Havenwyck Hospital |
Havenwyck Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI PSI Patient Abuse covered up by management at mental health hospital Auburn Hills, Michigan |
19th of Jun, 2011 by User550116 |
I was a witness on September 2, 2010 at my employer at the time Havenwyck Hospital. I was one of the witnesses to a coworker Jon Rivera threatening a patients life or the option to get his blood drawn, named Joseph. It was a prolonged event lasting 45 minutes with no rounds done checking for safety by then the staff monitoring was Doris. The coworker was non-responsive to several attempts of prompting by myself and Amanda, tranced in repetative cycle over and over limiting with commands and physical threat repeating the motion and options by Jon, disabling Amanda and I to access more staff. The senses of any sudden movement may trigger a reaction to our coworker to resume from unresponsive state to further the risk for the patients life. The coworker Jon Rivera was applying pressure with his entire upper body to the patients air passage above the right side of his upper chest holding his face along with the patients upper body under his, restricting patients movement and the patients free right to move or as aware in a state of mind to refuse the option to follow through with a blood draw remaining in a choke hold position by Jon a staff at Havenwyck. I entered the room to Amanda frozen in position only able to make eye contact for seconds at a time non aware that the needle was in her hand clenched in a straight arm behind her back. I positioned myself placing my hands to my knees as I approached the foot of the bed only able to see Josephs lower body as his legs paced side to side in a still tense position tightening in a clenched knee lock, then Jon trailed his same commands," Are you going to do this the hard way or are you going to do what I say?" The muffled response faded to moans as the physical movement cycled. I called out Jon's name several times with no acknowledgement received, then I slowly walked to Amanda stating,"Amanda you have to put the needle away it's not safe, unable to receive a result only a motion of her head to shift to me then back tranced on Joseph looking down in pattern, I lightly put one hand on Amandas elbow then the other on her wrist placing the needle in eyesight prompting to put the needle away, stating help me, so we can help Joseph. Amanda dazed slightly moving head side to side stated, Where?" I motioned her direction to her red box that held the rest of her tools. Amanda stated,"Okay, smiled in a displaced manner and dashed to follow through,I reminded her to lock it and motioned closer to Jons kneeling down to be eye length stating,"Jon where is Josephs face, I cannot see his face, you are holding a patient at work right now and you are not allowed to hold the patient this way, then encouraged Joseph to try and remain as calm as he can, communicating I am going to help him then informed him who I was. I then informed Jon that he is going to lose his job if he does not let Joseph go, asking him to show me the patients face. Jon the patient does not have to do the blood draw, the needle is put up, let me see Jospeh's face? " Jon turned his face to me never making eye contact shifting head side to side stating,"What?" I stood up and took ahalf step away due to the lack of awareness Jon was displaying. As Jon was distracted focus for seconds long, Joseph was able to loosen the lock Jon was holding him in revealing his face, the sight of his reddened flustered expression gasping for breaths allowed a reassurance that I alert staff instantly triggered me. Jon lunged back in to a grasp of the prior position realing in Joseph's body under his, in the motion I was darting to the door instantly silenced of my motion to Amanda stating,"Kathy, please don't leave me." I motioned to Jon and Joseph hen waved my arms out the door, then to her and I, as Jon repeated in cycle stated,"You are going to do this the hard way applying pressure to the patient causing his body to shake at the intensity of his restriction, only allowing a moan by the patient. Amanda and I paused instantly in the trance of fear that a persons life at risk in the silenced rage of a coworker trusted to provide safety to the evidence witnessing a representation of animal instincts to the threat to wake Jon up resembling a bear over his meal, the sense of unknowning if woke what the outcome will be. Amanda and I met eye contact to her nodding head yes help in a whisper! I darted to the door as Ed was walking by alarmed motioning him in the room whispering tone stating,"Help, Ed approached the sight confused staring in a daze called Jon's name, then looked at me stating,"What is Jon doing?" I replied,"He is somewhere else right now, repeating the same lines over and motion in cycle ." Ed yelled Jon's name several times, stating to get up!" Jon readjusted his body turning away from the patient having to lean on the frame of the bed to lift body, dazed from in between the wall and the head of the bed supporting his knees that the mattress was not placed on, overlapping the foot of the bed as was when I entered halfway placed on the frame leaving josephs upper body pressed against wood. Joseph layed still froze from the release as Jon was turning, Jon struggled to release to a stance from the short stop positioning stance, Joseph panicked shifting arms in motion to Jons back making uh sounds as made contact, loose arm form with open hands. Instantly Jon lunged back grasping Joseph in the choke hold as before only able to grip neck area. Ed yelled, "Jon that is enough get up, now Josephs legs were kicking in every direction as Ed and I attempted to hold each of them Ed got kicked in the face holding his arm up and put one arm infront of me he yelled Kathy go get help. I ran from the room paused at the distance of the nurses station when Ed and Amanda hollared Jon get up!" Then resumed to the staff in sight stating," April we need staff, Joseph needs help!" I then ran back into the room to Jon standing up and Joseph laying on the bed with his hands placed on his head, then several staff an in the room. Torri was one of the staff who questioned the blood draw, encouraging to get it done, April glance at me as my head was shaking no, then announced to the staff that we do not need the blood draw today. Doris then handed me the rounds 45 minutes later with not one visible 15 minute round but they were marked as if she did perform rounds which is false documentation, I approached Joseph and encouraged him to come out of his room, then cleared any dirty laundry and offeres something to drink and reassurance that I will get a washcloth to wipe the blood off his cheek from a small enough cut to be from a nail or the placement of his face on the wood. I followed through with rounds as I talked down the patients concerns. The presence of Jon after the incident was so calm it was confusing as if what he was blank to his conciousness. Carol aproached me shortly following asking to talk to me stating,"Amanda came to me and I want you to tll me everything that just happened in that room!" I yelled what if he can see us, shifting down in the chair I was sitting up in, then asking what just happened to me?" Carol replied,"I do not know!" I could not remember anything only able to inform I could not see Josephs face. Caro excused me and prompted to come to her if I do remember. Then Torri and Carol approached me asking to discuss anything I remember because they just spoke to Joseph and he remembered the entire incident, recalling me as the voice who saved him. I stated,"I felt like I just wanted to get Jon off of Joseph, and Amanda was like a stone, so still. Torrie stated,"she looked stoned?" I stated no her body was like a stone figure." I then became annoyed with Amanda just standing there and not getting help just as I blocked the event in whole. I suppressed my feelings unknowingly forgetting simple day to day routine finding my self lost in a daze lasting for a half an hour. I regained a conciousness to the reality to my self in the incident taking place as it was trailing almost two weeks later in a state of realization as if only four days passed engaging in the blocked memories I feared. I wrote an email to the state questioning the concern that was so silenced at work and reported the abuse I witnessed to the best I could process, then following after regaining realistic clear knowledgeably I arrived to work and provided my witness statement again reporting the abuse to Debbie H, my unit manager, Jane lozen, Carol Polley, and Torrie Robinson in an office that I did not expect to receive the response I was informed. Debbie h stated,"Kathy we have to think about our jobs, media, and a lawsuit right now and if we go public the new company may not follow through with their offer to buy this hospital which will cause job loss for the entire hospital. We need you to not speak of this after you leave this office." I asked why?" Torri stated," you will lose your job too, if you speak about this you will be gone, just gone!" I replied,"what do you mean gone?" Torrie stated," That's it, gone!" As I looked around to every person and they agreed in the same manner as I viewed them as I was telling them what I witnessed receiving reassurance to speak on I was smothered in a fear I was unable to lift for months, absobing the nervous shock that weighed my characters normal functioning to a tranced fear deserted of any justification, reasoning to my self evident became the target of gas lighting to burn GONE gone in consistent harassment, dscrimination, and an invitation to a hostile environment with me as the guest of honor, tagged by any negative communication because anyone could treat me anyway they wanted and not get in trouble, If management wanted my work environment to be an uncomfortable, unsafe, intimidating daily shift scheduled as I was the subject of retaliation, creating gossip became the selling product of rumors. My displacement of guilt for the patient suffering redirected the consistent chaotic following events, threatened to misrepresent the abuse brought on by the employers liability that I was in flow with blame dilluted my own self identity to who I was as person posting blame for the evidence following. I recall Carol approaching me informing that Joseph became angry wanting a follow up to discuss the issue as he approached me in question, so they moved him to the opposite unit characterizing delusional changing his doctor as well as informed the doctor to sedate the memories gone, from Dr. Gregory to Dr. Kakar and from the social worker Marissa to another being Donna who was on a leave of absence. I was able to absorb all the daily differences to the reality of how my own employer was creating the ongoing stressful chaos on purpose. I realized my comfort zone was now hazardous, it was four management at Havenwyck in a position that was allowed to mainstream my character into what hey wanted because I did not listen to them and as they did cover up patient abuse that took place at Havenwyck Hospital on September 2, 2010. |
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