) Trust. SWORN OATHS 10. All defendant’s ( attorney’s and the Judge) in question, has taken SWORN OATHS OF OFFICE to uphold the law, yet they have broken an abundance of laws in THIS case, all defendants should be Audited, Disbarred, and Sanctioned. “NO CONTACT RULE” A. On April 4th 2011, by defendant C, own admission, on page 2 of said hearing, misrepresented the Courts by fraudulently alleged that she (defendant C ) as a courtesy, sent a copy and notice of today’s hearing and the order of default to attorney Michael Moore and Mrs. Jablon, (plaintiff) (see attached). “NO CONTACT RULE“. B. Mrs. Jablon, (plaintiff) had an attorney, by the name of Michael Moore, there would have been NO need to send a copy and notice to plaintiff. HEARING FOR DEFAULT C. Plaintiff or her attorney Mr. Michael Moore, has NEVER received a Copy of the hearing for default prove-up set forth on April 4th 2011 and the Divorce was granted on that date. D. Defendant A, was a great husband, and plaintiff has never used her ex-boyfriend or her ex-husband as a comparison to defendant A. PERJURY, AND MISSUSE OF THE JUDITH JABLON TRUST E. On April 4th 2011, Page 7, of said hearing, if defendant A, has suffered stress or anxiety, and loss of sleep, it’s because of the fraudulent concealment and illegal practice that has taken place and the misuse of the Judith Jablon Trust, the perjury committed and defendant A, is in fear of being audited and sanctioned as a proximate result. PERJURY, NEGLIGENCE AND FRAUD AND CONVERSION F. On April 4th 2011, Page 8, question and answer 6, through 11, of said hearing on April 4th 2011, defendant C, known or should have known that she made fraudulent statements and directed her client (defendant A,) to answer loaded and leading questions that led defendant A, and defendant C to perjury. BUSINES OWNER G. On April 4th 2011, Page 11, of said hearing on April 4th 2011, defendant C, known and or should have known that defendant A, owns a helicopter business, buys and sells helicopters each and every year, he buys and sell stocks and bonds, he also owns a furniture store aside from receiving half of his deceased wife Social Security and his full Social Security benefits, is a helicopter pilot, and owns a fleet of helicopters, with two or more employees, and that defendant A, specializes in group tours, helicopter charter, and rides. INDIGENT H. On April 4th 2011, Page 12, defendant C, known and should have known that plaintiff is not able to support herself, fully without the support from defendant A. FRAUD, DECEPTIVE PRACTICE, NEGLIGENCE, AND PERJURY I. On April 4th 2011, Page 12, of said hearing, defendant C, known and should have known that she assisted her client into perjury by fraudulently alleging that the Florida property, which was a gift in Trust to plaintiff, during the marriage, that was discussed during defendant A, and plaintiff deposition, and pre-trial, has now been fraudulently and illegally, placed into the Judith Jablon Trust, and the Leonard Jablon Trust. WORLD POINT CREDIT CARD J. Plaintiff, was not issued a world point visa credit card, after separating from defendant A. FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT K. Plaintiff, has never missed a court appearance during this divorce, but somehow defendant C and defendant G, set up an April 4th 2011 court date without the knowledge of plaintiff or her attorney Mr. Michael Moore. REAL PROPERTY L. April 4th 2011, page 8, of said hearing, number’s 6 through 11, defendant C, in open Court, and under oath, question defendant A, and assisted him into perjury, fraud and conversion by alleging that defendant A, did not acquire any real property and defendant A, and plaintiff never acquired property together. EMANCIPATED M. On April 4th 2011, page 10, of said hearing, number 2, defendant C, known or should have known, that she assisted her client ( defendant A) into perjury, by fraudulently alleging that his sons are emancipated. PERJURY, DECEPTIVE PRACTICE, NEGLIGENCE, AND FRAUD N. On April 4th 2011, page 10 of said hearing, in open court, under oath, defendant C, known or should have known, that she assisted her client, (defendant A,) into perjury by assisting him in his fraudulent answer’s to number 5 through 15. PERJURY , FRAUD AND CONVERSION O. When an attorney willfully and intentionally assist his/her client into PERJURY, FRAUD AND CONVERSION in open court, under oath, that attorney is as guilty of perjury, fraud and conversion as his/her client, and should be disbarred and sanctioned. Q. On July 11th 2011, Kathleen Bono quoted a price of $450. 00 plus another $178. 50 for her service and fee, she ( Kathleen Bono) alleged that she repeatedly attempted to contact defendant B, via telephone, email, and fax for payment of $ 178. 50 for her service and fee for June 8th 2010 deposition, and if I (plaintiff) wants a copy of defendant A, deposition then plaintiff would have to pay $450. 00 plus $178. 50 for her service and fee, that defendant B, neglected to pay. CONTRACT T. All Defendant’s, failed to comply with a contract or the duty not to violate Constitutional rights, and a marriage contract, all defendant’s, known and should have known that they participated in wrongdoing by covering up fraud, discrimination and conversion, participated in fraud and conversion, malfeasance, civil theft, negligence, dereliction, malpractice, perversion, injustice, infliction, evildoing, dishonesty, unjust enrichment , professional misconduct, defamation of character, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, illegal and deceptive practices, bribery, and not one of them reported the fraud , conversion , malpractice, deception etc. to the proper authorities and plaintiff has suffered unnecessary Severe emotional distress, as a direct and proximate result of all the defendant’s fraudulent, illegal, and deceptive practices/ schemes, AND THEY SHOULD BE SANCTIONED. Plaintiff has contact the ILARDC, regarding the attorneys in question, they refuse to investigate, they went as far as to say in their letter to me “ quote” that there is no attorney registered to practice law in Illinois with the name Learetta Tyson or a similar name, “ end quote” yet Attorney Learetta Tyson has been practicing in Illinois for twenty years or more. Plaintiff has exhausted all finances. This divorce case has been severely compromised, contaminated and therefore corrupted, I would like my divorce re- tried.
All defendant’s has ruin my life My husband and I are very cordial with each other, I am not paranoid, my allegations are the Truth and nothing but. My divorce was illegally obtained, therefore, I don’t know if I’m still married or am I illegally divorced. I have an abundance amount of Proof/Documents, everything but the payoff, I just have my husband‘s word. I am seeking a contingency lawyer to file a lawsuit. I have sent my complaint to every government official that I can think of and to this no avail. Thank you Pat

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