Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Grover Marketing
Grover Marketing America's Daily Deal Mark Grover WILL steal your money, Internet
11th of May, 2011 by User789729
Mark stopped by my restaurant when we barely opened and introduced us with his service. We had him "DESIGN" our web page, but that never happened, he put up a SCANNED IMAGE OF OUR MENU and slapped it on our 'newly designed' web page. He also wanted to advertise us with his ad space in Penny Savers, but when I got in touch of Penny Saver, they said, Mark Grover was BANNED from advertising. He said he advertised our coupons on mailers but never got 1. Mark's web page had a list of clients on his web page, and I called up most of them, asking them about his service. And guess what, SAME DEAL. Basically, he took our money, and when we found another advertising agency to get our business out there, he basically said he can't give the money back but he can give us PRINTING SERVICE. We agreed, and my god, his "printing" service was done at KINKOS, the quality was CHEAP. My business image is now ruined because of Mark Grover. I don't want to name any restaurant he worked with that he ripped off, but we all victim of his scam. One restaurant gave him $500 to get his banners/flyers, but NEVER heard from him. Another restaurant, wanted a web page, but he did the same thing, scanned menu, and added "Under Construction" on the page. If you look at his webpage "", he did the same thing to our web page, but worse. Don't be a VICTIM.
5005 days ago by Artgenta
last night when we went to pay at a local san diego restaurant with the coupons we bought thru america's daily deals, the owner informed he could not honor them for lack of payment. i plan to take action to recover my money thru my bank, be warned, these people steal your money
5005 days ago by Artgenta
this is correct. i bought three dinner certificates in san diego thru this outfit and last night went to use the first one. at time of payment, merchant informed he will not honor these due to lack of payment. these people appear to be scammers and will have to be dealt with accordingly!
5004 days ago by Mark Grover
This is interesting that you can make a “complaint”, and tell stories and then duck and hide.

If you are truly are telling the truth and have nothing to hide, show your self. I am mark Grover. I can be reached through e-mails, on the phone, or in fact in person. My phone number, my e-mail, and my business address is available on our web site. In fact here is my phone number for anyone who would like to contact me 858-248-6652.

Who ever posted this first bit of information says they have a restaurant and that at one time Grover Marketing worked for them. Well, who are you? Don’t you think you’d look a little more credible if you showed your self. This silliness about the Penny Saver and Kinkos, come on, our agency does business with the Penny Saver continuously, and many other companies. And, we print in-house, not at Kinkos. Give me a call, and I’ll be happy to have you talk to our key reps at the Penny Saver and others, and talk with clients we print for, and who we work for.

The truth is, we are pretty sure we know who posted this. You in fact lost work to us and you were upset about this. We are pursuing or remedies, and you will hear soon. If not, and if you are legitimate, then show who you are. If you have a true ‘complaint’, proper proof and a good case then make yourself known. Come to our office. If we did wrong by you, please contact us. We are not hiding, certainly however, you are.

Is it fair that unknown, unidentified can throw out negative comments like this, and then hide?

I can not say that in all our years in business that we haven’t had a client of two who may not have felt completely happy about all that we have done for them. That happens when you have been in business for as long as we have and worked with so many people. But we try to make good, and certainly continue to be accessible. again though, is this person who is making a complaint accessible or open?

So far as the other postings about America’s Daily Deals. This too, please contact us. We also know who you are and what you were referring to about not being able to use certificates. There had been a bit of confusion at one little restaurant a couple days ago, but this was quickly cleared up. We have e-mailed you. And we apologized for the confusion.

America’s Daily Deals has sold thousands of certificates and we have thousands of happy uses. Many, Many have bought over and over again from several different businesses that we have run with America’s Daily Deals.

We are very well established, very open as to who we are, and very accessible.

Please call me personally for any matters at all. Thank you, Mark Grover
5004 days ago by Artgenta
thta's right, mark immediately corrected the above-named circumstance, also replied to my inquiry promptly, so above-named is now incorrect!
5004 days ago by L33t Haxxor
"Is it fair that unknown, unidentified can throw out negative comments like this, and then hide?"

Welcome to the internet.
4949 days ago by D13ANI
This customer who got scammed by Mark Grover, Grover Marketing is telling the truth! Mark has scammed many people, taking them for a few hundred dollars here and there. I was one of them too and because the amounts are so small its not worth my time to go to small claims when I can go to work. Besides even if I got a judgment this guy will never pay it back! He is never in his office and now represents Americas Daily Deals across the hall but good luck finding him there, the office is always closed. If merchants would google his business name before working with him they will save a lot of money and time wasted with this POS.

Don't support Americas Daily Deals! He steals from small to mid size merchants all over San Diego County!
4843 days ago by Cmofpoway
We are customers who purchased America's Daily Deals for Bite of Boston in Poway. The owners have not accepted our coupons because they say America's Daily Deals has not paid them. Plus another restaurant in El Cajon told us the same thing but did accept our coupon. So we would really hesitate to ever support any America's Daily Deals again! We want the money we paid for the Bite of Boston deal returned to us.
4838 days ago by Sekingrn
Ditto here! I have not been able to use the two certificates I purchased thru America's Daily Deal. No response to inquiries re remedy from either Mark Glover or America's Daily Deal.
4815 days ago by HungryinSD
I bought coupons for abbys texas bbq (which he even lists on his web site as a quoted reference) and pita pit for san diego area and both stores declined the coupon voucher that i tried to use. They said he has not paid them and is putting up ads without their knowledge and consent. Called several numbers found on the internet and his americasdailydeal support # and have not gotten an answer. I have $67 worth of coupons i don't think i can use anymore. Would like my money back my email is [email protected]
4745 days ago by CDTNBONITA
I bought coupons from Americas Daily Deals for The Village House Kalina in La Mesa . When we went there two nights ago they refused to honor our certificates because they said they had not been paid by the company who sold the certificates. They also said that that a check they had previously been given bounced . I called Americas Daily Deals and the person who answered said that there had been problems with that account and if I would e-mail him the certificate numbers he would issue a credit to my charge card . The people in the restaurand stated that they were surprised I was able to reach the company because their calls had gone unanswered. I tried the e-mail address shown on the certificate and the computer stated there was no such address. Two days later there has not been a credit issued on my charge card account.
4739 days ago by Tiki
I have been e-mailing and calling Mark for several months now to clear up a problem I had with a Vine Ripe Groupon, as well as another that I let expire and he agreed to credit my account for. He is always pleasant and agrees to take care of it, but nothing gets done. I'm very frustrated and continue to contact him weekly. Very poor business ethics here!
4737 days ago by Tiki
Coincidentally, Mark called me today and gave me the credit I was due. Success!
4737 days ago by Tiki
Coincidentally, Mark called me today and gave me the credit I was due. Success!
4737 days ago by CDTNBONITA
Twice in the last two weeks I have had restaurants refuse to honor the America's Daily Deal certificate I presented . I was told that the man who owns the company had failed to pay the restaurant the money due them . Last night a restaurant in Bonita refused our ceftificate and told us that they were suing America's Daily Deals .
4708 days ago by Mbow8035
My experiences:
Bite of Boston refused his coupon.
Abbey's Texas Barbecue refused his coupon.
Vine Ripe refused his coupon.
Picante Taco refused his coupon.
An oil change place refused his coupon.
Other merchants complained when I picked up something that they did not get paid but they would honor the coupon anyway.
When I complained to Mark Grover, he gave me a 'credit' to my account. What good is the credit when the new coupons I recieved were also refused! The 'credit' is worthless since any coupon is worthless.
And he advertises his pay $10 to get $20 of service constantly on the web, but once again all the merchants seem to refuse his coupons.
I even see him still selling coupons for places that have refused to honor them for me.
4678 days ago by HaywoodJablowme
Folks, this Mark Grover and his despicable America's Daily Deal scam are strangling a whole lot of small businesses in San Diego. As a professional in the local advertising/marketing scene, I am truly and utterly embarassed by this dope...

Here's a PARTIAL list of the wreckage he has left in his wake...

Troys Greek
Bite of Boston
Abbey's BBQ
Vine Ripe
Picante Taco
Mr. Chick
Zen Orchid Skin Care
Longhorn Cafe
Tropical Fruit Paradise
Chamorro Grill

There's most likely many more small biz owners who have been fleeced by this thief. If you know of any companies that have not been paid, have had checks bounce or have had to endure the behavior of this jerk-off, let's keep the conversation going here... All it takes is one or a few of these businesses getting together to fight back. Maybe even bring him to trial...
4670 days ago by Ladydogtrainer
I advertised with him, also, and never got paid for my deals. I sued in Small Claims Court and of course, he never even bothered to show up. When the sheriff tried to serve him with the summons to come to court for a debtor's examination, he had moved out of his office. He's dodging a lot of people. If I can get a good address, I will post it and hope you all can track him down, too. He's slime.
4652 days ago by Grover Mark
Okay, I thought I’d come back here again and address a few things. It remains quite surprising to me that anybody can come here, make a claim, not have to verify or prove anything, not have to identify themselves. Just throw things out and duck and hide.

well, I am here, not hiding and easy to get a hold of. I am Mark Grover. has been in business for just over a year. We are in a very competitive field in a very difficult economic environment. So it has been challenging. We have certainly made some ‘start-up’ mistakes, and definitely hit some road bumps. But we are doing our best to stay with it, and making our best effort to correct problems when they come along. But to fix a problem, they have to come to us so we can address them.

To hide out here and not show your name or contact information, to be anonymous and not have to be verified, makes it difficult for us to address or make right if the problem is on us.

Our office address in on the web site and our phone numbers and E-mails are posted.

We have just passed more than 20, 000 certificates sold, and had more than 180 businesses on our site. Admittedly, because we grew quicker than expected, we have been sometimes lacking efficiency and quick response with customer care, but we are trying to make a better effort. Still however, having issued more than 20, 000 certificates, and so many through repeat users, we must be dong something right. Also, many businesses have repeated their runs on our site. Plus we have contracted other marketing services beyond with many clients who started with the daily deal web site. This too must show we are doing right by our clients.

One of the recent ‘complaints‘ here comes from a person who says he is ‘embarrassed’ because he is himself involved in the advertising market, but he of course is not identifying himself. Just the same, since he named businesses, I will address a few. Troys Greek, Mr Chick, Longhorn Cafe, Zen Orchid, Chamorro Grill, Picante; if it matters to anyone, don’t take this unknown guys words, go ahead and call the owners of these business. Call me and I’ll give you their direct numbers. Not only is this claim completely untrue, but with each of these business we are continuing with on-gong projects beyond If you are interested, certainly you can contact me directly and I will personally be glad to share more with you.

Of course we have had a few real problems between our company and clients, but with this too, there is always more than one side of the story. And, where we have been in the wrong, we are trying our best to correct things. Let me address a couple more that this unknown guy named. Bite of Boston was a mistake initially on our side, but we have done our best to correct the matter and have credited many certificates. Vine Ripe was a contract breach on their side, but here too we credited as many certificates that we could confirm were not able to be used. We are doing our best to make things right for our customers, whether the fault has been on our side or the the business. I’ll tell you, we have had other problems not posted here, but we have fixed them, and there no doubt will be more as our company grows. But we will continue to do our best to fix things, our fault or not.

The most recent complaint here, from ‘dogtrainer’, well she is the Tupperward agent. We ran a deal for her and found out that this was not allowed by Tupperware. We had complaints about her from other tupperware agents We refunded all but maybe two certificates. This is why we did not go to the small claims matter, because it had been settled, and no one was harmed. But this Tupperware agent did get a lot of free exposure on out web site.

Our business location is on our web site, we are easy to find. Our phone numbers are at americasdailydeals, com is 619-884-5784. At Grover Marketing it is 858-248-6652. Feel free to make a call and ask to talk with me any time.

I can list many, many good referrals here but this would take too much time. If you are interested, feel free to contact me directly for referrals. Or of course, please contact me directly for complaints and give me a shot at making it right.

Thanks for this time.

Mark Grover
4651 days ago by Anthonyvandang
I am not one of the duckies that posted and hid like any of the above. I am Anthony Dang, the owner of Com TAm 75, 5420 El Cajon Bvd. I tried to contact you many times and you appeared to be the duck that was hiding from me. You owed me 200 coupons that is worth $1200, and you did not even pay me a dime. You even gave me a bounced check and thought you could get away with it? NO WAY. You always had excuses from time to time to not pay me the money but it would not work that way anymore. If you still want to keep your business, come here and pay me full. Don't even think about any excuses anymore.
4646 days ago by Grover Mark
Well, this is a good testimony to someone being who they are here. I am Mark Grover, and the matter with Com Tam 75 is completely fixed. The problem was mostly a matter of follow-up and communication. Not only is the matter cleared up between our companies, but Anthony, the owner of Com Tam 75 was at our offices just yesterday and we initiated a couple new projects we will be helping him with. Of course, this can be confirmed by contacting Com Tam 75.

Thanks Anthony for the opportunity. Mark Grover

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