Hebert Durand |
14th of Jul, 2017 by Hebert'sBitchBoy |
Beware of Hebert Durand, also known as Hebert Dale Durand.
Hebert Durand is a dirty child predator and an internet TROLL, who has no life and nothing to live for, and so goes all over the internet trolling everyone's posts.
Here is a recent notice to Durand Hebert aka "FU2," "crookbusta," "covfefe," and a hundred other online bullshyt usernames.
You are:
Durand Hebert, also known as Durand Dale Hebert.
Age 53.
Home: Broussard, LA.
Also been known to reside in Lafayette (according to your Twitter profile).
You've also resided in Carencro LA., Scott LA., Lafayette LA. (Which we've already mentioned).
I, and now everyone else, knows that you're a fvcking sad, lonely, pathetic indigodual who has no worth, no reason to live, and no excuse to suck up the oxygen that actual worthy people should have more of, but cannot, because a waste like you is taking it all up.
Hebert Durand, I'd like to draw your attention to a lovely site called scamexposure.com, which is right here!
On this iste, you will find a wonderfully exposing post (complaint) about your sorry self and the trolling scam artist that you are.
Should you continue with your trolling attacks, here or anywhere else, and should any complaints, that serve the public good, "disappear" then I will hold YOU responsible and I will INUNDATE the world wide internet with posts about how you, Durand Hebert aka Durand Dale Hebert aka "crookbusta" aka "FU2" aka "covfefe" are a NASTY CHILD PREDATOR WHO HAS ILLEGAL RELATIONS WITH SMALL BOYS AND HAS THEM USE A DILDO UP YOUR ANUS ON A REGULAR BASIS.
You're welcome.
Oh, and you'll find that this site does not care who you are--THIS WILL STAY HERE FOREVER. |
He is DEFINITELY a child predator. He followed my children on their bikes and walked all the way in my garage to supposedly “ask where they go the bikes from”. YEA RIGHT!!! Nasty sicko! 1200 Post Rd Carencro, La 70520. He drives a blue F150. Be on the lookout! |
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